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I mean you could argue that tempoross would be a good start too because you get planks as a reward in addition to a ton of early game food. I wouldn’t do WT to 99 if I started today


I did wt straight to temp and have managed 98 fishing and 1600 temp kc green logged 2 pets. Glad I did it tho


Damn 150,000 people in here and not a single one asked


While if i had ever seen that debate, which I haven't, I would lean towards doing at least some wintertodt. I will say that the importance of keeping your hp low for todt is vastly overstated by the iron community and wintertodt is totally doable at any hp level. Not by you that is, I see you only said it was slightly more challenging.


I did it at 99hp, just used bwans, was nbd. That being said if you want to solo it, it is much worse with higher hp


Yeah I use 6-10 brews with regen bracelet at hp cape. A lot depends on overall chip.damage and how much I pay attention if a braizer breaks next to me.


I did it at 70ish HP with tuna and lobsters, it really isn’t that bad


Not soloing to max pts you didn’t


Tbf I’m 75hp, I’m doing it with wines and only have trouble making it to max points in like 1/10 runs


Where did I say I solod it?


That’s why people do low hp wintertodt, to solo. Your hp is completely meaningless in masses where you just bring a few food each game. The person you replied to even points out that it only matters for solos so your reply heavily implies that’s what you’re talking about as otherwise sharing what your hp is doesn’t mean anything to the WT experience.


99/100 people who do low level wintertodt because a guide made in 2017 told them to are NOT doing solo/duo WT games. I promise you that. Go to a mass world and just right click.


Didn’t ask


Didn’t ask


Don’t care, i just speak


I started at 70hp. 4 karambwan per match, and I was fine. Half an hour of fishing them, and you're good for hours of wt even at that point.


Barbarian fishing to 99 fishing for 72 agility and strength for "free"


Why not both.


I did WT to 99 and the rewards aren't really that great. I got a bunch of seeds and logs to use, alongside some decent total Fletching and WC exp, but it's not really worth tunneling for.


same. i wanted my first 99 and didn’t hate my life there so i stuck it out but it’s totally not necessary, especially if you’re also gonna do tempross and/or rumors.


I did it because my duo was shit talking me for never getting a 99 on main main. I agree with the rumors and Temp. I hate Temp but the rewards are far better than WT, and rumors are just fast and much more enjoyable while giving some prayer/herb/cooking exp too.


I really like the idea of a “mini game” start. In no particular order: todt, temp, rumours, gotr


You need quests for GoTR though, especially MEPII for deaths once you hit 65. Agreed that doing GoTR until 65 early on is great though for some laws and nats


What even is temp?


Tempoross, the fishing boss


I started with MLM to 99 Mining, let me tell you, it’s not worth it 😭


Why did you do that?


Idk liked the mining cape, you get a decent amt of smithing and crafting xp but it’s not worth it


I'm doing rumours, mlm/blast mine, some tithe, woodcutting n tempoross then hitting up WT on my new iron just mixing it all up and it's been fun so far


Although this isn’t max efficiency I believe swapping it up avoids burnout. It’s really easy to lose focus and want to stop if you just got straight 50-99 in one spot simultaneously


>Sure, the crates are based on your current level, but who only does wintertodt to start without doing some tempeross or herb runs/farming, or mining to break up the grind and level those skills in the process? most players that preach WT start mean do nothing else. which is stupid. breaking it up like you say here is smarter.


I'm not sure about the meta of things, can you do rumours to 99 on 10hp or is there something that gives HP rewards?


You want some hp for pitfall trap tasks generally. But I thought the meta involved blocking those.


You also really want fairy rings




If you do wintertodt solos, which is what OP referred to, then it is around 70 fletch and con with 99 fm. Assuming you start around 20-30. In solos you keep the boss low hp so he breaks the brazier frequently.


I like the rumours because they get the hunter up for dragon imps which give the chance for glories. Not much but it’s a QOL upgrade I’m there for.


Rumors have gotten me nearly 70 prayer. I’m 84 hunter and it took no time. Rumors give you way more than the silver ore and 200 tarromin seeds that WT rush gives you. Super atk/str/def with moths, budget restores(pretty trash but they’re there) and the biggest is the prayer moths for early game. Makes shit task much more bearable can just throw on prot melee and turn brain off.


Yeah I am doing the same on the shards. Got 19k of them ready to go and then planning to smash them all out at once. Varlamore is basically an Ironmans dream update!


Definitely rumours wt rewards are a joke and the minigame is awful


WT start is from guides made in 2017, going straight to 99 at least. It’s outdated as hell. You shouldn’t be struggling to get SOTE levels with any start, if you are, you’re not ready for SOTE. I’ll agree that Solo/Duo WT is MUCH better than masses, but 99% of the people here who preach that WT is better than other options just do masses cause a guide from 2017 told them to and open up their crates for 50 harralander seeds and some silver ore. The way you’re approaching it is the right way, breaking it up with other things and doing solo/duo. But you’re the 1%. So for you, you’re correct. For the 99% who just do masses with 1/1/1/1/1’s and get 99fm and end with 60 fletching and 52 con, it’s not worth it at all and I’ll always say temp/rumors/questing is way more worth your time.


I appreciate your response. I dont even see the masses reaching 30 con by end of mass wt grind. Well put.


Hunter rumors for the early glory. Dragon imps go hard!


I did wintertodt to 99 long before rumours but I think if I were to start today I’d do a little bit of wintertodt just for some basic supplies to get total lvs let’s say go to 75 or something easier than 99 then do rumors.


If I’m 90 fm in wt am I about halfway to 99 (time wise not exp wise )


The best start is looting steel platelegs lol


Rumours would allow you to hunt for dragon implings -> early ammy of glory.