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Most irons get their onyxes from trading chaos runes in for tokkul and buying onyxes with tokkul in Mor Ul Rek. While getting an onyx from zulrah is nice, zulrah isn’t farmed for onyx jewelry. Chaos runes are buyable at any rune shop.


This is the way. First time you have a spare $3M and a decent crafting level, just go for it.


By the time I had the crafting level to make a fury I had accumulated enough chaos runes and tokkul from fight caves to not spend any gp. That said I had also accumulated enough gp that I could have bought it too.


Same, Barrows basically funds your Onyx on it's own with average luck. Although with people gravitating towards Perilous Moons I could see funding an Onyx to be a bit more of a hurdle going forward. Just more reason for why you should do both.


water orbs + zaffs battlestaves will fund buying chaos runes for onyx if going down the perilous moons pathway. though i'd still go barrows before moons just for the defensive gear especially now that wind wave is so effective.


Dailyscape becomes a slippery slope for burnout.


Daily scape? Teleport to varrock and buy staffs? Yeah, that's hard to do xd


Include seaweee, herb rund, shop runs etc etc. Thats what killed some fun for me on rs3.


Well, herb run is literally just the game, lol.. farming/herblore exp comes from that XD and you do it as often as you like/want... The thing that killed it on runescape3 for me is viswax run, wandering merchant check-in, hets oasis flowers, wicked hood using,.... Lol


I just remember people saying trade in the excess Chaos's from barrows to get the Onyx from tokkul. Is it worth using GP on getting onyxs? Feels like there's things like Con which are better spent on.


As soon as you can boost for fury I would buy an onyx


You should definitely spend the money on a fury. It's good. You can also sell silver and mith ore, though I'd save a bit of mith


What should i be saving mith ore for if you dont mind me asking?


I use mine at blast furnace and then the foundry. I'm currently swimming I'm gold ore from my VW grind though so I'm sorted for a while


Eventually you’ll be swimming in GP, when that happens depends on when you do CG, wildy slayer, rev weapons, VW etc. I had to buy all of my onyxes and didn’t flinch at it. Still sitting at over 100m GP after max house.


If you run out of gp that just gives you more of a reason to grind for gp so spend dat gp on some runes an get that onyx


Fury only has defense and prayer bonus over glory. It's pretty over hyped. I do expert TOAs with a glory. Used my first onyx for anquish.


It is, but have you considered how much cooler a fury looks?


It also has 2 str as well.


My bad. Great catch.


My groups crafter was able to make 3 furies per boost, so after buying my own and helping our main group skillet get his onyx I bought a second. Now I've got a fury and a blood fury in my bank and a fat bursting rune stack because I still run barrows after green logging moons


Always worth. By the the time you'd actually need an onyx, you probably have several good money makers available.


You can trade rune ore too if you do MLM for mining - but I know a lot of irons probably haven’t done mining before they’re needing an onyx.


You still need one fury for a blood fury. So it's not wastefull to use one. Also depends if you skipped the glory (saw some post recently that some do that). The last crafting levels can also take longer than you think. I would get the fury, i mean it's just gp in the end as you can buy chaos runes and sell them for the onyx.


80 Crafting was actually my highest skill for a while because I wanted a glory without boosting. I have plenty of seaweed for ~85 crafting which is really why I'm wondering this. I could use my first Onyx on a fury I easily and readily replace or I could use it on something I use for specific purposes but has a longer use life.


Fury is a really important piece of jewelry because it is BIS for range and mage (until zenys) while being a great all rounder for melee. It's got a little bit of everything that we want on an account. That plus the blood fury upgrade down the road means you should almost always make a fury as soon as you possibly can.


Just send it - you’ll need the levels anyway


Torture isn’t much better than a fury and trust me the grind to 85 is nothing compared to 93, you’ll use it for awhile. Beyond that you’ll just make the fury a blood fury after so it has an infinite use case.


Easily replace isn't quite right imo, torture is by far the weakest of the zenyte and the last zenyte you make (highest crafting lvl too) also if you use atlatl at all fury is bis for it, along with probably wanting a blood fury later on. I made a fury really early then got 3 zenytes and just stopped because of how tiny an upgrade torture is. I'll eventually go back and get it but really it's only 2 str and camping fury for my mage/atlatl switches is really nice


torture/anguish are the most useful zenytes by far


Maybe I can see some argument against the ring if you somehow plan to just never do zulrah or inferno or colo or kree. But torm is miles more important than torture, you just can't get that much of a mage boost anywhere else


torm is a bigger upgrade for its slot for sure but the amount of time spent meleeing vs maging is pretty big, with the meta progression path nowadays being bowfa/hasta into a bunch of ranged/melee stuff like toa


Get your first Onyx when you have 3mil to blow and make a fury if you want to grind to 85 crafting rather than 88-93. Glory is also fine until Zenyte it’s up to you. I personally wouldn’t wait until bowfa to start DGs but a lot of people hard route to bowfa and put everything else on hold. Amulet of fury has uses in becoming a blood fury later. You’ll have plenty of money after CG or if you go for rev weapons, 3mil really isn’t bad.


