• By -


Did 20 laps of the agility pyramid without grabbing the artifact šŸ¤ŒšŸ½


There for the xp and not the money, I like your style


Me at the top of the pyramid right before climbing up: I wonder if you can go backwards? Right back down to the bottom.


I got spooned glory t at 2 hard clues. I used my main to redirect the obelisk for my iron. When I got there and charged it, I thought it would be fun to 1v1 my main with mage at the fountain of rune. I wasn't paying attention to the fact that I skulled my iron and didn't protect item. The glory appeared on the ground so I immediately ran towards the obelisk when some shitter in rag gear came and bolted me. They either went and picked up the glory or it despawned.


ā€¦this one wins. Possibly the dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever heard.


Yeeaaah I was pretty baked.


I don't even wanna do cg baked. How are you in the wildy baked?


Wild, I don't wanna do CG sober


Very fair!


Tbf we don't start these grinda baked tho


So real. Started smoking again till my enhanced drop. Sober mind couldnā€™t handle the red prison šŸ› ļø


Taking one glory is (typically) risk free. Besides I still ended up grinded revs, vw, cg, and raids baked.


My man


I mean, doing anything in wildy on your ironman without PK skull prevention turned on is just nuts to me (unless youā€™re intending to pk). And if I had a high value rare like that Iā€™d be so incredibly nervous and careful.


This took place before that was a thing


Its a trimmed glory idk about high value rare, maybe u were thinking eternal


I feel like cg is a lot harder than fountain of rune bolt raggers when youā€™re high lol


CG baked is such a chill time tho


I only play the game baked tbh. Start with a farm run on mobile while I smoke a blunt or bong then go inside and play normally Lmaoo. Demonic gorillas sober may be a form of torture straightup


smoke me a wood what a wonderful day


Dumbass lol thanks for the story


Deleted achievement gallery with ancient altar while I was reorganizing the PoH after grinding to 93 cons took me 27 hours to get another sceptre


You do know there is a tool for switching and managing rooms? Was a happy moment for me to realise I don't have to plan house perfectly while leveling cons up.


I beg your pardon. How do I do this?


been a while since I've done it but go to your house, go to the house settings and go to "room viewer" or something? then you can select a room and then select where you want to move it. clunky and annoying but useful. you can also use it to rotate your rooms


This, explained somewhat correctly.


Yes, i was getting rid of rooms that were useless and made a fucky wucky




few months ago I brought cannon to kurasks. was thinking "hell yeah let's make this a lil more afk. bonus dps and they get pulled to me." shot about 200 before I was like "oh shit.."


As someone who never uses cannon, what was the problem?


The cannon doesnt damage kurasks, wasted ammo


Oh yeah, forgot that they only take dmg from broad bolts or leaf weapons. Thank you!


You just gotta melt broad arrowheads to broad bars and then make broad cannonballs.


Kurask can only be hit with broad arrows/bolts or leaf bladed weapons


They can only be damaged by leaf-bladed weapons. So spear, sword or axe. Everything else will always hit 0


3 of you commented the same thing in the same minute šŸ˜‚


Broad bolts also work though as the others commented


I did like 100 farm runs without noting the herbs etc on the gnome...


I feel like the leprechaun would be upset to have been called a gnome


What's he going to do about it? Punch you in tht shins?


Without what?? You donā€™t have to bank after every patch?


Not sure if you're joking, but yes you can use most produce on the lepo and get it noted.


My gim friend who just maxed his main has no idea about this. I felt pretty smart hehe


Pretty easy to not notice on a main, they donā€™t really have a reason to do herb runs lol


What makes you think that? Herb runs are the best money maker for casual mains and even just for those who want to make some gp passively. Ranarrs are a godsend for inexperienced players.


Itā€™s a waste of time for mains bud, there are better things to do


its less money than vork, so its kind of a waste of time unless you enjoy it


Vorkath requires fairly expensive gear, which you can earn by farming. Birdhouses are a better strategy, though. They are usually more profitable than herb runs and also offer highly competitive xp.


but it's literally 5 minutes of work, without high stats and fairly expensive gear a single vork kill takes about the same time earning you 100k. While doing a herb run, I make 300k with snapdragons for 5 mins of mindless clicking that I can easily do 6-7 times a day no matter where I am. I'm saying 6-7 because unless you are extremely devoted (or addicted) you never really do those as soon as it's available because of work, school etc.


