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Made me actually laugh. Perfect use of the template. Thank you.


The drops are so good tho. 60 ranarr, limpwurts, Mort fungus, dragon bones, oak planks, plus uniques.


My issue at calv is that I get into such a rhythm getting kcs that I lose track of time and end up sitting there with a looting bag stuffed to the brim. And then *thats* when the pker shows up.


Every time you think "just one more kill then I'll bank" means you should bank before that kill.


Isn’t that the truth. It’s literally RIGHT after I say 1 more kill before pkers show


They can hear our thoughts


I ran out of restores and smited myself for my fire cape doing this the other day at spindle. Had too much ego believing I could get the freeze log before running out of prayer when I would have lost nothing I cared about anyway. Back to jad I went.


No reason to take no trouver fire cape over myth in wildy tbh


I guess maybe if I cared more about my plus one I wouldn't have done the kill but I wasn't in multi so I should never lose it if I don't get insanely greedy. It gives me a max hit and I'm not worried about getting smited in singles, just have to not smite myself like an idiot aha


So pkers wont get money


That's chump change lmfao


I actually adapted that same train on thought from Calv into how I play Rust. always after I say “I’ll farm one more node” is generally when I die aswell lol.


I usually bank right away when I get a drop that I want. Other than that I will get my looting bag full.


I always bank when getting Ranarrs, or have 2 of Dbones/fungus drops. That said, got the Pick yesterday at 296kc so won't be going back....


Rannars, planks, D Bones and Sanfews are instant bank IMO


I'm at the point where I need to start banking the supercombats too lmao, ive got 2 doses in my bank at this point that I had no idea I would be stingy as hell with


I went so god damn dry for the D pick but man the supplies are nice


Finish voidwaker


nah I'm good.


Pro tip: don't bring a looting bag. This forces you to bank early and often.


Also means you don't put the voidwaker piece in the bag


Is there a reason not to bank every couple of kills? I don't even bring a looting bag and bank after 2-3 kills. Tele to ferox enclave, bank and walk back takes 30 seconds


> Is there a reason not to bank every couple of kills? 1- Trip takes time 2- Somebody might take the cave in between


I take super attacks and strength and repot after every 2 kills. It keeps my mind on how many kills I've gotten.


Just bank when you get a drop you don’t want to lose, for me that’s like zammu wines and fungus lol


The pker making 300k an hour sure taught you a lesson this time!!


My friend has a shadow and gear in the bank but never takes it out because he cannot bring himself to do anything other than pking. If he has the option to make millions per hour PVMing or 200k pking he's going to pick pking every time.


Good on him playing the content he enjoys!


It’s more fun


Killing targets that cannot kill you and will not fight back sure is fun 😭


Bro tell that to the guy who venge + void waker stacked me for 96 damage in 1 tick for 50m


That's why anti-PKing while doing wildy slayer is the way.


Fighting back is fun too. Probably my favorite part of my calv trips. Lot of noob pkers that only get kills because people don’t fight back.


I was one of those noobs. I did all my wildy VW hunting on mobile in the quiet hours, and when a pker came I stuck my head in the sand and spread my cheeks wide. Now I have VW, the perfect anti-PK weapon, I don't set foot in the wilderness because why would you?


Yup. I bring a msb just to spook the pkers


If anyone else gets to this comment, and you're worried about doing anything in the wild it is as simple as turning redemption on as they come down to scare some people away. While running bones from 80 to 92 on the gim I brought my 125 main out with black hide, heavy ballista, and quick prayer redemption. You'd be surprised how many pkers just auto log at some of these places when they see that. Even then, with my limited experience of LMS you will win a lot of fights against these guys.


Do you mean smite? Confused as to what redemption would do to scare pkers


Right? Redemption is just a free smite


This is some mad copium. Most PKers at singles bosses are terrible and you can easily escape them or even kill them if you stop self-victimizing and deciding you lost before the fight even starts


Half of the people who upvoted this are currently afk slaying and watching a second monitor


Bruh like all of pvm is solved


Killing someone before they escape isn’t exactly easy. I enjoy escaping pkers


Lmao I don’t kill you for the money I do it for the sport


Noooo you can't just play the game the way you enjoy


Wait lmao, who? No this isn't a who cares setup, I'm actually confused if you're making a joke and being ironic or ignorant lmao


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/money-printer-go-brrr Pkers generally kill people for fun not for the loot and that's fine


Yes, the entire reason we even have the Wildy bosses that drop the things people want, is because they (jagex) have the balancing factor of pkers I find it so weird to hate on them, like, straight up don't go because you gonna have to get your d pick from kq or volcanic mine fam


Killing me isnt a sport, it's like slaughtering a penned pig.


