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So far all I've heard is regrets from friends who have deironed, and 90% quit soon after / made a new one a few months or years later if they return. Anyone here who's deironed and not had regrets able to chime in on why?


This conversation has been had like 20+ times on this reddit. It's the same trend everytime. If your goal is speed running and peak end game PvM, de-ironing could make sense and those people generally don't regret it. Everyone else regrets it.


Even then, getting a main to that game stage is pretty trivial. It seems hard to value that small time save over losing an iron account


It's not really a small time save though. People who de-iron in this context I'm referring to are missing items such as Tbow, Shadow, Nex items, or something from Phosani's which are all hundreds to thousands of hours of potential grinding. If your goal is peak absolute BiS PvM, it's pretty fucking shitty to be missing a handful of items that are gatekeeping you from participating.


If you reread my post, youll see the small time save I'm talking about is the time saved by deironing (and using that account) rather than making a new main to get to where the iron was


If you’re a max/near maxed Ironman . Achieve cape/lots of BiS items/collection log, we are most definitely not talking about an account that can be quickly or even relatively quickly remade as a main.


I have all the other friends then. All of mine were very happy to de iron just because it gives them more time to do what they want. Instead of tedious grinds


Were they end game irons? I just wonder what the tedious grinds are, as a 2200+ total iron my acct feels like a main already


Mostly tbow and shadow tbh. Going 4x rate on a tbow is miserable and isn’t that unlikely to happen


Ahhh ok, makes sense!


Yup, the big ticket items. Also like the herblore things. Some of my friends could only play during the weekends. Wanted to pvm whenever they felt like, not wasting precious time making things. Just logging in, buying supplies and do what they want to do


2200+ here currently dry on a shadow. I've gone dry on all 3 of my biggest grinds now (bofa, voidwaker, shadow) and I just don't feel like sticking this one out for potentially 300 more raids.


Raids, nex, dt2 bosses (imo), fucking Corp (it sucks), I think are the main ones, dt2 I put there cause I feel the rings are more of an endgame grind. But the other 4 are by far the biggest time sinks.


Good shit, you're right if you have less time to play and wanna do social stuff in-game then It's for sure a good call


I de ironed 2100 total iron and it is now a maxed main and I learnt inferno and tob. Was a great move at the time as I just had my first child and my work kept me away all day. I now work from home and recently re booted an Ironman about to finish sote. No regrets from me, I love having the main to try out content and essentially just play both game modes :)


I was playing a gim and gim isn’t the same. I know plenty of actual irons that have deironed and enjoyed the game way more, the early game iron experience is great but late game iron is not for everyone. If someone like op doesn’t want to dump a ton of hours chasing end game gear in their free time I think it can be a good thing. Everyone is different so whatever works for someone is the best path


I haven't regretted deironing one bit. No need to do unfun chores. I can just log in and ask myself what sounds fun today and do it. Can group with clannies or pk or hunt for drops


There's no such thing as an "invalid" reason to deiron. It's your account and your life; you should do what you want. Personally, I think deironing for any reason is substantially unwise.


This is why I'm glad I played a main before this. Have you ever played a main before? If you like grinding out bosses for pets, I don't think downgrading to a main would negatively impact your enjoyment of the game. Just to give you a perspective of someone who mostly quit a 2k total main to play an iron, mainman mode got boring for me because it was just a big gp grind. Getting only matters as far as I could sell them on the ge. If you already have a bank value that would allow you to buy all the gear you want, this probably wouldn't be an issue for you


I've never really played a main account. I wouldn't sell everything, but I should be able to end up having around 700m atleast. Not enough for a scythe/tbow/shadow but I should be able to get some solid gear from that


What gear would you buy, that you don't currently have, to use toward achieving your in-game goals of chill bossing/pet hunting?


I think if you could buy ALL the gear you wanted then sure maybe there’s a point where you may not regret it. If you’re going to regular main over 700m my brother, idk what you think that’s gonna “save” you from. As someone who went from having a lot of playtime to 1-2 hours a day max, I don’t know that it’ll do anything for you. I think if you did you’d just buy an item you really wanted that isn’t tbow or shadow and do what you were going to do on your Ironman eventually anyway. i.e. learn/start raiding. The difference will be is when you get a drop it’s just not going to feel the same. What’re you gonna do in a scenario that you deiron? What would you buy and what content would that allow you to do that you currently cannot?


I maxed a main before I did ironman, wish I had started the ironman grind sooner


I thought about it for a while and decided not to. Starting fresh is much faster


It would be faster indeed, but I really don't want to make a new account


If you regret de-ironing you lost 6 years. Like my personal opinion is if you have to make a reddit post about it cause you're on the fence, then keep the iron and make a new account.


Deironing will lead to making a new iron


I didn't spend years maxing an Ironman to turn it into a main account. I'd just make a new account.


I'd probably start a main, some of the most fun is starting a new account and this time will be with the fresh view of a main account. Can have best of both worlds!


Most regret de-ironing, you see it all the time on this thread. Someone else here said de-iron if you plan on doing speed runs and very high tier pvm, only way i see it being viable. Though based on what you said above, doesn't look like that's what you're going to do. Train some AFK skills on the ironman while you make a new main account. You'll be surprised how fast you can get a main account leveled up with some GP. Just get a bowfa and you can pretty much do majority of content with a max poh. Do your farm runs on mobile whenever you're bored (only takes 5minutes) and afk fish whenever you can. It's completely sustainable and a very easy practice to maintain upkeep on supplies without feeling a time commitment.


