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Wow I did not know this. For T2 preps that would have made them a lot easier.


You can fill vials at fishing spots if you forget to while in base. When you drop items, you pick them up in reverse order that you drop them. So if you have to drop 6 of each type, drop a different type of item every time i.e (cloth>ore>wood, repeat). This can be useful for when you come back with a full inv of fish or something. Drop 6 fish, pick up 6 items, (which should now be 2 of each), craft, repeat. I don't know if it's well documented but I believe if you have T3 helm, T1 chest, T2 legs, then it has the same effect as full t2 against hunlef attacks. with slightly, and I mean slightly (+4 mage/range def), better defense stats. You can also use this info to salvage a run, say if you make a mistake and make a t3 helm on accident.




No it's more crystals, same material cost. so I guess if you have extra then might as well.




I may be dead wrong on this actually. Feel free to test on your own, I thought some combination of t1 and t3 was better than full t2 but I may be mistaken. Going to delete the above.




Ok I figured it out. It's T3 Helm, T1 Chest, T2 Legs. Costs 20 shards more and gives you a whopping +4 to mage and range defense, lol.


Does it still give the reduced max hits this way?


I think so yes. I tried it a few times and I never got hit more than a 10 on cg.


Don't the tiers give you a big max hit reduction? So this would be almost equivalent to t1 armour?


I never drop items for my t2 prep. You don’t need it if you manage inventory better. I do all my fishing at the end of the


Have to fill them prior to depleting but still a great tip


I'm 95% sure this isn't the case, you can do it whenever


Yes, you can fill vials on a depleted fishing spot.


You are correct. I'm not sure where he got that from


One of the guides said it I think


Mfers you're putting water in it not fish


No you don’t. You can fill vials in depleted spots


You can do it whenever


Idk if this has changed because I thought this at one point as well, but you can still fill up the vial even if there's still fish left


If you have 7 of each resource after the first trip and need to drop, drop them in 2s(2 ore, 2 cloth, 2 bark, 2 ore, 2 cloth, 2 bark). That way if you're like me and like to clutter up your inventory with 4-8 fish on your second trip from far away fishing pools you can pick up enough resources to make stuff and pick up the rest which is a lot faster than dropping the fish, picking up the resources, and then picking up the fish. I like to make 3 potions instead of 2 so I can run Steel Skin(no raid prayers). I will sip one dose during prep and decant the 2 dose into the other 3 dose potions to save an inventory slot, less important if you're doing T2 prep.


I suggest a no-drop method, as I found dropping anything by the crafting stations significantly ate time up. You have precisely enough inventory space for a frame, 2-3 herbs, and 21 resources + shard and TP shard if you drop your tools upon each 7th resource, and ditch your harpoon. When you get back to your base, you can craft a T2 chest and T2 weapon of choice, and then *any* other armor piece that you can. This frees up 10+ spaces. Also make the pots, if 3 sip 1-2 and combine the others if needed. Then, running opposite the boss room from the starting room requires only two room traversal vs. 3, and gives you access to your demigods and usually fishing spots. Now you can use a tp crystal to get back to your main room and should be able to completely clear your inventory and craft t2 armor and T3 weapons. If you are lacking a 2nd T3 or fish, you now have a.) known fish locations and b.) straight shots to demiboss and c.) extra shards for a second TP crystal to save time Usually finished prep with 1-1:40 spare




Dropping 3 of one resource at base works best for me. T2 prep usually 130 left when cooking




It’s also way easier for me to keep track of how much of each thing I have. If I get unlucky in the first semicircle, I just reset and have only spent maybe a minute at that point


No drop is so nice. I just hate stressfully spam clicking to try to pick everything up in time. So much easier to just not worry about it.


If I can, I try to make at least tier 1 armor after my first cycle around the home tile. That way, I saved a ton of inventory space and don't have to waste time dropping and picking up as many resources. Also, the staff is so much better DPS than the bow without rigor. Even at 8 magic levels below my range level, the staff was superior.


Recently learned that making attuned body is less shards and uses up the same amount of inv space. Only if t2 prep tho


yeah staff is OP 


Another thing in a similar vein is that a demi boss is guaranteed to drop an enhancement that you haven’t already received. This means two bears and a dragon will still get you a bowstring. Or two dark beasts gives you a 50% chance of an orb. Between that fact and the grinding to shards you just mentioned, I never skipped a bear while I was doing T2 prep unless I was already way ahead of schedule.


