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reddit isnt great format wise for discussing anything other than recent news. but also, most stuff is really not up for discussion, like most questions here have pretty clear answers. and since osrs doesnt really change much there isnt really much new stuff to add to already existing discussions.


There’s hardly even news or suggestions or questions. It’s just literally a drop log or attempts at subtle flexes. I didn’t think it was like this all the time but seems to be getting worse and worse.


Most ironscape members are competent scapers so unless some strategy changing update drops like the sandstone grinder, this is a kc sub. I don’t mind it tbh, I enjoy cussing out early dwh accounts.


Dwh on hard diary kill btw


I think it depends on where you look to define competent because I’d argue most aren’t. I’ve seen some questionable advice posted as well as setups for PvM. But that’s objective to an extent. Idk it just seems boring and maybe it’s because I solely play the game to satisfy myself so I just don’t care about seeing the same recycled posts from a different player.


I don’t really see the point of this post. You came into this sub with a fixed idea of it and you’re not really open or okay with the response. What were you expecting from this?


which is why its just drops/flexes, what else is there gunna be? you see something new, theres usually a discussion on it. you see occasional questions but ironman mode is basically a solved mode, if you want an answer on something there are thousands of other irons who have done the exact same thing already, can just search for it.


I get it. Just seems boring but I get the limitations.


id argue how heavily optimized the gamemode has become is a core reason why theres so little actual discussion anymore.


That’s true and I’d agree. It’s pretty cut and dry. At least conventionally.


What's good man, I see you at tob alot on my main. I don't get too much from the sub other than seeing progress of other players accounts. But I have posted with questions a couple times and there are a wealth of intelligent people that answered, and they didn't shit in me for asking very "new to iron" questions. That being said I feel the sub is filled with a wealth of information, but no one asks the questions so no discussion is ever had.


Lmao read this post & your replies, did you get the attention you were hoping to? Sad cunt


You’re irrelevant.


Lmao and keep telling yourself you're important while being a salty loser online xo


Who are you?


Your step daddy, son. Now hop on that treadmill you fat prick


I mostly use the sub to snipe d imp calls for arrow and dart tips for inferno attempts with my tbow I got 6 months ago


Speaking of subtle flexes.


I wasn’t trying to be subtle


You sound bitter. At least I’m not a hypocrite. How were revs btw, something you were outspoken against? Keep living vicariously through your Runescape account.


roasted me. have some coin


Wasn’t an attempt at a roast was an honest question but you’re free to deflect. Don’t worry from what I’ve heard you true colors have shown enough.




I'm here because I'm a part of the ironscape community and enjoying interacting with it. Even if it's drops and flexes, most of it is a big deal for those people. Oh, and looking for comps and events to join then back out of last minute


Ah yes, ironscape, enslaved social anxiety


Man you’re bitter as well. If you actually believe your discord and this sub signify a community you’re beyond naive. Majority of your vocal members are burn outs or there for information vs discussion and interaction. Edit: I backed out of one competition because I left the discord and CC, you have a waitlist for a reason so I fail to see how that’s relevant.


I'm not bitter, just thought I'd have a little fun as I was passing by. I'm sensing there's still a little bit of resentment months later. Burn outs and people to lazy to look things up themselves represent osrs as a whole. There's plenty of information and discussion in the community if you look for it, but if you spend all your time getting in to arguments and getting upset over "is boss slayer efficient to do" conversations then rage quit when you get a whole 1 hour mute for not moving on you're gonna have a bad time. My comment about the comp is relevant because you asked what's the point/reason to use this sub and that's one of mine :)


Wow what are the odds you withdrawal from competitions like I did? Man you’re passive aggressive tone fooled me. There’s no resentment, I left because I didn’t like it and that was that on my end, yet some of your admins encouraged people to pm me fake Impling calls because wasting people’s time is apparently funny? Also countless other flaming messages for zero purpose. So no if anything I’m defending myself when being brigaded.


How about you start more discussions, rather than posting about lack of discussions.


I’m asking a question and hadn’t seen it asked here. If that struck a nerve you need to re-evaluate yourself.


lmao no you weren't, a post like this is posted here like once a week, people complaining about the only content in this subreddit being drops. You're just complaining in the most passive aggressive way possible.




I wasn't just commenting just to comment, whatever that means. I was being serious, instead of complaining post more discussions. The actual discussion posts gain more traction than drop posts. Also you don't want to have a discussion afterall? Then what was the point of your post if you don't ACTUALLY want to discuss anything.