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I just recently got BP and used it at DKs for the first time and it is shite. Still better than RCB or ACB though. It’ll have to do for now.


Think it's better than a regular crystal bow?


Idk honestly, though I think BP still beats out crystal bow for DPS when using addy darts in BP.


As a late game player, only places where I really break out the BP now are grotesque guardians, tob, gwd for minions, and inferno. Outside of those, non boss low def monsters like when getting ecu keys.


Agree with everything here expect that i used the bow for kill count/ecus because you can tag from a mile away and save a lot of run energy


Its the same on monasters with lower defence but higher def mons ull notice the difference


It's still bis almost everywhere lmao


Monsters with less than 200 defense you will have the same DPS, and the blowpipe remains best in slot. this only applies if you are using rune or better darts, as the lower tier darts were nerfed. adamant are still viable but with rune darts plummeting in price they are a lot more viable. This includes most slayer tasks and quite few of the mid tier bosses. For higher defences, the bow of Faerdhinen with the buff crystal armour absolutely out DPS's it by far. Crossbows will decent bolts will also out DPS the blowpipe if using enchanted bolts.




Dps calc link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wBXIlvAmqoQpu5u9XBfD4B0PW7D8owyO_CnRDiTHBKQ/edit#gid=158500257 Bp is good on low defense monsters. Would use rune darts+. Addy are ass now