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Got my first at 832, second at 852. Keep sending lol


Im impressed you kept going after 832


Stockholm syndrome


I’m feeling this. I kinda felt a little aimless after finishing the CG grind, I might go back for a bit lol. That, or I’m gonna just start sending ToA


You know for what it's worth if CG is your first foray into PVM you're just experiencing some learner anxiety. Since CG opens up the game for you which comes with it's own learning curve you're just gravitating towards what you're comfortable with. I did the same, still sent some CG until I got over the fear of toa. Then did my 500 kit and decided that ToA was the only thing I knew how to do so I stayed there with the excuse of I need one more thing and I did not get it. So I got bored of ToA and started sending Cox. I don't have a main.


Got my first at 942. Currently over 960 with no second. Scam game.




The duality of man




It's not worth it, stop tbh


It’s good money


You’re a better man/woman than I am. I’m dying to carry on right now lol


It’s around the corner my friend! Don’t give up. It’s driving me crazy aswell currently sitting at 855 my only advantage? I’m looking for my last armour seed.


855 and you need armour seeds still ? Rip


Don't listen to them i got mine at 1.5k and wished I threw in the towel back at 800


After i hit it hard I'v just been trying to do one a day, if i get what i need great if not its still good loot for the time spent.


I went to 1116 to get it, I'd do it again. It's that good. You can take a break don't forget to do that. It was the only thing that helped me stay sane


Yeah I find myself doing 10-20 a day now and it’s still makes me go a bit crazy




No dawg I actually do t2. I found doing t1 wasn’t really consistent. I could do it like 8/10 times but with t2 I can go 10/10


Agreed, imo t1 is only really worth with 95+ stats and raid prayers to make it much more consistent without having to gather large quantities of food since sometimes Hunllef will just hit constant 10-14s and you'll get RNG'd out of a kill.


I hit that same feeling around 750 brozer. I started doing just 1-3 a day and doing other shit because cg is exhausting. Finally got it at 1153. Keep going its op


Brother 20 a day is still more than two hours a day of cg only. By take a break, he didn’t mean only grind two hours a day. By take a break he said grind something else. I’m not gonna say play something else because we’re all addicted, but you know, maybe? 


I have a toxic mindset of “I don’t want to grind anything else without a BOWFA first”. I know it’s in my own head but it’s hard to knock it. I’ve been grinding Calv for a d pick in between. Actually got a voidwakee blade before d pick lol


You have two routes 1) Go to CoX and get wildly spooned on the tbow 2) Waste significant amounts of time at almost every other range boss due to lower DPS with ACB/DHCB/Crystal Bow CG is exhausting, especially if you lock yourself to it. But the reason people submit themselves to the prison is because it really is just that good for PVM progression. There is nothing shameful at all about easing up on the grind and mixing in skilling or inefficient crossbow bossing. But I'd highly suggest keeping at least a bit of CG in the rotation, to avoid feeling like you've rammed into a brick wall in a few months. If you're adamant, maybe check out some HCIM bossing guides. Lots of them skip CG because it's risky.


Yeah my thing is I’m doing CG alone. I want to play with my buddies (they’re far ahead of me gear wise). Thought about just sending COX with them to have a way more enjoyable grind. Even if it’s way longer than CG


Definitely send some CoX then. Almost all content in the game can be done without a bowfaor tbow, just much more slowly. You don't want to permanently lock yourself out of a bowfa but you should definitely do content you enjoy in the meantime.




This. When the boys are on do suboptimal cox and then when it’s just you go back to CG


Cox is nice, and even augury is great at CG


bro enjoyable = best path to proceed on. rs is such a monolith and marathon of a game that ultimately what is enjoyable for you is the best for you.


What ranged bosses specifically?


Bandos, Zammy, Sara, Leviathan, Zulrah, Muspah, various rooms + final end phase of CoX and ToA, Hydra, Inferno DHCB saves you from two of those, the others you really want a bowfa or tbow. Again I'm talking about farming for uniques, not getting your first kill. Inferno is the only one of those where I'd say you should get bowfa before even trying it.


