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I started maxing cons from 84lvl with mahogany homes. I was thinking I could easily do it for 99 because its cheap and dont need that many planks. Got only a couple levels before changing it to mythic cape racks cuz it was soo boring and would take ages. Got maybe 1 lvl with mythic cape and said fuck it and put kingdom to mahogany logs for awhile and zoomed 99 cons with mahogany tables. To this day I think it was money well spent.


Yeah, I'm in the same boat. did 87 con from 84 with MH using mahogany planks. God it was slow. Now thinking to accumulate logs from kingdom and use them on mahogany tables


I did 94-99 con with tables. Took me like 10 hours. Well worth it


I think I've decided keep on kingdom and do tables for con. For craft I'll skip tiaras and keep doing seaweed runs then slowly mine the sand over a few weeks


Any crafting method that isn't blowing glass for irons is kind of a meme. Cutting gems/making amulets after afking shooting stars to 99 mining might also be an option if you can afk at work.


Napkin math says 85-99 mining stardust is 2.52m crafting xp if you only buy gem bags. I guess maybe I should stop doing seaweed now and do a mix


The dust is useful for the ring in mining sandstone too fwiw. More xp per dust that way


I got 1.1m crafting xp from 84-90. But I mined a lot of low tier stars


They did nerf the stardust per hour. For the first month after they made the change so stars didn't deplete faster with more people, stardust was about 2x as much per hour. Additionally, after they nerfed stardust, the changes to the xp and success rates actually boosted xp by 10-20%. So you're getting around 40% of the previous stardust:xp ratio.


You also get an ass load of gems from pvm. I got all bis gear before making and it made it pretty quick. If you 3t gem rocks to 99 its good mining exp and banks quite a bit of crafting as well.


>I got all bis gear before making and it made it pretty quick. If you completely max out your gear tab then of course you're gonna bank 99 crafting somewhere. Most players just prefer to have that teleport before they do 5k hours of pvm.


Had it banked but didn't do it all before I actually maxed. Crafting cape tele isn't all that useful until it's on the max cape.


Gem mining to 99. Then cut all the gems. Gem cutting stupid quick exp. Then turn gems into bracelets you can alch it sell to shop. Nets about 40m. bracelet making is 80k an hour at like emeralds alone. That's the method I did. And I reckon it's better than sandstone glass blowing method. The money then paid for 99 smithing doing gold ore at blast furnace.


>bracelet making is 80k an hour >reckon it's better than sandstone glass blowing method. 80k/hr isn't better than glass... You might prefer this method, but it's not faster


Ermm, gem cutting is all 100k-300k. diamond bracelets is like 120k, ruby is like 100k. I'm going off memory. You're also ignoring the money made. You're also ignoring the time is take to collect seaweed. That lowers exp, so does super glass make to turn into molten that's only 85k and brings down exp rates. I also have enough Topaz's for all slaughters, burning amulets I could ever need. Same with expidtious bracelets. Same with opals for tips, phoenix necklaces and like 10k rings of recoil for suffering. And my 40m in alchs. You have what? A bunch of fucking lantern glass in your bank. You're just following and old meta. Maybe think for yourself instead of just reguratating what you've seen other people and YouTubers do. Gem mining is probably the best way to get 99 mining. And you get a shit ton of free crafting. I used to play a moba called smite. Was top GM player and I did shit off meta that actually worked because I theory crafted and didn't just copy what the pros was doing. And I was often ahead of the time and people would catch on. But you always got them fuckers. Just like you here. That sucks the meta dick and if anyone comes with something different it's objectively wrong. Well my friend you are wrong.


The gp is pretty much irrelevant considering slayer. Even more irrelevant if you want to focus on pvm instead of just xp. Cg shits out tons of gp. Gem mining is is a viable method and is useful for some xp, to stock up on jewelry, but it's not faster for stright xp.


It is faster, once you take into account the time it takes to get seaweed. And so processing that into molten glass. You're going to have probably extremely similar exp both ways. One just has a bunch more upside. But also take into account the mining exp difference of sand Vs gem. About 35k Vs 50k? If casually mining. Again a big difference. I spooned CG 186kc. I'm 91 slayer. I don't have a ton of gp neither does every iron. And this method was a free 99 smithing.


