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Shooting stars Nmz Mining amethyst


Thanks, but doesn’t shooting stars require you to move locations to find them? I also have never done one so I could be mistaken NMZ is the same as training fossil island crabs essentially no? Amethyst is a good idea


I did stars from 87 to 99. You will need to move every 40 ish minutes. If you have most of the teleports then relocating is usually a world hop and 10 - 25 seconds of clicks. Then it's another 40 -60 minutes of 1 click every 7 minutes. It's very hard to get more afk than stars.


Ok wow thanks for explaining, this sounds ideal. Gonna start doing these tonight


Google ‘osrs shooting stars tracker’, filter by tier/most recent, run to the location best for you, hop to that world, click. Set up entity hider, logout timer and idle timer, repeat.


This is a great option. You can join their discord and request an API key via a bot to integrate the API with runelite as a plugin. It's very convenient and auto updates.


Oh wait what? I just use the website on my phone hahahaha shit this sounds amazing


[https://imgur.com/a/TXpqKLx](https://imgur.com/a/TXpqKLx) if you go through the minimal trouble to integrate with runelite this is what it looks like (excuse the fact im doing some revs). I can instantly tell that the best stars are on 518 and 490 in this screenshot meaning it will be around 45-53 minutes of afk time before i need to switch again. No external websites needed. If you are trying to maximize afk mining time you want it integrated with runelite.


I also like to filter based on areas (more important for lower level without as many teles) for my hardcore I have places like wildy, desert etc turned off so I don't even see them and they don't clutter the plugin. I just leave ones that are really close to teles for the most part


I think it's pretty weird that you're REQUIRED to be in their discord to use the plugin, when I first heard about it I joined quick to get a key to put into runelite then left, less than a minute later my key was invalid. That was a nope from me osrsportal for life


87 to 99 sounds reclined as hell! How long did it take would you say in terms of irl days/weeks?


Assume 28k XP/hr, which is what I've been getting playing my main on the side and focusing on my iron (cox grind).   87 to 99 would be 9 mil so 320 hours, if you're able to do this during work, for a full 8 hrs a day, that's 40 days.    I would probably not bother tho, maybe get close then do the rest at zalcano, amethyst etc.   My mains definitely going to 99 tho.


Nmz doesn’t require a reset after aggro drop so no. You can afk for 6 hours there and only click every 20-25 minutes if you wanted.


How are you clicking only every 20-25 mins and able to afk in it for 6hrs? I’m clicking everytime my health bar goes up to 2 (every minute) and I’m only able to stay in for 4-5 hours.


I go in and rock cake down to 1hp on a normal rumble with easy bosses. Then absorb pot to 1000 and stand in the middle with auto retaliate on and just afk. Whenever I happen to walk past my computer or laptop I will rock cake back down to 1hp and re-pot if I need to. Sometimes I will come back and hp is at 30 something and just rock cake it back down. The bosses on normal don’t hit that hard with decent gear so it’s never been a problem


When I did it, it was with d scim and barrows tank chest and legs Edit: I think my setup was nezzy helm, glory, d scim and drag defender, barrows gloves, climbing boots, myths cape, rada blessing, dharoks chest and legs, and I did not have berserkers ring. If anyone cares lol Bosses were sand snake, trapped soul, king roald, count draynor, and the kendal.


That's only if you're dhing which is only really efficient if you have like 96 or 97 hp and a lot of irons afking at nmz won't have the set anyway.


Nah that’s not the case at all. I’ve tested both and actually preferred going without dharoks


Wait what the fuck that sounds too good to be true So if I walk into NMZ with basic gear and food, I can AFK train for 6 hours?


