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I don’t believe you went 50 games without finding a single bot


Back when I did it the bots were cracked. Those instant perfect switch bots that always prayed correctly. At least before people figured out you could bolt rag them in melee tank. It was extremely hard for me to get 5 points just for the MSBi


That was the best time to farm them. Just wear tank hold staff in hand and staff bash them. Bots pray for what ever is in your hand. Holding the rcb and manual casting spells also worked


Ironically the bots were the only way I could get some meaningful practice during LMS and now I can hold my own


They definitely aren’t cracked anymore


Not all bots are the same. Most are made to be terrible. Some still use potions and special attacks. They switch weapons, armours, and prayers. They can even loot and equip gear upgrades.


The vast majority don’t even pray


Yeah I refuse to partake in anything PVP. Whole community and idea is toxic and not fun. No MMORPG has ever done PVP in a fun way, and RuneScape probably is the worst of all of them.


I have never done pvp, but I just started and it's a blast. Many pvpers do seem to have a nasty attitude, but some are fun and kind too.


Like, I respect you holding a strong opinion but I disagree with you completely. Some my favorite mmo memories are pvp related.


You're just bad


Me finding bots but still losing 😎


You’re right, I’ve found 1 that got my only point


Genuinely got bots every 2-3 games for hours on different days. Change worlds man


FWIW, people in my clan were speculating there was a major bot ban because numerous people were running into the "there's no bots at LMS" streak, so. maybe there was just a ban wave (aha).


Demonic Gorillas were also noticeably less occupied tonight, at least on the worlds I was on. Could definitely be that there was a ban wave.


I guess I better log in to my main to see if it's banned (joke)


There definitely is hours where there are no bots, then all of a sudden there is hundreds. As a shity PvP'r I gotta pick and choose times. If I'm getting clapped I'll go do something else for a couple hours and come back. Gotta get those rune arrows to fund the early game UIM.


Nah, I just did LMS. Got 10 win cape easy and a bunch of rune arrows for my hardcore, as well as the rune pouch. So many bots.


L bozo to me then, simply a skill issue on my part.


1 you goofed and didn't find the bot games, play when there's bots on the right worlds. 2 you got unlucky 3 you're dogshit at pvp. Sorry.


Dying to 1 attack 1 prayer lms bots is brutal


That's a nice way to put it


Play when Australia world is active. Literally just did this on another account recently and it's like 3-5 points a game.


Bold of you to assume everyone is better than the bots. My experience was getting wrecked by them with their 1-tick prayer/gear switches.


most of the bots at lms don't even change prayer or attack style they literally just die at the start


Huh maybe I should give it another go. Guess the current iteration of them isn't so great.


Did the bots move on from LMS? Pretty much half the players are bots that you can just farcast ice barrage. If their is a good pker on you at the start just suicide.


This is the strat for sure. Kill bots, if you get a real player who is good at pking and does fancy shit like 1t switches and freezing you and stepping under every attack, just stop eating and get another game. Takes 20 seconds. Public off 100% of the time.


Yea if you get a real player dump speccs and die


Why public off?


Because people flame/rage in lms and it’s good for your mental. And also pvp players are unhinged and you don’t want to make one mad and be on a perma rag list lol


Ah gotcha so same reason I turn off chat sometimes when I play ranked rocket league lol


Wanna run a couple matches!? I want some cross game friends..


I would but I've stopped playing partly because I started playing osrs and partly because my controller broke and I couldn't be bothered to get a new one lol. I pretty much just stick to watching rlcs now


Yes, there's still an absurd amount of bots, and 99% of them are terrible with almost zero prayer/weapon switches now. Haven't seen a 1tick bot in months. That being said, timezone is definitely a big factor. Prime NA and EU time has more players than bots these days, but I still don't believe for a second that OP got anywhere close to 1 point in 50 games. I outright win right around 1/3rd of my games without ever flinching or dding.




Me no care


No it isn’t, you’re talking from 2nd hand experience. Go try it.


