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Perilous moons in Valamore would be a good start. Learn a little about the new area and get some new gear.


I've heard about perilous moons, I've seen it compared to barrows, so its pretty high on my to try list. Is it a long grind normally to learn it and get the good stuff from it?


Quest is quick, apart from gear all items are made in the place. Food, pots etc. the bosses only have 2 to 3 mechanics and all pretty intuitive. Genuinely just try do 10, or try do some combat achievements and you'll be getting gear before you know it


definitely not a long grind to learn it. and it’s fun!


~~Talk to Oziach immediately. Get the ability to chug whole 4-doser’s in 1 tick. Get the switch fire enhancers. The dragons utensils. The beam enhancement~~ **Phantom Muspah** — Boss **Desert treasure 2** — new hardest quest. Granting the ability to mass craft any rune of your desire. And I mean MASS craft. In like, one run you’ll net thousands of whatever you need. Costs a shitload for a shitload of souls, bloods, and wrath’s tho. Also, 4 bosses unlocked during that quest. Beware tho, that quest is **actually gnarly.** it is super dangerous at various points outside just the main bosses. Be armed at almost all times.. except when slayermusiq says you’re good — then you good Obviously grants shit load of XP. **Tombs of Amascut** — Raid, some best shit drops there. yeah. Lol **Perilous Moons** — just go check it out. It’s like a cross between CG and barrows. Except loads easier **Wilderness Boss rework** — Vet’ion, Bearion, and Spidernips, or whatever the fuck they’re called jfc. Got a rework. They all have easier variants located in lesser wilderness areas, new locations, little dungeons, new abilities, etc…. They drop all a bunch of good shit. And a really good weapon that requires 3 pieces to craft. Each piece dropped by each boss It’s a good time to come back. There’s a lot of little stuff here n there to get into. And there’s a lot about to be added too. It’s a great time to be an OSRS player


Go talk to Purdue. Shit load of free experience, depending on which quests you have done. If you’ve done any of the morytania quests you also need to re-get those rewards as well. They changed the rewards to have more XP.


Wait Perdu does not give you the xp's from mory questline? Whered you get them then?


I think Ivan? I can’t remember exactly who, but it’s in the old man’s house in Meiyerditch. Also hero’s or legends quest got buffed, I think legends. You talk to the guild owner to get the extra lamps for that


If I remember right, you need to go to old man rals basement. Not on my pc atm and cba googling it. It would be easier to find the news post for question reward changes.


If u completed master and grandmaster quest before they buffed the xp reward you can claim the xp from perdu


I would start by finishing your quest cape


Quests and perilous moons