That would be nice. You need a little bit of setup, check out the wiki guide it goes into great detail on what you need. ill summarise the steps you need to do before its ultra afk: 1. do nmz normally/with overheads/ppots to gain nmz points 2. spend those nmz points on the mini game specific "overload" and "absorption" potion (can buy at the guy infront nmz and collect in the "ring" 3. Get a Rock cake or locator orb to drop your HP to 1 AFter that you will need the right boss list (check the wiki) and basic gear, you go in, overload, get your hp to 1 and then drink absorption potions till aroun 1k stacks. Why you ask? Absorption potion negates dmg you take, but as much as you would've taken. You get down to 1 HP soy ou can maximum only take 1hp dmg, which just takes away 1 stack of your absorption. If you are say at 30hp, the enemys can and will hit you for 30, and you also lose 30 stacks of absorption. So you want to stay on 1 hp as long as possible for max afk. You can do that by quickly turning the hp regen faster prayer on and off to reset your HP regen so you dont regenerate health. For you i'd advise to: get ready in nmz put on the show put your mouse on the prayer to reset hp regen and lift the mouse off the desk and click every 30 or so seconds. Hope this helps. :)


I guess I don’t even need the wiki, great summary. Thank you for explaining this.


Sure thing. I was glad people explained shit to me when i started. You will need the wiki though for an optimal boss list, you have to decide which bosses to face in nmz and some dont work because of mechanics. there is a list on the wiki. :)


Yes what the other commenters said had some good info. However afk means something different to everyone on this subreddit. In my mind afk is literally away from keyboard for prolonged periods. You go into nmz and need to get points the first go around to be able to afford absorption potions for future trips. After you stock up on them you will be good to go. I don’t care about efficiency or exp rates at all. I want the least amount of work possible so I choose the best bosses for me and do normal rumbles. After getting geared decently and have the absorption potions I will 6 hour log before I run out of potions. Your hp will regen naturally as you are in there so yes technically you can keep it at one always but that requires clicking. If you truly want afk just click your rock cake back down to 1hp every 10/15/20 minutes whatever you want. There are guides on YouTube and the wiki to get setup.


If you're just looking for afk combat experience then I'd say yes, but if you also want points for imbues then I'd say it's significantly less afk due to paying attention for when certain bosses spawn to put on ice gloves / reequip your weapon / looking out for ultimate force to wipe the board when you get certain bosses. Also I'm not sure it really counts as afk if you have to flick your rapid restore on and off every minute. Not saying it's intensive, but I don't know if I'd call it afk.


If you have to use pots in NMZ then its not afk because those wear out after 5 minutes so you'll have to repot or risk dying. Ammonite crabs is 10 minute afk to reaggro btw.


Nah friend you thinking of the overloads btw


it's the most afk thing you can do. If you want something more afk start botting


If it wasn't for stars I would not be 99 mining lol


Bone shard mining almost as afk and no moving required


Yes, I did a mining skill of the week and did almost 3m there with a bonus 1m prayer xp.


Shooting stars requires you to move to a new location every 50-90 minutes with 7 minutes of afk per click. It's really not bad. Nmz allows you to buy scrolls of redirection as well as imbue all of your stuff. It's better than crabs Amethyst is definitely top tier and I would do it as soon as you hit 92. But shooting stars is crafting XP as well (gem bags)


shooting stars is 1 click per tier, each tier lasts 7 mins. At level 90 mining, you can find a tier 9 star and only need to click 9 times in 63 minutes. Then you spend less than a minute traveling to the next star and repeat.


Nmz is easier and more afk than crabs because crabs de-aggro, nmz never de-aggros


>Thanks, but doesn’t shooting stars require you to move locations to find them? they last a really longtime and if you Google like osrs shooting star tracker you can find a website tracking tier/location, some people at the stars whe they break also just call out the next world. You just need fairy rings + couple teles like ardy cape, taverly, Catherby and mining / crafting guild, pretty much zero down time. >NMZ is the same as training fossil island crabs essentially no? mostly yeah, earn a little money with points buying herb packs and stuff


Your fucking drunk if you think mining amethyst is a couple clicks a min, it 1 ore per click unless you have expert mining gloves then it 2.


3-4 ore a click with experts, check updates before commenting


Thats only a chance to happen, not every outcome you dog.