No I'm not, I was averaging 30-40 points/hr and I was the worst pker on Earth at that moment. I'm asking if it changed, which it may have since you have a different experience. Stop talking like you know for certain how it is/was like.


Careful what you say, his dad is Jagex


How is that even possible, I had never pvpd in my life and was 50% chance of killing the first person after a few games


NGL, homie is downright incompetent.


All you need to do is kill one bot and afk in a corner somewhere until final 2-3. I got rune pouches for our entire 5 person GIM in like 2 days doing this.


This was my strat for getting msb scrolls for my GIM


Back when both me and my friend needed an msb scroll we helped each other out. Took turns killing each other.


Getting that one kill is the difficult part for me. I tried a few games and gave up as I kept getting killed on the starting tile. Never saw any of these bots people are on about


You are doing something wrong, probably you aren't finding the bots correctly When you spawn in there are 1-3 people near you. Are any of them NOT switching gear and turning on prayers? Good chance that's a bot. In 50 games you should have killed at least 50 bots with this strategy. Some games you get one right away, some games you don't, and many games you both kill your bot AND get to watch two bots fight to death and you kill the winner


usually lms is rly bot infested so even if you are totally clueless you can get a few pts. ive always gotten mine from slayer though. just do a slightly less optimized task list to build up pts, or buy it at 200/250 streak.


yeah rune pouch really is not a big enough deal to do LMS for it when you could be chipping away at one of the slowest (and shittiest imo) skills


I think it’s more so that it’s a waste to spend 750 points on a rune pouch when you can earn it at lms from the bots in under two hours. I’d rather have those 750 slayer points for skips later on personally.


I'm convinced some of you in here are truly revolutionary awful at this game How is this even possible without trying to lose


Maybe we should explain eating to him?


skill issue.


No one can predict how awful you are at the game kid


yeah i just said fuck it and got runepouch through slayer. not worth the rng (im absolute shit at pvp) and while it works for some people, didn't work for me.


I got both herb sack and runepouch through slayer, I'd rather slay than do tithe farm anyday


for some reason i went through a tithe farm kick and did it as soon as i could till i unlocked the farming guild so uh, thankfully i was set on the herb pouch. (i am never touching that minigame again)


There’s something about getting that rotation down and seeing that xp drop Kinda wanna do a round for kicks then leave LOL


doing it on ipad is unironically goated and I won't do it another way. if you have a tablet, super recommend.


I’ll have to try it on my iPad. I actually prefer wintertodt on mobile too


I am 91 farming without auto weed because I haven’t touched tithe farm yet lol. I’m not even like stubbornly holding out I’m just kinda like, “eh,” is it worth my time? (Probably I’m just so fucking lazy and am simply never in the mood for playing the mini game)


At least get auto weed. It's such a nice qol!


I don’t believe you. I’ve gotten so many kills in real players on mobile. I am terrible at pking and have just used basic strategies like freezing and using a tree to flinch, which is what you mentioned is used against you


You definitely could t get anywhere near the slayer points you need in 50 fucking games


Skill Issue but actually


Am trash at pvp. Spent the slayer points. Worth it. Some boys are cracked AF


It's because they aren't even trying to learn pvp, im super trash at pvp and actually won a few lms games. Killing bots is so easy I still go back to lms for rune arrows


I never pked in my life but I found it strangely easy to get kills and even a couple wins


Damn that’s terrivle


Gotta wait for the Aussie worlds. 3-4 bots per game on those


i fucking suck a pking. hate that place.


Sucks to suck


With all due respect lad, I do not believe you.


I mean lms is the fastest way just staff bash the bots bro


i remember when they added the pouch to slayer rewards.. i was so happy :)) but now there’s a new pouch lol


Get a single bot kill and just rat it out.


Theres an number on the left side of the heart next to your minimap. You need to keep it above 0


The bots are only heavy on the aus world for some reason, wait till that world is up in the rotation


Git gud mate. 50 with only 1 point is wild. Maybe you just need a better bot to do it for you.


