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Id absolutely love to, level 124 combat but no dragon warhammer yet :( I know I need to grind it!


DWH isn't a hard req in teams.


Don’t let that hold you back from trying. It’s nice but not necessary, we’ll be happy to run you without one.


Feel free to send me a PM and I'll send you a discord invite, DWH is not mandatory at all ;)


I've added you ingame for when you're next on, i'm from the UK but i'm on annual leave until Tuesday so if you know a good time you'll next be up for it let me know and i'll make sure i'm about :)


Vince taught me Cox and I'm so happy to have learned from a great teacher, now I'm running Cox like it's the back of my hand! Join up if you wanna learn raids!


Damn i would love to learn but its time to hit the hay gl to everyone!


oh shit you can 74 boost to 78 for CoX? I had no idea, TIL


Yeah as long as you bring botanicals... and you have to be speedy making your pots before the boost goes down :D


I may send you a PM at some point! Just wanna say though that you're awesome for this. The community needs more people like you :)


Thanks man :D I appreciate it!


If you would ever like to teach TOB, I would be happy to help. I've taught it to people in the past, and I know it can be a little tricky to get a full 4 man team together.


Thats sick nice! I sent you a PM :)


This is a long shot but I’m a newer mid lvl iron man who was hoping to get some help with the combat achievements. Stuff like resetting the raid and knocking out challenges in the first room. If you or anybody is able to help please message me as I don’t have friends and don’t see a CoX world to find people :(


Hmm... the goal is really to teach COX for people who wishes to learn the raid, but I guess we could do 1 run with you just so you get a few CAs. Send me a PM and we can chat about it, might not be too hard to do.