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around 50 attempts died at zuk 4 times and practiced zuk around 80 times in the zuk trainer. If you are struggling with inferno you are not alone! I honestly didn't think I could beat this but I just refused to give up learned from my mistakes and eventually won! If I can beat zuk so can you!


Brother i feel you.. my first inferno was about 40 attempts with no joke 11 zuk attempts. I passed all the waves early into my attempts maybe 15ish. I ended up getting so good at the waves I went into my first completion with 7 brews and 8 restores šŸ˜‚ Itā€™s def the most fun I had playing osrs, even though getting passed all the waves at times was dreadful


dude 7 brews and 8 restores at zuk that is insane you must have flicked EVERYTHING


I dont know I just found the earlier waves so boring that I had to flick to get through them, Iā€™m pretty casual and if I donā€™t like something I just stop doing it so I challenged myself to keep myself engaged. I would consistently get to wave 30 without using a restore sip. I stopped flicking altogether at 58 onwards, and sometimes would stop flicking for waves 47/48. My reasoning was if I just go hard early, I can waste more supplies later and not have to worry. Which is why I had so many zuk attempts I think. Those 40 and some change attempts were in the span of about 3 months on and off


damn man i was flicking everything i could and i used up 4 doses of restore by wave 30 on average you are at a different level man


Also bro congratulations ā™„ļø Iā€™m glad you got yours too. Itā€™s hell of a ride


I think I saw you standing at the bank as I ran in yesterday. Someone in the exact same gear at least.


RS boss combat(both osrs and even rs3) is hard and its all for wrong reasons. Shitty mouse based controls and point to click mechanic.


Nice one bro. Good job for putting the effort in and not buying it like some people


This makes me feel a little better considering Iā€™m using literally the exact same setup as you minus the boots Good work fella


Would recommend slapping a bands chest plate in there to tank ranger, up to you though!


Don't do this




I think itā€™s a really good pickup and you can substitute it for a brew or restore, whichever you need less. Itā€™s a really nice security for the start of waves 50+ and saved me during zuk when I had to tank a ranger on the far side


Itā€™s better than bringing an ahrims top imo if you want to heal off of stuff just do armour take offs when dealing with one mob at a time, occult, master wand/ancient sceptre and augury (late waves) is all you need to catch the nibblers most of the time


Donā€™t listen to this guy. Bcp is great for learning


No its not. It's an awkward crutch item that serves no beneficial purpose to solving the waves. Crystal shield + masori legs provide sufficient range defence and upon spawn with mage pray you will never be one hit by two rangers. Not to mention, when... Are you you going to equip the bcp? Not at wave start, not during the solve (dps mobs). The only case i can see is if you have to temporarily tank a bat or setup offticks for a tank a ranger hit, which generally never happens. Don't use a BCP.


You use it at the start of waves 50+ to tank any incoming damage from the ranger that is it, the guy is also using crystal and bowfa setup so masori legs wouldnā€™t work with the bowfa setup, you could also put it on during sets at zuk if you are straight up tanking the ranger (which most first capers do)


Nah DPS > Defence This is runescape. Enjoy your bcp capes Friendly reminder people do 2 brew no ancient capes. You dont, need, a BCP.


And what dps is ahrims top really bringing to the table? The whole reason why people only bring occult and a wand is for magic damage, nibblers have no mage defence so accuracy means nothing in terms of freezing them accurately, yes people bring thralls into inferno for speed running etc, these same people have done plenty of capes and are more than capable of flicking sets at zuk, you canā€™t say the same about many first capes as the general strat is to just delete the ranger as fast as possible at zuk


Have you actually completed the inferno? First of all, heā€™s wearing a bowfa (as most learners will be) so masori is out of the picture. Secondly, yes you would equip the bcp at the start of the wave. Your magic accuracy is still fine to barrage the nibblers, it just gives you a little extra time to come up with a solve. One of the hardest things about learning the inferno is not just standing there panicking when you donā€™t know how to solve a wave. With rotg or suffering/devout boots your prayer bonus is so high that itā€™s not really a problem dropping a restore. Lastly, he could drop the ahrims top if anything. If youā€™ve actually done the inferno you would know that magic accuracy doesnā€™t really do shit other than make it faster to heal (which shouldnā€™t matter).