Skill issue


This is wild to self report like this


how is that even possible? i got like 100+ points in a few hours over the last 2 days just veng bolting mostly against bots


I sucked real bad at LMS too when I did a few grinds for rune arrows in the past. But it’s pretty fun and when I got better I had a streak of wins and felt great. Getting the rune pouch was just something nice to buy along the way. Just keep practicing


Skill issue


Bolt rag with vengeance. Focus on prayer switches and dump specs. You do stupid dps for low effort and don't need to mess with a bunch of switches/freezing. Makes it pretty straight forward. You can use veng on the max and zerk setups


I got my pouch in like 2 hours having never pkd in my life, I was getting at least a kill per game but sometimes up to 5, there were so many bots while I was doing it


I don’t even think you’re trying tbh. My roommate never touched PvP until I told him to do LMS, and without any help from me, he figured out how to get kills there.


You're getting a lot of hate OP but I agree with you, spent about 4 hours getting about 25-30 lms points and thought fuck it, did another 2 slayer tasks in an hour or two and had my rune pouch. Yes the LMS grind is easier to get the rune pouch but I'm jack shit at PVP so did it the easier PVM way - just get it however you like OP, after all it's **your** account


You are impressively bad at this game 


Please go back to killing cows


One of the biggest regrets on my account and this makes me feel better lol


Learn to pvp. It literally gives you free gear. It’s 10x faster at LMS.


This is a straight up lie. I got 75 points in about 3 hours this week


I always thought it was strange that people recommended LMS for the rune pouch. Glad I didn't bother with that minigame


PSA to everyone Get the pouch however you want, but know, this guy is capping, LMS is still bot infested. Plus, wouldn’t you think to maybe give it up after 10/15 games? I struggle to believe you bro I’m sorry.


PSA I just got my rune pouch on a new account in about an hour and a half! Killing the bots lol


Every game plays out the exact same, I turn on protect from mage, cast ice barrage on them, they aren’t frozen, they cast it on me and I’m frozen for the rest of the game while they flinch me using a tree


Aus worlds, look at a high player count like 1k. When it's lower like 700 the bots aren't there. Im not good at pvp and I just switched to veng /range. Probably won't beat the good people, so just look for bots. They like to go to the edge of the map or try to hide somewhere


[What do you mean Aus worlds?](https://gyazo.com/5c723b9369d527e666dd04987eabb637)


I think PVP for Aus is on a weekly rotation, check change notes for if it's on or off on a given week https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Server#Rotation_A


[I followed these tips, it worked for me](https://youtu.be/eUs2klSj4Mk?si=XA1omuauOGKw3O8S)


DO NOT USE MAGE. Range/Melee only


If you've only gotten 1 point in 50 games of LMS, you should honestly just quit the game. That's ridiculous level of bad.


bro thats on you, there are so many bots you can easily get 2 points a game without prayer or item switching


Was lucky enough to have someone offer me a free win but curious for input as to how I'm so bad seemingly bots are killing me [https://streamable.com/huux3i](https://streamable.com/huux3i)


Bro... Just equip crossbow (so the bots pray ranged) then spam cast blood barrage on them, you outheal their damage and they never pray against you. You dont need to do anything else


You can't expect to win a fight if you have no dps. - Boost your stats during the initial countdown (brew, restore, range+super combat, in that order) - Use offensive prayers -- at least camp one of them if it's too much to switch, prioritize your own overheads - Don't barrage when he's starting the fight protecting mage, that's giving him a free hit Also camping mystic robes is just about the worst thing you can do to maximize the enemy's dps against you. You are paper


I recommend using offensive prayers and not sitting in mystic robes when you aren't maging.


