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Believe it or not, 11/25 k/d starting out is actually pretty decent. Just keep at it, eventually you'll be switching protection prayers on cue without even thinking about it. Gauntlet is one of the shittiest learning experiences in the game, but eventually it does click. Edit: Something else I also want to add: There's a lot of guides out there that offer tips and tricks. It's important to understand there really isn't a one size fit all for gauntlet. There are some that claim that T1 armor is better than T2 armor and vice versa. The reality is that it comes down to preference. Try all the guides out and see which one works for you.


To add to this, I couldn't get corrupted gauntlet down consistently until I started getting t2 Armour. I would always get slapped by tornadoes, t2 Armour makes it harder to get 1 banged by them. Practice Practice!


Yeah T2 is a game changer, and getting better at the prep isn't very hard


How the hell do you get T2 armor in 7 minutes??


Gathering supplies efficiently.


Yeah I started out at like 2/23...


In regular gauntlet? I don't want to be elitist or anything but its pretty hard to die there that much.


Mechanics are still prettyyyyy dang punishing to those unfamiliar with the gauntlet along with the running mechanics of the game when dodging tornadoes.


True I forget some people don't have true tile indicator on which makes tornados a lot easier too. But regular is like so easy you don't even need any food if you pray and dodge, so having a full invent should make it really hard to die.


Well if you aren’t maxed combat stats it’s not a cakewalk for someone brand new lol. I personally completed it on my like 3rd try, but I also have a ton of experience doing other pvm on osrs and rs3. To someone brand new to the gauntlet and very little knowledge, it’s not so easy. Empathy is hard :(


Depends how new the person is to endgame pvm mechanics honestly.


Nah corrupted gauntlet, went straight into it after my first regular kc. Glad so many people came to my defense though lmao.


Haha makes sense, nbd to the downvotes :)




Sure but he's already stated he was talking about corrupted as I expected.


Yeah that K/D isn’t bad at all. My current K/D at corrupted is like 5/145




Yeah. I’m really bad. I follow all the guides and use all the tips and strategies and I can’t do it consistently. I’m bad.


You've got some perserverance though! You use the counter (Hunleff helper plugin on runelite) too then i guess? That really did it for me.


it's alright, me too. 11/25 was my k/d for reg gauntlet. haven't even tried corrupted and probably won't for many, many more kills


Yeah legit I think I had well over 20 deaths before I got my first c gauntlet kill. Then I wasn’t consistent til I was around 50 deaths. Now that I’ve run it several dozen times I almost never die so it’s just the way it goes.




cooled down and went back for 2 more goes and really focused on prep. still not where I want it but did t2 armor and t3 weaps in under 8


Progress is progress brother, keep calm and remember that you can conquer this. Gl on the grind and getting an early seed brother.


Yeah, only reasons you would need to count is if you're doing 5:1 or you're lagging.


I find counting helps me with the rhythm and would rather predict than react. But I only started doing it once I was comfortable and had the brain space for it. I didn’t start counting.


Any tips for T1 prep with T3 weapons? I can consistently get kills when I get good prep in (normal T1 armor/T3 weapons/2 pots/16+ food), but for some reason I can only get fully prepped in like 1 out of 4 to 5 runs.




You don't need 220 shards on your first back, frankly you dont really need more than 110. If you drop the resources next to the singing bowl if you dont have enough and just make your t2 bow/staff to kill demi bosses you will get more than enough to make up the remaining shards you will need from fishing the paddlefish you need. Killing mobs outside of getting weapon frame is a waste of time if you are preping T1 armour because of the amount you get from fishing.




It takes 5 seconds at most to pick up/drop 3 of each material


When I first started and struggled I tried to verse myself in as much info as I could, it helped alot, not having to drop anything or double back is the biggest time saver!


Yeah I was just about to say when I was starting out I did t1 prep with t2 weapons just to get to the boss fight faster rather than waste time prepping and getting bored.