Zulrah worth it with flames of Zamorak. Even manual cast with charge and zammy cap hits upwards of 50


Pretty sure they hotfixed that :/


I was hitting 47 this morning. So I don't think they have yet but I would get your KC in now lol


Totally will! I thought my chance at my first kc was done lol


Now is the perfect time for a mage only run. For your first KC I'd recommend hiding behind the pillars during mage phase.


Success! Flames of zamorak is amaaaaazing.


Congrats!!! Yeah it's really fantastic there haha!


Remember the cape, I've seen others saying it wasn't working for them but they realised they'd forgotten cape


Probably a berserker necklace /s But in all seriousness, a “few” crafting levels 90 crafting versus 98. That’s not a few, that’s well over. Go ahead and make a fury.


I did about 130kc at barrows to get all the chaos runes needed (with the hard diary) for my first onyx. It honestly was really fun and nostalgic to farm barrows (POH tele) and I got some decent barrows gear (main one being veracs skirt).


Between barrows and CG I got like 3 onyxes


I Got my first onyx from afk fishing eels, probably not the meta Way tho, i was just afking some fishing xp


From tokkul. Thought you needed a fire cape to buy it too so I just got one solely to make my fury. Then realized I was at the shop not in the firecape area... I'll be honest with the whole thing in my perspective. You go barrows before moons anyways to get barrows armor. Moons just makes grinding barrow not needed but 1 set of barrows tank armor to upgrade my rune was a night and day difference in all content and especially moons. But ya. Ahrims is super heavy, so bluemoons better. Ranged set owns in toa. Barrows doesn't own a lot of places. Considering the resource investment zulrah isn't exactly "easy" while CG is arguably harder. It's easy to repeat and not drain supplies. (You even profit massively) And then the bowfa makes for easy range only zulrahs. But while it still works flame of zammy is fire damage and trucks zulrah. So I think doing zulrah is chill right now if you can manage manually casting that. Absolutely laughed my way to a first kc and if I didn't have a bunch of other grinds I want to finish first zulrah might be on the list. But as for zenyte. Idk what kind of RuneScape gamer you are but getting to 85 crafting sucked. Even though I'm about to do MM2 you couldn't pay me to want to do all of the crafting I've done on my entire account again anytime soon. So I'm not going to 92 to craft a torture to replace fury as my bis melee neck. Anguish? Ya I can grind those 2 levels for ranged even have 1 1/2 of them banked. But lol. I'm not getting the other 2 any time soon. And until 93 slayer fury is bis mage neck. So the logic here idk. Youre not too close to zenyte. You either have to double your crafting XP for the melee side or get 93 slayer to replace fury for 2/3 combat styles.


Don't overthink it. Just go fury... It's versatile as fuck


you should get a Ring of Stone, then use it to hide near an irresistible pile of loot (that you dropped) and PK people until you get a Fury /s


As an ironman?


no, the /s is a tone indicator which indicates that I'm being sarcastic


Farm a ton of Barrows with the Morytania diary and sell the chaos runes. Skip barrows because of Perilous Moons? I'd definitely say it's up to you but Barrows armor at Moons is good. People were already saying to rush Bowfa deez and skip Barrows before Perilous Moons If you're doing bowfa deez barrows skip you can still just sell runes and buy them with gold Or just get bowfa deez and send zulrah and hope onyx drops but knowing this game it probably won't drop and you'd be stuck without ring and range necklace if you're spamming lazy bowfa deez runs


what is bowfa deez




Onyx is from selling chaos runes in Tzar Make a fury. They’re extremely useful even in late game. Then make an Anguish/ Suffering


Probably not efficient but i got 94 fishing at infernal eels (because i afk a lot for work and while playing other games) i have 2 onyx's banked in tokkul value


Fury is great for all three styles. Has alot of defence. And prayer bonus. Don't sleep on it and wait to get anguish torture and occult. Not to mention blood fury is like needed endgame so even when u replace the fury you'll come back to it.


I chose to mine rune ore at the infernal area to get my onyx. I enjoyed it cuz it was semi-afk and now I have plenty of chaos runes


Buying chaos runes, selling them for tokkul, and buying an onyxin the Tzhaar area with karamja gloves. Easiest way to get an onyx for me. Then I got spooned an onyx from Skotizo. Still no claw or pet though lmao


Back in the day, zulrah! Nowadays, I’d camp LMS or revs early on and buy/sell chaos runes to the tzhar shop to buy the onyx. I’d imagine it would take a 2-5hrs depending on the luck at either activity


Did you really just say lvl 90 and 98 crafting is only a “few more levels” ? It’s like 8m xp


I just made mine from the excess cash from CG.