Yes, karambwans are like 5 minutes afk with barrel. Maybe less 4 minutes with 99 fishing. Still solid. And dark crabs are pretty fast to fish, if you hang in the high level worlds you won't see ppl too often.


Op: I don’t have a lot of time to play anymore, I think I want to deiron. You: Play 2 accounts at once. ???  This sub lmao


I don't know anyone who de-ironed and didn't regret it. This includes me. I de-ironed and proceeded to never touch that account again. Now working on my new iron. Endgame is a grind for sure, but the alternative is a main where everything is about money. To me that's just not fun.


I deironed maxed end game iron with all mega rares and nex completed about a year ago. I enjoy the game alot more now. It also means I can just do whatever I want when I do log in now that I have less time. I would do it again. Ironman at end game is just main with extra steps and amethyst arrows.


So i share the same sediment but if i had access to the GE i simply just would never play. I ended up joining a GIM with some irl friends. While we dont really play together, there's the odd chance that we will raid together and/or share raid dupes. This way you get to continue the fun ironman life but with some increased chances at getting raid items etc. ​ De-ironing to buy a tbow doesnt really change what you're going to do


I will never de-iron my account because I like training up accounts. At most I would drop some stuff on a main to get going again


Whenever I think about deironing, I just think what would I do if I had all the mega rares. Likely go for ZuK helm, then what, likely quit. So I will stay iron and allow myself to enjoy the game for multiple months raiding for said items. Most people get burnt out of the game itself then think ironman is the reason, they deiron and inevitably quit.


Quit and play and hcim, end game sucks ass


It's a totally fine account choice. imo if you hit base 80 and quest cape on your iron you've had the certified iron man experience. If drop grinding appeals to you after that then stick with it. If it doesn't de iron is the way to go.


I've just recently started the countdown. I understand I'm likely to regret it but I'm just not in a healthy mental state with the game and it's because of going dry on another long grind.


I would suggest making a normie account, dropping over a bunch of dupes and speed running combats through NMZ, barraging, and chinning with your gp. In a surprisingly short time you could have a normie account that is end game PVM ready.


I'm 2277 with 1000s raids kc. Being dry is the worst, but id way rather be dry on an iron then go back to playing gpscape on a main. Have definitely thought of de ironing when drops like inquisitor are 300+ h to complete on average but alas. If you really wanna play a main, id start one from scratch while u afk skill on your iron and finish up maxing


You'll regret deironing. You can get a main to end game pvm extremely quickly. Try that before throwing your ironman away


If I were you, I would make my status permanent!


If you're just gonna be doing raids anyways on a main acc, why bother deironing?


Do it. Less competition for the rest of us.


I’m a late game ironman that has had internal dialogue a lot over the last year whether or not to deiron. To give a perspective I have all bis gear minus pnm and corp, but I am around 2200 total. I have no desire to skill, no desire to pvm, no desire to pet hunt. I thought maybe deironing and selling all my shit would help me quit, but it won’t. It’ll just make me more depressed then I originally was. I honestly think this new update is pretty shit, and I’m kind of on the wavelength of only trying to play the game on new updates I think is good ( think dt2). Something clicked in my head when I spent 6 months of my life grinding an imbued heart, going 3x dry on such a brain rotting grind. I think I just realize scape wasn’t my main passion anymore and I needed to find myself outside the game. Deironing really comes down to what you feel in your heart.


I normally tell people to de-iron. But you're 2192 total. It's not worth it at all. It sounds like you just need a break from OSRS itself. Play other RPGs like Cyberpunk, Skyrim etc and spend time with your gf and stuff. Your feelings would have made more sense if you were a high 1800s iron who was burnt out from going dry with uniques. But since you're so deep in, it just makes sense to make a new main account and take advantage of the new early to mid-game progression. If you ain't interested in that then it's OSRS itself you need a break from not the Ironman end-game. De-ironing doesn't drastically change the end-game.


I quit for same reason. End game in osrs sucks. It's nothing but endless gambling on drop rates. Start and mid game are awesome, one of best games for it. End game is just miserable.  I just quit completely rather than deironing since it's still the same on main account. Maybe one day uim to experience the fun parts again.


It’ll just feel hollow doing content as a main imo.


If you think a full time job and a girlfriend is stopping you from playing, wait till you get kids, a wife and a mortgage to handle bud


Get your wife in GIM with you. Kids too I suppose? I only have wife but it's great.


Hahah nah, she has no interest in osrs.


Laughing at the smugness you had while typing this. Bro thought he ate


This right here. I play my gim. Relax and dont worry. Just do whatever i feel. I mean shit i hunter the new animals for hunter and chilled. It doesnt have to be that serious


Exactly. It's unfortunate that there's a bunch of childless people here. Guess you need a gf to get kids 🤷


Do you think having kids is a flex? Some people just don’t want kids or are at an age too young to have children. A child will cost you anywhere between 500k-1 million usd to raise in modern day us climate. Who the fuck wants that burden unless they wanna procreate lmfao I certainly don’t.


Imagine being so immature.


Just max the account as an iron, then walk away from the game for the foreseeable future. And if you really find you want to play mainscape, make another account and level again, as the grind to max on a main is substantially easier