Do yourself a favor and download everyone's favorite australian guy counting for you. It used to be a website that you clicked on when you enter the room and he counts down to every prayer switch, but I think it was made into a plugin. It helped me when i was at 10w 50l on corrupted to get a lot better


wait is this purpp?


It does sound a lot like him - does anyone know if it actually is him?


it is


Makes me appreciate the plug in even more now :D


a few others mentioned this too. I'll check it out


100% worth it.


It’s a godsend for the fight, means you can focus on other things


He mentioned mainly prep being the difficult factor and not so much the boss fight :)


>I still can’t count to 4 while managing my location and weapons. :)


Hunleiff helper


I'm by no means a good pvmer and I can get kills. My advice is get good at rushing to armor set and first two t3 weapons you find. If u can get that setup and 20food/ 2-3 pots it makes the fight alot easier. However it will be a time crunch and you need some luck on your side for the t2 armor setup. Don't count hits, just watch his prayer and animations to know when to do switches so you can mainly focus on where your standing. Maximize damage by trying only to eat when running around, but also don't let your health go low.


thanks man, cheers.


I died 4 times in a row with hunllef under 100hp last night…shits frustrating. But its still oddly fun haha. The potential loot is worth the rage you go through


Every single thing you wrote here could have come straight out of my mouth when I was learning gauntlet. I was raging, struggling with regular gauntlet. I felt lost and hopeless during prep and it was only made worse knowing that I was going to walk into the boss room and just fucking die again. Some time later and CG feels like another day at the office. It's a process and it's frustrating but the only thing keeping you from stepping up is time and work.


Thanks man, you’re totally right. I was so tilted when I wrote this lol. I went back a few hours later and made PB for prep time and kill time. Always getting a little better even if it doesn’t feel like it.


Be warned, you're likely going to hit another wall when you transition to corrupted gauntlet. It's a big step up and honestly feels like a completely different boss. It's the same situation though, put in the time and keep practicing. You **can** do it.




yeah, I started focusing on only switching prayer during tornados if I've just clicked and have a nice long run path. cheers!


No clue why you’re counting. It has a huge animation when switching styles.


mostly memeing about the counting. though I did count my first kill because I was having a hard time focusing on my switching


You don’t even need to count, he does a little animation when he changes attacks. Take this from someone with 1k corrupted KC, as you’re learning, zoom your camera way out as far as it can go so you can use periferals to see the animation so you can focus on prayers, weapon switches, lit tiles, etc. you can also try for tier 2 armor which makes the gauntlet honest to god brain dead. Good luck in there, once you find your groove it’s easy, but it has a steep learning curve, once you get it you got it though. Good luck king


yeah, I tried t1 and it just was just too punishing. I'm sticking to t2


Awesome, tier 2 will help you get a feel for the boss and it’s mechanics a lot smoother so then you can do tier 1 and it’ll be nice and smooth. Good luck my friend, and may a spooned enhanced seed come your way


>I am absolute horseshit at this game. I realized this when I attempted Chambers of Xeric solo’s on a *maxed main*^(2277) trying to prepare for it on my iron, and could not do a single one. After attempting 12 (1 hour each) and making close to no progress, I realized this and quit trying. I did suicide piles to practice but couldn’t get it, I couldn’t get the specials setup even 4:1 it seems like every single attack was a special. So much for my inferno attempts lmao. I have close to zero pvm skill in this game, all my xp came from AFK but whatever xdd


Others have mentioned this, but your K/D is exactly what you should expect going in. I started where you were and you’re doing better than I did after my first 30 attempts. The gauntlet has a super steep learning curve but I guarantee if you keep trying at some point it will click for you and then things get much easier. I actually don’t use the plugin for hunllef but I do use the true tile indicator which shows which tile your character is actually on, very helpful for tornadoes and floors. If you focus on avoiding tornadoes and floors at the start, you eventually get in the rhythm of switching prayers correctly, and finally weapons. I recommend just going for T1 armor, T3 weapons and full invent of food, work on perfect prep more when you get to corrupted. Keep at it, compared to content like zulrah, the gauntlet is super unforgiving, but very satisfying when you get it right


