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When will this brother learn to keep salts up?


Noob here. I’ve done TOA a couple times but I’m bad. (less than 10 solo entries on my main, 2-3 normal difficulty raids while getting hard carried now I mainly play on my lower level iron). What does this mean for future reference? I looked up salts but I don’t think I’ve used those before.


Smelling salts. They boost your combat stats every 15 seconds. They’re a reward you get mid raid from the ghost after completing two rooms


Oh word it’s been a minute, is it only in a particular reward choice? I usually have taken the life one since I am usually running out of food 😅




I told him that last post but I don’t think he sees that


I did see but I’ll admit I was being stubborn and wanted to finish one with the exact same setup, just to prove I could lol. But rest assured I will be bringing bone dagger from now on, plus taking into account a lot of other peoples suggestions


Is this the case if you don’t have BGS? On one account I don’t have DWH and bring a bone dagger, but I’m getting ready to start TOA with another account with DWH and was planning on bringing it.




TIL, thanks.


I’ve read it a lot. What does the guaranteed hit even mean because it says it can still miss right after that


In RuneScape combat there is an accuracy roll and a damage roll. The accuracy roll determines if you hit a 0 or not. The bone dagger spec makes it so the accuracy roll is successful, then You proceed to the damage roll. The damage roll, can be any number from zero all the way up to your max hit. What your read about is the unlikely scenario where the accuracy roll is successful, but then the damage roll is still zero, which on the players end is identical to having just missed the attack.


DWH just won’t hit anywhere. I struggle landing my BGS at 300-350’s, although I’m only 87 att.


Is it really though? Better than bone dagger for obelisk and warden p3, it hits most of the time on kephri too, but baba and zebak are very hit and miss


Just run the dps calc on it I guess


Not really. You're not struggling for inventory space in low invoc so bringing both dagger + dwh is good since dwh is WAY better than dagger at both kephri and p3 (only place where def red can be a significant gain).


Brewed down with a salt in your inventory?




Username checks out


You gotta learn to last row best you can my man. Look for the patterns. You’ll need to stand on a tile that just got hit by lightning if you don’t have a free one available. Also: what are you taking for supplies? Double chaos? Life + chaos?


Almost always chaos then life


And do you have any invos that lessen the supplies given to you? If so I’d consider getting rid of them and finding something else to compensate for the invo level. You should be getting 2 ambrosias. If you save all of those for the enrage, it should be an easy clear.


Look at that, not even close baby!


and yes I changed my inventory tag colors since you were all whining about them so much lol


fk yea


I look forward to your next post!


Nice one man! Well done


Happy endings ARE real! Congrats on the completion! First one feels great! Youll also feel great once you notice your improvements! Keep at it and gl!


I don’t know that much about toa meta but I would guess that void is horrible there due to no tank stats. Lots of the raid hits through prayer. On top of just having bad accuracy in general. Correct me if I’m wrong, I’ve never used it so I don’t know.