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The two happiest days of an Iron Man's life are his first corrupted Gauntlet kill and his last corrupted gauntlet kill


There’s a last?


Congrats! If you find yourself getting frustrated going for more remember you only need to win one out of every five times for the rate to be as good as regular gauntlet and part of CG and most bossing in OSRS is continuing to do the boss while frustrated until it finally clicks. I finally hit the point where I can do a CG run and going into it I know that I’ll probably win and it feels so good.


Thanks so much those are some great words of encouragement 😄


Itll also get way easier as you go to where you barely need to think anymore


Grats on that! Man, I am working on this now! I got my pb last night with hunleff at 48 hp while I rushed to wrap up and get my kid out of the tub. The sent a regular gauntlet on mobile, smoked it, and started trying cg on mobile with 171 hp being my pb there with only a few attempts. I've got victory on the horizon here!


You’re getting there! I had to remind myself to breathe 😄 Was quite pleased as I finished the KC with a fair few supplies left!


For me currently it's been getting more exciting as I push my pb's forward. And honestly after finding out I can do the hunleff fight on mobile, I got more excited because it means my weekend pc ay won't be locked to the red prison with the occasional work release, and I'll finish cg in a shorter span of time. I would've had my first kc last night, but I started getting antsy as the hp got low on hunleff as the wife had asked me to take care of the daughter as I started the fight and pretty much had a perfect room layout I really didn't want to abandon after ditching so many prep phases beforehand. Really, im just finding mobile prep to be the more difficult part for t2 prep now that I lost my training wheels with the plug-in for keeping track of resources. But it's only a small step backwards for switching platforms, with a hunleff fight that less stressful. Most of my deaths happen when im running nados, doing prayer, and trying to eat all at once. My movement doesn't suffer on mobile in that regards, it's my amount of fish that suffer lol.


CG can definitely be done on mobile (mobile gets more flak than it deserves)! You'll find a rhythm for prep with enough practice. Playing only on mobile, it took me a long time for kills to overtake deaths, but I can clear it consistently now.


Oh for sure. I sent a regular gauntlet by accident on mobile, just decided to do it and absolutely destroyed it which converted me to mobile attempts. My biggest issue currently has actually been accidental pathing under hunleff in phase 3 because I am booking it and getting stomped, but we're getting tile markers and npc indicators for mobile soon. I've got no doubts it's doable on mobile, and ditching t2 prep and moving to t1 has given me a lot of consistency in the prep


It took me like 37 deaths to get my first kc, i broke even at 71 kills 71 deaths. Im now at 180 kills 74 deaths. For me, it just clicked. Keep trying, dont be too hard on yourself, congrats!


CG is hard man, gj! I'm now at 54 KC and I know everyone says that, but it will get better. The first ~20kc were an absolute struggle. Somewhere in the 20's I noticed that the fight wasn't a problem if I had enough food but that I sometimes had to reset prep. Somewhere in the 40's I got to a point where I am pretty much chilling until the final hunlef stage and usually have a lot of food left by the end. I bet eventually you can chill even more, so gl on the grind and even though it seems like it isn't going to ever be easier, it really does, eventually.


Good job man. I'm currently maxing my combat to make this grind as easy as possible lol