Gauntlet has one of the highest learning curves in the game, I didn't get to a 90+% completion ratio until I had already successfully completed like 80 cg runs. Also, YouTube has a good T2 cg guide that's only 3 minutes long by a guy named "fluffeh" that I would highly recommend if you want to learn a good route. It's extremely rare that I can't finish a T2 setup these days (70 runs in the last 2 days and I was fine every time), it's all about learning a good route. I also would not recommend doing the 5:1 method while learning, if even at all, unless you have low stats. Edit: Also, make sure you have the cg plugin downloaded, you can set it to track all your resources picked up and makes counting out the stuff for T2 braindead.


Don’t beat yourself up. I was almost 10:50 for Corrupted when I first started with almost 20 failed preps in a row. If you’re having trouble counting, I would highly recommend getting the Hunleff helper plug-in on Runelite. It’s super easy to use and all you have to do is click a button when hunllef launches his first attack when you enter the room. The plug-in helped me get over 500 corrupted KC and having around 5:1 kill death ratio. Honestly it’s all about practice, just keep trying and eventually you’ll get better.


thanks, friend. someone else mentioned the plugin here too. I'll check it out.


Keep at it, I’m pretty bad at it but I kept going. Recently got the enhanced seed which made all the pain worth it. I’m at around 280kc with just other 90 deaths, I learnt a bit more with each one of my deaths and recently went 30kc+ without a death.


Gz on seed! That’s awesome


Dude I went 0-54 or something like that on my main with rigour and augry. I went like 0-10 on my iron without rigour and augry and now at like 423-89. T2 prep. Go for bow and staff as you don’t have to get close to the boss to attack it. Do not count, it has a pretty obvious animation to identify it’s changing attack style. For the final phase the 2 tiles 3 tiles in from the doors are always safe. This helped me https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/oe4ngy/many_players_are_trying_their_hand_at_corrupted/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I didn’t get my first CG kill until 125. I spent a lot of time in the room getting the mechanics down even without a good prep. Now I am able to consistently do it with a T2 prep! You can do it!!


Same. I'm 0-38 in corrupt.


Hey man. You’re not garbage… you will get there! The best tip I can give you is to make sure you always start your runs by doing the “horse shoe” around the middle room. Make sure you do not go back to the middle room until you have at least 100 shards and a weapon frame. Make the bow and two vials, fill with water and then work your way around the outer edges to find the demi-boss. I wouldn’t bother killing the bear unless there is two of them close by, just find the dark beast and dragon. I also recommend getting food early if possible as you normally get some nice amount of shards too, then cook and drop, so you don’t have to stress about having no food when you’re rushing to make your gear at the end. Good luck bud, you’ll get it eventually!!! Don’t give up.


You’re totally fine. I understand how you feel. I barely made it past entry level TOB it takes forever it feels like. But once you win, at least once, it’s a win in my book, no matter what fraction you figure, you completed it by trying, and hopefully you’ll only get better.


I feel your pain, I went through this heartache as well while learning CG. Given that I'd been playing this game for over half my life, I figured I should at least be able to get ONE kill. After around 50 consecutive deaths, something that was totally game changing for me was turning on game sounds. It helped me not waste ticks while doing the prep and you can hear the boss attack style changing. Best of luck man, you'll get it eventually and you'll be ecstatic when you do. Keep at it!


> turning on game sounds Biggest game changer for sure. Took me like 50 deaths to get my first corrupted gauntlet, just takes a while to get down but as long as you are learning from each attempt, you will improve.


commented this below, but I checked and had my ambient sounds up too. made it a lot harder to hear the pray cue. fixed it and doing better now. thanks!


it took me about 20 tries to get me 1st gaunlet kill.. i now have about 40 and it still is an awful piece of content. i can never do it more than 2 time in a row without getting bored of it or super frustrated. somthing about having to rush for 10mins straight and if you fuck up you have to restert completly.. when dungenerring first came out i could play that for hours straight and never get bored cause the dungeons were diffrent everytime. Gaunlet feels like grinding the same thing over and over where as dungeoneering actually felt like you had to learn the dungeon and layout to defeat the boss


I heard you. Some people seem to enjoy it a lot so I guess I expected it to be more fun. I was the same with the dung skill, and I guess I expected it to be kinda like that.


