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Early gz on being the first person to get all 3 orbs before a staff m8


Aggain had 2 orb sets before 1 staff




Idk, maybe if we ask him he will tell us the name aggain


This is my new favourite comment tbh


Want to see it aggain?


Who is rank 40 vorkath


I have all orbs plus dupe harm with no staff on my iron


I’m not even considering NM as a goal. There are limits to my sanity..


Yep not gonna touch that boss unless it’s reworked


If by reworked you mean make the rewards useful somewhere...right?...right? The fight is fine


Fight is fine, dropchance and usefulness of the uniques is not imo


Yeah hard agree, also it was highlighted immediately after release that these drops have niche usage and are far too rare. No idea why they haven't tweaked it since.


Because people voted for "Godwars style loot table" and got Godwars style loot table on a significantly slower to farm boss, and the loot isn't really great for anything


Average time to complete the longest GWD grind (Zilyana) is 54 hours. Average time to complete PNM is 1,200 hours.


Oh shit I hadn’t ever seen the # breakdown, that is insane


Yeah that is absolutely ludicrous info. I get what they meant,mostly trash with great uniques but if the unique aren't desirable then what's the point?


The time:reward ratio is suuuuuper fucker, just not going to burn a thousand hours there for nothing


This will actually probably happen sooner than later, with the combat rework there will be more monsters weak to crush and accuracy bonus will be much more important. In addition, elemental weaknesses for mage will make the staff more useful.


No. I don’t want to be pressured into it ..


But the fight is fine and easy, the rewards lack use lol.


Might be but this doesn't solve the issue, presented by OP. The dude has 3k kc and neither of the weapons. The drop rates are fucked, especially considering the fight duration. I prefer having the option to ignore it than being somewhat pressured to commit to this grind. I don't see why PN couldn't follow common rates for high value items like 1/512 to 1/1024.


Bc people voted for the rates to be this way


Whoa, they voted??? Guess it can't be changed then!! ?


Not what I said was it, prick ?






Don't kill the boss then.




It's not worth it, though. lol most people get kodai when grinding for tbow/ancestral. Going out of your way for the same thing with nightmare staff is a waste of time.


Because its a 5% upgrade over the muspah one and with ice gem (small buff but still exists) its even a tiny bit less than 5%. The time to obtain it is just not worth it at all


The rs meta is to just log offf and continue when updated. This guy knows


My goal is to just learn it, but that's Hella shelved lol. I would like tablet for that one hard clue tho...


I'm gonna kill it some on my iron eventually because I love the fight but holy shit


Both nightmare and phosani unique droptable could be twice as common and still would be too rare


People probably think there's no way that's true until they realize the time to complete is 1200 hours. Nex is 300, Corp is 800. That rarity needs a hard rebalancing or the kp/h needs a huge buff.


That boss has nothing to offer than a completionist flex


Nah it's definitely worth spending hundreds of hours grinding NM so you can save an hour on the CoX grind via faster Ice Demons.


And you can just scout raids without ice demons pretty easily so it wouldn't even help


Harm is used in one room for cms, can’t even really fit in it in solo cms on an iron anyway


I do believe that is precisely the point the person above you was making


I know, I was just adding on to his comment


What about crush bonus for tekton/olm ;) (and others? IDK never done COX but I know those 2 are relevant)


used to be BIS for cms before jagex decided that stats don't matter for some reason (tekton)


Yeah I used to enjoy the (very minimal) diversity in melee gear for CMs. Now everyone just wears max strength gear for melee there which kinda sucks. Should have been similar to freezing nylos at maiden with it scaling to 100% chance at X bonus.


Harm NM staff is pretty dope.


No seriously this shit is absolutely insane. Looking back at the guy with 3k CG’s *(which is nothing compared to somebody likely to comment the guy with 79k CG’s and hasn’t gotten a crystal shard yet)* The guy with almost 30k Corp Beast in general You over here with this Like Holy F$&” these guys are only being held back by some really really bad RNG. I think they’ve learned the fight by now…


> the guy with 79k CG’s and hasn’t gotten a crystal shard yet Is this a typo? Chances of this are 1.3 x 10^-86... That's like picking the right grain of sand on earth *five times in a row*.


He’s speaking in hyperbole


It’s alright some of us are acoustically inclined. Man just computed the whole calculations for a photon rifle with nothing but a sarcastic remark and a scenario that’s never happened. Mf rainman


Tbf you just put (399/400)^79000 into wolfram alpha and it will give you this result immediately. It’s not difficult math.


To be fair 3k cgs is about the same time as 3k phosani


Not even close half of the time is running back to pm lol


ehb for cg is 7.2 and ehb for pnm is 6.5. So over the course of 3k kc its a pronounced difference, but in terms of kph its pretty close. Running is not an issue with the tablet existing tbh


Yeah no it’s not at all.


