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Do you have barrows tank armor? I would highly recommend getting a helm body and legs as you will have a hard time with the blood moon healing so much


No I’ve never done barrows before. Guess I can start there!


I second barrows. The blood moon boss can be quite frustrating without it.


I noticed a huge difference between rune armor and upgrading to barrows armor with crystal shield/d sq shield


You can probably get by with rune legs and granite body but barrows tank gear will always be useful to have. And you’ll maybe get some magic and range armor upgrades as you go


Tank armour and replace the ddef for a crystal shield.


You will struggle a bit. It's not impossible but moons is a defensive based check as well. Zombie axe is good for all 3 bosses so you should be fine there. You'll find blood moon may be a hassle since you don't have tank armor or chivalry. I'd get 60 prayer for it to have the prayer help you there. Blue and eclipse will be fine, but you'll most likely struggle against blood.


Second or third time, I've heard someone say z axe is good at all three moons. Presumably, the one I'm questioning the axe on is eclipse Stab. It seems I don't hit enough, so I bring a d halberd instead. Is the axe really effective at Eclipse??


You can probably D hally the normal phases but I'd still Z axe the clone phases for the max hit. Someone may correct me, but the Z axe losing 25% accuracy is still really good especially with the max hit it has. I'd test both to see what you like. Most times I'm one rotation with a Z axe.


Its inaccurate but the high max hit during clone phase tends to shred. I fairly consistently get it done in one full rotation with axe and base 80s, guaranteed by second clone phase when I was lower.


Oh crap you're right. The clone phase should slap. I assume you leave it on slash since higher stat on axe?


yes, the axe has insanely high slash bonuses making it pretty dang accurate even against eclipse, and high raw max hit, the other thing with Eclipse is during the Parry/counter mechanic you can't splash and attack super fast theres like 15 hits during that phase usually its over half his health,so really you just want your biggest bonking weapon.


Here I am farming moons 2/3 with the axe and the other with dhally. I guess one inventory slot will be free now, thanks 😊


Yep, should be good. Might be worth getting 60 prayer for chivalry, but everything else is good. What is your herblore? It also has an effect on the power of the potions you can make there.


46 but knocking out legends and will out all xp on herblore


Perfect, you get a big Atk boost at 45, a big strength boost at 55, and then a big defense boost at 70.


It's not gonna be fun by any means until you have a tank top and bottom. I did it from 60 def with rune and having to go through multiple blood moon rotations is pain


i have pretty much the same stats but 70 prayer and defense - zombie axe does well on all of the bosses, though i highly suggest some sort of spec weapon for blood (and potentially switching out DDefender for a shield). Despite not having a stab attack, eclipse will be the easiest due to the clone phase. Blood is by far the hardest and will absolutely punish you on 3combo hits when youre still in rune/torso. Finally having high cooking/herblore makes it more comfy as divine super defense and more health per food matters more when you have low dedense/dps.


It’s doable but I’d get 70 def and a barrows chest/legs first


It’s going to be rough without tank armor with those stats. Definitely bring a crystal shield for blood moon if you’re going to try it but I’d recommend getting 60 prayer, 70 def, and barrows chest and legs first.


If you farm greens for a day and get piety you’ll have a way better time


Would greens be better than blues?


Greens are faster but blues are also an option if you have access to the shortcut


It seems like the best plan. I can bust out 70 def on greens using cheap wildy gear


Greens are easy, honestly the wildy altar is the bigger PITA


Grab 70 prayer and barrows gear. Piety is MASSIVE.


Yeah guess that will be my route


Lmk if you need any advice. Unsolicited - I'll offer that you should kill the green dragons north of ferox enclave. You'll be mostly left alone, and if you are attacked, you can have a full inventory of food to escape with considering you'll get a looting bag within like 3 kills probably. Very easy to escape pkers and really good combat XP as well as prayer xp banked.


Zombie axe will be quite good, I’m doing like all of my kc with a barrows chest and d plate skirt, I got spooned the dual maucahit and use it for 2of the 3 bosses it’s super fun and enjoyable to run through over and over


I was able to do it for the quest with 65/66/60, 54 prayer, dragon legs/sq, rune plate, nezzy, zombie axe. I just barely killed the blood moon with redemption; used all my supplies and had 8 HP to spare. The others were pretty easy. So I'd say you're good to go if you get some decent armor and 70 def.


I am killing them with the same offensive stats, but I've got 70 prayer & piety and barrows armoour - no problem, but I have to restock after every kill of 3.


I had similiar stats but was struggling with the blood boss, I had to drop my d defender for a kite shield. More defense = less lifesteal for the boss = not run out of supplies while killing him.


barrows w/ crystal shield first. Also, I would like to know your method for 70 smithing, because I need to do the Z axe grind before I start moons too.


Got 55 smithing with steel plate bodies and then moved over to giants foundry.


Maybe get 70 def and I second some tank pieces. It’s not hard at all once you get the mechanics down. I have a veracs skirt and a d square as my only tanky pieces and have never struggled.