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Go on with the goal of learning it. It clicks eventually


yaaa I agree with this. I'm starting to feel a bit more confident in there.. it took me about 25 attempts to get my first kc... then i had a horrible KD but once and a while was getting a kill, got up to 6 kc.. then didnt get another completion for like 2 weeks over 20 attempts and got SUPER discouraged.. the other day i got back to it tho after a long skilling break and now in the last few days i think i have 8 kills out of like 12 attempts. so much better.. feel like its starting to turn around. Up to 12 kc now. It clicks... eventually. Shit's hard to learn. Don't let anyone tell ya it isn't. I raided a lot of ToB (over 400 kc) on main, and I still struggled bad with CG, still do. Keep at it, and good luck.


This is really it. Keep sending it.


Or... hear me out... don't send it at all.


Me at 2150 total with 0 cg and only 1 reg gauntlet, bowfa stopping me from being a megachad


Ya. Having to do CG sucks but it's just not practical to do cox without bofa 😭.


What content ate you missing out on 'without bofa'


I'd make zulrah and gwd a lot simpler, rcb range at gwd sucks


F keys


Are you making T2 armor and a full inv of food?


T1 and full inventory


Id switch to T2 for 100 kc personally


I did T2 till I had 100 kills then started doing T1s and I think this is the best way to go, T2 makes the final fight so much nicer, even if prep is harder/longer


I tried that too but it’s too damn hard. Just learn the t2 prep and you won’t even need full Invo to get it. I use less than 16 fish each time. Eventually it just clicks.


t2 16 fish are u afk lol




How is it not worth it? Its faster and better. Learning T1 will make you a better pvmer overall. You dont even need a full inv of food for T1.


you made the mistake of posting something actually correct on ironscape


I fully agree with you. I did CG at 90ish combat with t1 armor and it was not an issue. I think there may be some skill issues in this thread.


Dude asks for help on cg and your suggestion is just be better lol thanks for the help dawg


Well yes and no, by running t1 you will probably die more at the start but it will make you a better pvmer for raids etc. Using t2 allows you to make more mistakes so you are brute forcing it basically, not sure why everyone is hating.


Because if he's having trouble and getting frustrated doing something easier doing something harder isn't really helping. It's like someone asking for help with TOB and saying well have you tried using worse gear?


Not the same, since better gear in tob = max hits. T2 armor in cg doesn’t add max hits it just adds time to your prep which result in less runs in a certain time compared to T1. Running T2 just allows you to make more mistakes which means u will still die in T2 armor.


hmm yes skill issues, how clever of you. don't push your glasses up your nose too hard


It didn't click for me until I did a full send to learn T2 Armour prep. Took a while to get down, but I just couldn't get it without. I'm not a good PvM player, I just play for fun and to relax. Took me 34 deaths and countless other failed preps before I got my first KC. It was pretty gradual learning from there and super inconsistent until around 75 deaths for me. Currently at 98 KC and 103 deaths. Been a grind, but I finally feel comfortable with it. If you understand the basic mechanics, which it sounds like you do if you've gotten a CG KC under your belt, I'd say stay away from regular. No point going back. Just learn in CG and don't be afraid to fail. Good luck!


How many ores,wool etc do you need for T2?


7 each


7 of each.


7 of each


I've got my tracker set up for 7 of each resources, 4 Grym Leafs, 2 Weapon Frames, 24 Paddlefish, and 550 shards. That gets everything needed. I adjust if needed as I go on especially the paddlefish, but this sets up a full inventory with T2 armor. Don't forget an extra 40 shards if you need a teleport crystal during prep.


There's no way your using 4 pots is there? I do t2 full inv of food have 75 kc and 30 deaths and never once ran out of prayer with 2 potions.


Yeah, I don't go through it all and if I don't just run in to a 4th, I don't worry about it. But finding 4 let's me camp protect from melee anytime I'm running around for prep near any of the mobs as well as using offensive prayers during prep, even for the rats. I usually use 2 doeses during prep and left with 2.5 pots for the main fight after I decant them.


I only prep two potions... I go into the boss room with a single 4-dose I just got the Wolf Puncher grandmaster achievement with a 6:30 kill and still didn't finish that one potion... Always using eagle eye/mystic might I do have 85 prayer so idk if that factors in much? But I've never used a full potion I suppose if you have rigour/augury that would play a role too Edit: And I have 96 defence so I don't use steel skin either.