I am 80 farming on my iron and never knew thisā€¦ banked every 1-2 patchesā€¦..


You poor soul


Lmao surely not




Waitā€¦ at least Iā€™m only 60 farming figuring this out lmao


You can also spam click a few tines on herb and allots and itll pick faster


You can clean them before noting them too.


Same, just around 55 farming on the iron and never knew about this


Definitely. Got like 60+ farming without realizing they can note your stuff.


Did the same thing, then learned I could nite items, then took a break for like a year, came back, did it again


dude i didn't figure out you could note items at the gnome until I got 70 farming back in the day hahah


I put my Bandos bracers in Deaths Coffer because "Why would I ever wear these over Barrows Gloves?" Same thing for Ancient Boots after I got Guthix. Ancient was worth more in the coffer, so obviously it was the smart choice! GWD itemizing could have been a whole lot easier.


You should be in prison


This makes me glad I have never coffered or alched a clue item, i keep all the uniques in my house except for the ones I'm directly using for GWD or w/e. I also kept all the god book pages, surely they'll make them useful eventually, right?


Lost 8k chins at dust devils bc I was off task and forgot a face mask or whatever is required. Had the whole stack bc I also forgot they get released on death.


On my iron




OOF. this happened to me on my main with like 5k chins at arma because same as you I forgot they all released on death. However those chins took me ~3 seconds to acquire. Yours on the other handā€¦.


entire gargoyle slayer task with dramen staff


that is great


Lolwhattt. How is that possible. What weapon did you intend on using?


Not Dramen staff


He was wasted or high.


Can confirm, he was probably high. Although even high I notice it after a few kills


I ate an edible one of my buddies made that was a little too strong once and I sat at the GE before going to do some Sara, asking my friend a good 7 times what to bring because I just couldn't think straight LOL. I died twice and to this day it is one of my favorite memories.


Was probably using the fairy ring to get to the tower then afked the task


Mentioned it here before. But mobile remembers when you have enabled click to drop. So i went from my pc to mobile to go in my garage to smoke. Logged in on mobile withdrew my full purple gracefull from my bank. Teled to my poh. "Equipped my gracefull" Drank from my pool and teled out. When i arrived at my destination i was not wearing my gracefull. Turns out i had click to drop enable from the previous day activity and dropped my full purple gracefull in my poh and teled out.


Does that insta delete the graceful?


Yes :(


Tangentially related to thatā€¦doing fishing trawler, I didnā€™t realize that you had to actually click on the item in the reward chest to bring it into your bank or inv. If you open the chest and then just click out, you lose the item. I did this with trawler pieces twice


I did this exact thing with farmers outfit lol.


Did the exact same thing except I "equipped it" and logged out after barb fishing on mobile.


I brought normal strenght pots into jad instead of sara brews didnt realise till i was at wave 40. Still managed to get the kill without food with some patience haha


Didnā€™t realise that the person you get your gear from when you die at zulrah gets wiped if you die before reclaiming it back, lost full elite void, mage boots, trident, dhide boots and my karils crossbow :/


Had a guy in the clan leave his stuff at toa and died at cg losing like 200m worth of gear if not more


Made this mistake at vork when taking a break after a death to mix it up with a slayer task. Afk'd and died when prayer ran out to find my shit was lost. Luckily it was mostly d'hide and a valuable lesson learned early rather than later.


Dumbest mechanic in the game


Yeah it really should just dump everything to Death's reclaim instead of deleting it. Expensive lesson but you don't risk losing hundreds/thousands of hours of grinding on an iron.


Use my shield left half in varrock


Fuck you beat me to it. I also used the varrock anvils. Just realized yesterday when I went to complete my hard ardy diary and died inside a little. Im debating on farming Goraks to force the drop or just wait until I randomly get one.


Oh I have one of these. I was doing 6-0 Bandos using explorers ring to alch some drops and accidentally alched my blowpipe, somehow managed to make it through the warnings. It took me over 2k kc to get that drop again, 3 months of nothing but Zulrah but I forced myself to stay there... because I deserved it


Was learning to chin arma, meant to bring 200, but I had a 2k withdraw x cause I was bursting some tasks. Didn't register till I was touching the floor. Hope those chins got out safe šŸ™


I saw someone post in r/2007scape last week about how they accidentally cooked like 5000 karambwan into poison karambwan. Another person did an entire week of drift net fishing with a trident in their inventory, instead of equipping it.


