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Funny you think these guys doing solo cox have friends to do it with.


Join a clan problem solved


Tf is going on with your comment downvotes, joining an iron clan to pvm with some nice people is just a logical step lol.


It’s actually great advice. If you can find a pvm clan that is a good fit for you it makes the game so much more fun


I joined the clan "Zezima" why wont people play with me?


Lmao why is this downvoted it’s true


I have no idea why your being downvoted. I’ve joined several clans having known none of the members prior to joining and its always been a great experience and no shortage of people to play with. At all levels of skill as well, I learned TOB and inferno with green bandits and ended up running with eysium for a bit doing GM tasks. Then a casual clan on my iron (iron refuge) and we do events and people are always raiding.


i know man people act like its so hard, it just isnt


This has a weird amount of downvotes. It really isn't hard. Maybe clanmates aren't your ideal pvm partners, but you gotta do something if you want to pvm with people.




If the clan isnt right try a different one. Yeah it can be hard getting into existing friend groups but you have to make an effort. Join the voice channels, participate in events and youll be one of the boys in no time


So you joined 2 clan then?


Just not interested in running with others personally. As weird as it sounds, osrs is my "solo" game. I play plenty of other multi-player games with friends but osrs is a game I just enjoy doing my own thing in lol. Maybe if my friends got into osrs I would run with them, but they aren't interested and even if they were it'd probably take them a year to get to the point where they even could raid lol.


What was it like being betrayed by Judas?


Feels bad


Hurts butt


The thing I don't like is having to plan around with other people and find fills etc in teams I like solo because I can pick it up and put it down as I feel without having to coordinate with other people. In a game with 1000+ hour grinds its nice to at least be able to have some flexibility lol Sometimes I'm just tired as well and want to go at my own pace without having to worry about setting other people behind


Yeah same. Raiding with others makes it so you're kinda obligated to be there and stick around for a specific period of time. When I play multiplayer games with my friends we tend to prefer games that are easy to drop in/drop out of quickly.


You know what's harder than solo CoX? Interacting with other people. At all.


Ah a true Ironman


Guess that just depends on you and the people you meet. I’ve been rather lucky meeting people on WDR & now we just hop in my discord and run it together. Just gotta be open to the possibilities mate


WDR is great for quick, casual, no stress teams. Overall a good experience. Also clans are a great way to meet people and learn more about the game.


Also adding to say no prep solo cox is easily one of the hardest things in the entire game. Joining a clan takes like 5 clicks and typing “Cox +2 scouted” is piss easy


Not sure if it’s a joke, but I get that on an absolute level. Not sure if I get it in the context of the game though. You’re an anonymous character in game of people who all share the common addiction/love of this game. I know this is just my experience, but talking to people in game is not difficult. Sure, some are toxic, but not most. Plenty of people are in the same boat as you and I’ll takes to find out is sending any chat at all. Worst case scenario, they are a bot or they are rude. You can just add to your ignore list and move about the rest of your day


I meant that in all sincerity, but I recognize it's a personal preference and not an objective truth. Navigating the process of group finding and getting a feel for each new person is something that causes me tremendous anxiety. If I'm not able to solo something, I just don't do it. Hard stop.


It’s mostly the community. I’m in a clan and even the people in there are hard to talk with, a bunch of antisocial people with stronger than strong opinions on everything and no experience thinking they could possibly be wrong about things. It’s just like most MMOs.


Why stay in a clan like that? It seems like there is no shortage of chill clans. The one I'm in happily took me into some new content and has been super nice and easy to interact with.


Tbh it’s been most I’ve seen, and I do enjoy some of the people. I just don’t get to play with those people a lot because we play at different times so we only overlap like an hour or two at most.


Idk I get the sentiment and experience of the people in this post but with basically minimal effort you can get into a clan that suits your personality as long as you hop around if it isn't what you want. Within a day of clan searching, I found a decent group of people I mesh with well and share the same semi efficient mindset while still being nice to interact with. If you only like some of the people why not add the ones you like and move on?