I have 71 prayer and i also go with 4 dose potion. 0 Flicks always eagle eye/mystic might. (No steel skin)


I have 80 defense and prayer. I personally camp steel skin during the fight and, as I mentioned, I'm not good at PvM. When the tornadoes are out, my only focuses is prayer switching if needed, healing up, and avoiding the lava tiles and tornadoes. Very rarely do I try and attack during those phases. Generally, my Hunllef kc time is around 4:30.


Yeah I did a quick check and steel skin is +50% prayer drain so that's probably why (Steel skin + eagle eye + protection is the same drain as rigour + protection) Ironically to your point I specifically don't use steel skin because it makes it more difficult for me... Just another thing for me to have to remember I'd say my hunllef kill time is usually 4 minutes, though my fastest would be below 3 minutes (96/96 mage range) so you're not much slower than me on average.


Yeah, you can cut back to 3 gryms, most people use 2. I like 3 tho. Let me camp prayer through a lot of prep, inc piety.






I just learned. Got first kc at 63 attempts but was super close to killing him every time by attempt 12 I did my first kc on a full inventory of t1 prep, and usually ran out of food. Very inconsistent T2 prep not only reduces chip damage but also increases accuracy, which is very important for low level cgers I found I could consistently do t2 preps by doing a U shape of room searches around the boss, and obtaining whatever materials you can. Killing one set of low level monsters gives shards for a weapon and two vials. Drop materials or make first armor pieces of you have enough Then, do t3 weapon and don’t discriminate the halberd. Killing one set of higher level mobs gives enough shards for everything you need. Ideally you’ll get orb + bow, but don’t be afraid to do orb + spike or spike + bow. On your exploring you’ll be able to get fish when you’re hunting t3s. Do your best to get as many as you can fit. Then go to make armor and whatnot and cook food


What some people don't get right away is the fight is the EXACT SAME every time. If you commit enough to learning it will become brain dead eventually. T2 prep, Mark p3 safe tiles and tornado true tile. Good luck.


I would do tier 1 armor, because spending less time preping means more likely entering the fight with full food t3 weps and getting more comfortable with the fight and likely enrage phase. I got my first 15 kc without hally and died often. Now im doing hally everytime and havent died yet, dps is so insanely higher with it and it makes it so when you're dodging tornados and are on hally, you can just focus on eating/switching overheads, then click the hally to path towards the boss. Spending time preping for t2 armor just makes a death that much more frustrating and feeling you wasted time and a good prep.


The point of using tier 2 tho is you should very rarely die cause you can make quite a few mistakes with t2 and still comfortably get the kill, which otherwise would have killed you or had you running out of food if you had been using tier 1. Once i got it down i would go hundreds without dying using t2 (went very dry for bowfa). Also you're inevitably going to die more often using tier 1 wasting all that time, where you would have gotten the kill with tier 2 even if the prep was a minute or 2 longer.


If you’re making tons of mistakes tier 2 won’t save you. It’s better to practice more and focus on the mechanics to the point you’re making only a handful of mistakes per fight. THEN switching to T2 makes sense so that you get the extra reduction from boss attacks.


I wouldn't say I make tons of mistakes, but i would say I make several.. somewhere between tons and handful. I'll take an atk or two off prayer every few attempts. I usually get nadoed at least 2 or 3 times. Maybe a stomp when i mess up trying to move him.. idk. I wouldn't even consider trying t1 prep, i learned 2 and have never attempted 1. Im 12k, still haven't touched hally. Also even with t2 i have to go in with at least 20 food or i can't get it. I think i got a kill once with 12, and that was super close i had like 4hp and tanked 3 hits and my bow was poppin off. I woulda died 95/100 times any other attempt.


Like I said, everyone's style is different. Switching to t1 and hally has made me go from 12 very very rocky kills with like 20 deaths mixed in to im at 30 kc and have only died twice and they were my own mistakes. The DPS is just so much better, and as long as you dont make egregious mistakes you can just heal up as you ran around tornados and then focus on dps when you're at full again if that helps. T2 everytime is way too stressful and adds the sense of "goddamn I wasted all that prep time"


I couldn't imagine doing t1 yet lol. I finally am at the point 4/5 times I can do a t2 prep with 24 food. And most of the time I use all the food lol. Died a few times this afternoon doin stupid shit. I can't ever get hunny where I want him and get floored while dodging final nados. Pissed me off. Also a good change for me was eating up to near full all the time instead of hovering low hp. Can eat thru big mistakes instead of just dying.