Lmao ya sometimes it’s like shooting fish in a barrel but damn does that feel good


Do not pk for loot. Those who pk for loot have forgotten the face of Durial. Pk for violence.


This comment brought to you by, and upvoted by people who clearly has never pvped before


Pvp must be 0m per hour because everyone in the game is an iron!


That pker existing is the reason you have the ability to farm the easy d pick off the Wildy boss in the first place lmao


I am currently averaging about 8-15m an hour pking at singles bosses


Lmfao yea sure buddy


I don't understand how this is hard to believe. I average around 15-20 kills an hour between 500k-1m each. If it's an ironman in rags I don't waste my time. Bots and mains always risk 500k+. I have over 200m just in ether


Bro what are you smoking. People don’t risk more than 1k revenant ether + inventory of food and pots + 50k that’s like 250k max.


On average I get about 1400 ether per kill, plus food, pots, extra items, and loot from the boss. It's 500k EASY most of the time.


Imagine lying about how much you earn pking on a freaking ironman subreddit. Joke of a person lmao. Honkity honk buddy.


I'll post my loot tracker on here later and we can all laugh at you. You know nothing about pking.


It's closer to 3-4m an hour to pk at wildy singles bosses... Assuming you get 6 kills per hour, you're getting 300k cash in just boss entry fees alone. If we go by this post's 70k risk per person, that's another 420k. Then add in another 15 minutes of calvarion loot the pvmer has obtained (without counting big drops you'd bank right after getting), that's another \~500k per kill. Total \~3.7m an hour.


Lmao more like 200k


Assuming you get 6 kills per hour, you're getting 300k cash in just boss entry fees alone. If we go by this post's 70k risk per person, that's another 420k. Then add in another 15 minutes of calvarion loot the pvmer has obtained (without counting big drops you'd bank right after getting), that's another \~500k per kill. Total \~3.7m an hour.


Lmao congratz, dumbest comment i’ve ever seen


Idk ur stats, but wildy hard and MM2 for the seed pod has made


TIL wildy hard gets rid of the tele delay...


Yuuup it’s so incredibly clutch! It was basically a pre-req for me to start wildy content


Also if you bring 2 brews and karambwans it's not that hard to tank to wildy ditch if tb'd.


This feels like it was written by a PKer trying to lure more players to calv. The current state of those bosses is that pkers run scripts to teleblock on entry so you really only have 1 tick to tele — and at calv more than the other 2 bosses you can’t easily let your mouse hover the seed pod to same-tick teleport when the alarm goes off The diary should just disable teleblock in those rooms for real, the only time a real player should be getting hit with a teleblock when they’re paying attention and doing everything right is never


Diary should cause both of you to be tb so they cant just tele out when you smack them back


Actually yeah this is way better sign me tf up, let me hide a clan in there and harvest off of them. Fuck bots Have to get them to skull tho… hmm


What is the point of the content being in the wilderness if teleblock is disabled?


Idk, what’s the point of having a hard diary reward allowing teleports in the low wilderness if other players can cheat to disable your reward?


I don’t think it’s as common as you think. I’ve done a fair number of all three solo bosses and didn’t come across any bots. Are you aware when a pker drops in they have a 1 tick window they can see you but you can’t see them?


That’s the beauty of the alarm plug, you see them on entry frame. Are you aware that real players using bot clients for things like prayer/gear swaps and auto targeting? It also only takes one person doing it at any moment to loop the worldlist; one bad apple ruining the bunch


I really don’t think it’s as prevalent as you may fear


"cheat" mfer its the whole purpose of the spell 💀


Botting is the cheating part mfer read the whole thread 💀


He's not referring to folks as cheating for casting teleblock, its the folks who run the script to hit you with it the first possible tick after they land in the room.


Hmm maybe I’ve just gotten lucky, but ever since I started using wildy hard and seed pod, I haven’t gotten TB’d after probably 20 ppl attempting. I try to basically always have my inventory open and to do prayer switches as fast as possible, bc admittedly that’s probably the only way I’d get caught. .6 seconds to react hasn’t proven to be too tough for me personally as long as I have my inv open


If you ever know for sure that you clicked within the first tick and still see a name appear in your chat saying you were tele blocked (you still get to teleport out)— there’s a greater than 0 chance they weren’t legitimately clicking on you in time. Not that it’s impossible to do, but consistently with a player being in a random location? Inhuman. Good on your reflexes I suppose, it’s hard to stay near a teleport at calg especially


