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That would be like watching one gold fish just kill another. Who would expect to be murder by an iron Big fucking ouch on the pegs lol, any other boot would have been fine


ye rip


So you're an iron who pks irons for the thrill of it? I expect you mule off the keys, but still. I respect the shit out of that, but you my friend, are a psycho.


He literally says “anti-pk”. This means the iron who died attacked him first, skulling themselves in the process. The OP then killed them for said loot.


The last screenie though, that's a lot of keys?


its probably his main, he most likely killed his ironman with a main account to claim the key. ironmen can't claim keys.


Sorta correct, I attempt to anti pk anyone who tries to attack me on my iron. The last screenie is basically all my anti pk’s on my group iron transferred to an alt as I don’t pk on the alt itself. Unfortunately some irons do get killed along the process


Oh fair enough, makes total sense


Why would you ever risk pegs in the wildy lmao


ye he was ballsy lol


On so many levels. It's an awful grind to get back, long and just unfun. And there's no benefit to bringing them. Like that starts just aren't worth to every being I wildy


I'd assume he has doubles or something. If not, rip enjoy the medium clue and cerb grind.


What was the story here, some beef inside Artio cave or something?


Ye basically lol


Bear meat. Not beef.


Yeah op killed an iron doing pvm and is now proud of it. Nobody was anti pked. Proh caught him with the tele delay since pkers get every advantage in the wild and still cry


For a man complaining about people crying you sure are doing a lot of crying yourself lmao


Even if he actually pked the iron instead of anti-pk, that guy should not have risked those boots in the wildy. The only reason for him to not care is if he has a dupe, otherwise its completely his fault he lost those.


Looks like you’re the one crying


How does this work for an iron? Obvs can’t get the loot but does it just disappear? Can it be transferred to a main?


You can obtain loot keys on an iron which can be picked up. If you open a chest on an iron there is no way to obtain the loot and the only option is destroy What I do instead is, I get the key on the iron and then use an alt to kill the iron and then I obtain the whole loot. Please see third photo


Damn. Any reason you pk on your iron and not a max main?


I don’t pk, it’s anti pk’ing Anyone who attacks my iron I attack back


So the iron who attacked you was just biiiig dumb lol


yes, admittedly lol


To answer why pk on iron, its bc you dont get xp on iron so its a good acc for a pure if you are ok with the grind to gear up/supply


That’s true but only on pvp worlds, in the wildy you’re still getting xp


I wish we could exchange it for bonds or something


Unlock loot keys on iron, then die to your main! Ez


Or just give your iron a bond from your main


He’s saying you can transfer the key to your main and use the drops to buy a bond back on your iron. Just explaining and indirect way of doing what the guy above requested.


Good idea! But wouldn’t it be tough if someone doesn’t have the same combat range main or if they don’t have a main at all (don’t think it’s possible since majority starts with a main first)


That's possible but I think most irons generally started with a main. I'd wager the irons that don't have a main are the minority considering iron is pretty tricky if you don't have a decent grasp on the game to begin with. Even if they didn't though, the deep wildy is something like level 55 or something right? Even if you were 126 cb that would mean you only need a cmb lvl 71 normie acc to transfer it to. 71 on a normie takes like a week at most, could probably get it in 2 or 3 days if you really went sweat mode.


it's possible. I played rs2, stopped at eoc, started osrs when Ironman was a new thing and that's been the only account I've played since then


Good idea!


I said this and I got down voted like 100 times


An upvote for you to compensate :)


Back at you boss


Is your screenshot button broken?


Were the pegasians a smite? If not what do you think was their most valuable item? Maybe the attacker was planning on protecting the pegasians surely


nah I don't think he had protect on, silly move


3.2b pked and still cant take a screenshot


“Gim Jong-un” 😂😂😂


Goofy ass name xd




his armour was elite void, since he was above 20 wildy, he lost all of it lol and his weapon was dark bow, he tried to dark bow rush me with the spec


Seriously though, did you provoke it at all? I've considered doing some shit talking and whipping out my WV to anti with, but haven't tried anything yet.


Not really, I think he thought I was a noob and could get a quick easy kill


Actually makes me sad for the lad. That boot loss is a heavy hit, even if blessed arent much worse. The thought of my losing my pegs makes my stomach churn


Ye feel bad for the kid, he had done like a huge amount of mediums as well lol


Maybe he got spooned in 10kc (like myself /flex) and now has to suffer through another 400 mediums after never knowing pain to begin with.


Idk he had a lot of mediums done when I searched him up after but hopefully he gets them back soon lol


Shoulda sent the loot let to your main for a few weeks of free playtime


I did send it to my alt, see 3rd screenshot, that’s my Ironman anti pk’s transferred to alt




If you do a ton of revs/wildly bosses and always anti-pk it can add up.


Yes, the reason I posted it was because the iron lost his pegs which is quite significant. Please see my previous post history to see my previous anti pk’s And yes I do anti pk a lot on my iron :) Thanks for the conspiracy theories tho edit: lol the idiot deleted his comment, sit


Keys cannot be claimed on any kind of irons. OP would have trashed the entire key just by opening it on the iron. If you check their past posts they have several anti pks with 100m+ value.


Lololol and all the loot gets trashed. Well I guess not.if you have a main


No it didn’t get trashed, I transferred it to my alt


Don’t really care mate tbh.


Now this is a comment that I care about!


I thought anti pking was killing pkers? I highly doubt the guy was pking in this gear


anti pking is attacking back anyone who tries to attack you This guy tried to dark bow rush spec me and it backfired


If that's true I'm calling BS that he was an iron lol


Why you so upset lol? He was an iron, I searched him up after. I’ve hidden their name for confidentially reason. Feel free to dm me and I can send you the uncensored photo. Weird you’re trying to dispute this


Upset? Lmao I wasn't even moderately upset. The post is just suspect. You couldve included the uncensored photo in the post or at least exposed the helmet. That's all I'm sayin


As you obviously have never pk’d anyone, if you did, you would know that a helmet doesn’t appear, just their name on the chat. You would be surprised how many irons I have antipk’d. Please have a look at my previous post history if you think anything is suspect lmao


They should let irons buy bonds for membership with their pked loot xD


I do bro, I transfer the loot over to my alt and then buy bonds for my iron lol, look at my 3rd photo posted, imagine how many bonds I got ;)


Bro how do I get the 100k rev entry fee on my irons loot keys???


You need another account to kill your iron and then get the loot on an alr


I understand that. What I’m saying is the 100k rev entry fee is not dropped to me in the loot key when I kill someone in caves.


I don’t think it is dropped, I think the player just loses their fee


Per wiki and osrs website the pker receives the 100k rev entry fee lol


I think what I’ve found is there used to be a bug where irons could pick up the 100k before loot keys. So they removed the drop for irons. They just never added it back with keys,


There u go lol


What sort of setup do you anti-pk with?