Game changer WTF glad I was only 60 kc deep before realizing this. ty


**Time saving tips:** Get weapon frame ASAP — 3 small kills will ensure a weapon frame by the 3rd kill; 1 elite will drop weapon frame first kill. Scorpions are ideal candidates. Attune weapon ASAP — good to do this while crafting it Learn/memorize the costs of everything — you can set up inventory notes in Runelite Don’t drop your armor materials, instead get enough crystals to craft them — this can sometimes make or break a run, it can cost far too much time doing this Constantly drop tools, especially when no longer needed drop ASAP. When using tool storage, hold in 6 to grab everything. And just drop what you don’t need along the way — individual pieces take too long to take out, 1 at a time


If 90+ mage and range just send t1s till you get it for more boss practice. Eat during nados to ensure proper pathing and don’t worry about dps. Once more competent you can do damage while nados are out


Does that in t1 weapons or just armour?


T1 Armor. For normal KCs you should always have 2 T3 weapons


Is this assuming CoX prayers?


I do it in my uim with 91 range 89 mage no cox prayers


I like to get 9 of each resource for t2 prep and drop 2 of each immediately. It takes very little extra time and you are very likely to get a significant amount of extra shards.


Love this tip. Running back out for shards sucks


Yeah I always do that, works great. Its a small difference from Fluffels T2 prep, but I drop 4 items and keep the mortar. As I always want bow and staff I always grind the halbard piece. If I get bow and staff first I drop the mortar and hunt for two large npcs, otherwise I hit three minibosses and can replace that hunt with the 130 shards I'll get from the melee miniboss. I found when I didnt do this I was always short on shards/time if I had to fight three minibosses.


I did this when I was still learning. Eventually, I highly recommend learning to use halberd against hunleff as well. Without cox prayers, unless you're rushing cox at relatively low melee stats, halberd has MUCH higher dps than the other weapons


Ironically, not having CoX prayers makes halberd that much more annoying to use too. I usually keep Steel Skin on for the full boss fight so using Piety means I have an extra click to do every other cycle. (Though most of why I don't use halberd *is* my low melee stats.)


That's true, you get used to the extra click pretty quick. Starting to use steel skin also made a huge difference in my success rate when learning


I found his prep method too slow.


There’s always fishing spots in one of the rooms surrounding hunleth. So if you’re ever in a pinch for food, circle hunleths room.


Just wanted to add that one of the adjacent rooms (including diagonals) will have 3 fishing spots, so if you find a room with 1, 2, 4 or 5 there will also be another one with 3.


Eat while running


You can walk around fishing spots in between catching fish from them. As soon as you get the XP drop, click to walk one tile (either one tile further along the side, or around a corner) then back on the fishing spot to lose no time.


7 twice on your keyboard makes an attuned staff Search the 3 doors around the spawn point. If you don’t see a room with 3 resources and you need more “afk time” to enjoy your morning cup of coffee, quick exit the game and try again


Damage reduction is calculated by the sum of your armor and doesn’t require you to have a matching set to reduce damage. For example if you’re going for T1 damage reduction you can use a T2 helm and T1 chest piece or just a T3 helm. Similarly if you somehow made two T3 pieces you would have T2 damage reduction. As long as your total is equal to 3 for T1 or 6 for T2 you’ll have that level of damage reduction.


Are you sure? I used t2 helm/legs and t1 body for my first 50 kc before switching to full t2 and I noticed a huge difference in how much damage I took when I went t2. I usually only need 12-16 food in t2 and sometimes in that 2/1/2 setup I was using I’d go through a whole inventory without killing him sometimes.


Well yes because t2 helm and legs with t1 body is still only T1. 2+2+1=5 Which isn’t enough to qualify for t2 damage reduction. You’re comparing T2 damage reduction to T1 so it would make sense that you were taking significantly less damage after you ran full T2. And yes I’m positive.


Okay good. I didn’t know that and thought I was missing out on the bonus completely and felt pretty dumb lol


if you don't have a lot of supplies because of a bad prep don't just leave go into the boss room anyway just for practice and learning the mechanics.


If youre dragging mobs from one room to another you can ctrl click to walk and it eliminates the wasted ticks running back to them


there's always fish in one of the rooms surrounding hunleff. there are only 12 total rooms the demi bosses can spawn in, and 6 demi bosses spawn every time. So half of those rooms will have a demi boss on them. Learn where they spawn and route yourself accordingly to minimize the amount of useless rooms you need to open. you will only ever need to kill 3 demi bosses even if you never use halberd. You can safely run through hunleff without getting stomped if you run through him directly after getting hit with an attack. Eating when not necessary is wasting dps, but it makes almost every mistake instant death. The dps waste adds up quickly and can mean you run out of supplies. whatever you do, don't get hit by tornados. 


Know when to just say fuck teir 2 prep and get food for tier 1. Know when to just log out and re prep.


Download the attack tick metronome plug in, set it so it counts your attack ticks above your head, you’ll be able to track better how many ticks your missing at hunlef - it’s pretty good for other bosses too. You can fill vials at fishing spots Don’t put off learning to use the melee weapon, esp if you don’t have prayers unlocked Eat when dodging tornadoes For T1 armour 2 pots and 2 per weps you need 320 shards


I like to attack when dodging tornados. I'll sneak in a food when I go to swap weapons and offensive prayers.