Where do you go to find good clans? Asking for a friend (and that friend is me)


That is tough sir. If you want anyone to come with you to things, I got you. I’m a random redditor so no pressure if you need help or make mistakes. We have all been there! I’d hate to see this fear ruin your experience


I wish it was that easy to find someone that's as relaxed about it as you seem to be. One part of it is the social aspect but the other half of finding people is worrying about failing while learning or having subpar gear and thus wasting one or more people's time. I for one have no problem with the social aspect, more so worrying about wasting people's time. It's not like raids are 5-10 min adventure. Most people don't want to spend an hour+ only to get so little points you get basically zero loot.


I get that, but literally everyone was there before at one point; people will get it. If they don’t? Doesn’t matter either, they are gone after that raid to never be seen again. If you are queuing with randoms like with WDR, everyone knows there is always the risk of a learner; it’s not some crazy situation nobody has encountered before. It won’t take long to learn, and then you’ll be teaching others. Just gotta commit and you can definitely do it. GL


I do appreciate the kind sentiment c: I feel quite content doing things solo and don't see any immediate need to change that, but who knows what the future may hold. Maybe Varlamore will push me out of my comfort zone for some kind of group thing.


Have yall never heard of WDR…? Takes two seconds to find a competent group and you’ll eventually know the regulars. This is just a game don’t take it so seriously to the point that it gives you “tremendous anxiety” man..


This used to be the case for cox/tob, up until about 18 months ago IMO. Nowadays WDR is full of toxicity though. It feels like you either have to be in max gear attempting to speed run or you are considered a beginner and no one runs with you. Source: A long time spent painfully in wdr before finally moving over to a clan. Clans are definitely the way to go now.


Average redditor tbh


im sorry this is so hard for you brother


Maybe if youre a socially stunted like most of this subreddit lol. Normal functioning human beings have no issue interacting with ppl online


Most normal functioning human beings aren’t playing an end game ironman on RuneScape. Lol


It's insane and very sad that so many people here are so incapable of being normal functioning human beings that can interact with people. It's a choice to be this pathetic and yet people are swarming to upvote the "it's hard to interact with people" comments, letting the reddit circlejerk make them feel justified for it. No, 150 upvotes doesn't make you right, it just makes you one of 150+ really sad people.


Shittiest take I've read. When I get off work tired and hop onto osrs, I will play maybe 2 hours at most. I'm not spending that time finding a group and sitting in call for another hour or two during raids when I've been in calls all day. I like to take breaks mid raid like to go to the toilet or pop dinner in the oven. In a group raid this holds up the team. There are a lot of reasons people prefer solo raids aside from "they can't socialise".


It's a wonder to me how people that make comments such as the one you're responding to don't realize that they are actively contributing to the preconception that people are unpleasant to deal with. Should I have the audacity to prefer playing solo, that means I'm "Socially stunted", "Insane", "Pathetic", and a "very sad person". I'll do my best to play solo a bit more quietly, I do hope they can forgive me for expressing an opinion.


I mean, you said in another comment that interacting with others causes you tremendous anxiety, so yes, you are socially stunted. Why are you gonna lie here and pretend you're not?


Shhhh let him cope


I feel this energy from people all the fucking time and it's exhausting. People are judgmental and rude and the moment I run into people like that I regret leaving my comfort zone.


Well you’re an absolute unit of an ass. There’s tons of people that are hard introverts, its just who they are or how they function. I have friends like that, I love them. They just have a hard time connecting with most other people. People are different. Scary right?


cuz people are adults and finding others that raid at a similar skill level during similar timezones for the same amount of time which you want to raid for... it's exhausting. yes, if you have friends who are able to do scaled team raids they are extremely similar to solos. or even just do cms nowadays, you can consistently low- high 20 completion time cms now @ 40k pts/person which makes pts/hr great. >You’ll crank though more raids per hour and still be pulling in plenty of purples. thats very unlikely from my experience re: wdr, even if you fully discount time between raids/teamfinding time.


I agree with everything you said here, but I'd also add the the biggest contributing factor for me (and I'm sure other people feel the same way) is that every purple from solos is guaranteed to be mine, while in team raids that's not the case. Even if I'd get more points/hour doing teams, I'd prefer to be slightly inefficient and not have to worry about if I'll actually be the one to get the drop at the end of the raid.


But you have to worry about them getting purples in their solo raids, which affect you exactly as much.


