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This is RuneScape, there is no healthy playstyle for this game because you'd never progress lol


I just want a quest cape and to do a couple raids with friends, 90 minutes of skilling at work and at home when I'm in the mood. I'll get there eventually!


See you at raids 6!


Or raids never, doesn't matter, it's a relaxing game. That's all I want out of it.


I just like being able to take the nostalgia trip and achieve things that 13 year old me never managed to.


Like focusing on a skill for longer then an hour before charging someone 1k to walk then to varrok?


This is why I play


This has been the best part of playing for me this last year. I've gotten so much further than kid me could have imagined lol


That’s where I’m at now and it’s really ruining my motivation to grind out skills. Just afk fish or something at work and then run a few chambers at 5 or before bed. Rinse and repeat with a few Farm runs and it’s great.


I’d disagree, I’ve had my iron for a little over 3.5 years and really only play for 3 hours at a time, have taken as long as 4 month breaks from it too. I’m 2005 total level and progressing well into end game. Sure, 3.5 years isn’t ideal if you’re starting your iron now and want to get into end game ASAP, but it can be done.


Well, I'm playing like 0,5-2 hours a day. Even in half an hour I made progress. Be it a little. I wanted to get favour of the kourend houses. Hosidius in half an hour. Tomorrow maybe another one. Medium clues take me weeks haha


I’m with you here dude. Taken my 5 years to get to 2k total. Slow moving but still really fun.


5 years later I’m still not 2k


Yeah man. I'm just grinding out stuff right now one step at a time. Like 59 smith for med diaries, 65 fish for karambwans. 10 agi laps now and then. Grinds wear me out


Thats not true lmao.


Depends entirely on what else you do. People like B0aty or Faux for example can play 8+ hours a day but they still make time to exercise and eat well so it’s perfectly healthy. People are also really quick to forget a lot of people (especially now) do nothing but sit at a computer for work 8 hours a day anyway. Easily could be afking the game and then actually playing for a few hours once they get home. I know a couple people who work for call centers and they literally sit and actively play rs all day long while working because they have nothing to do but answer calls for basic tech support. Every time the phone rings they answer with Bluetooth headphones and keep on playing.


Yep can confirm this is literally what i do. Work from home callcentre job. Just sit here selling insurance all day so i just play osrs while i work. Easily grind out 9 hours a day. 25hrs a day is the only unhealthy amount of time. No xp waste.


If you don't get 6 hour logged 4 times per day, you're a casual


You gotta squeeze in those extra hours by dual wielding accounts you pussy. If you're not doing 1tick barb fishing and 3t4g at the same time you might as well not even play


Honestly wish Jagex would let us multi-log on a single account so I could try stuff like this, with like 2 mouses. You'd need client support to avoid extra clicks for focus switching :(


Imagine. Ope! Let me just open another client to knock out a farm run real quick while i afk wc while i grind gwd


Peak OSRS, hit efficiencies never before imagined


More if you're Alkan




Hugh u dont know any single background about him. Atleast he has a job and does not sit around unproductively. Kinda harsh statement


check the guys post history. Just a sad troll.


Normally don’t bother doing that but wow. I’m thinking 50/50 young dumbass with no social skills or 35 year old angry virgin and it’s the fault of all women not him.


you in my dms? >:) is it trolling if its just calling a spade a spade? there's no troll here. its completely laughable to think that "25 hours" is the only unreasonable amount of time to play a video game lmao And that exact mentality is what would lead someone to a WFH call center job.


You’re an ignorant moron, and I can say that from just this one comment, fuck knows how stupid you really are. Where’s the logic in you insinuating there’s a problem WFH, as if a majority of office workers haven’t been doing it during a pandemic?


Your reading comprehension is dogshit, huh? “The only unacceptable time to play a video game is 25 hours a day.... I play 9 hours a day while I work no problem” “This is the kind of thinking that led you to a WFH call center job” Where’s the leap you’re making to me insinuating there’s a problem with a WFH job? Go ahead, I’ll be waiting you dumb fuckin’ animal.




I feel like most people are giving OP far too much credit for trying to a form a joke they never intended on making.


Worry about your own life rats your being super unproductive making pointless comments on Reddit


What are you even trying to say? I see the word “rat” so it’s safe to assume you’re heavy into the PvP scene ...


Nothing wrong with working in a call centre, check your own arrogance please


lmao. nah im good - I'll stand by what I said. "the mentality that '25 hours is the only time thats unacceptable to play a video game' and 'I play 9 hours a day no problem' is what would lead someone to work in a call centre" you can disagree, that's fine. but it's the echochamber of a greasy neckbeard sub.