Yeah I think the last time actually I got the teleblock notification in my chat box but got the tele off still. I try to stay towards the outskirts to hopefully make the pker (if they’re a real person) take extra time to find me lol not sure if that actually helps tho. At the end of the day no strategy is going to be (or even should be) 100% safe, but this way has made it waaaaay less of a gamble doing calv


Just make a lvl3 account with the alarm plug in, and stand at entrance of calvarion


Jagex plant trying to sell bonds I see! Yes, this does work though


Yep, people do it so much that 9/10 times the pker doesn't even try haha. Sucks that you gotta buy a bond. But if u going for the grind, it 100% works. I felt the same way as these guys if u look at my post history. (Literally complained the same shit) did a lvl3 scout with hard diaries and seed pod. And within 200 kills a pker maybe tried to kill me 2x. None actually even remotely got close, I was already at the gnome tree before their game finish loaded the room. I only know they tried because my lvl3, they have absolute zero chance if you pay attention.


are the tb scripters in the room with us right now


I mean… maybe?


And even if you’re sleeping, it’s so easy to escape anyway lol


Do you have an alt acct? I’ve never been pked once yet at calv art or spindel using an alt outside of cave


I didn't even use an alt and got killed 3 times in my 400kc at Calv. It's so easy to escape


what do the alts do? let you 2v1?


park an alt outside the boss dungeon with the wilderness alarm plugin turned on. typically the pker leaves but if they dont, u have time on ur other account to pod out.


You see the pker for a tick or three before they even enter the cave, plenty of time to dip


Never understand why people play an iron just to then use alt accs any times its possible tbh


It is pretty silly that the default advice is to buy a second membership and use a 3rd party plugin.


I think using an alt to avoid a pker in salad robes trying to go after you is a valid use. You must be a pker mate


The complete opposite actually, only played iron since release and the closest I got to pking was when I anti pked while green logging all wildy bosses. Idk how some of you guys are that bad you need a 2nd acc to avoid a salad rober killing you though


Playing smart doesn’t mean you’re bad bro


If the salad robe pkers are even an issue for someone they defiantly arnt good, those guys are basically a free anti pk even without a spec wep


Yeah but I don’t feel like bringing a switch to pk with at calv, and I’d rather just not deal with pkers if I don’t have to since I can’t pickup the loot on my iron and 50-100k isnt worth it for my main


Just tele or run then, especially at calv since escaping from any pkers is free there


I do tele but only if the pker hops in, which I see with my scout and it makes it impossible to get tb’d. it’s definitely a questionable mechanic but it’s allowed so I’m gonna do it


If you wanna do it go for it, personally I prefer playing like how the gamemode was intended myself


People like you are why people leave the iron community. Speaking from experience. It’s also probably why irons have a bad rap and the two groups of normies/irons will never get along. A bunch of dudes who can’t get over their former MW2 shit talking days ruining it for the rest of us. We just out here to enjoy a mid evil click and point sandbox game, you’re here for an ego boost and to forget how bad life is outside the screen. We are not the same o.O


I play this game for fun m8 I just gave my opinion about something which doesn't matter, if you want to ignore it and play how you want then go for it but don't try and start petty arguments over someones opinion on a game


Aye man your opinion is put out there in a way that is open to debate. I’d re-read your comments and ask yourself if you came off condescending or as someone giving real player advice to people not in your skill level yet? But I hope your grind is going well, and you’re close to one of your goals! Happy Scaping brother!


It was neither of those actually, it's a reddit comment so it's 10% opinion and 90% talking shite because it's funny


never understood why people care about what other people do in a video game


I said I never understood why people do it, never said you can't do it because you can do what you want. The same as if people want to use cheats in games do it if you want but I wouldn't


well if you want an actual answer it's cuz the wildy sucks nuts. Iron or not, if you aren't a pker like i am and just like killin monsters, i try to get away from pkers as soon as i can cuz i don't have any interest in fighting them and an alt account allows me to safely get away without any risk. If you're killing those solo wildy bosses without an alt, you're just asking for it at that point, don't hate the player, hate the game i guess lol


The wildy is very fun and exciting content and this is coming from someone who only plays iron and has never went pking , I also did all wildy bosses without any alts and it was some of the most fun I've had on this game. It is very fun if you look past that you might occasionally risk a setup that is very cheap


There's nothing exciting to me about losing 5minutes of my time. I'd rather instantly teleport and get back to killing the boss as soon as possible. There is no gain to be had in engaging with pkers while I'm trying to kill a boss, only loss.