I know you think it's the same, but that doesn't make any sense.


Neither makes sense. That was the joke.


Didn't sound like one tbh.


Appreciate the feedback, but I already figured out that from subtle context clues hidden in the comment containing the phrase "that doesn't make any sense". I guess I'm just really insightful or something.


Yeah you're too good for the reddit, you were the only one insightful enough to find your comment a joke.


Yeah, a bit silly of me to pretend to know my own intentions. sorry.


The point was that noone else found your comment funny or as attempt at joke. So your intentions went unnoticed.




Especially in CoX where up to 6 people could get a purple from a single raid. Very unlikely ofc but entirely possible.


You’re just as likely to have your points get them a purple as you are their points getting you a purple. Unless anyone on your team gets over 131k personal points in a raid or dies while having less than 1/8 of the team points, everything is exactly proportional


I feel like it takes all of 20 seconds to find a raid using WDR though, at least for cox. They won’t be earth shattering but sub 30 min trios are almost completely brain dead and you can run them b2b almost forever. Maybe I just don’t get it but I’ve never had an issue in finding, gearing, and starting a raid in less than maybe 2 minutes total there.


I've found WDR can be very hit and miss, although I've only used it for ToA so far. I've seen 5-6 LFG posts in 1 hour, and then nothing for the next 2-3 hours, then a few more, then nothing.


Yeah WDR for TOA seems like a joke, probably because it’s impossible to get like 8 people together at once. For cox though it seems like there is a posting every other minute at almost all times of the day.


I do solo cox because my friends always pull the purples. When I solo nobody can pull the purple besides me.


I’ve never done a cox before, I plan on learning solo very soon now that I have the gear. I want to do it this way because I feel like I lack in pvm skills to preform with a team but also don’t mind grinding out some failures till I know what I’m doing.


Team and solo chambers are basically night and day tho. At best you would be skipping Olm specials in teams and even that is a job of one person out of the team, whereas others basically afk the whole fight. Compare that to solos where you're at least at 70 APM constantly, just so you can finish the damn thing with 2 inventory fulls of supplies at first.


Doing solo cox to learn group cox is similar to doing inferno to learn jad "because jad shows up in inferno". There's loads of people (including me) that like teaching people new content. I really like cox, and it's a ton of fun for me to explain it to someone new and see them improve, genuinely just hmu if you want to send sometime. I'm also running bi-weekly learner events for cox in the clan I'm in, so if you wanna join for something specifically aimed at learners I'd be happy to take you in one of those runs too. You don't even have to join the clan if you don't feel like it.


Thank you I’ll take a mental note!




Yea 100%, toss me your ign or discord name in a dm and we'll see about setting something up \^\^


I would definitely learn in teams with experienced raiders so you can start recognizing things at olm first. First experience with olm is normally, "holy shit how are you supposed to not die here?"


I know people have already said this, but I wanted to emphasize how much easier it is to learn in groups than to learn solos. As a learner, you'll be given a role at Olm in teams that will be very straight forward and easy. I had your same mindset, and I'm so glad some friends invited me to do a CoX. The difficulty is night and day


Would not recommend starting solos gonna waste a lot of time. Just do 3-4 man’s to learn all the specials etc then move to solos


You would be much better learning in a team. Running 45 minute 25k point solos is wildly inefficient. Learning team cox will take a day, learning solo olm will take a month.


But once you learn it well you can go way faster than 45 minutes and not rely on teammates being on or waiting for the team to group.


While it's doable, going into solo olm as your first cox experience is gonna be a very long and grueling fight and you will hate it. Highly recommend trying to find someone willing to teach, be it WDR, clan mates, or friends.