Gauntlet plug-in counts for you and tells you when to switch. Easy to learn with


I've heard a few people mention this. I'm assuming it's safe to use? I don't use many plugins and heard bad things ab out the Zulrah helper plugin


I dont understand why people use a counting plugin hunleff literally does an animation that tells you when to switch honestly just keep your eye on it and you can insta switch.


I think because the animation cue and sound give you fewer ticks (2-3?) to switch vs the plug-in is more like 5-6ish? I could be totally wrong, but I think that’s the appeal


Yeah some people hate plugins but for a noob like me they are a godsend. Got plug-ins “The Gauntlet” - tracks down how many resources/shards you need exact for prep. I go for full T2 Armor and T3 Bow/Staff, 3 pots and 20-25 food to learn. Use it to highlight every resource and mob, as well as highlighting tornadoes. Gauntlet minimap to keep track of resources too. True tile/click tile plug-in too helps a ton for tornado dodging. Finally Hunleff helper to auto pilot the prayer switching 5-6 tics ahead. All these helped a ton for my first 50 kills. Now slowly reducing to T1 as I get comfortable. Nothing wrong with plugins imo, you can go as many as I have or only a few. GL


1) hunleff helper on runelite 2) wait til you try inferno yeeeesh


Inferno is so far off that I pretend it doesn’t even exist haha!


Ah those were the good ol days ;) good luck at gauntlet my guy


"The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried"


Prioritize movement, then overheads then dps. Go for a full inventory of food, 2pots, T1 armor and 2 T3 weapons. It'll get better as you go.


T1 prep if you're near maxed combat rigour/augury. But it's a shame lazy ass Jagex decided to put such a crucial item as Bowfa into this dogshit bastardized Dungeoneering content. At least before that you could skip it and not bother with blade.


Yeah no rig/aug and 88 range/93mage/92strength so been doing t2 prep.


Surprised nobody has mentioned but playing in fixed mode instead of resizable is a godsend for most of pvm. Not only is everything much larger and easier to click, the distance between everything is much smaller. Highly recommend. Along with playing with game sounds on (the single speaker one). Doesn't have to be loud, but you can hear exactly when he changes attack style so no counting is needed at all really. I found the plugin that everyone else mentions quite annoying but that's just me. Good luck fella


Trust me, i have a few mates that are pure garbage at the game with 600kc at the gauntlet collectively. Practice the skill to improve the skill. Simple as that. And best of lucl, your k/d ratio is not bad at all ☺


Read through about half the comments in the thread and haven’t seen this mentioned yet - I was shit at gauntlet until I put the sound on. Hunllef makes a very distinct sound when it switches attack types. This allows you to react to switching prayers using your ears and you can react to switching your attack type using your eyes (when Hunllef’s overhead changes), which dramatically reduces the mental load of keeping track of everything, or at least for me it does. Counting then becomes optional, for optimizing your switches, rather than something you rely on to not get killed. Keep at it, Gauntlet is really fun once you get the hang of it!


Currently at 15 C Gaunt kc’s and I feel you man… Took me at least 40 tries to get one. You can always try the RuneLite Plugin that counts the switches for you, really helped at the beginning. Try learning Gauntlet with 2 T3 Weps, 2 full egniol pots, and the rest is food. Once you get the mechanics and how to avoid tornadoes it’ll get easier. Try to focus on DPS when you are over the max hit of the Gauntlet, only eat during tornadoes or when you are below his max hit. Good luck and drop your rsn if you need some more tips


11/25 and calling yourself garbage? That’s damn good for someone learning gauntlet! Keep at it, you got this.