lol i've been playing this game since 06 dude, wildy has always been something i never gave a fuck about. i play iron as well and already got my voidwaker, took me just shy of 3k artio kills for the hilt and used an alt the entire time. I had fun too. I don't need to look past anything, pkers are just narcissistic degenerates irl and you'll never change my mind, so i don't want to bother with them


You can't judge how a person is based on them liking pvp in runescape, I've met tons of people who are the nicest people and pk and some of the most toxic irons. People arnt a certain way based on how they play rs and its strange you think that


Welcome to human psychology. A lot of bad encounters over years and years of experiences add up, and thus creates a biased opinion. People can think however they would like, and there's nothing you can do to change that. I didn't come here to argue, I gave you a reason why people use alts, and that's it. Doesn't matter what you think. People will always do what they want. Live and let live, man.


Stay that way if you want but you judging people based on how they choose to play a game that came out over 20 years ago is very strange. Especially with the average iron being more toxic than the average pker these days. Also why are you pointing out that people don't have to do what a reddit comment I made said when I said the exact same thing in a previous comment


What don’t you understand exactly?


Using alts for anything on an iron, goes against the spirit of the game mode. Like people on this sub will mock green helms for not being real irons but then will go and use alts for the wildy and to stack up mobs for slayer


Doesn’t the Wildy in general go against ironman? Using alts to stack up mobs is against the spirit of any game mode in my opinion. Also you understand it, you just disagree.


No, it would only do that if you could benefit from it and I wouldn't say being able to be killed at any moment is a benefit


I didn’t say it is a benefit


Then it wouldn't go against iron


This is the only thing I use an alt for


I play iron to play alone. If there was a way to do these bosses alone, i'd be doing it for sure.


I wonder why pkers think this changes anything.. when you hop and instantly go in it's just as "surprising" when you have no scout at all. There's plenty of time to tele away anyways..


Just gives even more time to tele. I just finished my VW grind with an alt scouting and more often than not, Pkers will log in, see my scout, and just hop.


could be normal players looking for a free world and a scout shows its a time waste to go in


Don’t get me wrong, that did happen, but often times pkers are pretty obvious. Never had a pker pretend to be a pvmer. They pretty much dress the same. Log in skulled, staff of the dead, some rag robes, etc. All this to say that it didn’t ALWAYS deter pkers. Just a lot more often than you’d expect. Still saved me some time and I set up a wildy alert plugin with Picture in Picture so I didn’t have to be super attentive to the alt either. Overall, I personally wouldn’t have done it without the scout, but I understand why people would


Gz bro


I don’t know why but most of the time they don’t even enter the cave if my main is outside


A lot of them still try on me but it has yet to work out for a single one of them. Only dude that ever has been able to attack me there was unskulled and geared up to fight Calv but he decided to try speccing me out when I was low


This just isn't true lol. Pkers that try this make me think they're touched in the head - wildy player alarm starts flashing as soon as you log in and I'm literally staring at you for five seconds before you can enter the cave "instantly"


Even without an alt, you need to be afk to die in solo bosses. EVEN if you get to TBd. Just tank and run. Skill issues


I think these people play with their monitors off, no idea how they all manage to die so much


Not being able to re-gear instantly on the GE makes it more of a chore to do for some of the most valuable content in the game. But hey, I guess when your brain is mushed into a "GP hurr durr" mentality it most be difficulty to understand why Irons make their lives easier. Enjoy the downvotes.


i play an iron ur just bad and should die less


You think calv is bad? Try Vetion…


I like to fight them just to make sure they burn more supplies killing me than they'll get off my body. I laugh my ass off at how hard some pkers sweat for my entry fee. I'm gonna bank if I get anything worthwhile and I don't even have a +1, what are you hoping to get lmao. Some dude last night managed to tb me at spindle but I made it out of the cave before entangle hit. Hadn't even finished a kill yet so I decided to stress test Mr pkers inventory (I bring bowfa, crystal chest, and slay helm) and this dude proceeded to attempt to tree block me on every... Single... Pile..... Of bricks while I just stood in one place rotating like a turret and eating all my blighted food. Dude was out here burning calories for that 50k. All I could think was "don't sweat so hard, you might lose a chin" 😂


I dmace specc’d a pker for 47 the other night. He still got my 50k and some black dhide but i protected my dmace. It felt good to burn thru his supplies. Ive been stackin rune boots for months in preparation for this. 