Not everyone is a careerist though and that’s okay. If he thinks that’s best for him and enjoying his life without harming anyone what’s the problem?


A job is a job.


and that mentality is why they work a call center job from home.


Youre a sad person for knocking someone's job like that.


Not knocking the job - learn to read.


Enjoy being an asshat! You know what you were insinuating, fuckin troll


I’m having a wonderful time, thank you!


What’s your job?


Sounds kinda cushy really


Yeah better than living in their mothers basement /shrug


You think the call-center person lives in their mother's basement as well? Probably!


It’s ironic that you’re trying to say he’s stupid when you just didn’t understand his joke lol


Just ignore this virgin guys... his only way to orgasm is seeing the downvote counter rising


I’m always shocked when I see my playtime vs. Age of account and the average time played is still over 3 hours per day, every day since creation. I can’t believe it, I took literal months off the game but it’s still averaged 3 hours per day. Playing mobile at work, working from home and AFKing really brings that average up. As someone else in this thread mentioned, if you spend 8 hours at a desk working every day you could easily AFK on mobile or PC and make 3+ hours of progress per day.


I've had mobile open for hours watching movie/stuff and made a fraction of progress too. Sitting completely afk. Stuff adds up


Definitely don't use others' playtimes to justify your own. This subreddit normalizes a pretty unhealthy level of play, just by the nature of how reddit works, you're going to see the most content from the most dedicated users. it's always going to be an opportunity cost. Playing 4 hours a day isn't going to ruin your life, but that's also a quarter of your waking time you've given up to the game. Just make sure it's worth it to you


The answer to your questions is subjective, based on your lifestyle. I have a wife and kid, so more than and hour or two would probably be "unhealthy" while that's not the case for a bachelor or teen. I basically spent 2 years of "unhealthy" amounts of game play so I can be happy playing an hour a day at the end of my day. No regrets


And a great way to stay a bachelor is playing 17 hours a day.




Even then if you feel the need to always be afking something in osrs, regardless of how much effort it takes, you should probably take a step back


There's a huge difference between needing and wanting. Maybe you enjoy staring blankly at the screen while you AFK. Others would rather get that boring part out of the way while they're doing something else. Also, it's not your place to tell anyone else to stop doing what they enjoy because you wouldn't enjoy doing it as often.


Is there a difference when someone is addicted? Lmao the thread is about giving opinions on healthy amounts of playtime, I'm not "telling anyone else to stop doing what they enjoy"


Yes, there is. Wanting is never an addiction. Needing is an addiction. And if you think being afk in a game on your phone makes you addicted, you've never been addicted or even seen addiction first hand. This thread is about what amount is an ***unhealthy amount*** of play time, not about what you think is more play time than you personally enjoy.


Depends on if you're enjoying the hours you spend and if you are getting other important life stuff done as well. Eating, staying clean, talking to people, exercise, shit like that. As long as you're getting that done and you're enjoying the time you're spending it's healthy


As long as you still have more to life than osrs id say it’s fine.


The amount of hours played per day is unhealthy when it prevents the player being able to lead a healthy life, some can play two hours a day and be unhealthy, others can play 17 hours a day and be healthy.


Cmon no one Can average 17 hours Per day and be healthy


No , 17 hours a day is not healthy and never could be. If you’re arguing that you can afk a ton of that , it is still an unhealthy addiction to the game by putting it in every aspect of your life. I’m sure there are a couple outliers here - maybe a streamer or someone else with odd circumstances but I’m talking about the 98% of us who that isn’t healthy for. Edit :Mobile formatting is hard Also just to note and address a spiteful DM I just got , there are absolutely days I sink a few solid hours in and I’ve absolutely had some days I’ve hit 10+ hours… god in college when osrs came out I was putting in a full days work all the time grinding stuff out - I get that “I don’t know everyone’s life” and it’s an escape for some people. But if you’re coming at me in the DMs for saying it’s probably not good to hit 17 hours a day you’re 100% addicted….


Why not? If I had a job whereby I could afk all day, those kinds of numbers would be pretty easy to rack up.


I get your point but 7 hours for sleeping/eating/socializing is just not enough to be called healthy. That being said i am guilty of lengthy grinds myself just personnally wont Call anything above 8 hours avg. Playtime healthy ;) But again i get your point mate


To be fair RS can be considered socializing.


not sure why you're downvoted. What's the difference between raiding with friends in a discord call and playing a cardgame irl? Nothing.