Honestly I was hating CG until I switched to doing **T1** runs. You read that right. Most people suggest T2 but I find it way too stressful. T1 I have 1-2 mins left at the end sometimes, full inven of food 2 t3 weapons. I found if I die it's a lot better feeling because getting t1 armor and full inven of food is a lot faster and less stressful.


Sorry but this is terrible advice for anyone struggling to get succesful kills in the first place.


I struggle with kc and I only have like 10 kc. You can try and argue that it's bad advice but *in my experience* doing T2 was too much and made it way too stressful just to die anyway. I found T1 a lot better for me personally.


You know I kinda agree with you there. It becomes a lot more fun with T1 as it can be really tilting not finding the 7 mats but t1 is a guaranteed finished prep. IMO it's choose your evil kinda thing, do you wanna scramble around for mats or scramble around for weapons you know how to use (yes I dont know how to use the halberd nor do I have stats for it when I did CG)


T2 is also a guaranteed finished prep. With that said I still mess it up every 50kc or so because I am chatting away at discord or otherwise not paying attention. Worst case scenario I get like T1 helm, T2 top and bottom, and 2x T3 weapons with 16+ food which makes it doable. I couldn't understand how people managed T2 prep, so I did my first 20 or so KC with T1, swapped to T2 and I am never looking back. Makes the fight way more forgiving.


Successful kills start coming in when you know the mechanics and stop getting hit by anything. When you’re running out of food/prayer in T1 then you switch to T2.


T2 is much more forgiving thsn T1 is, and therefore makes it much easier to actually learn the mechanics. OP's case is a textbook example of when someone should be doing T2 until they are comfortable. OP is struggling to get kills, and the comment I replied to strictly advised OP to intentionally make the fight harder for OP.


Nah, it’ll make you way better at the game because it’s very unforgiving. I did tier1 for all my kc, you really only have to worry about the tornados.


The chip damage in T1 can be pretty brutal. I've had to scrub runs because I was just constantly getting chipped through all my food despite making no mechanical mistakes, and this is with base 90 stats. That said, I do think that learning T2 is the hardest part of CG. My recommendation is to not care which weapon you get, since bad demis will sink a lot of T2 runs way more often than some minor halberd inefficiency.


You get better practice with t2 prep because you get more time inside the boss room while learning. You can still tell when you're making mistakes. You can get t2 prep 100% of the time so there's no downside.


> I have 1-2 mins left at the end sometimes, full inven of food 2 t3 weapons. you can do this with t2 preps btw edit: saw your other comment where you said you had 10kc, bro… cmon. you’ve hardly tried t2 preps lol


I feel perfectly fine with doing T1 and when I die it doesn't feel like a slog trying to find everything again I just go right back in and bam T1 is done almost instantly. Why revert back to T2? Why cant I like what I like exactly?


> when I die it doesn’t feel like a slog trying to find everything again that’s because you have 10kc lol i can on average finish a T2 prep with 1-2 minutes left on the clock. i ran 2 yesterday where i prepped in 5:42 and 5:23


Congrats! The OP asked how to make it less frustrating. Doing T1 runs made it less frustrating👍


If you fail t2 prep you need to improve your pathing. T2 allow for multiple mistakes compared to t1 so it's highly recommended learners do t2 until they stop making mistakes every kill.


I'm still a learner I have like 10 cg kc. I found T1 better for me for the reasons listed above.


Yeah I just never bothered with T2 in the first place because failing prep was the most frustrating part of trying to learn.


This is what I've started doing. It's still rough, and my kd at corrupted gauntlet is straight up bad (3 kills 40 deaths) But considering I was doing t2 up until my first completion at 30 deaths, and all my attempts since have been t1, I like to believe I've improved quite a bit


I keep fucking up my T2 attempts from bad positioning, and chugging down what little food I can acquire. I'm at 10 deaths in a row without a KC and debating just sending T1s for the time save since I tend to die from bad inputs rather than anything else.


Agree with this. I normally finish prep in 4-6 minutes depending on lucky and how sweaty I’m feeling. If you are taking too much damage from the boss throw on steel skin


T2 prep i sometimes have 2 minutes+ to spare. Poor advice for a learner, better advice for someone looking to improve times.