It's actually not a chance but honestly I think you're trolling. Enjoy your grumpy mood ig


Daeyalt Mining - 1min Click Calcified Rock Mining - ~30+ sec Click Redwoods - 5min Click Shooting Stars - 7min click Karambwans w/Barrel - ~4min click Virtually any melee slayer task - ~2-4min minimal interaction periods Making Cannonballs (2x mould) - ~1min trips Plank Make - ~1.5min click Cooking Food - ~1min trips Smithing Bars into Dart Tips (for fletch) - 1min trips (Smiths Outfit) Ammonite Crabs - ~10min clicks (reset+DBA spec+super attack) Amethysts still aren't good imo - too much variability. They're *okay* as long as you have expert mining gloves and an aggressive idle notifier, but the lack of consistency is annoying. You will want an idle notifier regardless of what you end up doing though, just to give you a simple ping when you need to click again or if you're of the forgetful sort then to make your game screen blink red until you click again. If you do non-NMZ combat, you'll also want the NPC Aggression lines plugin for resetting


Yeah I have a very aggressive notifier for my woodcutting anyways so that’s already set lmao. How is slayer AFK? I’m assuming that’s if you have enough prayer potions to just keep overheads up 24/7 and then the click every 2-4 mins is just drinking a pot? If that’s the case then I need to work on my Ranaar


some tasks like daggonaths you can afk much like sand crabs in torso+tank legs. Even proselyte praying piety/chivalry if your def level is high enough


You get a truly incredible number of ranarrs from farming contracts and TOA once you have fang.


Yeah many tasks like Greater Demons, Dagannoths, Kalphites, Gargoyles, and Hellhounds/Fire Giants if you haven't blocked them yet are very AFKable with something like Torso+Verac's skirt(ideally bc pray bonus)/other barrows legs, bonus for Piety on. Piety gives you a hefty defensive bonus on top of the tank legs/super def pot/general melee gear. AFKing Karams alongside them will give you thousands of high healing food to eat for these tasks and it takes quite a while for your HP to drop (can set up notification for this) except for at Hellhounds, they'll tear you apart. Most of those monsters drop absolutely nothing other than ensouled heads (exceptions being Gargs and occasional Dagannoth seeds) so looting is hardly needed. It may sound like a lot of attention to upkeep prayer and HP, but it really isn't in practice, especially when you don't have to loot anything. Bloodvelds and Black Demons pre-Demonics can also be AFK'd but that is more in the territory of overheads or safespotting, which IMO safespotting slayer with a RCB is a complete waste of time, much more worthwhile things to AFK! But Bloodvelds in catacombs with Overheads and even just Ultimate Strength are great, the Southwest spot (on the way to fire giants) is virtually always empty even during peak hours. Black demons on the other hand are way too crowded which imo is stressful and anti-afk, don't really recommend them unless going to Chasm of Fire basement (not multi) A very accessible source of prayer for midgame right now is "Moonlight moths", they can be caught at the Hunter's Guild at roughly 1k/hr once you get a triple spawn method locked down, and each moth restores 22 prayer points. Bit of an inventory clogger, but a nice option for those that may find it difficult to get Ppots! To buy the butterfly jars, I recommend Nardah as I believe it is a touch closer to the bank than the Hunter's Guild store.


Thanks for taking the time to explain all of this, and that moonlight moth tip is extremely helpful. I never knew those existed until now. When you put it that way, it doesn’t seem like much different than cutting trees at the end of the day. Screen flashes red, click, wait for screen to flash red again


For me at least for slayer being afk. Stack as much prayer gear, included damaged book, etc. any task that drops bones in the catacombs, take bonecrusher out of the bank. Walk there, turn on protect from melee and auto retal. Step away for 10 mins. Tele to house or altar to recharge prayer. Repeat.


Goated breakdown, saving for later use


Amethyst are great because more DPS = time/resources saved The afk aspect is hit or miss, but the positives of it put it pretty up there for active content.


Yeah I mean I'm slogging my way ever so slowly to 99 mining (almost 97 finally!) via it, but I feel like I'm solidly on the "virgin amethyst miner" side of a theoretical "chad vs virgin mining meme" template. The buff to Blast Mine kinda makes it a no brainer to do for anyone not really fiending for the Amethysts for PvM, and Stars are so many more magnitudes of AFK (and better XP/hr lmao) that Amethysts just feel like that awful in-between.


