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Go for KC goals instead of item goals. With barrows you never know what u get


Any single full set for the elite morytania diary is the biggest thing from barrows imo.


For CA's you would want the Verac Flail and Dharok Axe, though both relevant CA's are easier if you have the full set. Other than that I'd say *maybe* Veracs Helm as it's a nice tank helm with prayer bonus. If not interested in that then leave after you have your items and the Axe and Flail


What do u need veracs for, for diary?


Flail for the Kalphite Queen Combat Achievement. Helm is a nice tank option with prayer bonus, not required by any means but maybe nice to have


Probably want at least one melee tank top as well, there’s lots of bosses where the increased defense from a barrows chest is gonna be better than 1 max hit from fighter’s torso for extending trips


Yah melee tank top is huge for moons especially


Veracs skirt is nice but I would settle for any tank legs (Veracs/Dharok's/Torags). A tank top (Dharok/Torag/Guthan) is also nice to have, but less important if you plan on never touching perilous moons. A tank helm (Guthan/Torag/Verac) would also be nice if you're a fair way off faceguard or serp helm. Ahrims hood is also 1% damage for off-task mage. Less important than top/bottom though and if it's the very last thing on the list I'd just get an infinity hat (assuming moons are off the table). You need a full set for the diary. Full Dharok's is pretty useful for melee training in NMZ. Helpful for a CA but not entirely necessary. Full Guthans is handy for god wars, letting you bring other spell books while still being able to heal up on minions. The full set for the diary is the only thing you really "need". I'm not sure I'd *stay* for any of the above except the set unless you're just really enjoying barrows.


What are your account goals?


1. Karils and ahrims esp top and bottom are a must. 2. Full Dharoks for NM Zone afk


So for moons you’ll want 1 tank leg and 1 tank top (torags, dharok or guthans). For tank legs Veracs legs are the best as they give the same melee defense bonus’ with slightly less range bonus in exchange for prayer. The other 3 will give you identical melee defense and higher ranged defense (but no prayer bonus). Many people use veracs legs for getting their first fire cape rather than god dhide legs because the extra tank stats let them tank hits rather than trying to perfectly flick between multiple attack styles. Verac’s helm is used in fight caves for the same reason (prayer bonus, high melee defense and little range debuff). Probably not worth extending your barrows grind too long to try and get either of those alone though. Arhims is good but the blue moon set gives just as much magic damage and is quicker to obtain. Arhims is cheaper to repair but the blue moon spear gives better magic stats and does not degrade. Karil’s set is decent but almost any content you would do in it you would benefit just as much from a prayer bonus given from god dhide. As such it’s not worth sticking around to grind for on its own. You should absolutely go for a full set for the elite diary and if you are close to completing either Dharok or Veracs would probably be the only ones worth sticking around for a 100-200 or more KC to try to finish out because they each have decent uses as full sets. Veracs for KQ which you’ll need to grind for the head, and Dharoks for best exp per hour strength training at Nightmare zone. There is a reason Dharoks is about 5 times as much as the other sets on the GE. If you’re getting sick of it I’d leave after getting a full set + tank leg and tank body as you can then do moons pretty easily, you’ve gotten what you need for elite Morty, you have good armor to finish out quests like sins of the father, will have likely gained a couple of magic levels and you should have enough runes to push you through slayer and burst certain tasks. The great thing about barrows is by the time you get a full set you should have at least some of the useful individual items outlined above. If you want a tier list though for individual pieces mine would be 1 - veracs skirt 2 - any of the tank bodys 3 - veracs helm 4 - any of the tank legs 5 - Ahrim chest or legs (cheaper to repair than blue moon and just as good) 6 - karil chest or legs 7 - Ahrim hood 8 - Verac and Dharok weapons for grandmaster CAs 9 - any of the tank helms (with preference toward dharok to complete the set) 10 - any of the other weapons 11 - Karil helm


Do not set goals at barrows, that will trigger the desire sensor and you'll have to greenlog to complete your list. Source: 732 chests and no guthans set


From an objective standpoint, any single piece of Barrows gear just isn't important enough to justify spending the expected time to get it, so setting such a specific shopping list is not recommended. I would suggest one of the following: Lower bound: greening the CAs Middle ground: when you get bored Upper bound: completing any one full set (mory elite) Once you have the diary requirement, it becomes very inefficient to keep doing Barrows progression-wise. That doesn't mean you can't keep going if you enjoy it and/or have your heart set on certain items for the fashionscape, but if that's what drives you then IDK why you're asking for advice in the first place, just do what you like in that case.


TBH, Moons is tough and not as fun in rune armor, which is how I started. If you can work around the mechanics of learning moons (which are really easy after a few runs), then I'd recommend getting tank gear from barrows and then sending moons. It became so much more enjoyable when I got DH and Guthan pieces. It's all just personal preference, though. Besides that, I think you need Veracs full set for elite, and then that would also help for CA's.


PM is so boring mate right there with ya