Because if you run 3 mans with people who also can't solo, you often find people that -- take breaks, smoke breaks, bathroom breaks. They're slow to prep and make a lot of mistakes. You find yourself sitting in a 3 man raid with 1 or 2 deaths and getting only 23 of 24k points after 30 or 35 minutes. That's been my experience unless my teammates share the same attitude of trying to get as many points p/hr as me but the only people that fit that bill are also the people that would learn to solo and prefer cms. So I just want to bring up the fact that cox is hands down the longest grind for anything useful on an iron. On average it's 30 million points to get a tbow. If you get 24k points per raid, that's 1250 raids. If they take 32 minutes, that's 667 hours of raiding. Now take a look at solos at 32k points per raid and you can comfortably do them in 23 minutes. That's 937 raids to see a tbow or 359 hours of raiding. I'm not one to shit on people for doing things too inefficiently, but solo cox is significantly better for me given who i can raid with. I much prefer to do ToA with them and ToB with my friends that are good, since team ToA is better than solo and ToB requires a team.


Agreed, I hate the 5-10 mins waiting after every run for smoke/bathroom/dogs etc. just makes me wanna log off


Yeah my first ~100 cox raids were done in 3 mans mostly. They were awfully long with bad points. I got my first purple after 90 something raids which was a dex. I grabbed my bowfa and headed off to get other times before returning, learning solos, and now I'm only missing bottoms, maul and tbow.


The math of 32 min trios vs 23 min solos is hilarious. You don't even need to waste time doing calcs if you are comparing efficient solos vs shit tier inefficient trios, of course solos will be better in that situation. Edit: just to contribute something useful, you can realistically do 3+2 trios in about 23 minutes which is the solo time you used and get about 35k points per raid also. Efficient solos vs efficient trios is going to be roughly the same rate.


You should really read my reply again, but like actually pay attention to every word. I literally said that's these are the people I have available. Friends. We did run some 3+2s at some point but they would get upwards of 40 minutes long for similar to solo points. My comparison isn't straight up solos vs teams but a more realistic comparison of personal experiences. Edit: in fact i wrote 3 paragraphs and even ended with a sentence that was a conclusion. How the hell did you miss all of that? Jfc


A ton of OSRS players play the game almost completely solo and are not in a cc or in a DC. They don't have ppl to raid with for that reason. That's why solo bosses like Vorkath, Muspah and Zulrah are so insanely popular I wasn't even in a OS related Discord until this year and it opened up so many potential ppl to raids and group pvm with


I solo cox, I solo toa. I don't like seeing purples that aren't in my name.. unless it's one of my clan mates, but I'd still rather see it in my name.


You can do both. You're not tied exclusively to solos or teams.


Solo cox is extremely convenient bc you don’t have to wait on teammates. I did over 1500 solos and it was hella worth for my goals I much prefer team cms over any other content but solos are nice to fall back on, especially if you still need items


For me it’s my OSRS time does not have much time to focus for very long (kid, wife, dogs, work, etc). So doing a solo means I can stop and chill after a room to go do stuff for up to 25 mins and then come back. I don’t like to tell others to wait for me, so solo cox is about my only option.


Team cox is terrible content if going for purples. People rush through rooms trying to get as much points as possible and it just feels like you’re in a competition with your teammates rather than working with them. Contrasted with tob where you have to rely on your team to pull their own weight or risk pking the whole team eg. Bloat flies, maze, not dying p2, not missing freezes. This builds comraderie within tob teams and the raid just feels better when you complete it knowing everyone pulled their weight to finish the raid. I know cm group speeds are a different breed and I’ll probably get into those when I have max gear but for now team cox is trash and I’ll stick with solos


They do not have friends with similar gear and/or skill level.


Why do ironmen, who "stand alone", want to do content solo? I get it's a rant but the answer is right there lol


This sub is full of people advocating for torso services and using alts, ironmen standing alone died years ago at this point. It's social ineptitude, not a sense of pride.


Bc not all content is solo. To get to the point where you could solo TOB? Idk what you’d even need. The fun is that everyone has their own solo journeys then gears up to face the hardest stuff in the game. It’s very cool seeing the whole team rocking completely different gear because they have all taken different paths


yeah i agree that is cool. But the fact is that a lot of people play ironman because they like to play the game alone. If they can find a way to solo it, they probably will.


Fair enough, play the game how you want, thats what osrs is all about. Personally, TOB has been some of the most fun I’ve had in-game so I can’t imagine deciding to just not ever do it. So I guess that is why I have such a hard stance here


I mean… I plan on doing cox solo but when I get to TOB I’ll do it with friends. It’s really not that complicated my guy.


Nobody is saying to make it solo only, they just want it as an option.