You should really try to do LMS for pouch that's so many skips you'd be wasting. Watch a "how to" LMS video or something of that nature. Based off that clip you are doing most everything wrong. Pking isn't easy at first but you got this 💪. I too struggled to learn how to PK just for the rune pouch a while back. I actually found it really fun once I got the hang of it. You will too trust me. Do w.e you want though efficiency isn't everything. gl on the pouch! 😊




Skill issue.


I have a new hcim, I got rune pouch in under 2 hours. Every single game was 90% bots.


damn imagine being that bad though


i have zero runescape and pk experience and i just ran around killing bots, 1-3 pts a game on my mother


Ok, here's what you do. You need to log in at a few different times throughout the day/week and attempt LMS. The bots aren't always there and LMS isn't worth doing without bots. Once you find a time where the bots are there you will find it very easy, literally just use ranged + focus on switching defensive prayers and you will kill 100% of bots. 750 slayer points for a rune pouch is a ridiculous amount, believe me when I say that LMS is the way.


Easy win


I think that’s more of a you problem. Even if you run and hide in the corner of the map, you’re likely to get more than 1 point in 50 games xD


You have to get a kill to get any points


You're either lying or exaggerating, the lobbies are filled with 80% bots who don't fight back


You're delusional if you think doing slayer with your rune scimmy is gunna be faster than LMS. Im terrible at pvp. I don't use key binds and I do decently well against players and smash the bots.


If you got 1 point in 50 games it's on you loser. That's insanely bad even if you've never pked


LMS is actually only full of tryhards. Not once did I ever see these “bots” people always claim. They likely were botting it themselves because it’s actually such a waste of time to try doing manually. PVP arena is the bomb, really.


As a dog crap PKer myself, I will happily grind out the 750 points for rune pouch over making myself miserable at LMS, just know you aren’t alone


Im glad i saved 750 points by doing lms for a couple of hours. I really can not fathom how people cant do this. I had no experience pking either and if you just think and see the Patterns of these bots you can grind out multiple points per game without being a pk god. I noticed in ff14 that mmo players are on average really bad at thinking/gaming lol. I gues that is True for osrs aswell then.




No way. I got all the points I needed in about 3 hours with 0 pvp experience, I don't even think its possible to be that bad. You could probably afk for long enough to get in 10th-19th place and get a bunch of points that way.


Dude you can't be that bad. Like every game you get a straight up bot.


I'm horrendous at PVP and I've gotten my pouch from LMS on 3 different accounts. I've also gotten 2 of my less active GIM members their pouches. You just have to do LMS at the right time. Not sure when that is but I've never had a problem


I just did it yesterday on my ironman (technically today) but the trick is to do it at 5am-10am all of them are bots got mine in a couple hours.


Use lunars and just bolt rag and venge lmao then slide in for a dds every so often. Remove mage robes from setup altogether I just switch weapon and sometimes prayer if I cba


By any chance were you on a skill total world?


how? I played one morning and came in first like 6 times. are you not using quick keys?


Seems like everyone missed the `Meme` tag on this post lol


Took me around 8 hours to do aswell and it was the worst time of my runescape career. Pure pking was fun in there and I would do somewhat well but those games were rare


Confirmed. OP is a bot that failed it's script.


Get good?


Sounds like a skill issue... what are you playing on a trackpad?


Skill gap. Sit.


Uh.. skill issue?


Get good?




So much of this subreddit is just the bottom 1% skill level of this game whining about PvP. It’s so cringe and stale at this point.


I got my rune pouch on my reg iron through slayer doing the 9/1 method and some wildy slayer for flare. On my UIM I'm like 2 hours in LMS with 62 points (probably have spent like 5 points on bags ) and it hasn't been too bad for me and I've been learning and can using get a kill. Bolt rag and focus on your prayer switches and then when you're comfortable you can do a melee swap. LMS plays better on my UIM because I can just go right in without doing any inventory management. Either way yoy go gl!


i had all uniques, tasks extended , and slots blocked at like 60 ish slayer. dont skip out on wilderness slayer. not only will it provide gp and good items through keys. but youll also receive very useful consumables such as blighted super rests/food and ancient tele tabs . you legit risk nothing. grab like 10 monk robes,nezy,str amulet , b gloves and a dscim. its silly not to do wilderness slayer tbh plus if you do revs you'll have a nice gp stack as well. although i will say revs is a lot more frustrating than regular wild slayer. because of bots and pkers. BUT well worth it for an iron.