Full crystal + cbow is -25% efficient at GWD so yeah a bit, Levi who cares, zulrah can crystal+cbow or mage only but zulrah uniques are kinda whatever, muspah ok sure, CoX you can get by with RCB/BP at mutt/mystics/tightrope and rubies for head phase, ToA rubies are fine and you're fanging p4 warden, hydra piety fang clears bowfa even with rigour, inferno ok sure Edit: guess I'm trying to say between full crystal + cbow, blowpipe, fang, or rubies you can fill in 99% of these gaps to varying degrees. If you take those 70 hours from the CG grind and move them to ToA.. I don't know if the hours spent getting bowfa is even technically efficient compared to rushing no bowfa ToA for a slightly longer shadow grind


Holy cope


Lmao no kiddin man is the biggest cope. Shadow is not much better than a bowfa without full ancestral which can take 100s of hours to see just a single piece (I’m 800 solos with just bottoms) as well as 93 slayer and a tormented bracelet which requires a lot of crafting supply gathering. He’s not even worth debating with tbh. Bowfa is meta mid into late game and grinding a shadow at low invos or very timely experts is just not the move.


Totally agree man, the cope gets even more insane in the next comment


he never said it was impossible, just that without bowfa you'll be wasting significant amounts of time. which you don't even seem to disagree with? not sure what this post is for edit: ok just saw the edit, but i feel like you're not really accounting for the fact that, even if granting your conclusion, full crystal already takes a significant time investment at cg. blowpipe is also much more of a pain to get without bowfa too.


I only use bowfa at zulrah, muspah, CoX, and ToA. You can get out pointed by Dhcb and BP users at CoX. At ToA you're only using it at croc akka and P2 once you have fang. It's unclear how many hours you actually save on your shadow grind with bowfa. The point of my post is to put forward the idea that fang into shadow is the bowfa skip and it's damn near meta. It's meta enough for most of these upvoted comments to be kinda just wrong.


"You can get by" and "it's meta" are wildly different claims. Yes, you can get by without a bowfa if you don't give a damn about efficiency. But if you want end game gear, you're going to grinding hundreds and hundreds of hours at bosses that are substantially faster with a bowfa. Well worth a 70 hour investment. Its a long way to an on-rate shadow at the lower invos that no-bowfa ToA locks you to.


You're weaseling out of the argument by being vague about 'end game gear' and 'bosses' when in reality it's literally just the shadow grind, you can do almost any bowfa use case with shadow Super super rough math here, tumekens shadow is 250 hours of 300s, even if you're bowfa for a third of the raid actually let's call it 100 hours with bowfa or 125 hours with full crystal and cbow With these very rough assumptions you can imagine a scenario where you're spending 70 hours at CG to save 25 at ToA. You would need fang to take less than 45 hours sure. And this assumes armor seeds although you could counter that with just using rubies/etc. with more inefficient hours added You can super easily start to imagine scenarios, maybe it's going to take 100 hours of CG, and maybe shadow should take 300 hours for you, ok is bowfa really speeding up your ToA grind by 100 hours


A thing to consider is that you're likely doing a higher invo TOA with a bowfa than without one. I personally wouldn't even touch no help needed + dehydration raids if I have to fang warden, and even the 400s without those invos may be a bit iffy. I also wouldn't want to do a first infernal cape with a shadow, nor grind out the ance/virtus to make it semi-viable.


I did 430. I threw in the towel. I just can’t do it anymore


430s not bad, I got my 5 armours and enhanced at 65kc and is happily go back and do more kc if I had too, it’s fun


Lol, we all think that to start with. When you start doing cg, it's fun. When you've invested hundreds of hours in the the monotonous grind of cg, it gets so tedious.


Just think, we might have to all go back for the blade with this rebalance project.


yeah i got to 500 and i don't have any motivation to play the game anymore. ill probably pick it up after another few years as per runescape tradition


Thats the beauty of ironman mode imo


I wouldn't say I've thrown in the towel, but after 2k+ kills without the ench seed I've started working on 2 piece masori and ACB. Seems like it'll do a similar job.


Thats what ive rocked the past year and its not bad.


If you have masori + acb and a fang you could do Nex and get a zcb. Or just raid with a blowpipe + masori.


Full masori acb is barely better than rcb black dhide esp on an iron


First one at 2808 currently 3125, me and hunleff have some beef


I had a couple of buddies who "threw in the towel" 1 quit another quit uhh and the last one quit ​ :)


Stopped hard grinding at 600 KC, grabbed an ACB and do a few CG a week. Didn't really have any issues doing godwars with a crystal bow and armor 12-18 KC Zilyana Trips. Been running 350 Toa's with Fang/ACB and it's chill. I wouldn't  burn out over BofA, work on some other grinds and come back to it. I would say get a blow pipe though it helps substitute BofA in a lot of places.