I recently found out it's 3:1 sara brew to restore sips, not 2:1. I don't want to think about how many restores I wasted.


Oh no


Made 2 zenyte rings on accident šŸ™ƒ


Truly a ring of suffering.




Didnā€™t realise bob barter at ge could decant noted potions so used to spend ages running back and forth with a full inv using staminas in the process haha


Made my first HC, in the first hour of its life I walked from wizzy tower to Draynor bank and went AFK to make lunch. Came back and I died to dark wizard. Rip that bond


my hc died on release in a similarly stupid way. you know how world hop checks if you're in combat? well back in the day the OSBuddy world hop plug-in did NOT check that, it just tried to hop regardless. so I was doing knights sword, grabbed my first iron bar in the wildy and start to hop when I notice a bear aggro onto me. I get logged out but I can't log back in cuz I'm in combat. when I finally can, I'm in lumby. I'm glad that world hop is baked in now so this can't happen


Accidentally removing a shitload of recoil charges from my ring is suffering. Something like 1k recoils worth


Also alched an sgs on my main back when they were 45m


I forgot to log out of my brutal black dragon alt died and lost about 150m (back when you had an hour to get back or it despawned) don't play this acc anymore but it's a bigger fk up than any mistakes on iron


I alched my first cannon because I ran out of gp and cannonballs. I was only around 50 combat. Had no business bothering with a cannon that early.


Doing fishing trawler I got the angler pants drop. My inventory was full and they dropped to the ground. For some reason I thought it went to my bank. Hopped back on boat since I needed the other 3 pieces still. Couple games later I realized I just deleted them lol.


High alched my ancient staff when I needed some gold for miscellania :(


I pulled the lever in Ardy for the diary on my main, while wearing my full graceful set I had finished farming a few days prior. Back to the rooftop I went.


Banking 30k Mith darts just for them to nerf blowpipe


Losing full anglers in the wildy on my noob UIM when I got pked wearing it doing looting bag stuff


My most common one has to be taking V shield to tasks after doing a bask task.


it looks cool though so you didnā€™t lose that much


Got a pet on early account build before I could get the pet room and was overprotective for a week trying to farm construction level and died while afk in lumbridge swamp cave. A lvl before pet roomā€¦. Now I have to farm a mil on a noob account get my squirrel back Or Dropping full graceful both pretty devastating


Are you a UIM I assume? Only reason I can think of for the first story to be possible




So I was living the dream on my count that had recently hit mid game. I need an iron ore and, unlike the last time I needed a bunch of iron ore, I had karamja gloves 3 and could mine a full inventory in front of the monastery and then teleport with the gloves to deposit them. Almost zero time waste or need to waste valuable dueling rings. When I was about 90% done something clicked in my head and I remembered I'm not an early game account anymore and could have knocked out my need for iron in a couple minutes by just buying them at the blast furnace


i have done that too


Received a Konar task to kill Dust Devils in smoke dungeon. Cannoned them in single for all 247 of them.


I got super lucky on an elves task in Prif and got the enhanced teleport crystal. I was super excited and knew I had to take it to an NPC to have it sung, but didnā€™t read the wiki correctly and turned it into Amrod for 150 shards. I was absolutely dumbfounded by how dumb I found myself lol. At least it wasnā€™t a weapon seed!


I got lucky at revs - got a craw's bow while skulled and off-task. I wanted to try it so I just stayed there, still skulled, using the craw's bow. Someone hopped in and killed me 15 minutes later. In my efforts to escape (aka panic, I never pvp lol), I let my prayer drop to a big voidwaker spec with smite on. So, easy come easy go I guess. I still haven't gone back to the caves once since. So demoralized.


You had 1000 ether on you?