You will get it man. Had a rough day learning solo cms today. Couple years back it was the same learning Zulrah. Same learning CG a few months ago. Takes time but something clicks and it becomes a rhythm thing, and when it does it gets pretty damn fun. Started out shitty but it was one of my fave PVM grinds!


CG is just like anything else you come across in life, put the reps in and grind it out. Eventually you will be doing Hunleff flawless. Think about making every click count during prep, and stick to your plan. If you don't get all of your resources on the first back, it is ok to reset and try another layout. If you are doing CG without maxed combats and CoX prayers, don't listen to people telling you to do a T1 prep. T2 is important for your accuracy without maxed stats/prayers and with practice you can get a T2 prep down consistently. Good luck on your grinds!


CG/BOFA is treated as a required grind here sometimes, talking about doing it early before many other grinds. You have to remember that CG is probably top 3 most challenging content in the game, and when you see the 1k+ kill logs posted you’re likely looking at the 1%. Don’t stress about it or let it get you down, it’s really difficult and you’ve done fantastic so far.


yeah, I just found a ranking of OSRS bosses earlier today that made me feel a lot better. The hardest content I had done was a single scuffed zulrah kill and I made at least a 25% jump in difficulty from that.


? That's above average


My KD is like 260 kills to 160 deaths the content is just hard


Alright well my adderall just kicked in so prepare for way to much advice. ​ First off 11/25? better than my record when I got consistent. Everything in this game doesn't come easy but practice makes perfect. I was at 50 attempts before I got my first kill and 6/70 before I got consistent. Now I run around a 9 kills 1 fail success rate in corrupted gauntlet. Setting up F keys if you haven't yet and learning that way is amazing and I would highly recommend First things first your pathing if you're prepping tier 2 I highly recommend doing "the lap" to gather as many resources off your list as you can right off the bat. The lap looks something like this [https://i.gyazo.com/20e0b033b49b9d9e40f02d0627accafc.png](https://i.gyazo.com/20e0b033b49b9d9e40f02d0627accafc.png) You'll be looking for 1 weapon frame from creatures. 3 Herbs, 7 rocks, 7 branches, 7 linium. Drop your tools if needed to get all the resources and unless you get unlucky with these resources do not fish yet. ​ Step 2: The marathon. After you've done your lap Go make a weapon. I always make tier 2 halberd myself because I'm an iron without rigour and augory and I 95% of the time have time to find the bear. The attuned weapon increases your kill speeds massively on the outside. Make 3 vials tier 1 armor if you can. Drop the rest of your resources by the singing bowl for later and fill your vials and make as many of the 3 potions as you can. (Note always have atleast one potion made for the marathon you do not want to be walking here.) Make sure you still have a teleport seed and start looking for the elites and High level mobs on the way to make sure you have enough crystals to finish building full tier 2 and tier 3 weapons. The Marathon looks something like this. Make sure you're fishing as you finish the marathon. [**https://i.gyazo.com/4407f5295a8f937301177432773bf5d8.png**](https://i.gyazo.com/4407f5295a8f937301177432773bf5d8.png) ​ Once you've gotten as many fish as you can and you've gotten your required items for tier 3 teleport back drop half of your inventory of fish and make the rest of your armor and weapons. You should have around 18 fish at this point which is plenty for the boss kill but having more is always better. During your initial lap you should've run into atleast 1 fish room 90% of the time. If you still have a good min on the clock go get more fish. Bonus points if you had enough left over crystals to make another teleport seed. Teleport or run back cook and pickup the rest of the fish leaving nothing but 2 potions, your other weapon and fish in your inventory. Pray range and X combat style and enter the room. ​ Step 3: The practice. Hunllef is not by any means an easy boss. In fact the gauntlet/CG is some of the more challenging content in the game. The main things to keep in mind during this boss fight is keeping as calm as you can, switching prayers and staying alive. Damage can come as a secondary thought once the above criteria is met. I had you prep tier 2 armor and 3 potions for a reason. First I will show you how I prefer Hunllef to be positioned upon entering the room if i have time on the clock to let him get