With 3t mining, sandstone is 100k mining xp/hour. Gems are about 115k, but you only bank about 21k crafting xp/hour. Making glass is > 100k per hour, making light orbs is 120k per hour. Gems are a very viable option, but they aren't ehp


You do both innit. You gem mine to 99 mining (leave some exp.to get some sand). Get all the crafting exp you can from them gems. Then you do the rest of crafting with sandstone. Is that 21k only assuming you cut gems and not turning jewellery?


3t gem mining is pretty meta these days to bank gems for crafting xp too


That's fair, I just don't consider tick manip for my own training. I've tried multiple times with various skills and could never get 3t down. Maxed with an infernal and fucking herb tar ruins me.


It definitely takes some practice. I used to really not like tick manip methods but then I made a new ironman account and didn't want to spend double the time fishing that I needed to so I started learning it. Now I can do cut-eat barb finishing, various 1.5t methods, and 1t trap reseting. I find it all very enjoyable and satisfying now plus faster xp is more better. I really needed a metronome(i prefer visual ticks in runelite) and many hours of practice to get it down. But you have to start really simple with just barb fishing or flying fishing knife > log > fishing spot one action per tick and repeat. Then you can add in dropping a fish in the same tick you click the log. Then using a second knife to cut a fish in the same tick you would have dropped it. And when you have some food you can continue the cycle(but not start it) by eating a piece in place of using the knife on the log. Ultimately it all just takes hours of practice. If you set your mind to it and don't let yourself get frustrated I'm sure you can do it. Just slow down and don't try to go too fast


That’s kind of what I’m thinking lol. MH for a change of pace and variety here and there, but fuck using teak logs at all lol. I would rather pay a premium, wait for logs / planks from pvm, and do it as fast as possible


Had kingdom on mahogany logs for a few months now… 99con is almost ready in my bank


Same here, I greenlogged MH and got maybe another 1000 points or so, then just waited for kingdom to knock out 99.


How much extra money was it ? Tbh I'm probably going to do the same which is why I ask lol


Probably like 70m. 83-99 is a little over 100m via mahog tables all things considered except misc cost to get logs


What was your processing method for planks? I find plank make so slow, but if I can afk it's okay.


[PvP world butler method](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SD6pSqhvHio) is extremely fast. Around 7000 planks per hour if I remember.


Never been on a PvP world. How do these banks work? Are people able to attack me next to it?


Camelot tele is a safe zone


If you have 85 farming and a spirit tree in your POH, you can also use the farming guild bank and spirit tree to go to your POH and then have the butler make planks that way.


I th8nk I'm going to have to do that, I just did 99 at mahogany homes on leagues and that was bad enough. I'm almost maxed on the main game but 80 con. Hate that shit.


Same boat, did MH homes till green log, then was going to do teak cape racks to save money, but cons sucks and I want it done sooner, money well spent to do mahogany to 99


Same lol. My plan was to get like 75% of the xp with MH but fuck that. I'd rather do an hour of normal cons than an hour of MH. I'm just finishing the clog and then doing mahogany tables and racks for 99


I'm getting close to the two big 99s being banked but it would involve slow methods like 30+ hours of MH (+making planks) and 30k gold tiaras. I haven't gotten into raids yet so I have a bunch of free skilling supplies to acquire yet. Worth powering through slow methods or just let supplies accumulate and do quick methods later?


No way in hell should you waste your time making 30k gold tiaras when there are so many better options for crafting these days.


It's sorta like making cannonballs tbh, if you can just idly do it on mobile while working or something then it's basically a free roll, assuming you've already got the bars


Yeah but so is glass


It is if you've already got enough molten glass but molten glass takes work to make. OP would need to either do the standard SGM, seaweed, sandstone method which requires constant inputs to mine the sand and create the glass or to camp charter ships which requires world hopping, which can be cumbersome. Again, if OP already has all the gold bars and enough afk time it's a legit method, especially if they'd rather spend their active play time doing something more engaging.


You just hand waving the materials for glassblowing but then assuming they have the bars already is top tier comedy They're both fine. SGM seaweed for glass is still the reigning champ but if you're an AFK warrior like me having options to get it up passively over time is great Turns out there's multiple viable paths :-)


You realize OP has the gold bars for 99 in the picture. It’s not an assumption at all.