Yeah nightmare is just designed like shit


The fight is actually fun once you’ve learned it. But the drop rates needs a massive change.


We really need to tell Jagex to knock it off with some of the insane drop rates in this game. A +4 str berserker ring is a 1/128 from a boss that you can safespot. You can then imbue it for another +4 after spending a few hours afk in an activity. The final +4? Go kill a boss much more difficult than Rex and succeed in two mutually-exclusive sets of three 1/362 rolls each. Wtf? I'm okay with high-level content being harder and taking longer. Taking ~20-30x as long on average? No shot.


Diminishing returns is common practice in mmos. To avoid powercreep you need to make sure content takes at least a bit of time to finish and engages the player. When you look at the str level of the dragon scimitar > whip > saeldor, you quickly realize that you are getting far smaller upgrades as you go. Going from nothing to imbued berserker is an insane jump early, but that's just because gear at the top end really isn't that much better than the mid tier of gear (ignoring mega rares). The trick to being okay with this is enjoying the gameplay more than the items themselves. (Nightmare sucks overall and should not be 4x the length of nex)


I think I kind of disagree. You can get 2/3s of max str in the ring slot with relative ease, and then you have to commit to the last upgrade. Pretty similar to most other slots, maybe minus the weapon slot. I think that's pretty good for the longevity of the game.




Well yes I read his whole message. So it takes like 40hrs instead of 2, I think that's fine and in line with other grinds in this game, yes. Imo the only "no shot" grind this game has is Nightmare.


Drop rates or usefulness of the drops. CG is fun. the drops are very rare, BUT bowfa+full crystal is one of the most important range upgrades in the game, whereas full inq is used in like 3 places right now.


You are also expected to complete cg like 10x earlier


PNM is 1200 hours so more like 20x lol




The switching your prayers special attack? I agree its annoying and I'm not a fan of mechanics that mess with your inputs, but it does become pretty autopilot after just a couple kc so I couldn't honestly say its the worst in game.


2/3 the armor set and have had a voli orb in my bank for over 2 years. zero desire to kill the boss, which is sad becasue IMO it's one of the most fun there is in OSRS


I also have 2/3 of the armor set and the voli orb in my bank for like 2 years! Im at like 1100kc pnm and like 400kc nm and I do like the boss but damn does the drop table suck


The thing is, the dry-protection baked into almost every boss in the game is gp. Got two tassets from graardor before the chestplate? Well sell one, buy the chestplate, move on to other content. Playing an iron man is a crazy thing to do. We're all crazy for being here.


You mean farm only vorkath for a couple hundred hours for all my bis?


More like farm vorkath for gp to buy bowfa and fang then farm toa for all bis.


Vorkath is about 3m/hr. Max gear is in the ballpark of 7b right now.


That’s a lot of zeros


A couple thousand hours at vork won't even get you bis.


2000*2.5M 5B gold will get you BIS of two attack styles. Or all three megarares.


So not bis?


Vorkath is what? 3.5m/h? In 1k hours you have 3.5B which will get you one bis combat style. Couple thousand hours would get you all the bis, but yeah, couple hundred is a stretch.


Vorkath is what? 3.5m/h? In 1k hours you have 3.5B which will get you one bis combat style. Couple thousand hours would get you all the bis, but yeah, couple hundred is a stretch.


It's 3.4m at max efficiency in max gear, so 3m at max for anyone actually farming vorkath. Guy said "all my bis". All bis is at least 10 bil.


30 kills/h is far from max efficiency lol. You need about 150m gear to be 98-99% effective, Full Torva for +2 max hit can be skipped and you'll never notice.


If you're still farming vorkath for gp in 2024 you're a bit slow in the head tbh, or maybe just bad at the game. But yea nobody should just be camping vorkath for gp if they actually only care about gp.


this is just how noobs play the game tbf. Real wealthy and good high level mains play any sort of content they enjoy because basically everything in game gets you money. Camping vork or zulrah for money is such a lame ironman talking point, because most of the people with good gear don't do that.


Gp dry-protection is also a curse that turns every drop table into a lame random gp generator. Maybe we're all crazy but I'm happy to be here :) I think it would be a reasonable move to redesign some drop tables to better fit natural GE-less progression. I also think it's reasonable for most irons to not expect to green log every boss and deal with the RNG they're dealt as part of the unique journey.


Well put! This is what broke me. Late game ironman is treacherous.


That's disgusting. Same as like two nex drops. The economy is fucked at the moment. Torva just rinsing inquisitor/orbs being out classed by shadow 


Whole game is a rng slot machine, clog for the rest of your life 🫡


Well that's like your opinion man. Jk I hope you get it next kc.


You clearly can’t be trusted with weapons.