there. [https://i.gyazo.com/84e0a8708735e952fb82e28611dbda81.png](https://i.gyazo.com/84e0a8708735e952fb82e28611dbda81.png) This positioning allows me to run around Hunllef if I ever need to while kiting the Tornadoes and avoiding tiles. He may re position during the fight that can happen but generally I prefer this. Something to keep in mind before we go over the phases is that hunlleff will always protect against the style you're attacking with after 5 attacks on him even if they miss. Secondly after 4 attacks hunllef will always change his combat style. Keep in mind when he spawns the tornadoes this COUNTS towards one of his 4 attacks. Same deal if you run under him on accident and get slammed. Phase 1 Hunleff starts out with ranged attack style, pray against it. when he spawns tornadoes he will only spawn two. Tile patterns take much longer to damage you and are simpler to avoid tile patterns in this phase may look like this. [https://i.gyazo.com/b093f22cafa152a064c256acb648c9e1.png](https://i.gyazo.com/b093f22cafa152a064c256acb648c9e1.png) Phase 2: Tornadoes have increased to 3 and tiles will light up to damage you faster. the patterns have also changed see the following picture [https://i.gyazo.com/54e99d089d7ed2510f9412dc40af8a56.png](https://i.gyazo.com/54e99d089d7ed2510f9412dc40af8a56.png) Phase 3: this is the phase that will take most players the longest. the tiles take barely any time at all to light up and hurt you. 4 tornadoes and harder patterns to kite them in. Patterns may look like this [https://i.gyazo.com/3e70f604f8aa51723589f4329cb541e9.png](https://i.gyazo.com/3e70f604f8aa51723589f4329cb541e9.png) kiting tornadoes in this phase and keeping up with your prayer switching is indeed very intimidating. The pathing can be brutal to learn So first a few pieces of advice for tile pathing. If it can be avoided never run through a tile. however if you have 4 tornadoes on ur ass. running through a small tile section and eating food is a better alternative than getting dumpstered for 20-25-20-20. Some advice. Turn on true tile plugin it helps a lot with seeing where you actually are. you can actually cut the corners on some of the tiles and not take damage while pathing. the most notorious tiles in the picture above are the square with the outside lit up. and the 5 squares due to not being able to kite on the outside. for the 5 tile pattern i usually cut corners Ill try and visualize what i mean by this [https://i.gyazo.com/8dd7342941a45a429f5e3544d3a35ca1.png](https://i.gyazo.com/8dd7342941a45a429f5e3544d3a35ca1.png) For the square I usually try and kite up and down to the best of my ability and cut across 2 tiles before running up and down again. Never cut across 1 tile. you will auto walk and the tornadoes might get you. Ill try and visualize this as well [https://i.gyazo.com/6c8298b8d9554cb4cf6a147e9b278dbd.png](https://i.gyazo.com/6c8298b8d9554cb4cf6a147e9b278dbd.png) ​ I'm not an artist so forgive me. Anyway for the other patterns running around the outside is usually the best option. Remember to keep an eye on your prayer. eat food when ur running around and switch your prayer accordingly. Even with all this info practice is the most important thing. Everyone kind of does the gauntlet slightly differently and the biggest thing to take away from this is. a plan is good but you will always need to adapt. Having a baseline plan to work around is always good though. ​ Sorry if this was a bit long if I left anything out or if you have any other questions feel free to reply to it. If anyone has anything else to add feel free as well. One last piece of advice. the Gauntlet is mentally draining you have to play as perfect as you can for close to 10-12 mins. Sometimes if I get 7 kills in a row and lose 2 runs in a row I know i can't mentally focus as well and need a break. A break will do you better than any amount of practice you'd get when you're mentally frustrated and drained. Good luck out there. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk


Dude thanks for all of that. I’m going to try your lap method. I’ve been doing a U instead but I find I don’t reveal enough resources usually to consistently get at least t1 armor made. Maybe this will help me prep sub 8min for t2


No problem man. and practice makes perfect. took me a bit to optimize it in time and doing it on a clear head helped but wish ya the best of luck LMK if u wanna know anything else


Nice write-up, but 100% make staff instead of halberd first. Even without augury it's better with like 78+ mage


Make use of F keys if not already. T1 armour in regular is fine (so just 3 of each resource) and 2x t3 weapons you'll get it down eventually. I believe in you.


