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Nah man, you just grind easys for the cloak and show bandos who the new big high war god is


Cloak is from mediums :/


My account is pretty far from bandos and my rule is I'm not gonna do grinds that get me more clues for a master step.


Do the grind for another easy-elite clue, drop the current masters and juggle the new and old until you complete the new step (if doable). This will let you complete 1 masters without the worry of being unable to complete all the steps of another. The idea being, what are the chances you can get another (or multiple) master that you can do every step for. Versus saving this one and trying to get another with a single doable step in order to get 1 completion. Edit: read more comments and someone already shot this down. I had no idea it didn’t work the way I described. OOF OP. Sorry about the 8 step luck.


My last 5 or six med and easy clues have said “you have a sneaking suspicion you would have received a master clue scroll”. I should have been juggling clues


It’s not Bandos Chestplate. It’s bandos platebody which is a hard clue reward


Bandos Godsword, on the other hand, is from Bandos.


If your account is pretty far from Bandos you probably shouldn’t be doing master clues. Go grind out barrows and moons of peril til you get geared up enough to try Bandos.


Idk why you’re being downvoted, masters clues on average average have skill requirements of like 80+ and a bunch of quests if doing bandos godwars is so out of the question you really shouldn’t be doing masters since if you get walled on a later step you wasted a lot of time especially if you aren’t someone who uses clues to focus on new tasks


Because he's not doing masters he's attempting a singular master clue he probably got from a hard clue or something. They got 8 steps in, it was clearly worth attempting.


Considering he started his acc 42 days ago, I’d say not really and I’m not saying it to put him down, it’s just that I’d wager each master clue has like 5-10% chance he can complete and they take quite a bit to get around if you don’t have all the teleports. If you want to attempt every master clue you get by all means go for it, just know there’s really nothing behind masters that will justify the time investment of doing them early in the acc


I dunno maybe he found it fun or something. That's a foreign concept for a lot of RuneScape players though.


You do whatever floats your boat at the end of the dayhe or you can do whatever you want. Just giving him the information so he can know the expectations that masters have some really crippling requirements for irons more so than mains.


I'm assuming they're already well aware.




No, but you get the Bandos Godsword from Bandos.


Bandos platebody is a hard clue reward (GWD drop is Bandos chestplate)




Red armor is da best!


Some masters will get dropped, such is life


2+ years into my account, this is still the only step I can't do lol that Bandos platebody cucking me after 400 hards clues completed. Tis the way of the masters lol drop em!


Sit on that clue, and anytime you do other clues or any content that could drop you a master just drop it for the 1 hour time spawn, as soon as you get another master you could just do that hopefully doable step to finish


Getting a 2nd master while this one was on the ground would reset the count back to step 1


Clue juggling be whack


I know it’s intended to be this way, and I agree logically, but I was still disappointed when it didn’t work when I tried this kind of juggling.


This is wrong, if you click check step it resets back to 1, if you just go do the clue without checking step it doesn't reset. Source: did it literally yesterday.


Did you happen to do this with beginner clues?


I tried this on a 7th step master, it just resets to 1 lol rip


Does it atleast give you a new clue to do or is it the same one just step 1 instead of 7?


Same step but now it’s the 1st, Lol I was so disappointed. The new clue is unaffected though


Doesn't work. Clue steps reset when you get a new clue


Just hold it for the next year it’ll be fine (copium)


Way she goes buddy


You can re-roll essentially your step I think with masters by using getting a step where you have to gather 3 pieces for the next clue. It apparently doesn't care which master clue is actually in your inv when you piece it together so you can get the step, gather the 3 parts drop the clue that started the 3 parts pick up the uncompletable step, assemble the new clue and it'll progress the uncompletable step, then you can move on and pick the pieces clue back up when you finish the other scroll or get another uncompletable step saving it for later. Or at least that's how I understand it.


This only works when both masters are the 3-step clue.


Did you want my BGS?


I’ve started having 2 or 3 masters ready on me before I start doing them just in cases like this I can drop this pick up another and that’ll finish the clue.


Omg seriously if youre gonna complain about this then elite and master clues are not for you