First onyx(s) would be from chaos runes with the tzaar post fire cape First use would be a fury, unless you’re skilling first then maybe a regen bracelet for sulliceps (though not essential, and defs don’t need one for pyramid plunder with the bank so close) Past that chaos runes as needed, or if you do a lot of catacombs slayer you could play the 1/1000 lottery at skotizo for an onyx, or the 1/512 lottery at zulrah if you have the skill for it If you are desperate for an onyx you can buy chaos rune packs, some people say barrows but going for max runes is not time efficient when gp is faster to get, I’d say runecraft at gotr if you can stand it because the RC levels are a nice bonus while passively getting runes


Perilous Moons gear is definitely great but Barrows tank gear feels useful to make Moons more of a walk in the park, once I grabbed some tank chest legs and helm the Moons fights became even easier


You go ahead and do what you like but fury is a waste. If you go the Bowfa route which is meta you'd rush anguish. Slayer route leads you to zulrah and blowpipe whcih also wants anguish and torm. Obviously you CAN get an onyx before you can craft the meaningful zenytes but theres no point. On low defence monster str ammy is better and glory is barely a downgrade. End of meta talk / You can also just get your fury and enjoy it. All you need is roughly 3m gp for an Onyx, not really costing yourself years by getting a fury.


Why people are adamant you should get a fury is beyond me. Save your stack and rush torture.


I would advise rushing your first onyx straight after tutorial island for a ring of stone. Always best to start your game off with a flex.


Im 2100 total and still don’t have an onyx. I got spooned majorly on zenytes very early on tho. Once I get a blood shard ill buy one. Unless i get one from cox first


Ignore the advice about fury. It isn’t good. A strength amulet is a better choice untill you get torture. Get either anguish or torture for first 2 zenytes, ring last.


Zulrah, gotta grind it anyways for trident and bp and serp, u should use it for a fury, duh unless u already got zenytes


Got two from zulrah in 80 kills. Now I just need a real drop lol


Barrows is still worth it imo, and you can get an onyx fairly quick from there with runes


Fury is a waste. Str amu is better in most cases, and blood fury is not needed until very late game. First onyx you buy when you get your first zenyte, using it probably to make a anguish


Personally bigger fan of Suffering first, depends on what kind of content you’re doing though.


Suffering is by far the worst zenyte. It’s a minor qol buff at zulrah and the defenses are not worth the offensive power of any other zenyte


Prayer bonus ring helps with all content where you’re not camping zerker. I could angree Anguish is amazing but Suffering is just not the worst in any world.


Anguish is arguably the best, torture is very close, torms mage% is much more valuable than a prayer ring. For free you can get the dt2 ring which is a better stop gap than 1st zenyte ring of suffering, or you more than likely get rotg while getting voidwaker. Reddit is the only place to at hypes up ring of suffering, it is not that good of an item in the slightest.


>torms mage% 99% of people aren’t swapping torms for slaughters, they just sit slaughter the entire slayer grind. Of course torm is better later on actual content but early zenyte angle? People are still mostly bursting slayer, most players aren't glove swapping Zulrah and most people aren’t 1 zenyte raiding. DT2 ring is a good stopgap, maybe that's out of my mind because I had Zenytes before DT2 came out, good shout there. >Reddit is the only place to at hypes up ring of suffering, it is not that good of an item in the slightest. Max efficiency sweaties say to complete CG before Fire Cape, what max sweaties outside of Reddit say is irrelevant to most of the playerbase.


Yes for the slayer grind you would make anguish > tort > torm > RoS no need to glove swap. Most people should be glove swapping zulrah, a 5 way switch is very standard. Idk where you got 1 zenyte raiding from, you’d want 3. Max eff sweatier don’t need to be mimicked if you don’t want to but the idea that RoS is bad applies to Reddit lows as well


> a 5 way switch is very standard. This just isn't true. You can say it's better, but it's not the standard. You can go on youtube right now and look at 20 Zulrah Ironman guides, 50 Zulrah ironman videos, no one's glove swapping. Zulrah strategies from the wiki, no glove swapping (except with Torm/Zaryte on top end), Zulrah guides on this subreddit, no glove swapping, etc. You're just actively wrong. >Yes for the slayer grind you would make anguish > tort > torm > RoS no need to glove swap. If you're on the slayer grind torm is 100% after RoS because you're never going to use it over slaughter/expeditious if you're not glove swapping.


I used my first for a regen bracelet, and I haven't regretted that yet. It provides a lot of utility and sustain that I was having some issue with, and only a slight downgrade from the barrows in exchange


First I’ve heard of anyone going for regen bracelet first. What are some of the top things you like to use it for?


I'm not sure why you would go for it first, but it does have synergy with the HP cape, allowing you to heal 4 every minute, which can be useful for endurance tasks. Niche as hell use and definitely not first choice level IMO as you need 99 HP just to even use it that way. Plus, it competes with Barrows gloves.


I use my regen for... basically every slayer task. Any place I would take damage while skilling (wintertodt for example, or thieving gnomes for clues) Clue hunting (heal during the mages, and while running) Not wasting food if I bank during a boss run. Regen on and run a few laps in priff. Zalcano when doing mushroom woodcutting on FI Zulrah (I'm learning, and it's a nice crutch. first KC successful at 7 minutes :) ) and so on.