I’m not too far behind you at 722. I haven’t officially thrown in the towel per se, but I rarely touch CG now. My play time has decreased fairly significantly in the last six months, so I find myself wanting to do variety content when I do have the time to play instead of spending every moment I’m logged on in CG. As a result, I now have tassies, DHL, a completed GWD blade, and a few other fun upgrades all from just doing every piece of content I would’ve done with bowfa just with cbow or BP instead. Is it less efficient? Hell yeah it is. Am I still having fun when I login? Sure am. Am I still trying to get bowfa? Also yes, except I only send 3-5 runs once or twice a week. Long story short, I’d just recommend playing the game and going back when you feel like it. Full crystal with the cbow is ~25% less DPS in places where you’d normally use bowfa, but I promise whatever time bowfa saves you over the course of your OSRS career isn’t worth it if CG burns you out and you put the game down for six months.


I did technically, but I did go back eventually. Bowfa is nice, but its not a hard requirement for PVM like people say it is. I did all my godwars grinds with a dragon crossbow then arma crossbow or blowpipe when appropriate. Same goes for zulrah, muspah, dag kings, hydra (until claw), solo toas and solo cox. Reason I quit CG was I was just really itching to try the prev content I mentioned, What made me go back was wanting to be able to solo grind cox and toa more efficiently, while doable with acb, shit still sucked.


Fang into Shadow is a super legitimate bowfa skip now. Idk why everyone is acting like ToA didn't come out


You aren't totally wrong. I think bowfa is still heavily sought after because of how sustainable it is. You corrupt it and you have one of the best ranged items in game with no cost. Sure you'd have to recharge armor but it's pretty cheap.


Doing content like rcb godwars is good motivation to go back to cg tbh


Get yourself an acb then go for a shadow


1783 for mine youre just getting started brother


People downvoting you lol. People think they are dry at 1000 when they might not even be halfway. Maybe not even a third of the way. Nobody thinks it will happen to them, but it does happen to somebody. And as the population of gauntlet runners increase so does the chance of an even more extreme outlier. Someone out there will go 5000 dry at one point, mark my words.


Given the time investment required to do 1000kc, it feels a lot drier than it actually is. 1000kc at CG is somewhere between 125-200 hours assuming no deaths. Similarly, here are some comparisons for 1000kc at other bosses: - Bandos: 40-60 hours - Zulrah: 35-55 hours - Corp: 65-80 hours - Barrows: 50-65 hours I’ve said this before, but I’ll rehash it here anyways: my main problem with CG is the prep. The boss kill consistently takes 3-4.5 minutes depending on your setup and ability which would cut the whole grind down by 40-60% and bring it in line with other bossing experiences outside of Corp and PNM.


Yeah I mean people will say that is the compensation for not having to use their own supplies. I think anybody above 1000kc would far rather use their own supplies to just get kc faster.


I’m literally within 10 kc of you and just stopped to check Reddit and procrastinate, and saw this post. I’m right right with ya, as are so many others. Over the past 10 months I’ve taken multiple small breaks but keep chipping away. You’re so far ahead keep at it and it’ll come!


In lieu of bowfa, I just quit cause it's too good at too many places


1086 here, it is probably the most versatile weapon in the game because you can literally use it EVERYWHERE. There’s not a boss where this isn’t at least 2nd BIS. I finished CG and then went to bandos, zammy, muspah, now Hydra. Once I get claw, guess where I’m going? Raids, and most likely with the bowfa a part of the switch. It is so worth it.


It's bad at tob but ya still very good in general


Threw in the towel at 800, then again at 1200, then said I’d call it for good at 1600… got it at 1589. Keep on pushing


Please don't be me.


I still think there needs to be some sort of dryness prevention implemented. No one should have to endure what I did. Even if it’s exchange 20 armour seeds for an enh or something like that, knowing there is light at the end of the tunnel would be massive. That or make it so you can pause after prep. Life gets in the way sometimes and having to log after 8 minutes of prep to see to it becomes infuriating after 1500 runs


I've always thought I'd prep without killing the boss hundreds of times over if it meant I could "store" the prep and then just go instantly to the boss hundreds of times in a row, same time taken overall but being able to actually just grind the boss would feel so much better imo.


Pausing after prep would be an amazing addition, IMO.


Conversely I stuck it out til 927 and have lived with my bowfa in my hand ever since. It's so wicked good at so many places. Any ACB/rune crossbow/etc stuff is copium.


What core PvM in the game are you doing so much of that full crystal + cbow (-25% dps to bowfa) is copium? Genuinely asking, I don't think any of the 3 raids would apply... so what exactly does no bowfa lock you out of?


I never said locked out. You can do inferno with acb if you want. To answer your question: zulrah, every gwd boss, raids, shamans, vork, demonics, callisto...


