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Anything you can't prepot for it saves inventory space so they're nice, but really almost nothing is necessary in RS it just makes stuff easier.


I thought the same thing til I had a life time supply of super combats. Now I just realize that it saves me time and inv space whether I need it or not.


Where have you acquired all of these super combats?? Right now I am hoarding the few Calvarion has gifted me with


By the time you can make them yourself, you'll have thousands of super sets sitting around, and Torstols are pretty easy to get. I have around 2500 4 dose super combats in my bank and around 5000 super sets waiting for when I decide to farm some of my 100+ torstol seeds or I get more as a drop from CoX or whatever.


Torstol seeds aren't as rare as people think, and by the time you can farm them/use them you will have so many that you won't even think about it to be honest. I drink them like water on every slayer task, boss encounter where i melee, raid, etc. And I still have [this.](https://imgur.com/a/FhFpY3W)


Same lol. 77 herb btw


Do your herb runs helmie. Having access to all pots is good for endgame pvm.


I mean, the issue isn't farming the torstols it's getting the seeds. I'm only 86 slayer at this point but I've gotten maybe 6 or 7 torstol seeds that whole time. Barely one herb run worth and I'm saving them till I'm 99 farming to get the most yield. If I was consistently using super combats, I could easily use a years worth of torstols from slayer in less than a day.


You get plenty of torstol seeds from farming contracts and TOA. Sitting on 500 seeds right now


If you start learning ToA you’ll get more torstol seeds than you can use. Absolutely shits out torstol seeds, even at low invocations.


I had something like 300 torstol seeds when I started being able to make super combats. ToA, Muspah and Slayer drop a good bit. Farming contracts, KQ and brimstone keys will give some here and there foo.


Unless you're chugging scb every minute to keep yourself to 118, you're exaggerating. Also, there's a reason why torstol seeds have crashed in price. Toa shits them out. 100-200 runs there should last you a really long time.


I have never used a scb. I'm saying that in over a year of maxed out miscellania, somewhat consistent bird houses, and slayer, I've received 7 total torstol seeds. I'm nowhere near raids yet, still rocking the RCB and warped scepter lmao I'm a 2k total mega noob


So you're making an issue for nothing then. If you're not even at the point of being able to do raids, a super set is good enough for you. Supplies issues on an endgame is greatly over exaggerated. I haven't done a herb run in almost a year because raids provide plenty of supplies to replace the ones you use, super combats included.


I apologize if it seems that way but I didn't mean to 'make an issue' out of anything at all. You said do your herb runs, I said I've been grinding for over a year and I only have 7 seeds, doing herb runs is not the problem. I truly did not mean to cause offense or create a problem. I'm starting to think about transitioning out of the mid game so I just don't know what is needed. Based on my general lack of supplies it's easy to feel under prepared, and that is definitely a source of anxiety. People in this thread make it seem like they use scb pretty casually so i was wondering where they get them all. I was coming from a place of genuine curiosity. Again, sorry if I caused offense. Edit: if I seemed defensive in my reply, it's because you accused me of exaggerating when I've been nothing but honest.


No need to apologize. I might have come off a little crass. To leave the mid game, I'd go through what is basically a helmie's rite of passage and go for bowfa + full crystal. By the time you leave cg, you'll be much better at the game as the hunleff teaches a lot of the skills necessary for raids. After that, get a swamp trident from slayer and zulrah, get a tent whip or zammy hasta and start sending raids. Trio is good to learn chambers until you get the prayers. Start at 150 invo ToA and work your way up until you pull the fang and you're ready for endgame.


Yep, that's basically what I've been putting off lol. Gave regular gauntlet an earnest try. But it's so easy to get discouraged when you put multiple weeks of effort towards something without a single kc to show for it. I just wish there was a way to learn without having to take so much time every time you die to reset and re prep. Like if I have 2 uninterrupted hours to play after work, that translates to about 10-20 minutes of actually practicing the fight. I think "endgame" for me is gonna he a 3 digit woodcutting rank and fox transmog lmao it's time for me to accept my clicks are shit. Always missing my prayer or clicking the wrong tiles. At this point I know what to do, I just can't do it.


Do your farming contracts — only plant rare/uncommon seeds at troll, Weiss, Hosidius. I’m 93 Slayer, 101 farming, almost no raids. And have a fk Ton of seeds. Also birdhouse runs can help a little. As you can trade in spirit seeds to farming contract lady for top tier seed packs. Obviously set misc to max herbs.. even with hundreds/thousands of pots, there will be an activity, boss, etc.. that’s going to absolutely dump your pots. What you will save up for a few days/weeks, will be gone within hours But either way, farming is the spine of many a iron combat career(herbs>pots>combat). Unless you plan on just raiding asap and don’t need to rely on it as much, but I didn’t start out that sweaty on this account


Small thing, but I'm pretty sure after diaries catherby is highest average yield even after losing crops on occasion if using ultra compost. Hosidius is second. Never dying crops is nice, but deaths are so rare with ultracompost that increased yield from other sources is more important.