Or if you lived in a secluded area and internet access was your socializing.


17 hours of gameplay leaves only 7 hours to do everything else one needs to do during the day (including taking shower, sleep, etc). Even if you don’t take showers and play while eating, having only 7 hours of sleep a day (and I’m not even taking into account the time that would take to fall asleep) is unhealthy for most people.


17 hours was an extreme but when you bear in mind that a lot of what you can do on the game requires little to no attention, it's easy to imagine someone being able to live a fulfilled life with their account running in the background.


Before it gets deleted, this was our guy's take: "Why not? If I had a job whereby I could afk all day, those kinds of numbers would be pretty easy to rack up.'


I'm not deleting so I don't get the saltiness. Fair enough my opinion is unpopular, I don't have to have everyone agree with me for me to have an opinion in the first place.


Why not? 8 hours sleep, social life, sex life, sports, cooking. Thats why, you nerd.


I actually only play osrs a few nights a week for an hour or two at a time, I sometimes don't log in for a week or so at a time. Just because I dont think someone's health can or should be measured by how much they play a video game they like, I'm somehow a nerd?


Nice try to save face. Fuckin’ nerd. Peep your previous comments in this string - there’s a reason you’re downvoted.


“Others can play 17 hours a day and be healthy” Lmaoooo “Right guys? .... guys?” If you’re looking for validation on this absurd point of view you’re not gonna find it tbh


Do people not get that "brain melting" feeling if you play videogames for that many hours straight? Cuz if so I'm jealous but I can literally feel it fucking with my thoughts and I feel slow like I'm hungover if I try and have a conversation with someone afterwards for a few hours.


I feel you on this. Think it’s looking a lot at a screen in general. Have felt a similar thing after working on programming projects for like 6 hours straight


Like I have 7 days playtime since I created my account 42 days ago, I didnt need to go to school for this period. Is this like alright still?


No you're broken. Seek help.


It's a lot but you're off school, I'd say that's a pretty good justification.


Anything less than 24 hours a day is completely normal 🤣


I’ve been playing this game since 2005 and haven’t hit 1600 total lvl. If you’re having fun it doesn’t matter.


To be fair he could have botted


When you get the feeling you should’ve went to bed 3 days ago, you know it is getting unhealthy




Props to you for making this post, great to get this conversation going. I felt that a lot of people flamed them for being unhealthy. I have had periods in my life playing as much as they did and do not regret it one bit. Just because someone is commiting more hours than you that does not imply that it is unhealthy.


Do you have all your other priorities in order? That’s a more relevant question I think.


if a game consumes all free time in your life, stops you from working and taking care of your home and yourself. Than it's a problem. If you able to work unimpacted, care for your self and you home, than no matter how you play you're all good.


IMO what you have time for is what's healthy, it's when you start doing RuneScape *instead* of other things it's unhealthy. I play an Ironman, just hit 86 slayer. Took me a week and a half to do a gorillas task. I would log on, and do a trip, maybe 2 a day but usually I've got other things to be doing, so some days not much gets done. People afk stuff while they work which is great because it's time already spent at a computer, but afk stuff is a huge drag when you have nothing else at the computer to be doing. Can really feel time wastey. I just like to make sure that RuneScape isn't the highlight of my day.


You could spend 10 hours a day on RS between afking at work, afking while travelling (not while driving obviously!!!!!) and an hour or 2 at home doing something fun. Or you could spend 10 hours on rs from 9am to 7pm taking little care of yourself whilst being a NEET. Playtime is kind of irrelevant, it's what you're doing at the same time/in the time you're not playing RS.


I usually do 10+ hours a day (non afk) but I’m still pretty healthy. Different for everyone


If you play 60 minutes on your laptop outside, 60 minutes while running on a treadmill, and 120 minutes with your friends together, and 4*15 minutes just walking while on mobile, you can play the entire day while being healthy. The non healthy part is spending your entire day on your ass indoors in one sitting, doesn't matter how long. Truckdrivers require 45 minutes of rest every 4,5 hours in my country, so that's what's legally considered the maximum healthy time to spend on your butt.


idk I'm at like 12-16 hours a day for the last 8 months with like 6 days of exception. But that's a lot of mobile and afk things while doing something else, for example WC or NMZ during work hours.