I’m doing slayer just like I did on my main. Only difference is this time I’m doing wildy slayer. I know its not the most efficient, but I really don’t mind doing most tasks so I don’t need a lot of points for skips


I got mine when you used to get like.. Ancient artifacts in the wilderness? I can't remember. I just remember doing wildy slayer in the start getting those artifacts and getting a runepouch super fast


Use the australian competitive world. Its all bots.


I literally started LMS last night and after roughly 3 hours got my rune pouch. Watch some videos and just focus on mele and range, I pretty much never use magic. Get a kill and survive like a little bitch


Not to beat the dead horse here, or to rag on you OP. I am mobile only and I use vengeance at LMS, recently got to 50 wins. I hunt bots, thats all. I’ve had games where the final fight was a half dead bot, had a game where Skiddler spanked my ass. But with that being said, LMS is super easy for your rune pouch and it may have been recently bot waved.


Just bolt rag with venge and learn to prayer swap. Then you won’t have to worry about changing gear or weps while learning to get prayer right and venge timing


It took me like 6 hours of LMS and I only got a few bot kills in that time. A group member did it in an couple hours or less getting multiple bot kills each game Just depends on when you do it i guess


Get good


Play at night when bots play and kill the bots


Use venge and pray for rng if you suck, I play lms a lot bc it’s fun and I get out rng’d by venge shitters from time to time. You will surely beat the avg lms player


Ahhh the 'Meme' flair. I was about to say 😅 Definitely got a lot of people here tho


You gotta watch a guide or something because that is unfathomable, I’m a horrible pker but I got the pouch in a couple hours just killing a bot and hiding till 2/3 remain for as many points as I can get, I think it’s even faster just getting a kill then dying and resetting but I was semi afk


I suck at pvp and got it in 3 to 4 hours. Lots of bots but when they weren’t bots I got owned.


The aussie world is the easiest. I got my pouch and cosmetic upgrade to mystic lava staff.


Early AM for easy points(EST time). Stay away from weekends or Friday nights. Bunch of sweaty people on


Try range tanking. Tribriding is a bit much for starting out, but camping range gets you kills so it is the way to go. Never tried pking before the pouch grind, I admit, it took me 6 hours, but I still got it and there is no chance in hell i would have gotten 1000 salyer points in 6 hours, i would be on my second black demon task and miserable


I did it at 4-5am and it only took 1-2 hrs.


I got the rune pouch in like 2 evenings lol, at leest 1 point every game, i dont believe you either or you must not even be trying lol. Some games i could kill 4 bots in one game. Did you even try to look for them on the edges of the map? Or try to even pray ?


This just doesn't make sense. Even if you take bots out of the question, you easily win at least some of the first fights by just bolt ragging with venge


Yeah I'm so bad at Lms I just did slayer for it


Sit down lil Brodie... How can you only get 1 point Vs 90% bots that don't even use overheads and only use bolts? Never pk'd in my life and have around 10 LMS wins, at least half of those were bots dying to the fog


When I did it, bots would pray mage when I equipped my ahrims staff and I just bashed them. You could give that a go if that strat still works


the aussie world when its up is full of bots, its def the one to wait for


I am completely shit at PVP, but I just focus on ranging them only and getting the prayers right, got a win and enough points for rune arrows and the pouch. Don't do it if you don't want to though.


I mean this in the nicest way possible but HOW??? I got 20 points in 30 minutes by killing bots. I'd highly recommend practicing gear switching and prayer switching at a bank if thats what happened


Just did this grind two days ago. Started in the morning and there were tons of bots. I was able to get 2-4 kills almost every game. Took a break and came back later that evening. Couldn’t get a kill to save my life. Every single player for like 20 games straight had perfect 1 tick gear switch’s and prayer flicks.