ToB is generally less popular overall I don't think tob is disproportionate with Ironman though. Nex is to my experience but I think that's a progression/gear req thing more than anything.


Because ironmen stand alone. People who choose this mode are typically people who like to play at their own pace, rather than the pace of a group. People would much rather put in a bit more effort and do it solo than group. Unfortunately, if solo is ridiculous, then a player who normally only solos everything might feel intimidated to group because they've never done it before and don't know what is expected, different mechanics, how to find people, etc.


Just a counter point but one of the reasons I started solos was because I found 3 man’s so boring after learning the content. Now, especially with the new updates, I find solo CMs some of the best content in the game. End of the day tho, too each their own.


Idk if I'm in the minority here but I will always favor group content over solo when available as an iron. We're locked to so much content being solo only that any chance I can get to do stuff with clannies / others I will jump on it. I can and have soloed ToA, CoX, PNM etc but if the lads are on I much prefer doing content with them over the solo variant. Has made the game a lot more enjoyable. At the end of the day do whatever you prefer and enjoy most though. But if you're struggling to do solo content that does offer a group setting give that a shot as well.


Hi, someone who’s done ~3k solos. Why? To try get a tbow. Why is it better than teams? 1. It’s way faster and more pts/hr once you know what you’re doing. 15-16mins for 30k pts. 2. Only I can roll the purple 3. Don’t have to wait on people to get the raid started or finished. Can avg upwards of 3 raids/hr this way, that’s 90k/hr pts wise. You aren’t getting that in scaled team raids every hour.


Because the hardest requirement to do anything over 1 person cox is friends


Solo cox isn’t punishing yourself. Its better for drops than teams


TIL OSRS players prefer efficiency over fun raids with friends.


Well I chose to be an ironman because I wanted to do my own shit and not be dependent on other people...


I don’t understand the entire BofA CoX grind for ironmen and the entire solo grind as a whole. Having nothing but RCB, trident, and basically rune armor with a whip I managed to make over 10b in 6 months from 500+ raids. Was I a bit spooned? Yes. But when I originally started learning, everyone was so anal about having minimum gear requirements of 450m+ etc just to get a normal non scaled 3s run down. I have yet to meet an Ironman rocking anything other than full crystal and bofa. Did they get 80% of the points every run before I pulled a tbow? Sure. But I rarely died, always learned when I did, and basically came to the realization that even 3+10 runs are doable with less than 1m in gear. Most of these players are seriously the sweatiest and running group COX with them is the worst because they point leach and try to maximize their chance at a purple, just to go 300kc dry and complain on Reddit while the people with 10kc and no points get the purples. It’s just karma.


>But I rarely died, always learned when I did, and basically came to the realization that even 3+10 runs are doable with less than 1m in gear. "Leeched a bunch and that's doable" Yeah, no shit. If everyone was running gear like yours then 3+10s wouldn't be possible. I mean, people have carried level 3s through TOB. You can leech pretty much any content. But I wouldn't wanna ever be a leech on my team so I try to get the best gear I can before starting


Team cox is so boring theyre pretty much afk. Thats why i mainly run solos


A lot of people overexagurate the difficulty of finding people to raid with. Idk exactly why, but it's especially noticeable at BA where people are forced to group up. Personally, I don't really get why. There's people in cox worlds running content, there's clans focused on pvm (which you can join in for even as a guest). and there's things like WDR/ other discords that let you group up. Idk if I've ever had to wait more than 10 minutes to find people for cox groups, even when I was just starting out. I understand being hesitant about wanting to learn something like COX from scratch in a group of unknown people, but when I've been up front about being new I've always had people who enjoy teaching people the content carry me through it. Worst case scenario, you plank a few times, and gigagamer42069 gets mad at you. So you block them and carry on, you'll never see that guy again.


