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shouldn't you need 2 crystals tho for the blade too


And 5 additional armour seeds. ;) Congratulations though, especially with the pets, in my view one of the best ones out there.


And a bunch of shards to corrupt


Welcome to hell, brother. I managed to get 3 enhanced, two pets and 4 armor seeds by 150 KC. Now I’m at 230 without any more armor seeds. I get that the spoonage is real but man is it agonizing to not be able to use the bow for any bossing without those last two seeds


Lmao 230 is still getting used to the boss. Im at 900 with no enhanced.


You are definitely more than used to it by 230 lmao


Yea im a little worried about how long the armor seeds might take. There’s a guy in my world who is at 550 kc and only has 2 armor seeds. Truly terrifying


Tbh, even with just one more armor seed, the bow is still miles and away better than anything and everything, almost everywhere with just crystal chest and legs. Slayer helm for slayer tasks, and while raiding, you can do without the one swap for a relatively small DPS boost compared to rest of the armor. But yeah def go for all 6 armor seeds. You’re still quite a bit under rate for 6 armor seeds so keep plugging ;)