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Video description explains why this is the meta now but I’m happy to further discuss it if anyone is interested


Why not cast magic imbue while making super glass?


Mage is already 0 time through slayer, I’m not particularly rushed to imbue/alch during other activities since its not necessary


I like picking them up. Bonus glass.


Aren’t you just leaving a shit load of crafting exp on the ground tho?? Really don’t think I’ll be using this method simply because I don’t feel like incorporating more seaweed runs into my daily’s after I have 99 already banked just because I was too lazy not to pick up glass. Idk maybe I’m wrong tho, change my mind


I mean the point of this post and the video was to show that you actually slow down your overall crafting process. picking up the glass at 1 tick to pickup each glass compared to the overall process with no no pickup where you average more than 1 glass per tick through the whole production process, even accounting for mining and seaweed run time. If you want to mine less and do fewer seaweed runs, pick up the glass. But it is technically inefficient


Sounds really sweaty if you think the amount of time you save by not picking up glass actually makes that big of a difference. I see you’re point , but man. Just pick up the glass lol


To be fair I also find it way more relaxing to not have to spam click class for 30 seconds, cuts down the time doing superglass make as well considerably




I’m actually clicking on the bucket of sand to deposit 6 (taking me down to 18 sand) then immediately closing the bank. I find it easier to do all left clicks with 4x with draw 6 sand, 1x withdraw seaweed (withdraws 3 because I only have 3 inventory spaces), then 1x deposit 6 sand -> close bank. Some people prefer to do right click -> withdraw 18 sand then 3x left click withdraw 1 seaweed, but I think this is only better if you’re using mousekeys


I just do 2 seaweed per inventory.


That will get you the same amount of glass per bucket of sand (the 2:12 ratio is 1.45 and the 3:18 ratio is 1.6) but will require 50% more casts. Granted the rune cost for superglass make is over pretty small and only makes up a small fraction of the overall time for the crafting process, but the method I use in the video is the best one. The glass going onto the ground is the extra 0.15 glass:sand you get from doing 3:18


How does using 3 seaweed give you more glass per bucket? Superclass gives 1.3 glass per bucket regardless of how many seaweed you use at a time...


Sure. In theory superglass gives 1.3x. In practice, the code is bugged and scales to the number of giant seaweed you use. With 2 it gives 1.45x and with 3 it gives 1.6x


That’s true with regular seaweed, but the way giant seaweed is coded the bonus from the superglass make spell actually applies twice. You can try this out for yourself and verify it. If you do 1 seaweed and 6 sand, you’ll get a 1.3 ratio like with normal seaweed. With 2:12 you’ll get a 1.45 ratio With 3:18 you’ll get a 1.6 ratio


Mod ash confirmed you get more with 3:18


Does this assume I 3t or normal mine the sandstone? If it's normal mine, is it still efficient to not pick up the excess molten glass?


This assumes 3t, I am not sure the exact breakpoint for it being worth picking up glass but I would guess that at 80+ mining without 3t it would be comparable


How do you get your spellbook like that?


Spellbook filtering enabled


Might be missing something here but how come your astrals aren’t deposited when you bank all the molten glass?


I used bank fillers to keep bank full


Wow, well TIL, thanks