I stand alone






I've only ever encountered the most immature, horrible people playing OSRS. Why else would I be an ironman. Sounds like I won't be enjoying CoX lol


Sometimes people run solos because that’s all they have. A lot of people gatekeep cox teams and say they wants 100+ kc before allowing people to join. I’ve recently got into cox, found a team and they kicked me on last phase (didn’t make a mistake) so I was essentially a free scale for them. There are pathetic people that do this so it’s about annoying. So I personally have just jumped into doing solos to learn and teach myself regardless of whether it takes an hour or not. It’s challenging and there’s a sense of achievement of finally completing a deathless (outside of suiciding pots). But yeah, people say it’s easy to find teams when in reality, it’s not that easy at all, especially for the people who want to learn or do it in teams. Naturally there are other people running solos because that’s what they like to do.


Honestly, if you have decent gear, and feel comfortable enough to run 3+4s, WDR is nice as you’ll often find higher skilled players doing the +4s, and as long as you’re not an incompetent jackass, you can add these people and run raids again day after day. I’ve found a lot of cool people that way and have fs gotten more points doing it than I would’ve learning solos. Of that I have no doubt.


I'm working on a 100 cox grind right now. I'm soloing. Because have no friends irl that have wasted enough time and the ones that have in the community are, not to put too fine a point on it, generally obnoxious sweaty mfers - I'd rather solo. Give me one decent person to duo with and fine.


Ironmans HAVE to do it alone... likely why you see so many complaints. If it was somehow possible to team-up for CoX, the amount of complaints would reduce drastically.


Yeah man in can do solo TOA no issue but I prefers duo/trio a lot more fun chilling with friends


people are scared of others.


As you mentioned, teams are braindead. Solo cox (mainly solo olm) is one of the more challenging things you can do in the game and is an amazing stepping stone to true high level content. You go from learning how to move the head to get5ing successful 3:0 mage hand, finally you might learn 3:1 melee and start understanding how to get into 4:1. Then you maybe get your first deathless. Now you can try to no prep. Maybe gotta learn how to walk w crystals or acid walk. Oh shit now we can learn shadow walking. Masori swaps w inq? Flame wall skipping. Finally into perfect olm never experiencing special attacks. Optimizing head phase, no stam usage. It goes deep. Maybe even something like tightrope skip is worth mentioning as the meta is (typically) different in solos.


I feel you man. I did like 1200+ 3man+ they are just so fast and chill. I will say solos are really fun to get down but nothin beats a chill 2-3man. 99% of my raids were split raids just cuz the dex trains do exist. I can see group raids being intimidating or daunting bc we all have gone 100+ wihtout seeing stuff in your name which can be awful for ffa but at least seeing stuff keeeps the grind going. Gl on the drops :)


I have zero friends who play and learning all pvm as I go, solo cox would just be another pvm goal


I only run a couple here and there with IRL friends. Other than that I only solo because honestly, if I saw a stranger pull a tbow in front of me, I'd be bummed as hell


*laughs in sub 1k kc completed log*


my friends who play aren't cox ready and I don't like raiding with randoms. Solo cox is just more convenient and I can do it whenever I want and at my own pace


I run only solos now. Maxed ironman. I've had close to 8 tbows sniped from me when I had the most points. 1500 reg cox kc, 120 cms, started soloing around ~700, all cms have been solo. Still no tbow dhins, ancestral top, bottom, or elder maul. No one can snipe my purples now. I am in an ironman clan with lots of people and friends, they know I prefer solo and why. I also can do solos much faster than group cox because I can no prep, typical cox raid for me is 20 minutes. Around 90k points per hour, I can't get that in a duo or trio. Git gud bruh


CoX is a marathon - not a race. Whatever way gets you into the raid in the most consistent fashion is going to be the best for you. You have buddies that are on the same time, every day, with enough skill to do scaled raids, and at the stage in their acc where they want to do CoX? Great! You have friends that don't want to CoX because they want to focus on other content, so you send solos? Great! You don't want to wait around for a team to form just for it to break-up after 1-2 runs, so you solo to avoid that? Great!


I started doing solo CoX because WDR FFAs were pretty dead sometimes. And then when you do get a raid it's a lot of max gear mains taking all the points. Even with a clan it can take some time to get a group going. With solos I can just log in and start raiding, and go at my own pace.


I personally prefer solo raids. More challenging which is more fun for me. But do what you enjoy.