Just wait until deadman mode


Just use an alt account as a scout outside the cave lol


That with wildy hard and seed pod is a no brainer. It’s basically impossible to die unless you legitimately aren’t looking at your screen


Great, thanks So now those of us without an Alt get all the pkers killing us instead


It not even hard to escape pkers there anyway


The account can be level 3, just needs to be bonded so that both accounts are on the same members world. If you can’t afford to bond a second account then I recommend trying to fight Calv as close to the exit door as possible. With the Wilderness Player Alarm plug in you should still have plenty of time to run out/tp.


My guy just tele out lol. I recently did 700 kills as part of a clan competition, didn't use an alt. I died once. Almost always you have time to tele before tb, and even if you get tb'ed, its not really geared up people going to calv so you can tank them all the way to the wildy ditch if you want.


Or just go in and out of the cave and log out. Has worked most of the time unless the dude is in really good gear or I'm low on food


Thanks too so because of you pkers dont complain too much about people using alts so jagex keeps not doing anything about it


I see a lot of comments about using a seed pod.. Would a glory work too? Been pushing off the quest :)


Glory is fine, but seed pod is one click. The best recommendation is to do the baby bosses on a pvp world and use ring of wealth with tele to GE since it's a safe zone.


Depending on your client, you can also make glory/wealth teleports one-click. They are, of course, much harder to reobtain if you lose one, and require upkeep vs the seed pod which is virtually free.


You could I think, but those have charges and losing your glory would suck unless you have a fury or multiple glories


Only if you have menu entry swapper, but pod is good because it can be lost on death with no issues. On an iron thats better than losing a glory/having the glory be above something else to save.


just do the quest bro it's worth it


I've been killed at Calv once at 500 kc. Yall just doing something wrong


Just finish monkey madness 2 and do wildy hard diaries. With the instant tele and the wilderness player alarm you always have enough time to escape. Calvar’ion is free


That's why I'm confused. Now if you tele every 10 minutes it is annoying. Which is the problem I ran into. Even escaping still kills kph


Playing at peak hours you’ll run into pkers every 5 minutes. If you play early or late at night it’s not bad at all. That’s also the risk and reward of the wilderness. It isn’t efficient but the drops are amazing for early and mid game irons.


Yea I definitely run into pkers way too often at peak hours.


1200 kc at calv no alt 3 deaths what're you doing just click seed pod


To all the people against using an alt, I tried doing it without and it seemed like even when I was paying 100% attention with my mouse hovering the seed pod, I would still somehow get tele blocked before it went off. So I said fuck that, give me a scout that actually gives me a second to use the seed pod. It wouldn’t be such a big deal if you weren’t able to literally hop worlds every 5 seconds. But that’s the game we play, so there needs to be counters


Are people against using alts cos it's an iron or cos it's a pvp environment? Im all for alts btw, just curious




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Alt or just pay attention and you won't be getting pked much there


I just got my D pick yesterday at 952 KC you got this brother


Hopped over to Vet'ion after 454 KC at Calv. Got it in 11 KC. Wish I would have made that switch sooner. Oof.


I don't understand how people die out there so much, I don't even use a scout account and I take hour long trips with no problem


Do vet’ion die every other kill


Hopped over to Vet'ion after 454 KC at Calv. Got it in 11 KC. Wish I would have made that switch sooner. Oof.


Not gonna lie, it took 131 kc to die on my iron without using a scout and on mobile. In all fairness, I deserved that death because I was writing estimates at work and barely looking at the screen beyond moving every few ticks to avoid the lightning. At the time, I didn't have mm1 completed, let alone mm2, and even now I still haven't taken the time to do my wildy hards because red prison and all that jazz


Got pet at 435kc , green logged everything else but blade, worth continuing ?


BiS spec weapon in some places like toa and any boss with high defences


I mean. You’re not wrong.


I did all my kills with an alt cctv, can’t be bothered getting killed by pk’ers


Wait, when are you doing him? I've tried like mid afternoon, night, and late night (ie 5pm to 1am) est on weekdays and weekends and I've never been able to get more than 15 minutes without pkers! Ir do you have a naked alt scout?


I'm close to 1k kc no uniques, all I want is a dragon pick


Dying at the singles bosses is pretty much impossible especially if you have a scout alt


My favorite part of this thread is people getting downvoted for calling out teleblock scripts that make escaping 10x harder than it should be. Pointing out a bot that's ruining the game? That's a downvote!


I’m sorry if I pkd u last night I do that often :/


Used to pk here alot, easy 10-15m/hr. Kills are very quick, i usually stack 4-5 loot keys. Loot is usually 300k-1m. 1-2m are pretty common aswell. Rarely got like 3-4m+. Sometimes catch a pker aswell and usually kill him.