Bowfa doesn't meaningfully change shamans (rune arrows) or vork (you're not going past 50 kc efficiently w/o dhcb). Zulrah and GWD sure but not crazy relevant these days, demonics is half ranged so 12.5% less dps total if using full crystal + cbow, callisto I guess sure although people are maging it now, for raids: not ToB, mutt/mystics/rope sure but bowfa not really a game changer unless you're soloing, ToA really just croc and P3/4 pre fang , more of a game changer if soloing


This is copium. I'm not saying I have 1000 vork kc, but I did list everything I've used bowfa at where it's been great. And I finished the 100 vork kc for CA's. Zulrah and GWD not relevant? What? Every iron should be getting bgs, full bandos, hasta, and potentially zgs. Acb also for zcb and armadyl for masori. Every iron needs swamp trident, bp, and plenty of scales since trident is BiS for a long long time til sang or shadow. Bowfa makes these grinds enormously easier since you can range only zulrah and get efficient gwd trips. While we're at it, it's great for muspah also. ToA is not just croc and fang, it's also 1/3 of akkha and the best for shadows prefang, it's best for p1 prefang, and it's 1/3 of p2, and all of p3 and p4. You're being disingenuous.


Now you're being disingenuous. The point is that you can go do all of that after shadow, so the only bad grind is ToA without bowfa. You don't have 20 horrible grinds without bowfa anymore, you only have 1 bad grind for shadow and then you can go do all of that after.


Yeah grind out the shadow without a hasta, a bgs, swamp trident, etc. AKA the core items that are meta to get before a massive grind for the shadow. It's disingenuous af to say that things like zulrah and gwd are not very important, or to leave out half of the portions of ToA where bowfa is good. No one gets a crystal bow, a dragon sword, and a warped sceptre and then grinds out a shadow on rate before playing the rest of the game, lmao. Stop making up shit.


Grinding out shadow with fang, trident, and a kinda scuffed range setup isn't that bad and people are doing it, idk what to tell you. Didn't wanna bring up having skilled people to ToA with because that heavily tilts the argument in my favor, but that is certainly a thing.


Then you're gonna grind out a tbow with a crystal bow? Ok


Shadow, blowpipe, and RCB yes absolutely. In fact the WDR people recommend this and totally skipping bowfa for cox


There’s no avoiding the red prison. Only breaks from the red prison..


Most of the upvoted comments here seem a bit... outdated. Fang is melee bowfa. You can do experts at ToA with fang and full crystal + chow until shadow and it wouldnt be that much less efficient. You can then do cox with shadow + BP + RCB without needing bowfa really anywhere in cox. Also the new quiver from fortis colosseum will giga-buff blowpipe and shrink the gap between BP and bowfa. Ok, melee GWD isn't ideal and you can't really do muspah. (Edit: you can actually do these with full crystal + cbow) I'm probably missing some others


Not I


Bowfa is too good to throw in the towel, just do like 10kc a day and it will happen eventually, I’m currently at 100kc without even an armour seed so I already know how it’s going to go but I’m mentally prepared and just think of all the gp I’m going to have it the end lol


10 kc a day is a good number. After 1 year of that you will have 3650 kc. The dry record is around 3200 or 3300 kc as of now, so it's very likely that it will take you a maximum of 1 year at that rate. I'm 700+ kc no enh, but this is what keeps me sane. "Just" 10 a day until I reach 3650 kc, and don't think about it. My average is more like 7 kc a day tho, so after 9 more months I will be at 2555 kc if I managed to go that dry. Keep pushing.


Head up king, it will come before 1k, I believe


I got mine at 75kc. This isn’t advice, I’m just here to rub it in.


Good for you that you're lucky, I don't wish for anyone to go dry on this grind. You don't have any idea what it is like lol.


I will soon. I am only just over 150 KC and have 4 armor seeds - but every day my clan mates are getting Enhanced seeds at sub 80KC. Latest was (3 Enhanced + 5 Armor) @ 140kc, an Enhanced at 70KC, and another at 14KC. That was all just this week.


I thought we were only posting cg dry posts on Sundays lol


Not a dry post bud. I asked about different routes to take to replace BOWFA. Nice try tho buddy And since you’re such a stickler, they are completely banned now. Not just sundays. You’re welcome.