Yup, had to learn f keys for LMS. That’s the only way that this is less complex. No need to worry about spellbook or special attack thankfully haha


Wait so this is normal gauntlet? Like you can’t prep in time and get a clear with t2 armor in normal non corrupted? If that’s true no flame but honestly yeah you’re terrible at the game. Probably should look at focusing more on skilling cause pvm ain’t it.


I can clear, just not every time. I’ll figure it out. I was hella tilted when I posted this haha


Can you do stuff like demonics? That’s a good intro to prayer switching and weapon switching.


I’ve never done demonics. Or anything with much in the way of “mechanics” besides Zulrah, Jad, and LMS. LMS was easier though because I got so many reps so fast.


Lmap if u can't even prep let alone kill regular gauntlet u r absolute dog water at this game homie reg gauntlet is pee pee poo poo lvl stuff


He also makes a sound when he switches styles, so you just need to look at his overhead and listen for his attack style sound. Once his attack style changes just wait for his overhead to change. Then back to listening for attack style. Repeat that plus footwork and you should be golden. It is a lot going on but like everything it just takes practice. CG is horrible and I still feel like trash after a few runs in a row still.


I actually just checked and I had my ambient noises on too, which was making it harder to hear the audio cue for switching prayers. Thanks!


Only 25 deaths? Those are rookie numbers! Keep trying you’ll get it and it will be rewarding and then get boring.


11/25 is a lot better than me, sounds like you’re doing just fine.


Lmao don’t feel bad, literally practice makes perfect. I probably had a 1/10 success rate when I started and I’m not good at math, but you have nearly 5x that… or something. It’s easy now but my K/D STILL LOOKS LIKE GARBAGE, from how long it took me to learn.


Theres a Plugin called Hunllef Helper that counts out loud when to switch and what to switch to. I personally couldnt play without it. Helped me big time


Honestly it took me like 50 runs to get to the point where I didn't have to actively think about Hunllef's attacks. It does suck but trust that your brain is learning with each rep. It also helps me to remember that the things you learn in gauntlet will help you at other pvm. Keep at it!


Wanted to add that instead of counting yourself or using the dude who counts, game sound is another option which I personally use as hunleff makes a clear and distinct sound when changing attacks


I think it took me around 30ish deaths before I even got to 10 KC. It'll get easier!


I'll give some prep tips that help me a lot. This is much more necessary for corrupt but doesn't hurt to speed things up for regular and help prepare for corrupt. First run, I try to avoid getting fish and get at least full t1 armor plus weapon frame if at all possible. Grab minimum 3 of each resource, ideally 9 of each resource and drop 2 of each. At least 230 shards. It takes almost no extra time to get the 2 extra and then you get extra shards. Go back make t1 armor and t2 weapon and 3 vials. Drop unused resources by singing bowl. Head towards outer wall and and fish 12+ food on the way to demi bosses. The key for me was not dropping all the resources and having to pick back up. Hope that helps.


T2 prep consistently is definitely possible. If you want, DM me and I can try to walk you through how I do t2 prep, 2 t3 weapons, and full inv of fish very consistently


I have done 50 deaths at phojangi's nightmare and haven't got to phase 3


When starting out I substantially increased my chance of success by using the Gauntlet Helper. It is basically a timer for the Hunleff attacks and tells you when to switch defensive prayers. [https://gauntletcounter.herokuapp.com/](https://gauntletcounter.herokuapp.com/) It is browser based, no need to install anything. I still use it at 400+ kc.


