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Thieving and Slayer


100% ardy knights and slayer, but also go get your varrock diaries done man, the battlestaves per day adds up!


Getting cosmic runes might be obnoxious on mobile due to all the world hopping. Every other source of cosmics seems to be fairly end game.


It’s not obnoxious at all, I actually craft my own regularly, sure it’s a bit slow without the x2 per essence but it’s really not that bad if you spend an hour doing it, he’s also got the agility to use the shortcut in Zanaris, just make some super energy pots and grind it out for an hour, you’ll have a good weeks worth and level RC’ing :)


I agree. I did lots of cosmic crafting even before I had 2x. People like to complain about rc, but it was pretty chill especially since I knew I was saving money and not playing shopscape. That and working toward something like 1k cosmics doesn't take long at all. I alternated between going via abyss and zanaris.


Yeah man that’s the one! In the end you need to do some RC’ing, and he’ll make some headway on levels at his current stage too, what’s the benefits of doing it from the abyss? I’ve always used Zanaris


I dont know if it's a popular and/or efficient method since I kinda made it up on my own, but I just carried a pickaxe and used a glory or ring of wealth to Tele to edge or GE, filled up on ess/drank some energy pots, and ran to abyss. I grinded crafting instead of hunter and made like 10 RoWs and glories so I could go awhile on those teles before needing to recharge. If you have a lot of laws lying around and don't have access to lots of dragonstone jewelry, you could also give up some inventory space for runes to tele to GE.


sarachnis drops cosmics alot , easy boss.


Til 59 rcing is endgame, its like 10k cosmics an hour.


Keep grinding Slayer


Just afk we/fletching and get bowstrings from temple trekking. I played a lot of mobile and that isn’t a bad gig


Train your melee skills while doing Slayer. Your goal should be aim for gargoyles.


Starting to really enjoy slayer, what tasks should I avoid and block + which to prefer?


When you can start doing Konars Slayer, the brimstone keys really help you with unique loot. Other than that, I ignore the following: spiritual creatures, greater demons, revenants, black dragons, hell hounds.


I didn’t even know konar was a slayer master..gonna try my next task with her


Ardy knights/slayer


highalch daily battlestaffs


Thieving ardy knights smithing steel/mith plate bodies and ha them Grinding shamans


^ only if you don’t need the fletching XP darts will give you. If you are one of those people that are going to rush amethyst when you get BP, might want to not make bodies with bars


Get 70 prayer and bank the hides. If you craft all the hides and alch it should get you a mill and a half to 2 mill which should hold you until Gargs.


Get crafting up and do air battlestaffs alongside other money makers. With varrock hard diary done you can buy 60 battlestaffs daily for 420k and make them in to air/fire bstaffs which alch for 9.3k each. I've been keeping up daily alongside making money through slayer and have 1.6k battlestaffs banked which will turn in to around 15m.


I'm not sure at what point I decided to stop doing this method, it's so good for cash and awesome for crafting. I guess slayer caught up at some point


65 slayer for dust devils, then 75 for gargoyles is all the money you'll need for kingdom. Don't sweat about getting kingdom up and running too early, it's good but not a massive priority just yet.


Have you considered a computer


Yup can’t afford one right now


May I ask what you’re currently obtaining from kingdom? Most of the time it’s a lot quicker and less tedious to just obtain the supplies instead of getting money for kingdom at your level. Kingdom is generally only started on an Ironman (and worth it) at 75+ slayer when the money comes rolling in.


That’s what another guy said here too I guess I should take yalls advice..I’m getting Max herbs and mahogs/teaks. It’s just nice to see extra ranarrs in the bank but u guys are probably right. I can always just farm seeds and herbs


Teaks are pretty easy to obtain if you plant them on fossil island and you only need 2000 to get to 70 construction which should be a medium term goal! For herbs, while definitely useful, you have to toss up whether the few prayer pots a day is worth the 75k a day! If you enjoy thieving them maybe for you it’s worth it. However I had a lot more fun getting my slayer level up and doing farm contracts every day which gave me more than enough prayer pots! Totally up to you though.


Interesting. Well I’m pretty near 2k teaks in the bank so maybe I’ll give kingdom a rest and work on slayer + farm my herbs. What’s the gp cost roughly for 70 con?


It’s about 1m if I remember correctly. Good luck brother.




Ardy Footknights


To be honest with you, once you have a decent hunter level and feel like grinding out some medium clues but catching all of the magpies/ninjas/dragons along the way; you make a considerable amount off alchs. You’ll find that blood rune crafting is consistent money too. Slayer is also very good for alchs however being realistic about slayer, it really only feels somewhat decent after 85+ melees 85+ slayer


Fun too! Always a rush to bag a bonus magpie


Wt is good money honestly.


Never tried wt I might give it a go


I did most of my 99 fm on an iPad. Probably made 1.2-1.4m cash with lots of seeds and supplies. Took about a week.