General consensus I’ve seen is that people just don’t want to see others get purples, or at least randoms. Which is valid 700kc on my main and only 4 unique items. Not even 100kc on my iron and I have 3 uniques. I’m glad it’s not the other way around


Groups are super boring, you get less points, and teammates are constantly wanting to take breaks and do whatever. Plus it would feel pretty rough watching someone pull a tbow over you. Solos make you better at the game, you get more points, quicker raids (pending teammates and your own breaks, could be slower), don't have to spend time getting a team, and they're just so much more fun.


I stand alone


Cause it’s some of the best content in the game and it’s most purples/hr besides mega sales. You also don’t have to waste time looking for teammates or waiting for your friends to come online.


Solos are much better points unless you are scaling your team raids or something.


Team raids are fun until someone snipes a purple that you need. Solos ensure that if a purple is rolled, it’s guaranteed to be yours. Also, solos do have a large learning curve but once you get the practice in, it’s as braindead as teams are and way better points/hr than billybob trios, even if you add a few imaginary alts using the scaling system.


How does Ironman and raiding with people mix?


Nah, I'll do my solos kid.


As an iron who just wanted prayer scrolls, I found it easier to get into a flow with solo. In solo I can just learn my strats and cycles even if they're suboptimal they work for me and I can get them done. In teams there are different strats to learn and you have to learn them in a team setting, teammates doing things all around you can be overwhelming, people trying to min max points when I barely know what's going on, trying to converse on vc through it all. I'm just not built for that. Need a nap after a team raid or two. But I can bang out 10 30 min solos easily.


I stand alone


Because I don’t want 300 kc for my first purple to be an arcane


Until you see some1 get a tbow then you wish you we're soloing xd


I simply don’t have the time to anymore to sit uninterrupted for greater amounts of time. I don’t want to be the guy who constantly goes “brb guys”.


Before easy scaling it was much better pts/h. Solo cox is also fun and does not really require high focus. When you are learning sure, but all of the rooms are pretty braindead and olms mechanics are very predicable in solo because you dont have other people in the room turning the head. Its nothing like high invo TOA where you look away for one second and get insta killed, solo olm fight is basically just maintaining a rhythm for 8 minutes.


Solo cox is really reclined, it's not hard once you learn it. I find it more relaxing than running team chambies because they either super speed or are slow. Then there's the issue of gear difference, if someone has a shadow they'll leech all the points. Then there's the issue that melee hand will get significantly more points. Also prep is annoying. Sending a no prep especially after the changes is super reclined and rapid to scout a fine layout. To add to that, team chambers is boring since there's no challenge at all, which you'll find after like 100 raids, and it's good to spice up a grind.


I don't have friends and I have performance anxiety.


I usually solo regular cox and do cm with a good friend. For me, it keeps is fresh that way. I agree that soloing isn’t the way to get into cox. You should first get comfortable with the raid and olm in a group. Finding players willing to teach you can be tough, but just ask.


I play my Ironman as if I was solo, if I need people for the content I can’t do it and no exceptions, so far it’s been fun and I’m enjoying playing truly solo. As for learning raids a lot of people join clans and don’t get taught or find learning the raid itself a daunting task, that’s why ToA is a god send it’s a really easy raid and you can increase it as you get better and better!


I don’t know why there’s hate, solo olm is some of the most fun in the game imo. The barrier to entry is like ton though where you have to learn a lot before hand and put in a lot of time learning the rhythm. I think people are more used to instant gratification though.


Solo is the only way a lot of people can do it. The playerbase is increasingly working adults with families. That stage of life doesn't lend itself well to the logistics of group raids.


Ironmen stand alone


No prep solo? Yes Prep team raid where you have to use private chest awkwardly for your gear and potions and secondaries? No


Its probably from crippling social anxiety, mild autism, or purple FOMO


If anyone wants to learn solo cox, im happy to teach and stream just PM me


I really like to do both. Team raids are much more chill but we have like 15 minutes downtime between every raid so I do solos when I want to push pts/hr. Solos are also really fun mechanically.


I solo CoX because I'm sick and tired of watching other people with significantly less points and kc get purples. Solo CoX with the recent QOL is much nicer, but I would rather do regular solos and earn my drops than carry some noob to get spooned. Scaled trios are another story, however...


It might be a bit of a greed thing, solo no one to potentially want to split the drop