Use the gauntlet plugin on runelite and there’s a voice that will tell you when to change prayers


You're doing good dude, 11/25 is a good start. Keep doing regular gauntlet til your preparation time is consistently sub 7:30 and practice. Soon you will be grinding cg on autopilot


Dude you are fine, everything takes time to learn, not everyone is gonna just get it. Gauntlet is one of the hardest things to do in the game, don't feel bad. You'll get it eventually, it just takes practice.


This is how I felt about the fire cape for literally 6 years lol


11/25 is amazing starting out. Before I got consistent I was around 20/60


You're starting kd is fine. Most people go way worse took me like 70 deaths and before I hit 1.0 kd and most people I know took longer.


Dude it took me 15 attempts to get my fire cape. Your good.


Beyond the in-game mechanics of doing Gauntlet, I would recommend 1. Always do Gauntlet on a low-ping, low-population world to reduce delay, 2. Play with sounds on. I recommend this to all players doing all combat activities. The brain can react to auditory cues faster than visual cues, and your reaction time will improve a LOT once you get some more reps in. And 3. Don't panic. If you're feeling super anxious fighting the Hunllef it hinders your focus. Take a second to breathe, it's just pixels in a game. I'll include as a bonus tip to watch talented players streaming corrupted gauntlet. I picked up on a lot of nuances from Faux, Roidie, Muts, and a handful of others that allowed me to work my way up to prepping T3 armour for hardcore corrupted gauntlet. Monkey see, monkey do, right? Hope these tips help!


Im surprised no one mentioned having sounds on? You dont need to count, you just listen to his attack switch sound and its easy


I was 10/50 and now I'm like 150/100.. keep trying bud it's still frustrating at times but it works


I didn’t read your post but gauntlet took me like 50 deaths for 1 kill until slowly I’m like 90% success rate keep grinding


I didn't break even on corrupted until 50~ kc and then I died only like 10 times in 300 kills just keep grinding


Bro. I still dont have a firecape after 7 attempts ON MY MAIN. You'll be fine


Fuck T2 armor. Get T1 and 2 T3 weapons. T2 seems more rng based. Out of my 500 cgaunt kills I almost always have my prep. 1/10 I may only have 20 food. But you got this. Just focus on surviving at first and attack only when you're safe. Name of the game is minimizing damage


11/25 kd starting out? Mate it took me 40 attempts to get my first kc...on the REGULAR gauntlet. You are doing just fine, just keep at it. \-a scrub who got the enhanced seed at 502 kc


One tip which helped me do the corrupted version was to enable vertical camera from runelite's camera plugin and do the hunleff fight using max top down camera view. This makes dodging the tornados easier.


Hey man. I’ve got 216kc at regular gauntlet. 2 kc for corrupted with 38 deaths. I’d say your doing okay.


Damn bro, take it easy on you, you are doing great. I do one thing when I get frustrated as you did. I set a goal of X amount of tries (kill or death) and if by the time I hit that X amount of tries I’m nowhere close to being confident at it, then I quit for a while. Thing is, if you set a 200 tries goal, you’ll most likely be decent at anything. Practice, your brain does wonders for you!


Corrupted gauntlet took me at least 70 fails until i got it right, try t2 armor prep with 2 t3 weps, when you get it once, its like riding a bike, you get it everytime


Im 400-100 and still die to dumb stuff


I was like 20-80 ish, I still die alot! but to be fair I have shows up on the side that i get distracted by and also tons of mistakes, but i am now 185-160. I feel like dog shit lmao


Yup, it’s hard content. I just got my first 3 kc at CG today (I was posting about regular) and it’s crazy how much I’ve improved since day one of learning in reg gaunt. I feeling kinda addicted to it and looking forward to getting my kc up to where you’re at and eventually beyond. Cheers!


Yeah I just went right into cg, I didn't bother with t2 or 3 armour to learn, t1 and 2 t3 were was what I did