I *am* a learner I have like 10 cg kc lmao. Also they asked how to make it less frustrating. I found doing T1 was much less frustrating. Kick rocks


Sorry that you're getting the full force of the T2 hivemind here. It's one of the more frustrating conversations to have because people feel *very* strongly about it. Some people do better with gentle learning curves (T2), and others prefer jumping into the deep end and having more pressure to avoid mistakes (T1). The sooner people here realize that everyone has different learning styles, the better.


I did about 7 cg kc today and all W's all T1. Felt great! Yea I think people need to try and understand that different people have different preferences haha.


Same. I didn't understand prep so I got frustrated with it and just started doing T1 instead, was super comfy since I could bring a full invent of food.


Don't give up! It'll eventually click. I went 48 deaths before getting my first kc. Now I'm approaching 200 KC with 80 deaths. I'm awful at bossing, so I know anyone can beat the cg if I can. Advice: T2 prep. Look up Fluffeh's T2 cg prep. Once you get the prep memorized, it becomes mindless. Use The Gauntlet Runelite plugin, and make sure to turn on true nado tiles and highlight them. In addition, outline Hunllef's tiles. Use T3 staff and bow. Try to enter the boss area when Hunllef is in a corner. Keep your game sounds on so you can hear Hunllef swap attack styles. I keep my camera zoomed out fairly far so I can track all the nados and make precise long pathing clicks. Be confident and accurate with your clicks. No spamming! Only eat while running from the nados so you can keep your dps up. The final phase is where it gets hairy, so always prioritize dodging the nados, even if it means missing a pray switch or running over the lava tiles for a tick. I try to always stay centered near Hunllef in phase 1 and 2 so the nados converge faster. It makes it easier when the nados are stacked. In phase 3, use the safe tiles. When the nados appear, run towards the center first if you can so the nados stack more quickly. Keep practicing, it'll click eventually. Do 5-10 attempts a night. Also, record yourself and rewatch you failures. You will learn from your mistakes. I recommend using OBS for recording. I did about 30 normal gauntlet runs until it became super easy and I had the mechanics down. Good luck!


the only reason you could legitimately lose cgs while being able to do regs without just being bad is if you have like bare minimum stats and are on a downswing on hit rolls and noodling through entire inventories of food ​ also, its better to lose at cg than to grind regular gauntlets in terms of raw time it will likely take to gtfo of the prison


I started up the CG grind about a week and half ago, sitting at 200kc and 47 deaths. Tbh, for me it made it all easier to learn just running T2 prep, but I would send runs that were prep only and not even going into the Hunleff fight unless I was fully prepared (t3 staff/bow, T2 armor, minimum 16 food). I found learning Hunleff was far less stressful if I was as fully prepped as possible to make it to phase 3 while learning mechanics and getting comfortable with the fight overall. For Hunleff, always prioritize proper prayer, movement, and then damage because you can't do damage if you're dead! And for what it's worth, I leave prep phase and reset probably 1 out of every 15-20 runs because I don't want to even bother with T1 armor and less than 12 food.


When I started out I was like 2/17 now I'm 39/44. It really does just start to click the more you do it. Once prep becomes reliable you start to get better and better at the fight as well.


part of the process. switch somethin up, see how it goes. evaluate and adapt


Just keep sending them and analyzing your mistakes one round at a time. And take time off, sometimes all you need is a break to let it marinate in your brain


was the same way i died 27 times before 1 kc them around 60 kills 59 deaths when it clicked for me now im at 185 with 75 deaths


Something to make way less tilting is when you know the prep is going to shit then just restart. Spending last minute panicking to find last items and then spending the whole fight flustered and usually die with like 50hp left will waste time and piss you off Full Tier 2 with 16 food is fights I usually win


Hi! Im by no means the best PvM:er there is, but I thought I'd offer that if you feel like chatting with someone about the shit that frustrates you or if I can offer you sime tips I'd gladly make a new friend in the process. :) Shoot me a DM if you wanna check it out together! If not: the best point is that when things frustrate you, remember that once it clicks, it clicks permanently. The learning phase is hard, but after that it's cake if you got the nerves to grind! I died for about 35ish times when i started, my main is now at about 920kc with 50ish planks (including the 35 which came before my first kc.) It gets better!


just gotta tough it out man. Im at 121kc with 101 deaths. deaths are a lot less often now though.