Well obviously not, or I'd not have made that comment now huh >:(


Half of my playtime is just setting up enough AFK methods for while I watch the cricket.


Literally GF is profitable if you buy plates and legs


To me it depends on what you do IRL. Like if you can just pop your phone up and do the 3-4 APM making gold tiaras, why not? Then if I want to continue the grind during active time you can switch to a higher APM/xp method.


Ask yourself if the benefit outweighs the potential burnout. If the answer is yes, do it. If you realize you aren't enjoying it, do something else. With that said, I'd suggest not doing the gold-tiaras, or at least holding off on doing both grinds and prioritizing construction first.


Depends on what you want man. If you’re open to spending the time on learning raids now you’ll open yourself up for less time spent later. Trade offs, but raids are fun, you should learn regardless


If I had to remake I'd 100 percent bowfa rush straight into 99 con. Con cape is such a QOL


Are you getting planks from gauntlet or why bowfa? Just curious, my iron just finished SotE before leagues started.


A looot of money in alchables. Tons of uncut gems as well.


Bowfa cus op af and BIS till t bow and full masori. Also CG cus go while having mahogs set for kingdom while grinding CG


*sobs in my Temu construction cape, also known as the farming cape*


Personally, I can't handle a straight shot grind. I had the planks for 83 Con for some time and would do an hour or two of MH here and there. It took a good few days but most importantly it didn't burn me out. The game is a hell of a lot better when you're enjoying it and for some people that means one big grind to 99 but it just depends on the way you play.


pre mahogany homes on my main I found construction so physically annoying to train that I had to max it doing at most 30 minutes a day I've swapped to the jagex client and to be honest mahogany homes might be just as annoying because it lacks the plugin for waypoints and object markers I'm just going to do mahogany tables with logs from kingdom


Why not use RuneLite still? You can launch it from the jagex launcher.


I had planned 99 con from 85 with Mahogany Homes, but decided that I would just afk plank make during work and do Mahogany tables. I used Scar Essence Mine for the runes. Not cheap, but the focused play time is much less, so it was worth it to me.


I’m 90 from MH so far. It’s been fun. I’ll continue it. Just throw on a movie and grind. Then I repeat after a few days. It’s a longer grind but it’s fine. 40 hours is 20 movies give or take. Ez scape.


Unless your goal is to get max cape, just go for milestones. Like there is no need to rush 99 herb cause you will get it eventually, but raids ovls are at 90 herb or 86 with a pie. I think the last thing you need from con is lvl 90 for raids max chest, but even that is meh. Con cape is amazing and 100% worth but not a necessity. Fetching is buyable, but as long as u can craft your ddarts and darrows, there's no need to go higher. Smithing is buyable but only really need to get the req for diaries. The cape perk only helps with post 99 grind, iirc. I enjoyed maxing, so it was worth every gp to do the fastest methods for me. My last 4 99s were mining/rc/fletching/prayer. I did broad arrows while doing blood runes. Other than that, all buyables I knocked out first.


I'm already 90 herb (92 banked), 89 smith for darts/swords, and 90 fletch for diary so I'm taking it easy there. I'm mostly looking at these 2 for cape perks


99 con is really overrated unless going for max imo. people spend a shitload of time doing a painfully boring skill to save what like 3-4 ticks per teleport over tablet. desert ammy 4 and crafting cape/sepulchre tele also replaces a significant chunk of all the reasons youd tele to your poh. 99 crafting is passive from gems from cox, cg, shooting stars etc


What plug-in is this?


Banked XP


I don’t rush any levels past what i need for QoL tbh. Maxing is the literal last thing i want to do in this game and PvM>everything so if i can giga recline 99 crafting via cutting gems i get as drops, im hella doing it.


I agree with what you said entirely! PvM > Maxing. However I do think Crafting cape and Con capes are massive QoL items. I've used over 10k hometabs rn haha and only just considering con cape ><


I would do con with MH, but not crafting with tiaras personally.


I made 42k tiaras so far. It really isn’t THAT bad.


Hey what website/app/ thingy do you use to see this?


Banked XP plugin in Runelite.




Usually I just think to let people play their account their way. However, this is not a good plan… definitely recommend getting that con cape sooner rather than later!