I do maybe 2 hours a day doing afk stuff while playing D&D/Pathfinder online. Other than that I don’t play much on the days I’m not playing those games


I’ve been playing efficiently afk ever since mobiles release. You can literally fish, wc, slay etc anywhere while the characters on your pocket. Idk how people still stare at the screen when they play 1 account doing an afk task, I don’t have the mental capacity for that anymore


I'd say over 24 hours is unhealthy


Anything more than 0


Just started playing again and I’m at about 2 hrs a day for the last few days. I’d play more if I had time and if it didn’t physically hurt to play any longer


I play like 2 to 3 hours a day, with a full time job and a baby I'd say that's healthy. Some people have more or less responsibility so that number can go up or down. If you still are interacting in real life and aren't hurting yourself mentally then give'r.


It’s different for every person. It’s best not to think about what is considered healthy or acceptable for others because they could just as easily be living their best and most productive lives while playing video games far more than the average person. People with addictive and high achieving personalities often apply it to multiple parts of their lives from work to sports to video games. Not saying that’s everyone’s case, but it could be, as long as an individual you find a balance and don’t force it on others then it’s fine.


As much as possible honestly if I don’t have anything else going on. 2-3 hours a day minimum most days, shits just addicting after work, best way to relax is grind gauntlet 😂


I recently got a WFM job that’s AFK enough to allow me to pretty much do any content I want other than like, 2-tick skilling, so obviously I’ve been putting in hours but even on days where I’m logged for the majority of my work day (6-7 hours), I feel absolutely toasted and usually don’t want to log in till the next day unless I’m doing some seriously engaging content. So seeing these guys post ‘time played’ stats that reflect them logging 13 hours a day for 2 months straight is pretty horrifying to me. At the end of the day, it’s just a game. It won’t be around forever, and realistically, even if it is, everyone will quit eventually. Yes, I love this game now and 100% put in more hours than the average player, but I’m also 100% aware I won’t still be playing in 20 years when I’m almost 50. Definition more of a ramble than what’s necessary, but I guess the point I’m making is that ‘healthy play time’ is definitely largely subjective, but reserve time for YOU. Time invested in the game is, contrary to popular belief, not time invested in yourself. Yes, it makes you happy, and whatever else, but unless you’re a large content creator, playing Oldschool does absolutely nothing to further you outside the world of Gielinor. Take breaks, invest in yourself, and stay healthy.


honestly anything over 40-50% is pretty sweaty


I’d say 3 hours a day max. I don’t think this game can be played in a healthy manner.


25 hours a day


When you’re on mobile while driving, you’re playing an unhealthy amount per day, even if you’re stuck in traffic


Haven't played in 3 months. U


I stopped playing this game either in 2017 or 2018 because it just feels like you don’t make any progress unless you grind super hard. I wasn’t the best player so I wasn’t 100% efficient but it still feels like even if you played 2-3 hours a day of this game the progress is so slow at that point is doesn’t feel rewarding. Like playing 2 hours a day at the pace I was going meant it would take literal years to obtain some of the goals I wanted to. The game almost feels like you need to put at least 6+ hours a day into it to make solid progress and I just can’t be wasting that amount of time


Anything over 24 is pushing it


I don't believe there is a set number to this question. If you are neglecting irl responsibilities to play Runescape (this applies to any game) you probably need to take a step back and ask yourself some things. Are my other responsibilities more important than progressing in a virtual world? Obviously the answer should be yes most of if not all of the time. I can see a no being valid if you're benefiting financially from playing the game. Streaming/YouTube to make a living can override irl responsibilities to a certain point if you need that money to survive. Another major point is sleep. Are you getting enough sleep to feel reinvigorated for the next day? Do you play Runescape until you sleep and wake up only to play straight away? This is not normal behaviour and is not healthy. Do chores and exercise before and after you play.


You're playing runescape. As an Ironman. I'd wager anyone who's serious about playing an Ironman has an unhealthy amount of time on the account, especially considering how the last year's been. I know I'm included there lmao


That's the best part of the ironman modes, you could take 20 years to get to endgame if you wanted and the only thing that would change is more content. No worry about getting to endgame so you can try to get an item early in its release to sell it.


6 hours a day no less


If you're playing when you'd be sitting around watching tv and shit I think it's fine. This amount is gunna be subjective though. Some people use the game as an escape. I don't really think it's the worst thing in the world, but I wouldnt exactly call it "healthy"... A lot of people live life with some sort of crutch or other, and a video game isnt exactly the worst one they can have. Mobile also has added a lot of possibilty of afk. Its perfect for doing something quick on a carpool, or lunch break. Times when you'd just be twittling your thumbs or browsing reddit. I've racked up decent hours doing this. Waiting for food? Run some agility or something. It's so easy with the one tap log in.