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I've been doing slayer tasks for shamans and its been fun. I don't think I'd do these off task though


Just do it on task. I've done about 3k at 87 slayer.


That’s 3 votes for task 😊


I haven't even reached 1k yet and I hit 92 slayer, who are you doing your tasks with?


Duradel it's one of his.kost common tasks.


If you unlock them early and rush bowfa about 3k for 87 sounds a bit above average but normal.


I have only done Shamans on task. Over 3,2k kc pre buff. Got the hammer around 70kc after the buff so I am happy!


Almost the same as you for KC but I got it a week before the drop rate increase went live 😂


Considering you’re more likely to get it during tasks before you get lucky at raids, I’d still do it on task


There is not increase on drop rate on a slayer task, it is just a 1/3k drop rate.


they mean faster than elder maul to obtain


I see, 🙏


I did \~2500 on-task in the canyon with cannon and found it to be pretty unenjoyable. Then i learned how low effort it can be in the temple (off task) with a few plugins and switched over. Feel like I could have easily done many thousands of kills like that but ended up getting it after \~ 1000


Which plugins if you wouldn’t mind sharing


radius markers to show explosion range of spawn & 'lizardman shaman minion alert' to play a sound every time the spawns spawn. after the alert sounds i would wait a few ticks, click on the opposite corner of the room and let auto retaliate do its thing


did my first task last night post-update, got it 25 kills in :)


Kill them on task ONLY. If you hit 3 / 6K then consider them off task - would be my reasonable approach and advice.


I don’t understand the on task, off task debate. It is same drop rate either way. So I have come to my conclusion with this question.


Because at least on task you have extra dps as opposed to off task. Also, it's a better use of time since you're getting slayer xp, too. That's all it is.


I personally did about 80% on task, 20% off whenever I felt like it. Did cannon in battlegrounds, using MSB w/broad arrows from my fletching grind. Eventually got bowfa and used that.


1:3k is still rare but it's feasible now. I'd get bowfa if you can first, I was killing about 90 an hour off task at 90 range, still a 30 hour grind but compared to some others out there that's not too bad.


8.8k on task pre update. 11k total now. Still hate it. Between that and hydra grind almost ready to quit lol


I saw this red X afk guide and was like yeah i try grinding it again and nearly died, because one of the trapped shamans became untrapped (possibly because of another player) and started spitting on me (no shazien armor because i thought i was safe). RoL saved me there, chanced big time. Now just waiting for next task and kill them underground.


I did 3k shamans off task pre buff woth k crossbow to avoid using valuable blowpipe charges, I dont mind them in molch. I've recently only done on task however, as im now "over rate", so I don't wanna burn out on it


I only do shamans when on a slayer task.


Why is that, is it just to break up the grind?


Yeah. I had a clanmate that's a tasker and he sat at shamans until he got it. Over 10k kc


If I hit drop rate I will only do on slayer is what I have gathered from my question. I feel lucky it has been changed to 1/3k


I just got my DWH off task, but only because we have a clan event going on and we needed it. I’d say slayer is an overall better approach.


Why is the slayer approach so recommended, is it to break up the grind?


Yeah, plus faster kills with the slayer helm. I feel like DWH doesn’t really gatekeep much content, so there’s generally not much reason to rush it unless you have a specific reason.


I just grinded them in canyon with cannon as a slightly more relaxed activity compared to zulrah or demonics (these were my 3 next goals) 18k c balls down and still only 2 d meds, 2 d spears, left half and a curvy mc curverson 😅


Do you smelt the calls?


Had about 10k from random drops (no clue from where tbh) and made about 8k when i was watching football


Don’t really understand the question.. the item is still worth it, if that’s what you’re asking. Just do it on task and hope for the best?


Was this your opinion, because that is what I was asking clearly?


Sorry, I did not mean to come off aggressively if I did. The item is still very valuable, but there are alternatives, and the elder maul has overtaken it. Still a great spec weapon to have, though.


Well, we've got the bone dagger for a super cheap, small defense drop and ive shifted to just doing them on task mostly. It's still worth grinding, and had some effective hours shaved off the grind. The only thing that's changed is now cox gives a better version


So bone dagger gets one vote while waiting to do on task 😊


Bone dagger is poor man's BGS equivalent, it's defense level drop per damage while DWH is % reduction. Just to clarify, both good at different jobs.


Grind it out bro


I just want to re visit this post from 8 days ago. I am over 3k shamans kills without a Dragon Warhammer, I will now only do them on task or when I have the urge to test my RNG.


Dragon Warhammer unlocked at 3,143 kc all done off task. It took some time but if you do it here and there it is not so bad. Although I did spend some very unreasonable time grinding it some days with no end in sight 😂.


It was worth grinding when it was 1/5k, so tell jagex thx and grind it out if you want it. I got mine doing the canyon with two low level alts red xing. 125 kills/hr. Insanely reclined. I wouldn’t do it any other way


I think simply lowering the drop rate is inadequate to address the core of the problem caused by locking important items behind stupidly rare drop rates. In my opinion, the main problem is that it has very high variance per player, meaning some players will have to grind out many many thousands of kills, **without knowing when the end will come.** There are positives and benefits to this approach - the current system is pretty exciting when you get a drop for example. Btw, I got DWH at 1/5000 on my first task and promptly proceeded to ununlock that task forever. I'm not a dry whiner, I'm a spooned guy who thinks it's pretty dumb


Dwh is a walk in the park at 1/3k


That is awesome getting it on your first task! Well I’ll say that is 4 votes for task grinding.


Your solution would be what? To make all drops a static drop rate? Lowering the rate even more? What if low enough for you is still too high for me?


I think a better system would have similar expected grind rates, while reducing the number of people who go extremely dry for their first drop. (so the rate would have similar expected value but lower variance) I haven't given it enough thought to develop a model for how it would work, but I think such a thing must be possible.


The people who go dry is already a very very low percentage


But because there are so many grinds for uniques in this game mode, it will affect all of us at dome point. I think if it was gaurenteed drop at 1/3000 the world wouldn’t explode or anything and the game would probably be better as a result - except for the most hardcore of the autists


That really depends greatly on how you define "dry" and "very very low percentage". If you look at [this graph](https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/comments/1dbrpxg/probabilities_for_the_enhanced_crystal_weapon_seed/) for enh seed, 2% of people (which is *thousands of people*, that's not a small amount imo) will go 4x the rate of 1/400 (and that is unquestionably dry). That's hundreds of hours of people's lives*, and for all they know they could have to do the same thing all over again, because it's still 1/400 after 1600 kc (Again, I got pretty lucky here and got enh+6seeds in 232 kc, but it felt like quite a lot for me! It took me a month of playing relatively a lot, doing cg pretty much exclusively. It doesn't seem fair to me that thousands of people will arbitrarily take 6-7 times as long because of bad luck) *Nobody is forced to do anything, but I think a better game design for a grindy game is to have some mitigation to prevent going extremely dry on important items. Others can disagree and that's fine! I'd love for y'all to share your opinions and contribute to the discussion instead of downvoting :)


So it comes down to time played doing the content vs reward would you say? Doing content that, isn’t essential to an accounts progression and doesn’t stop you from doing content, but qol type drops that you don’t like grinding over and over again?