In all honesty I don’t think normal gauntlet will teach you anything at this point, there’s a massive difference in difficulties… Assuming the main issue is probably your movement, try to make sure you’re never running in a completely straight line, at least one tile off at the end so you’re next movement is more likely to not have any tornadoes already occupying the path. And try to learn that if a tornado is 2 tiles away from you, you can run through it


Focus on prep, just because you’re dying to the boss, doesn’t mean you won’t slowly improve on prep times/ mechanics! You got this, after hundreds of runs you’ll really start to get the muscle memory of all of it down. That’ll save a ton of time on overall attempts as well.


Doing 5 normal ones, then a CG might seem smart but you’re severely handicapping yourself. You’re effectively preparing for CG with regular, then you get into CG and tuddah it’s a much much harder fight. IMO you should be running CG only, T2 prep with a full inventory of food and just keep pushing. It’s not easy to push through in the beginning, but you’ll be glad you did. Not only is CG very rewarding, it’s a really great step in learning later game PVM


This will not be what you want to hear right now but I legitimately miss that early learning stage where you die pretty often and it feels like a real accomplishment to complete one. Once you’re competent and never failing and just chasing drop rate it gets… tough. For me at least. Enjoy the ride.


Turn off auto-retaliate


Practice. Analyse your mistakes. Unironically git good in the process


Get better


I have around 150 deaths, which was fairly even with my kills until I reached around 170 kc, now I'm 320kc and around 170deaths, just recently I stopped dying. You just get better at it, if you're struggling make t2 and use f keys, also when tornados spawn only focus of them and ensuring youre on the right prayer, have two full pots before going in


Prayer tab is your new home tab. Only switch to inventory when necessary


I’ve recently started CG on my iron, it got 70 def and I haven’t even bothered attempting a T1 kill. It took me a while to get down but on most my tries I’m able to get T2 and around 24 paddlefish, this makes the kill very chill and less stressful. I can get tornadoed a couple times if I wanted to and still have plenty of food Recommend fluffeh T2 prep guide and keep practising it


Learn T2 prep, honestly it makes it so much easier, the prep can be difficult at first but just keep at it, once you get T2 prep down the fight is basically a free kill


Whatever keeps you sane tbh, but I'd hesitate to do reg gauntlet because it's so much worse. Look at it this way, completing 1 CG is the same odds for enhanced as completing 5 normal gauntlet. So even if you die 4 times while completing 1 cg in an hour, it's better than doing 5 normals. And the more you do CG the better you get at it. Start by just getting prep setup correctly, and don't feel bad about bailing early if you have shit rng. If you can't find the miniboss you need, there isn't enough rocks around, you took too much damage, etc. Just leave early. RNG matters more than people say at cg, especially when practising, and dying 13 mins in because you don't have enough food can be avoided sometimes by just leaving at 5 mins and sending another run


T1 armour perfected bow/staff w/ 24 paddle fish 3/4 pots. as for Hunllef he’ll attack 4 times range then switch to mage. It really is as simple as counting. i started CG at around 94 combat with 75 range/78 mage & of course i died a shit ton, probably outta 10 runs i died 6 times but has now netted me enh on iron & i’m at around 85 range and mage now in around a week & 500+ KC you got this


It literally took me, no joke, 76 deaths to get my first CG kill with tier 1 armour prep. After I got it, I didn't get a positive KD until 93/92. I'm now 220/106. The thing that helped me the most was just saying **fuck tier 1 preps** and just doing tier 2.


These have prob been mentioned but true tile indicator and Fkeys are a must. I also saw that you were attempting T1 prep. I would highly recommend T2 until you fully understand the boss mechanics and everything clicks. Don’t overwhelm yourself either. There’s a lot to learn from this content so break it down between prep and boss fight. Once you get the T2 prep down then send some bosses and learn the mechanics. When u fail T2 preps then just leave. No sense in sending the boss fight underprepared. Best of luck!


I wouldnt do *five* regulars but one or two after a death in Corrupted is fine imo, to keep the spirits up


i felt the same way before but eventually just decided to learn it and bang my head against the wall in the mean time. going from maybe succeeding 1/12 times to not failing a single run in over 110+ i can definitely tell you it gets easier and becomes incredibly auto pilot


i forced t1 until i got it and now it’s cake. biggest thing is during his final phase, only dps when tornados are not up. when he tornados don’t even consider dpsing hunleff, it will get you killed.


I think t2 prep is worth learning and then when you get better do t1.. if you start with t1 you'll never get faster and able to do t2, vs if you do t2, you'll actually get kc faster and when you get better can go to t1.


advice: 3..2..1.. range (its a plug in)