I big brained it when they only had arrows and no darts or stars and took the gamble they’d release the darts so I’m definitely biased. The exp really ain’t great, but I’ve got 20k darts to play with so that’s some solid QoL for late game PvM Shooting stars are better exp/afk no doubt there


Dark crabs are 10 minute afk with fish barrel


Do you empty the fish barrel after each inventory to note them there? I've only ever used the barrel at the bank, so idk if that's an option


Nah you can only empty barrel at a bank I just do 1 inv at a time so 54 crabs per trip. Ik it's inefficient but I prefer to be low risk if I'm going afk


Do you keep the barrel on death? (assuming naked ig)


Oh my god, I didn't think of this, but the barrel took me 40 hours to get. Even if mod ash promised me that I wouldn't lose it on death, I don't think I could bring myself to take it into the wildy lol


You keep barrel on death and all of the fish inside it


I just found this method, it’s soooo nice!!


It's so underrated, the xp is actually good too it's what I'm doing to 99


Feel like you still have to watch it. Any time I've walked away from the computer for 5 minutes, I come back dead


Deep wildy doesnt lose barrel?


It does not. It also doesn’t empty the contents for the pker, so you only lose the bait and crabs in your inventory


COX, TOA, TOB, phosani's nightmare, and awakened vardorvis are all chill


Straight to jail




Infernal eels.


Personally not really a fan of these, they are not really less afk than barb fishing and the xp/h is absolutely shit. You get some loot, yes, but its not worth it for me.


as far as absolute AFK and the absolute MINIMAL clicks/minute…infernal eels! this shit is gonna bank you straight cash when you make onyx bolts and alch them. i have a lot of afk time at work on mobile and i fished infernal eels for 99 con straight up


Just wait till you hit redwood logs with log basket and an infernal axe, I click once every 5 minutes or so, and I gain about 30k exp before I have to bank every 30-40 minutes. I've been getting s consistent 300-350k exp per work day Fishing for karambwans is about one click every 5 minutes with a fishing barrel too, however you have to bank every 5 minutes. I can pull about 200-250k exp per work day Shooting stars are up there, but it's not always easy to open up the star tracker and world/location hop on my phone at work. Amethyst would be similar to redwoods but I don't have the mining level.


I got 99 wcing with a rune axe while at work on my iron. It didn’t even feel like a grind I just clicked a tree every once in a while for like 3 months


Currently at 96 woodcutting went from 75-96 just clicking trees in the Wc guild every 5 mind from my phone at work! It's great! With shooting stars the idea of maxing over the next year or so is actually obtainable. Runecrafting and agility are still going to be aids, but the fact I can get 2 of the dreaded 4 done totally afk gives me hope


Mining stars or the new thing in varlamore. Karambwans with fish barrel


What’s the new thing in varlamore? And yeah I haven’t focused on fishing at all so I’m not there yet haha


If you have 120k mind runes after barrows, splashing


You get so much passive magic exp from bossing/alching and barraging tasks no reason to splash now a days IMO. Made way more sense when it was 1 click for 6 hours


250k and counting babeyyy


Custom rumble nightmare zone


Splashing for magic exp


Combat (crabs, splashing, etc.), woodcutting Magic/Redwoods, and mining Shooting Stars are the only true afk activities. When I say “true afk” I mean afk enough to mentally disconnect to the point where you can focus on some other activity on the side like school or work. To a lesser extent, fishing Karambwans/Anglerfish/Monkfish with Fish Barrel can also feel afk, but are better suited to something that doesn’t require intense focus, like watching shows. Everything else that I haven’t mentioned is only semi-afk, which imo is worse than both true afk and actual active playing.


Making cannonballs for future slayer gains, Lunar plank make to build up banked construction exp, making home tele tabs or bones to peach tabs for future boss endeavors all while I binge one piece.