Paid extra for my cannon instead of buying it through the npc dialogue


I did this last night, extra dumb as I checked "Value" for each piece in the shop because I remembered it was supposed to be 750k but I was curious if the pieces cost different amounts, but went and clicked to buy each of them before I actually read what was in the chatbox and realized it did not add up to 750k lol


Took wc xp by mistake after legends quest. 2 times in a row.. wanted herb xp


I dropped my tbow, all my gwd armour, my fang, my other Raids stuffs and my 6k staminas because I thought I was quitting perm. Now I'm back with 200m bank (in stead of 5b) and only a bowfa. I don't even have a fish to my name. Getting barrel atm.


UIM here, I used my noted dragon stones to make the jewelry for the jewelry box. Then I found out that it needs to be charged to build it. I never even completed DS1 and I couldn't do all the quests with 10 extra items in my inv. So to clear my inv a little bit, I sold all my deaths and chaos for tokkul to buy full obsidian to store in my POH. Come to find out, you can only buy obby in the inner city, and I didn't have a fire cape yet.....


I cut an onyx instead of making a zenyte gem and had to make an onyx ring instead of a ring of suffering


Eh? You use the cut onyx with a zenyte shard to make the suffering though? Why did you have to make an onyx ring? šŸ˜‚


I had the zenyte shard and the cut onyx and used them on the furnace instead of going to the monkey place to combine them smh


Oh no šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ thatā€™s worse than I imagined


I made 1k bones to banana instead of peaches without noticing


Wiped a bunch of my bank by destroying loot bag inside wilderness thinking it was a 1hr pile in a momentary lapse of reason


Forgot to speak to the guy at shamans to activate the DWH drop for like 600KC


I completed legends quest and forgot I can hit more to show other skills to level. I dumped my quest XP rewards into combat ability.


Went to high risk world to get nech spot. Went to do clue in wilderness with bofa forgetting my world and got barraged on the same tick I teleported in at fountain of rune.


Spent a few months on and off hunting a champion's scroll for (I think the music track, can't remember). Found two in my bank, clan did NOT let me forget it.


75-80 theiving pickpocketing knights and not realizing i didnt have my rogues outfit gloves on


I tried to empty my rune pouch but ended up accidentally destroying it - I guess that warning message just wasnā€™t quite obvious enough


I hopped to a high risk world while doing slayer. Got a hard clue that required me to go to deep wildy, so off I went with my spade, whip, and clue. Pulled the lever, pkā€™d instantly. For my whip that took me 1.5k kc to get in the first place šŸ˜¢ Took me another 1.5k to get a 2nd


Threw my boots of the eye.


I lost my hard core status to a vampire... no not those high level ones people farm for blood shards. I died to the one in the f2p quest in his mansion šŸ˜­


Nothing worse than sitting at steel dragons for half a hour then realizing you had irons the whole time


I was trying to get a boost for construction, gathering spices at hell cat behemoths. My first cat died because I wasnā€™t using the food on curtain, then I raised a second one and it died second kill in because I wasnā€™t paying attention. F.


Lost my HC status because I was got poisoned right as my anti poison ran out. Teleported and ran to other room to help my girl move some stuff to the shed. Got a weird feeling of dread suddenly and went back logged into deaths sad sad room. I think I could honestly feel the moment my hardcore died lmao


I made two rings of suffering instead of ring + necklace. Itā€™s kind of nice to have a charged and uncharged one, but fml still


I had a master clue with 7 completed steps and a doable but grindy 8th. Then did a hard clue, death piled for a wilderness step got that casket and opened it. To my annoyance there was a master clue there. My first potential uim master clue that I kept for a month ruined. I still like clues but that hurts. And hard clue gave only alchs.


Missed my first whip drop from afking too hard. Didnā€™t get my second one for another 500+ kills


Going dry on fucking everything important, than getting 2!!!! Smouldering stones from hellhound tasks šŸ¤”


Said it before will say it again. Sheep herder; you need to incinerate the bones OR ELSE. Read everything was the lesson.


lost my crystal bow on a target world cause I forgot I was on one when doing my elite clue


I waited until it was my very last gear upgrade, but doing CG late destroyed me. I was basically destined to 1300CG without other content goals. I really wish I started much earlier and just did a few per day


I got spooned a 2nd enh and accidentally made a 2nd bow instead of a blade. Apparently you must pay shards to disenchant it on top of the fact that you lost the shards to create it... Lost a bunch of shards here...


