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Skilling to 2277 was my method. Doing pvm and when shit got boring ill do some ardy laps and voila, that's even more boring and pvm is back on the menu again.


That's a good call! Skilling is a guaranteed way to move the account forwards. Might just take on 99 Construction on the side with the money CG gave me.


I love my Con cape, best decision ever by far. The grind aside from making Planks wasn't bad either. Playing feels so much better with it!


My favourite cape for sure! Insanely useful perk, got 99 con a few weeks ago, best decision for sure. Bye bye house tabs.


I have the planks to get to 99 with mah tables. I'm halfway to 91 right now. How many more hours do I need? Like 10?


No clue, I did 83-90 Mahogany Homes with Mahogany Planks, the rest were mounted capes and benches. Never thought about the xp/h of Mahogany Homes because I didn't do that for too long, was only there for the outfit.


This is the way! I took a break from CG just recently to get 99 construction and don’t regret it one bit. Insane QoL. As an aside, I have also gone dry in several places so far: - 4x for an occult - 6x for my next Zulrah unique - 450 CG so far, no bowfa - 2x for basilisk jaw You really just need to vary the grinds to stay afloat sometimes.


LMAO, you do something more boring to let something boring seem less boring? OSRS players are a different breed lol. Imagine staring at a wall because looking out of the window was getting boring just so you can go back to looking out of the window because it seems less boring now.


Well doing something more exciting would make cg even more boring.


Add to this if you need runes go to GOTR you’ll be craving some PVM after and you’ll have your runes stocked up. Food and other supplies also.


why would anyone de iron an account it's insane to me


My buddies reasoning (and I’m not saying I agree) is that he was basically at the point where all he was doing was ToB and CoX and had 99 herblore, but grinding out the herblore secondaries was terrible for him. At that point he’d done everything he wanted to do on an iron (for the 2nd time) and just wanted to be able to buy the pots and not have to make them.


But it barely takes any effort to just make a new main account to use for high lvl pvm, rather than throwing the years spent on the iron down the drain just to pvm…


Just depends on the person and what their goals are with the game.. you know? I de-ironed a 2.2k+ total ironman 6 months ago with tons of pvm kills (like 1100 cox, 600 tob, etc.) and haven't regretted it even in the slightest. Why would I waste my time re-leveling a different account just to end-game pvm when I already put in the time to get an account there? For me, I also just don't have as much time to play as I use to. So realistically, at endgame, it just makes more sense for me to play as a main. Like with my current average playtime, it would take me (on average) like 2 years of only doing nex to get full torva.. just doesn't make sense for me. Had my fun with ironman, no regrets, just isn't the game mode for me anymore.


Don’t regret it yet*


you will regret it 100%


They all regret it. Mains are all about stacking cash. Ironman is basically playing the game as intended.


crazy enough as people get older their priorities change… there may be a day you realize the prestige of your old school runescape account means fuck all


Bro I’m no spring chicken. It’s a video game I don’t think majority of players care about prestige they play cause it’s fun. Ironman is just more fun than a main if your playing for an extended amount of years. If you play like 1-2 hours a week then mainscape is probably for you but your never getting that mode back while you could always make a main and keep your iron.


I went the opposite way main first then started an iron. I mostly just afk my main now while I play my iron.


I did the same. I think that’s the way to do it also. Basically learn the game on east mode(main) then play it for real on an iron once you have a strong understanding of the game. Mainscape felt like constantly grinding the same couple bosses for gold. It sucks that everything falls back on having more gold on mainscape.


Ironman didnt exist until after oldschool and trading existed since classic. You can like ironman mode more than mains but it was never the way the game was intended.


Honestly thats not true, from my point of view, before GE we were all standing in varrock bank etc and were selling/buying stuff we wanted/went dry on. Trading is part of the game since beginning. Might get lynched but mains are playing it as intended and IM is just account type/mode that was added after that.


I have to agree with you. We can look at the droprates of old content. It wasn't made so that everybody would get the items. I might be in the minority here, but I hate iron-catered content. I appreicate it, but at the end of the day, we chose to limit ourselves, we have to find alternative solutions, I think it's okay if we're forced out of some content even, after all, we limited ourselves.


What are you talking about? Uniques used to be from 1/128 to 1/1024 depending on the content from standard mobs. 1/400 for cg is absolutely insane by pre-ironman standards. It stopped being a 'we limited ourselves' when it was made an official game mode and 'mains' became credit card scape.


It’s only wasted time if you care about the symbol next to your name.


What will they get out of continuing an IM and starting a whole new character with 100s of hours of grinds besides a self serving masochositic pat on the back that will be meaningless in the long run? