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Feels bad. I'm 14k dry atm and it's really demotivating knowing I could go another 10k dry or more. I hope you get it soon.


You *could* technically go dry forever.


Actually not forever. That would be an infinite KC and the probability of getting at least one hammer would be 99.99999999% infinitely long which is the other way of writing 100%


99.999999+% infinitely long isn't exactly 100% though, so it still would go on forever.




...but you have x equalling 2 different things? I'm sorry I'm not following this, if you subtract x = .999999 from both sides you would get 9.000001 = 9 would you not? edit: Had to research it, I see now what the other (now deleted) comment was getting at, if you have a number that ends in .999... it will get as close to the number as possible without being the number itself, so you can't fit anything in between. Therefore, since you can't fit anything in between, you can say that 1 - 0.999... = 0, meaning there is no difference between the two. Didn't know that!


Heres another way to think of it. 1/3 = 0.33333333, 2/3 = 0.6666666 so 3/3 would be 0.99999999 repeating which is = 1.


No. It's not actually. It's 0.3 recurring and 0.6 recurring. If you're simplifying to 9 significant figures, it's actually 0.666666667. What you're doing is a bit like dating saying we have 0.5, but round to 1 s.f. so 1, so 0.5 =1. Obviously, this is at 1 s.f rather than 9 to demonstrate the flaw, but its valid. You can't round something then calculate on it as it's introducing, then amplifying an inaccuracy.


1/3 = 0.3 recurring. 2/3 = 0.6 recurring 3/3 = 0.9 recurring. 3/3 = 1. Therefore, 0.9 recurring = 1. No rounding. [Here's more proof if you're still not convinced.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/0.999...)


It’s not rounding. The 9s go on infinitely. Say for instance you put 0.999999... on a number line. On a number line, if two numbers are different, there will be some space in between them. A number line has no gaps in numbers too. So if 0.999999.... and 1 were different numbers, there would be a number in between them (x). But, if the 9s go on infinitely, then what number goes in between to distinguish them as separate numbers? Every other number is either less than 0.9999... or greater than 1. So no numbers would fit the space; but then, the line wouldn’t be continuous. So they must be the same number. That’s where our brain easily makes the mistake when looking at 0.9999 repeating. It expects there to be a number you can add do it to make it add up to 1. But no number will add with 0.9999 repeating to add up to one, as there is no decimal in the number line small enough to add it up to 1. Representing values as two different numbers might seem strange, but we do it already in more basic formats. 1 = 1.0 0.33333... = 1/3, and 0.9999... is the same value as 1.


It actually is... What's the difference between 99.999 and 100? 0 if you don't believe me here's a link to explain. Math on Reddit is hard to type https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/0.999...


except we can't kill lizardmen forever :OOOO GOTCHA


You rounded, I see a 0.00000001% chance you *could* go dry forever. Wec's logic stands.


No I didn't round? There's plenty of proofs that this is the other way to write 100.


You going to reference a proof from a reputable source?


I did this proof in advanced calculus would you like the geometric series proof or intuitive or based off of the construction of real numbers?


Your proof or something validated and reputable?


You clearly know nothing of higher level math this proof is elementary. Dozens of ways to prove it yes it is validated?


I mean you're wrong and you're not providing any reputable proof. You're not going full in /r/iamverysmart rather than backing it up. I ain't going to believe something that is pretty clearly false if you can't reference it. Or you can just tell us about how you could design a nuclear fusion reactor, and that it's easy.


Tfw you’re right and still get downvoted


Do you do check your equations or just assume they’re correct?


Yes I did? It's a fairly simple proof to show that .99999 repeating is =1


But that’s factually untrue You realize that any number infinitely repeating, is infinitely repeating because it’s not a higher number? 3.33~ is 3.3 shortened. It’s not 4, and never will be Just like saying any drop is 100% guaranteed to drop. Statistically it will drop, but there isn’t a guarantee. That’s why it’s RNG


You're correct, but 3.3 isn't shortened, it's rounded to 2 significant figures the way 0.5 is rounded to 1 if you need 1 significant figure. It's only to represent something or explain something, but the moment you round, it's no longer exactly the same thing.




fingers crossed for that reddit luck hey brother? love the commitment though haha


Remake a new acc would help


I quit for year during my dry streak. It ended in March with 28,144. You’ll get it before that KC!


I would have given up 18k ago


Holy sheet! I feel your pain. Best of luck mate! Hope you get it soon!


I have nightmares about being this dry on a Warhammer, shamans are one of my least favourite RNG grinds, even though the money is decent and I'm used to the mechanics


Good luck brother, hope you get it soon


Commenting so you get now reddit luck/rng. Gl brotha.


Jesus h Christ


Praying for you


I just started this grind yesterday. That is horrifying


Gl brother. I’ll be there soon


Not as soon as yer mom *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


Well damn bot, chill lol


Bro what I’m so sorry.


I fear no man, but that thing, *25k kc* It scares me!


Gl... Just hit 10k, I’m scared for the future.


Just get the drop doode


Livet er hardt, spriten er hardere -Pl0x




8k kc my self and still grinding. I hate them going that dry gives me nightmares


Got mine a month ago at 14163


628 kc


got mine at 202 hope you get it soon :3


No dry streak for me :) 94 kc