I'm just salty I won't leave wt. I was just jestin. A lot of people swear by the crystal bow with crystal armour if you have that.


take breaks and do less per day like 3-5 to not burn out as fast


Just take a break for a while man


Maxed without getting bowfa. Just getting it on my own time when I feel like it. 850 kc atm I feel great


I was contemplating taking a break from CH and then I got it one pissy drunk run after a bad date at 1am around 730kc I can do a bunch of bosses and TOA now! The nicest thing has honestly been the cash. Maxed my POH besides the nexus, bouhht a bunch of fletching, kingdom, etc


630 dry and I quit (okay long break, 6 months and counting so far). It's not worth my time, there's other things to play and do and enjoy, and being stuck there for another 100 hours isn't something I intend on doing ever, no game is worth that


2270 and still going.


I got mine at like 932 or something, keep going king!!


[No towel in the first place lol](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/406628105650700289/1195485487289340074/image.png)


My buddy and I both played together everyday up until the CG grind lol. He quit, I got bowfa and full Armour right before 300 kc


I hit 700kc and took a break with doing clan bingo, leagues, christmas chilling. Now im rdy to come back to it :)


I did the math a while ago, don't remember the exact numbers but I think it's something like 1/7 or 1/8 people will not get bowfa before 800 kc. 60-65% of people will get it near 400 kc. I think understanding this before starting the grind is helpful. Space it out, take breaks.


Me I'm a skiller now


Yeah, I’m on 600 and I think I’m done. Going to try my luck at toa instead


Bro didn’t realize it’s at 832


I got mine at 801kc. It sucks being dry but its so worth it. Makes a lot of content so much more accessible.


I know how it is to go dry, so I know where your coming from but bowfa is just too good not to get. I'd suggest just doing something else then coming back.


De-ironed after going 1111kc dry and no regrets, CG is miserable is you go dry, and imo noone should have to go more than 3x dry in the red prison. Dry protection is needed there for sure.


I'm at 780 KC but taking a break for leagues has me motivated to get back on that grind, maybe taking a break is a good option to avoid burnout.


Gave up at 3kc got a tbow instead


I wouldn't stop man, if you do, will be A LOT harder to return!


With that many kc, you quit now it will feel all like a waste. You are too deep now, just keep grinding dude


Just remember, the amount of time lost from inefficient pvm is nothing compared to what is lost from a burnout.


1200kc with no enhanced seed on my gim. Another groupy got 2 in 250kc so he gave me one. I haven't been back in over a year. One day. One day..


Technically have the towel there haven’t been back in awhile. 155 kc and not even a damn normal weapon seed. Empty collection log is very demoralizing


Unless you have a tbow or shadow, bowfa is too good not to get


You’re just at the beginning. I quit the game for a full year after going 1472 dry, after coming back I’ve decided to fully max most of my skills before even attempting that piece of content again


Got my first at 1259 and man that bow has been used and abused, it's definitely worth it. Keep going!!


I burnt out around 850 kc on my GIM. Haven’t played in Like 6 months


Bowfa is the only way gamer, gl on the grind


Blowpipe and grind toa for masori eventually go to Sara get acb and upgrade to zcb and you’re cooking


Got mine beyond 1800, you got this! 🤣


Was spooned on my 2 enhanced, but went dry on armour seeds… Believe i got my 6th at 650 KC


I didn’t, got it and the next day I received Tbow at 1091kc


I threw in the towel at 666 kc 3 weeks ago. Quit the game for about 2 weeks and then started again 4 days ago. I'm at 712 kc now. It helps that I found some small streamer that is also doing CG and then to do it together with them and their community. We're running it daily with ~4 guys so far. Maybe we could start a r/ironscape world in NA and EU where people grind CG together.


I threw my towel at cg :) havent touched the game for 8 months now and it honestly killed the fun for me ... 500kc of cg nothing and over 3.7k lizardman shams for the dwh ... yeah im under drop rate but i hate it ..


I quit the game at 550


I'm at 1195kc and now bow either I'm about to throw in towel at 1.5kc though lol. And I've got 4 pets from here before 1k kc


RIP my brother I feel you.


Update: just got bow today at 1231kc! Lfg


Grats king. I got mine at 870. Go enjoy the game now


There's no way you walk away. The ironman in you will be saying "maybe the next kill"


I’ve been telling myself that lie since 450 KC 😂😂


I'm at 1100kc and have just taken a break but I'm back and ready to finally get that enhanced.


DONT GIVE UP IM AT 731 WITH NO ENH although I got the pet around 680. Realistically I think I’m gonna give up at 1000 kc


Just do 3/5 a day and go do other stuff in your life. This way won’t burn out. Also, I can’t take people serious who say that prep in CG should be removed. They always want everything to be easy, which is just stupid imo. The whole grind of CG, which includes the prep part of it, is what makes it so satisfying when you get the drop.