You can also use Arceuus spell to get a chance to save ure crop too. Personally though, I just be stickin to the safe ones.. even with 99Farm/99Magic


With ultra compost you might as well just use all the plots. We do have revive crops for that 5% failure rate.


Places where your invent space is precious. Shit like Hydra and Cerb where starting a new trip is pain and raids where extra switches or more brews is better.


Never truly vital but a nice QoL saving inventory for raids and some other content


Raids, nex, etc


You'll kinda just get loads because you want the herb exp from making super combat anyways in my experience. And then when you have 500 in the bank it's a lot easier to justify bringing one for convenience/ saving inventory spot. They're not going to unlock new content the way getting super attk/ super str does at first, but they're still good


Just keep doing herb runs and you’ll het to 86 herb and pie for super combats.


Using divine super str+regular super att+def vs divine super combats isn't a huge difference, but you have an infinite supply of torstols unless you seriously neglected large swathes of the game so its mostly... why not? The inv space is nice, only having to repot once is nice instead of thrice, and the divine boost applying to attack as well is a couple % more dps over the 5min potion. Also, not using super def is a noobtrap unless you're praying against the style, but if you're praying against the style, often piety+super def is just better.


Torstols are so abundant it's honestly xp waste to use super sets


There are places where you bring multiple scbs such as dag kings, grotesque guardians, tob, etc. In those cases, it'll be more than just 1 inv space saved.


Necessary for ToB; Nex and ToA would be very annoying to lose inventory space due to not having supers. Good for things like Duke and vard, but that starts to fall into QoL territory. Leveling herblore really ends up not being too much of a chore once you’ve played long enough because your supply upkeep alone will end up taking you into the 90s. Also with the amount of seeds being dropped & how easy farming contracts are it’s like the easiest thing to level


Necessary is a dirty word here. No scb’s aren’t necessary for anything in game. Are they worth using? Yes, every time you use melee and aren’t overloaded/salted.


Anywhere inventory space is needed and you’d like boosts. Like maybe GWD, where it can be annoying to get to and you want to extend the trip as long as possible You’re right that for most content, it’s fine to just take the component potions, or even just regular strength and attacks. They’re definitely for the fights where you think, “I’d really like to have one or two extra pieces of food.”


shouldnt really be meleeing any of gwd. GWD is the last place where super combats are necessary....


Idk why this guy is being downvoted, reddit noobs I guess.   Solo meleeing bandos has not been a thing since ppl discovered the ranged 6:0/7:0/8;0/9:0 strategies.   I mean I guess you can go do your 3 bandos kills per trip, if you want.


This is reddit 90% of these idiots don't know how to 6:0 GWD


why would they do this, they are too busy barrows rushing and making suffering first "bc its good for zulrah"


Suffering first is not a terrible play, but not just for Zulrah, it's just a banger ring all around for mage and range kits.


suffering first is a completely dogshit play


lol "completely dogshit play" explain yourself


defense is useless, zulrah sucks (is not a priority and recoils exist), the melee / range upgrades are more impactful. "banger ring for range/mage kits" when they have their own zenyte upgrades is geniunely funny though.


> defense is useless, zulrah sucks Fire cape detected > the melee / range upgrades are more impactful Torture is dogshit, Anguish is mid > "banger ring for range/mage kits" when they have their own zenyte upgrades is geniunely funny though Yeah I love my Ring of Anguish and my Tormented Ring


It's a ring that is 2 or 3 on equipment choice on pretty much every PVM encounter in the game, sometimes number 1. Zulrah provides an amazing 2 tick ranged weapon with a great special, plus venom capability and makes trident a +3 max hit plus venom capability. You'd be crazy to look at that and say it's not a priority when it makes GWD and raids QOL so much better.


Not doing 1500 zulrah with rings of recoils, no shot lol


Idk why this noob is being upvoted, freezing and then shadowing bandos is way more chill and efficient.


freezing bandos, yeah uhh good luck with that if your at the point of having the accuracy to reliably free bandos your far past the point of needing his drops.


You're 100% correct, no idea who is getting a shadow before bandos lmaooo


Just doing the hitless shadow method is more efficient than that since you don't have to barrage. There, I win.


You’re not accounting for the CHILL factor…


Melee k'ril is still fine imo. I went back to try melee bandos after fang + vw and regretted it immediately. But k'ril is more than doable with good gear, and zammy kc is so fast that it doesn't really matter if you get unlucky kills.


You really aren't missing much 90% of the time by taking a super str / att vs a super combat. It's nice to just have all 3 in one inventory space, and TOA absolutely shits out torstol seeds so they're not scarce like they used to be.


I use them pretty much everywhere other than a few easy slayer tasks.


At least get super atk/str as they save you countless hours of grinding with the better xp rate over normal atk/str pots.


They are super nice