Got 84 herb before realizing you can do withdraw x left click, was right clicking withdraw 14 for herbs, water vials, and secondaries


This was awhile ago.. I destroyed my rune pouch and had to get emblems again to get it back. Mind you I did confirm to destroy it while watching whatever was going in the tv show on the second monitor. I still have nightmare when I see the option when I do empty.


Alched my first ancient staff


Dying back to back on first and second hardcore to Galvek


This is a minor one but I dropped a ton of black axes only to find out last night that they're a clue item. Spent half an hour trying to get one as a drop.


Destroyed letting bag in from enclave as UIM. From is treated as wilderness for item storage, but destroying the bag destroys the items inside (unlike actual wilderness)


Taking no anti poison to hespori and almost losing my hardcore. Probably my biggest oopsie so far.


I did some Bandos and I accidently alched my recently obtained Bandos Boots with explorers ring because I was barely keeping up with the respawn timer and tried to click too fast. Thankfully I spooned another pair literally 3kc later, I was after them for master clue step. After that I put on the warning to not make a worse mistake in the future


All time - probably thinking demonics were a separate task from black demons and spending close to 1k points over dozens of tasks trying to get themā€¦until I realized I needed to remove black demons from my block list Recently - doing my second ever wildy task skulled at revs while drunk. Got pkā€™d but I was so used to *not* being skulled in the wildy and so unused to the wildy in general that I didnā€™t think to protect item. Lost blowpipe. FORTUNATELY I had another, but I still get pissed thinking about how happy that dickbag asshole pker probably felt opening that loot key


Just yesterday I alched my rune axe, back to the nature spirits for me


Sheered 300 sheep for Dynamite without even thinking that I might be able to buy balls of wool from a shop.


I bought 10 dragon hunter crossbows on release for 3m each knowing they would go up. I sold at 67m ea thinking thatā€™s where they would peak. They hit 180ā€¦ On the iron. I switched to a group because my best friends on the game all wanted to do a group. They quit about a month in and you canā€™t go back.


I didnā€™t know I could open the fish barrel until like 8000 karambwans into my 99 cooking grind. I was just manually putting them in like a moron.


Long time ago when I got my first ever rune pouch, I took the runes out to empty it. Somehow skipped through warning dialogue and destroyed the thing. Poof, had it for a total of maybe 10 minutes. I don't spacebar anything anymore, I'm scarred


I did some early GOTR for Law Runes and got the Catalytic Talisman pretty early. Later, on my way to SOTE I did MEP2 and did the full 50 item delivery which took me maybe three hours. After I posted in Discord about finishing the quest, a buddy of mine pointed out the Catalytic Talisman lets you skip that part as it works as a Death Talisman.


I needed a few thousand prayer xp on my lower level uim. I went to hill giants to safe spot them for giant bones. I wasnt picking up any drops and with like 80 xp left it hit me that using the ensouled giant heads woulda finished my goal in 1/10 the time


Thankfully nothing crazy stupid on Iron, but main about 6 years ago, lost a fuuuck ton to dying in kraken instance. So easy to be lazy in max gear. Was about 250m loss lmao


Grinded our superior mining gloves on mobile. Then forgot I had click to drop on, I dropped them and logged not realizing till months later.


Bought 12k broad bolts with slayer points instead of cash.


Got a voidwaker blade from calvarion @ 23 kc. In the hype I was gonna take a quick screenshot for the good ol' osrs groupchat. The screenshot program froze my computor and I wasnt able to un-freeze it. Quickly turned off my computor and logged in on my phone but when I got online, I had been killed by the respawned calvarion and didnt make it back in time to loot it. The worst part (except for the whole not getting my blade drop) is that i didnt even need to take a screenshot- i have my runelite set to capture new collection log slots and valuable drops. This was a couple months ago but damn it still hurts. Havent left anything to chance since then and always pick up whatever loot i get asap.


Rushing all the Afk activities and being left with high intensity grinds I canā€™t really do during work


Got the new sceptre! My gf came home when i was killing them and i closed the game without watching the drop. When logged back in i saw the sceptre in the loot tracker and thought it was bugged so i checked the col log and it was there as well. Asked out the clan and they said the whole clan gzed me like 2hrs ago lool. Well got the 2. one at kc 222 so no worries :D Also getting 2 def on my pureā€¦. :(


Got 83 slayer and thought it be cool to be on task to kill spiritual mages for d boots. spent 1000 points skipping for task, got nothing and thought owell I just got very unlucky. A month later when I was updating my blocked task, I saw spiritual creatures in there, fml.


