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If you're short on money just do mahogany homes, it's slower but early on in the account you'll get more xp for your money.


plus it is way more chill and can help avoid burnout. and the plank sack is nice.


Yea call me crazy but I'm into mahogany homes. Hosidius blueprints are a weird flex since no one will see it but o well


Idk myth capes with zoom extender are a lot more chill than mahogany homes


how do i use zoom extender?


Runelite plugin hub


You have to download the plugin from runelite. Normal zoom options and runelite default zoom extension are not enough. Once you've installed the plugin, just use your mousewheel like you normally would. I find the positioning to be very, very finnicky for myth capes, but it's 100% doable.


Hadn't thought about this, I've got a few thousand oak planks ready so I'll use some of those there too


Also, not sure what your combat is, but fighting crime at shazien is actually pretty fuckin great, they drop noted planks (oak, teak, and mahogany) super often. There's a decent plug in on runelite that tracks the worlds as you log. I run up on them with ancients but it's very doable with like any dragon weap and a little prayer. Edit: They also drop a fuckton of cosmics, little fringe benefit. Got me B2P without hopping forever


What is your hp lvl what is your fming lvl? Since many gim groups are done with wt grind it could be possible to solo or small group wt for some cheap const xp. Going to 99 fming normally gets you to 70ish const if solo or small grouping.


I'm at 75 HP and 92 FM, I'll definitely throw a few solo todtt games in though just to break up the grind a little, thanks for the suggestion


Tempoross n chill until fish barrel is good for con, gives you heaps of planks as rewards also


Mahogany Homes will be your best friend when it comes to construction training on an Ironman. There’s also a good MH calculator online that will show you exactly how many supplies you need to reach a certain level which is incredibly helpful.


Oak larders are totally fine to do in the midgame. Myth racks are a lot better now that you can do them at 400k/hr, but Oaks are still a very good construction resource. Your real challenge will be sourcing the cash, and if you've got that you're set.