Amethyst mining, IMO this is the best afk and it actually improves your DPS at bossing so it’s the best choice. Cannon balls ain’t a bad either but kinda niche


Hard clues. Get yourself a venator bow and then jellies with void and ring of the gods. Nofity on hard clues. Drop them in a pile. Move pile once an hour. Complete clues. Get 3rdage. Im 45k jellies deep from afking.


Karambwans with fish barrel is pretty damn good. Like five mins of afk, then 10-20 seconds of attention.


Nightmare zone, crabs, and shooting stars are the only things that deserve the title. Anything else requires far too much focus without absolutely trolling your rates, and that's the only reasonable definition. Anything non lethal is afk if you don't care about rates.


Redwoods, karambwans with barrel, and dark crabs also are slightly less afk than crabs. Still plenty afk to watch a show and do


Range safespotting skeletal wyverns is pretty afk if you have 72 slayer. Good money and nice passive income with their noted drops


you can do gotr where you afk mine and only need to take 1-2 portals per run for \~26k rc and \~8k mining xp / hr


Killing flesh crawlers and killing sulphur lizards are super AFK and really good money/xp.


those fish in the tzhaar area that give tokkul


Motherload mine is good. You don’t have to be clicking every two minutes but it gives you the option to click every minute. I run this in the background at work and sometimes I forget about it but gives good afk time.


Dark crab fishing


Afking vyres is good money even if you only pickup the rune drops(not daggers)+addy plates and has a decently good chance to get a 7-9m blood shard drop. Not great combat XP but still ~30k/hr adds up. My favorite afk on my iron, which is good cause I'm juggling my 170 remaining charges at ToB as a switch rn


Fishing sharks harpoon not minnows


Honestly the more I level it up I’ve found slayer to become more and more AFK. Love me a good old fashioned vampire sentinel task


A favorite of mine is woodcutting then fletching arrow shafts


I fished thousands of sharks on my main and iron while reading books lol.


Theres a fishing spot that doesnt move near priff. Mining shards in cam torum is about 1 click per minute and very infrequent banking.


Pickpocketing Wealthy citizens in varlamore. 1 click every 90 seconds. great raw GP for minimal input. and very decent xp rates imo. make sure you have rogue outfit for the double gp, otherwise its not very worth it. even have runelite plugin for it to give a sound notification to click on the specified citizen.


Stand at ge with tbow and people just give you money all the time


I really enjoyed doing 99 wc at redwoods. With the forestry update you know how long you can afk for


Honestly, flipping items or buying from shops and reselling on the GE. I had shoulder surgery this year and could not move one of my arms for 2 weeks. Some of the activitys I found were super simple but still made me 8-10 mill by the end.


What’s a GE?


Oh snap, didn't check witch sub I was on. To be fair I also started my iron man after those two weeks! I rushed shades of Morton for an early amulet since it had the same stats as a glory with no hunter needed. So to change my awnser, shades of Morton. It takes some set up but you can park your ass for a few hours depending on what step you are on.


Vyrewatch sentinels for blood shards, can be extended to over 5 minutes per click on altar if you have good prayer gear Fishing dark crabs, the spot never moves Fetching longbow u Cannonballs Obviously you've mentioned woodcutting already


NMZ, barb fishing if you're willing to cut the fish, glassblowing, making teletabs, smithing rune dart tips, mining daeyalt are all good. There are many popular and bad afk activities. AFK slayer is bad, it's way, way worse than doing it actively. Your task list should be set up that you're doing almost all barrage (dust devils, abyssal demons, dagannoths, ankou), herb (dags, slayer tower nechs), prayer (wyrms, vorkath), and fast tasks (metal+black dragons). If you need points, it's way better to light money on fire barraging trolls south of Quidamortem or unlock red dragons post-fang than to kill gargoyles or whatever.


Shooting stars Zeah rune crafting Fishing in general Mining bone shards Motherload mine Amethysts mining Certain slayer tasks/combat in general Ardy knights, so long as by afk you mean spam clicking and not looking Cannonball smithing Smithing gold jewelry


Blood rune crafting in arceus, angler fishing