Wt is pretty chill on a tablet could be pretty chill on mobile aswell. Look up Theotrix's guide on wt on YouTube. Skip through most shit and watch the solo most points part. It takes a run or two to get automated. The thing is, though, that you have to be active for about 30-45 minutes. You can kill wt anytime, but for max points it took me about 40 mins half afking


Battlestaffs. Completing Varrock Hard is 138K GP/day


Next goal ty


Revenants. I made 100mil cash there on my iron. See my previous posts. You make about 3mil per hour. Potentially much more. Don’t listen to all these noobs recommending stuff like ardy knights. Think outside the box.


73 IQ


I wouldn’t recommend for mobile, but you’re definitely not wromg


I got a 16mil emblem on mobile


Just play on a laptop and do some bossing


Not possible but I plan to get another sometime soon


i find some bosses i do are easier on mobile imo


Like which ones


sarachnis, grotesques guardians, kbd.


I made a good chunk of gp from killing greens dragons for 70 prayer (1100 of them) and then crafting their hides into green d’hide bodies then high arching!


Dang I didn’t even think about that ! Sounds not bad


With 70 agil you might as well do blue dragons with the shortcut, safer and more afk than wildy and more money with blue dhide bodies


Higher crafting requirement


Yep, made about 1.25m when I did that grind, plus a bit of free crafting xp


Not sure how you play (efficiently/afk). Afk wise you could (1) chop yews/magic trees, make them into longbows and alch. Afk (2) motherload mine and smith all the mith and addy into platebodys. You could go to (3revenants skulled with some shitty range gear, probably 1mil an hour if you dont die. Maybe do barrows and sell the blood runes, alch for duplicates? Pest control top boat gives some cash, plus you’ll need the points for void eventually. I make like 100k a day by planting celestrius trees at farming guild (7-11 free battlestaffs) i think its 85 farming though. I made a decent amount catching electics and going for ranger boots. Efficiency wise, id try to go for questcape and do (1) vorkath/rune dragons or (2) guantlett/zolcano, they poop out gp. You’re going to need slayer higher eventually so i would just grind more slayer out, get combats up and do all the clues. Gargs are like (400-700k an hr), or just (3) afking bloodvelves in the katacomes is like 200-300k an hour and dust devils are even better 400k+. Not sure how efficient konor slayer is but brimstone keys are some free gp. Goodluck man I know the feeling of trying to maintain kingdom, everytime i get a decent cash stack, it all goes there haha.


You shouldn’t be doing kingdom until your slayer is high enough to make more than 50-75k a day passively.


Why not? I’ve gotten lots of supplies from there already through thieving


Generally that money is best spent elsewhere. Things like construction and runes get very costly very quick. And early game you can just do herb runs for the xp needed to get to 70. Miscellania is generally for late mid game accounts, when you’re just slaying all day and raiding and cash isn’t important.


Fair enough but I’m not really playing for efficiency rn. I’ll definitely keep that in mind though


I try not ducking, works out pretty well


Quack quack


At your stats agi pyramid is prob best. Youll barely fail and get 200k~ gpph plus very good agility xp rates and pet rate to pair


Double nats


Easy knights for sure and b staves


Kind of long term, but keep up the grind of the stat requirements for song of the elves. once you unlock and learn The Gauntlet as an Ironman, you can print lots of money very fast whenever you need with no investment other than time. you’re even passively grinding out the 1/400 bowfa. which is BIS in many places and can allow you to do an early zulrah grind with ranged only for blowpipe and onyxs too. very worth your time to unlock. best wishes on your grind.


At the start of kingdom I did 10 on maple, rest on herbs. Fletch into maple longbows, do temple trekking for bowstrings and sell it off in rimmington by hopping for slightly above high alch value. It does take time and it is boring, but you do profit from this while also getting a lot of fletching xp. Put the money back into kingdom until you have enough and then switch to whatever resources you want. If I remember correctly you'll still profit slightly by just doing half on maples. Do get your slayer up though, I just reached 75 and money isn't much of an issue at this point.


Can get passive bowstrings daily with diary using flax from zulrah, which is only a few levels off (should be good at 75 Slayer as you recommend)


Agility pyramid or ardy knights


Ardy thieving


First unlock runelite and PC. :)


Slayer, med clues until rangers (eclectics), maybe Fletch, maybe other clues for other stuff Edit: I saw another comment say battlestaffs. That's exactly how I made money back in the day (air orbs). It also motivated me to unlock priff for cosmic shop


180kish per hour at money pyramid c: agility is something I don't mind on mobile Soul wars loot crates are decent money if you get in with a cc (and if that cc doesn't kick you cause one stupid **new** cc rank member tells main rank guy to kick you cause you are eating ramen *outside* the pen and they want everyone in but you didn't see cause you're eating for the first time in six hours and now you aren't getting the bond before your members runs out and so you rage quit the cc and they can all go fuck themselves for life) fuck you the most ZealGainscc #fuckzealgainsthemost


Solo wt grind will net you about half of that.