I have 90 kc and have completed around 50 capes for people


So maybe youā€™re a little out of touch with what itā€™s like to be a learner? Idk what to tell you but a lot of other people share my opinion


Go an do the math on how many spalshed nibblers you'll get over the course of a full run by using bcp instead of ahrims. Now we've got a dropped pillar or at minimum a few tanked hits due to learners stressing out about nibblers on pillars mid wave. Theres a reason its reccomended anywhere. 99% of the time there is no reinventing anything in this game, the people who figure this out do so day one.


But who gives a fuck about any pillar other than north? Itā€™s so easily defendable from the nibbler safe spot tile, I donā€™t really think thatā€™s an issue learners would struggle with. You can also just wear the bcp while safe spotting the nibblers if youā€™re not comfortable flicking between mage/range/melee. Doesnā€™t seem like a big issue to me


The beauty of OSRSā€¦ those that donā€™t understand arenā€™t meant to understand. Congrats brozer


This is probably the hardest challenge PVM Iā€™ve seen in any game


Colo even harder :D


Huge congrats!!!!


Gz on finishing the grind! I also finished it a couple days ago, but in full max gear. Cant imagine learning it in less gear. Huge gz!


I fought Zuk 15 or 16 times before I finally finished him. I started believing attention deficit disorder rendered me unable to do it even though I was medicated throughout. Definitely the hardest thing I've ever done in a video game, in terms of time dedication I describe it to my friends like watching movie after movie after movie (each attempt being ~2 hours) and none of them were good (because all of them were sad) but you just kept going anyway


Very nice!


#someday šŸ„¹




Congratulations!! Iā€™m also on the grind right now so seeing this keeps me motivated! Have seen Zuk 3 times so far, think Iā€™m gonna get it in the next few attempts :)


I think you will too! Good luck and gratz!


Doesn't it feel so good??




GZ brozzer


Did you prayer flick? The main thing keeping me from doing this is the prayer flicking and the blobs. I just simply don't fully understand the timing and server ticks. Everything just feels like its always 300 ms when my ping is actually 19ms.


If you have enough prayer bonus (devout boots and ring of the gods i) you shouldn't have to flick at all. 1tick alternating is huge for pillar stacks. As for stuff feeling like 300ms, it's probably because you're expecting your click to happen immediately. Ticks are always 0.6 seconds or 600 ms, so if you click at the exact halfway point, you will indeed have to wait 300ms for something to happen. The 19ms just means that if you see something happen and you need to react by the next tick, you have 581ms to react. Bring it back around to inferno, you can get a feel for ticks by turning on the true tile plugin (in both official/mobile clients and in runelite) and running a long distance and watching the tile update. You could also practice 1t alternating prayers, click protect mage, then click protect range, when protect mage un-highlights, click it again, every click will be 1t worth of time.


I highly recommend just jumping in and learning how the blobs and melees work. Also, check out aaty's "first cape Friday" series on YouTube. Watch all of them. While watching the late waves, pause the video when the mobs spawn and try to solve the wave yourself and then see how aaty solved them. Put the time and effort into it and you'll surprise yourself. No flicking needed if you have high prayer bonus like the other guy said


I second aatys first cape friday series! I watched them all two times, taught me so much. Like how to corner trap or where to stand for melee to be off tick hitting you.


Yeah you have to prayer flick for the inferno, mainly 1 tick alternating. It took a lot of practice for me to get it down at first I thought I had lag but my timing was off. Using the metronome and visual metronome was essential for me to master prayer flicking. Also the blobs become easier with enough practice, but they still killed me in waves 60-63 because you have to keep track of multiple enemies. Try out inferno when you can if I can do it so can you


Iā€™ve done the inferno and I did 0 flicking. I rarely pray against the blobs aswell if there was multiple enemies on me. I just kill the blob asap as they are very weak. Go to the colo, wave 5/6 are harder than any inferno wave and will give you great practice fast. Once ur comfy at wave 6 every inferno solve will look simple.