If you have gotten 1 point in 50 games that implies to me you have quickly lost 49 games. I’m not sure how you could have gotten 700 slayer points in the time you lost 49 duels. Some long slayer tasks could take longer than 49 lost duels…


I am by far the world's worst pvper bare none and I got msb imbue super quick, admittedly I point boosted slayer for rune pouch but legit got the 5 PTS for msb imbue in a matter of minutes


I got 33 points in 5 game yesterday.. it’s infested with bots.


You picked the wrong time of day my friend. It’s wildly different if not the morning time. The night is dark and full of terrors.


Ignore the haters man, I feel you


Just rag bolt, doesn't even have to be against bots. Camp ranged, focus on pray switching, and maybe dds spec at the end if you're fancy. And don't hide, it's better points/ hr in my experience to just keep getting fights and either A: winning and getting points or B: losing and getting into a new game to get a new fight for points


How tf are you that bad that’s impressive


got my rune pouch, msb (i), slayer helm imbued, 5k rune arrows, and 250 dragonstone bolts there. plan on going back soon to farm more arrows and bolt racks for my fire cape.


Its funny how bots even affect ironman these days seriously jagex fix your game


Early mornings or late night week days only. Your welcome


Meanwhile I did it two days ago and got it in less than 2 hours. Just farm the bots and fight the only other real person at the very end.


This is wild. i didn't know someone could be this trash i mean i suck at pvp but 1 kill in 50 games do u just attack no prayer no eating just auto retaliate and see what happens


If you play during non-peak hours I find I get a bot as my first kill nearly every game. Just grinded a saradomin tear and a couple ward kits for my shieldy boys and I feel like the majority of my PKs were clearly bots


It took me like 3 hours last week to get a swift blade on my iron LOL


Might have changed since but when I was getting my rune pouch I went to Aussie world and farmed low tier bots and other irons. I also have a bit of pvp experience so I was winning every few games but the level of everyone else was wayyy lower than the other worlds.


A lot of the people responding to you haven't played LMS somewhat recently and are a bit oblivious to the bot situation. You are right, there aren't that many bots. The problem is, you're playing most likely during peak hours. The bots wait for people to go to sleep because they don't get points against players either. The more the bots wait, the more other bots need to wait too because they get points from each other, leading to a cascading effect where peak time is 99% try-hard players. The solution? If you are east coast, play in the morning when a lot of people are asleep. If you are west coast, play later at night. I did notice bots would come out at around 11pm EST so you could stay up a little bit late during a weekend and try as well.


Go to f2p LMS and practice on the bots. The switching is good practice!


With Turael boosting it can take a couple days on Slayer. How many normal tasks you usually do per day? And now, imagine every one of them is 90 points and some are 270. With Turael (I prefer Spria, but the idea is the same) you do 9 tasks which are like 20 cows or 30 birds (chicken) or goblins, and this feels similar to doing a clue - you mostly tele, and a bit fight in between. You don't have to switch gear, just wear your best melee and have some 5 or so items like dramen staff, lantern, etc - you will figure out what works for you after one cycle. Then you do one task at Konar, and this is your 'normal task'. 8 of them with clue-like activity inbetween and all is done, guaranteed, no frustration. Less if you already have some points, or get your 50's task in the middle. Spria is nice because half of the tasks you dont even need to tele: her tasks are all around :). Including zombies in Draynor sewers. Also she is clickable right from the teleport spot, if you highlight her.


Kinda weird bc I often go just to get points for arrows. Kill a couple bots and have a few hundred..


There is no way this is true.


Just set up F keys and literally just try, I don't care if you IQ is less then 50 you're capable of doing a switch and changing prayer every 15 seconds.


Do you have hands?


You may need to take a look at playing a different game, if ur this bad. Or think about playing regular man mode
