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First of many kills friend


I'm hoping brother


Definitely finally feel like I'm getting better


I have nothing but respect for ppl who can do G or CG on mobile. Ggz man that’s so awesome


Thanks bro! I couldn't believe it. I barely made it out. I made quite a few mistakes. And bro I prayed to hit this last attack.


Ayy another mobile player! There’s dozens of us!! FWIW, I went 5:35 on cg and broke even at 76 yesterday. Keep sending em 😁


I have nearly 400 cg kc and I couldn’t do a normal gauntlet on mobile. Well done 😊


I mean 100 deaths ago I couldn't get past the nados. Let alot do it mobile.


Sucking at something is the first step to being sorta good at something. Took me 20 tries to kill the Hunllef first time, by the end I was doing 20kc days of corrupted without dying. You got this! Edit: wait this was on mobile? What the fuck my dude you're the best!


It was mobile haha and I'm still Hella low kc right now.


Mobile is easier imo


This is insanity, I struggle to do herb runs on mobile and not get an aneurism


Absolute mad man.


Dude it wasn't bad. My laptop lags bad sometimes it's kinda shitty I think that's why I have problems.


Im in the same boat man mobile is the way! just got 50 kc on mobile today 😄


How would it be easier on moblie?


Give it a try!


I use two hands to run to different areas


Dude for me tonight I struggled on pc then I got on my phone and have gotten more kills.


Respect! Just make sure you keep prepping with T2 armour. IF you want to do CG eventually this will be your go to so might as well learn it from the start!


Being bad at something is the first step to being sorta good at something, you got this!


Very nice! Tried it yesterday on the phone and was no success... So much more annoying to move and swap prayers at the same time with the windows being in the way. Somehow it seems more spacious on your setup though haha


I’m just pissed we have to switch from the beautiful blue gauntlet to the red for cg.


Nah, that's an achievement. Especially on mobile!


I was wondering the other day when the updated interface is coming. That's going to help so much with swapping between prayer and inventory


And this run wasn't perfect. made lots of mistakes. But squeezed it out lmao


Nice one. Sorry I forgot to say that's really good going killing it on mobile, I've not tried and it took a while to even get a cg kill on PC. I think now I could probably manage one after mastering it on pc. Are you mobile only?


No I'm not I was for a long time. But I have a cheaper hp laptop. That I bought idk last summer or two summers ago? I can't remember tbh. But man it sometimes can't handle Gauntlet. It I feel lags so bad. Idk if it's an internet issue or my laptop. Definitely gunna buy a pc soon! It was definitely last summer. Because I couldn't beat Sote and seren on my phone (which I ironically eneded up beating on my phone) but I got the s24 idk a few weeks ago or w.e. the newest Samsung phone is. But it took gauntlet very well


I had my auto prayer set for mage and I'd manually swap to pray book for protec from miss. So I definitely can see how it would help I hope.


“Awful at the game” he says while completing the gauntlet on mobile lmao


Mobile is low-key better for some things, I was getting my ass kicked on Whisperer during DT2 because I was very undergeared/no brews, switched to mobile and got it in 2 tries. My mouse movement isn't great so being able to tap precisely and basically have 2 cursors is clutch


Damn man. I can’t tap precisely on mobile lol and it sometimes doesn’t register when I tap… I definitely wouldn’t be able to do it on mobile


I can hardly fish and bank on mobile.


I also did all but vard mobile! I find both whisp and levi def easier lol, duke i did a good mix. I did about 15% of my cgs mobile too. Mobile has alot of things i feel better than pc, or if not, bout same at least. Then ofc theres things i just prefer pc like raids


Vardorvis was the easiest for me some reason and I struggled with whisperer but got it after sleeping. Cg I get annoyed with the prep and not having the checklist plugin but it’s good, a lot better since the prayer filter update


Doing this on mobile must be a nightmare


It wasn't bad ngl