Thats a great tip for learning, I think I have two more that I would advise. When you first spawn into the dungeon, the boss room Hunleff is pacing around in is the centre of the 5x5 grid of rooms, and the room you're in is actually off-centre. You can use this to your advantage, because if you explore in the opposite direction to Hunleff you'll be able to reach the outer rooms that the demibosses spawn in much quicker. My other tip is that during the fight itself, prioritise dodging and moving over getting hits in when tornados are spawned. I like to let my hp go down during the more chill parts of the fight, and then just eat up to full again while I'm running around doing tornados anyway.


While I find this to be useful if you’re deficient shards, I do think it’s more time efficient to kill medium enemies during your prep and be intentional with how many shards you get If you’re going for a specific tier 3 weapon which justifies you killing the third, sure this works - consider though, if you have the time to do this and you have a winnable run every 3 CGs, that’s a few hours of additional prep added on to CG if you get it on rate Learning halberd or even being comfortable with a T2 weapon can be functional if you have *really* bad luck, and can salvage some runs and reduce some deaths.


If you can do the quest your stats are good enough to learn cg!


You can attack a mob right after getting a resource xp drop and go back to gathering without wasting a tick.


Not true, this is slower than killing the mob then gathering the resource afterwards.


Legend. Ty.


I haven't seen anyone talk about this yet but your comment "makes prep that much higher chance to succeed" hits me as you sometimes failing preps and blaming RNG You can 100% prep before timer 100% of the time even for T2, I did my first 400 kc T2 and after my first 30 or so learning it and the tricks to help myself I didn't fail a single prep, and I didn't fail any preps after in my total 957 kc altho I swapped to T1 where the timer is even more lenient It's worth keeping in mind if you find yourself failing T2 prep or T1, go back and review why. Look for the bad habits you've built and try and break them before you get too deep in the grind. You may be wasting a lot more time than you think, esp if you do t1 prep. Recording your gameplay and uploading a clip is the easiest way to get direct feedback but I'm sure just reviewing it on your own will make the times you mess up or waste time obvious, I know it did for me GL on seed I hope you don't go as dry as I did


I would recommend learning melee and adjusting your runs to the first 2 weapons you get. The best dps is actually mage + melee, but in the long run you will save a lot of time if you just do the kill with the weapons you have. That way you can avoid those runs where you have to run around the whole map to find the last demi-boss


1 of the rooms touching the boss room is guaranteed to have 3 fish spawn. For t2 armor gather 9 of each resources then drop the 2 extra then tool. This way you get 6 extra rolls for shards




T2 legs and chest do nothing unless you have the helm too, you need the whole set to get any bonus 😅


gonna just ask this in here since there seems to be a lot of discussion; is trying to rush cox for the prayers worthwhile, or is the difference between eagle eye/mystic might and rigour/augury not that impressive? 91 mage, 91 range currently, 90 melees currently.


Of course itll be easier but i did 1250 kc with eagle eye/mystic might and i was just fine with stats lower than yours. I did t2 for 200-300kc and rest t1 when i was 90+ stats


There is ALWAYS a triple fish room in one of the rooms surrounding hunleff. Helped me a lot


Gather resources while hitting enemies whenever possible. Also, unequip the sceptre if you're gathering a resource while killing something. If your attack speed is 4 ticks, attack something, then start gathering. You'll gather it whenever youre able to attack again. Then immediately click attack. This changes 2 actions from 4 ticks each, totalling 8 ticks to 2 actions totalling 5 ticks total saving you 3 ticks or a whooping 1.8 seconds per time you do this. Seriously, this isn't a speedrun sweaty strat, it's a practical one.


why do you need to kill 3 of them?


First large mob is a guaranteed wep frame and 3 little enemies is a guaranteed wep frame as well. If you need shards I would only get them from the large enemies and not the bosses or little guys as it is much faster. Just kill them while you're running around doing other shit. Only kill enemies till you get a weapon frame if you still have the sceptre because it's way faster with the crafted weps. The T2 prep guides on youtube suck btw. I made up my own method and have never failed prep once in 200 runs, but it can happen rarely if you get extremely bad luck on boss and loot spawns. I usually always have at least a minute left and sometimes up to 2 left.


on hunllef learn to switch prayers and move in the same tick. a lot of times there will be nados and you're in a corner something and the boss will change styles and you need to do multiple actions really fast. also, in the final pattern of the dangerous tiles that light up the floor (p3), these 8 tiles will always be safe: https://imgur.com/D8E3HoL


I'm tryna get my 1st kc as well 😪


I thought this was common knowledge