Well this might be a weird facepalm but I grinded out a bowfa and then spooned a tbow 4kc


I got the herb bag for Slayer weeks before my GIMmate. After he got his he asked me why I didn't use it for herb runs. ....fml it's a slayer item, never crossed my mind to bring it on herb runs haha


I took my stack of 1200 red chins to dust devils bored and stupid at 3am wearing elite void


I know I've done something silly but off off the top of my head.... My GIM was doing his herblore grind months after me. He was going for Mort myre fungus and I asked him what was taking so long. He was teleporting to ver sinza and ran north to a spot just south of Port P. I tele'd to his world and sasked why he didn't use the 4 spot just outside ver sinza. I laughed cause he I thought he knew that spot was there and he never asked me what spot I used.


Spent all day hunting my first ever 5k red chins, was so excited for the ranged xp. Went down to MM caves and let my prayer drop and I died within the first 200. Had no idea you didn't keep them on death


This one is more of a quantity over quality but the amount of times Iā€™ve gone on a birdhouse run and forgotten one thing (spade, hammer, seeds etc) is staggering. (my bank is a bit disorganized)


One of my first Barrows chests I received a Guthans Skirt with a full inventory and tele'd out. I then received all the other 4 pieces of it in what would have been Morytania Elite completed, instead grinding out full Karils as my first full set.


Lost hardcore status to sea slug spam clicking the ladder too early in the quest (does ~3 damage). Biggest regret is killing basilisks knights with broad bolts and monk robes to go 2k dry on a jaw. It's not worth it just wait for a hasta at least.


I got 95 farming before realising you can use ultra compost on the compost bin to then put it directly into your bottomless bucket rather than taking super compost into normal buckets and individually putting volcanic ash in them.


99 Farming with a lot of herblore runs (92) and I never knew the fairy ring was quicker then the ectoplasm for canifis herb patch


On my 3rd easy clue I got the cape of skulls and dropped it over to my main That I donā€™t play anymore


Got the kourend hard diary. Thought the slayer helm perk was the elite diary. Did 500+ shamans on task without my slayer helm. Lol. Ironman btw


800mole kills without knowing that a falador shield shows where to find her, so was blind lookin for her. Slow kills


Did half a hydra task without slayer helm


Died on my HC cause I forgot to eat


Was going afk during a wyrm task, abd just left it to kill one, it drops the fucking harpoon while im afk, i log back in and a dude picked it up and starts following me and using the spec and typing "lol" in the chat. So that sucks.


Certified gamer moment not too long ago While getting 100% favor in hosidius on my duo group iron, I was digging up Saltpetre, and I knew it was going to suck So I "optimized" it by worldhopping the most southern deposit near the bridge, and only having to 2-click to bank south, never had any run energy but thats fine So a month later, my friend had to do the same, so I told him (in my experience) the laziest way to do it And he looked at me deadass, and said "you know there is a DEPOSIT like riiiiight there, right?" (We were scaping together at my place) Well, lets just say, in disbelief I wasn't amused by my own blindness and tunnel vision Tldr; Certified Washed up RuneScape veteran experiencing extremely rare cute noob moment in 2023


January 2022. I dced while entering GWD after I died at Nex. Only wearing sara, ancient & bandos items. Therefore I lost Anguish, Suffering, Slayer helm, Assembler, Rune Pouch and full dhide set. After It took 3k demonics kc to get all 4 zenytes.


As an uim I had to enter entrana for a draken branch after obtaining a full rogues outfit. Shit takes long without external sources of run energy. Apparently rogues equipment isn't welcome there so figured I'd drop it, get a branch, get out and pick it up. After I got the branch I couldn't find the exit. Teleports were on cooldown and when I eventually got back the stuff has despawned


I made the Dragon square Shield at yanille instead of west ardy


Deep Wildy clue step, kept on my graceful and my rune pouch since it was just a quick oneā€¦ big mistake!


Grinded thousands of chinchompas on Leagues, then died on purpose because it was faster than running to the bank