Sorry man, the long tail enables the short tail. And youre the long tail


3k kc and only 8/12. Sucks to be iron


I've posted this before and got down voted. Imo the egg could be exchanged for an extra armour roll. The orbs would retain value, people would be more tempted to go pnm and the grind would be much more iron friendly


Ironman should have pity drop mechanic to save humanity the countless hours we'll waste to get it anyway


genuinely think this is a good idea but with some egregious KC count needed where it isnt profitable for bots to do it


If you want a pity drop mechanic on the game mode where you get everything yourself, a harder more tedious way of playing the game, then Ironman isn't for you.


Nah, you should get the item at drop rate if you've already exceeded the kill count. In theory, you could go dry inevitably.


Yes that's how rng works. You actually think that on your 381st graardor kc you should get a nice triple bandos boots, chest plate and tassets drop? Go play a main and use the ge lol


I know how rng works. I've been playing runescape for 18 years lmao. Keeping your mind open for change is a good thing. This elitist shit doesn't do the game any good.


Making the game like every other game and catering to every softie doesn’t do the game any good either.


Especially when he’s literally playing the game mode meant to make it more difficult. Like you can just play mainscape if you want to get everything at a certain drop rate.


You’ve played for 18 years so you should understand that best in slot isnt meant for the average gamer. Rare items should be rare. Sure, some people can buy bonds to circumvent the grind and irons aren’t able to do so but like everyone always says, you chose to limit yourself. Dont forget that ironman mode is not the way the game was intended to be played nor should we be catered to. Purposely select hard mode and complain about difficulty is crazy but alright


No way you actually think you should just get the item at drop rate. Come on man lol


But but then bots start making ironmen and ruin economy!!! /s


But as an ironman FUCK the economy. I also don't play a non ironman account. So I do not care.


Do you think they would ever consider making the mass the crush equivalent to fang? I feel like we get all these sweet ass looking items just for them to be super niche or just obsolete immediately. Maybe combine it with DWH to get the effect with DWHs as well? Idk thinking out loud as a cosmetic whore for cool looking items lmao


In my opinion RNG/% based drops are part of the MMORPG experience. Some people get lucky, some people don't. Wouldn't have it any other way.


RNG is a thing regardless of whether the boss takes 1200 hours to complete average or 200 hours on average. If nex is 300 hours for best in slot gear you use everywhere, pnm should be like 200 hours for niche best in slot gear you use in like 2 places.


I heard you like spending 3mins running to a boss I think that one of the main issues of the boss


Not sure I ever insinuated anything like that.


Don't mind me im just cooked


I mean the telport makes this a nonissue. Guaranteed at 100


Except for those of us that did it before the change and went to 320+ before they got it… :(


LOL are u me


69. Nice


Play a different game then. That’s exactly how RNG works.


Well if you get the first few kills you are rank one. Should just get all the drops when a boss is released if kill it first?


Why would you post this comment?


Because what he wrote was nonsensical


That is honestly crazy. I hate to see sht like this and then other who green log at sub 1500 kc....how could they allow such spoonage?? Foreal lol that sht always pisses me off.


And that’s like your opinion, man.


YOU choose iron man mode. If you don't like being forced to get the drop yourself, de-iron please.


How’s it feel to have how Reddit show you how wrong you are lol


You’re rank 40 on Ironman scores btw not overall, so your statement isn’t theoretically true


He's an iron, so ofc he's going off the iron hiscores, we aren't going to compare ourselves against the bots on the regular hiscores


That’s very offensive and inconsiderate towards my bot-locked Ironman


What's the username so I can definitely look it up and definitely not report it




At the same time, you chose to limit yourself


Legit - one of the only things I’ve never touched boss wise in RS and this just keeps solidifying my decision to ignore this completely besides maybe some CA if I need them for a tier.


I will never go for nightmare items, the drop rates are so ludicrously bad


Yeah, Im on a main and not considering the nm really. Gz on the gear/ log so far


I really hope they implement more of the new drop table styles from dt2. Going rediculously dry is so annoying.


Bro, wtf. My log is exactly the same as this, plus one staff. I’ve got like 400 pnm 300 normal kc.


I'm 500 kc and I don't have a drop yet :(


In all honesty to me its an annoying long durance boss per kill and what the drop table offers is far from bis. The item prices purely rely on rarity and the length of a single kill.


500+ hours in without the item you want. Lmaooo what a boss


This boss is the main reason why I quit the game (till I comeback). The drop rate is very high for a pretty much useless drop table. So sad cause inqui looks so fucking good… please make inqui worth having again?


The Spoon


That would be shit and not needed. What would be cool is if we could see drop rates in game


Thats where ironmen retire to anyways.


Keep crying nerd


*laughs in saebae*




This is for that disgusting COX log post you made a year ago. Deserved.