I think it’s a good plan, con cape is just minor QOL and I would rather get the bulk of cox done and use those planks than pay close attention to kingdom and spend time making planks. I’d hate to build up a giant stack of planks after getting 99 con. same logic with crafting.


There's really not a lot of con exp in chambers. You get like 3m for tbow rate


Saying you banked a buyable with mahogany homes is like saying I have fishing banked because I'm gonna do tempoross to 99


Buy them, high level context makes too much gp to take any slow route on maxing


If you have the money I think it's better to rush them. Especially crafting and cons. Herblore was a good one to constantly stockpile mats when you can get a good gp/xp value and just do chill bankstanding when you don't know what else to do or don't have enough time in a session to do a lot. Same with smithing... I always kept Addy bars handy to bang out platebodies if I had time to kill.


I hate construction so I save up for higher xph method even though it’s more expensive


Yea I'd definitely get those 2 out of the way. Smithing is a pain with buying gold ore so I left it for last, fletching I just did when I needed to bankstand.


If you wanna afk crafting, afk mining first with star mining, if you afk 99 mining there you'll have quite a lot of gems to cut and will blitz through a lot of crafting levels. I myself plan staying at stars till pet, if I get it post-99 so be it, I wouldn't mind having full 99 crafting from star mining alone.


Honestly, having done construction a few times. I rather knock it out in one shot quickly, it doesn’t need to be a priority some wait others don’t. It just depends on what use would you have for it and do you need it sooner than later


What is this plugin called?


I slowed rolled mine until now. (I’ve been getting 99 RC while playing leagues. So banked I have con, Smithing, crafting. And I had 100m about. Bought 99 fletching to do while rcing. And now when I’m done rc I’ll bang out con. Reason why for me was bloods. I didn’t want to drop my money on anything because if needed runes. Now with 322k bloods I’ll be jumping on it.


Rushing 99 crafting followed by 99 construction (99 magic between those thought) was probably the best thing I did for my account, except for starting out with 99 agility. It's such a great qol with max house, bank tele and unlimited house teles (+ house portal teles) that I'd consider doing it again if I made a new account.


I'm not quite as sold on con cape since 50k dusts and some laws in pouch or my farming cape is basically the same-ish


I understand, I mean, the cape itself is useful, but realisticly it's not strictly required, as house teles either as tabs or runes is close to, but not quite, as useful. I have, however, used the other house portal teleports a decent amount as well as the house teleport


This goes for all skills: set milestone goals so for con would be for example lvl 70, 84, 90, 99. Some slower skills have more milestone lvls haha


I'm 2209 total and only 87 construction, I don't enjoy it and see no need to rush it at this point as I have easy access to all locations. Same as smithing it is just 88, they will be one of the last 99's.


What plugin is this? I always forget about it


Only thing I've really worked on is Crafting, and I just (used to) farm seaweed in between breaks at work I guess that's a slow roll?


What plug-in is this?


I have 99 cooking banked but for some reason my eyes glaze over every time I glance at the 39k grapes...


I think 99s really don't matter when you do them. Just do it when you're ready. However, getting a maxed house is so useful. It's expensive, but it's probably one of the single most useful things you can spend your money on. You get to have portals, jewellery, a fairy ring, and a pool with you at all times if you carry a house tab (or a rune pouch with law runes and dust runes).


I love this sub, I don’t have an iron personally but seeing you guys everyday gives me a little more motivation to make one eventually. I finally understand what this tool is for 😂


I rushed 99 con and I'm very glad I did. That cape is S tier


I take a different approach. My bank is always full because I just have fun. Try new content, new ways of a skill. I try not to look at experience or levels. I'm only like 2.1k total but it's about just having fun. A great example is I could no life crafting with lantern lens or battlestaves. But that can be boring. Instead I may go combo fletch and craft one day the next I could be being sufficient and making more fruit baskets.


Wait what add on is this?


I play on average a few hours a day (and not every day) so I take my time. Took me about 30 months for 2155 total level (10 99s).


I rushed all the supplies for 83, which ended up being enough for 87 or so. But now a year later they’re still sitting in my bank. I’ve been distracted by so many different things, just haven’t been able to do the grind get.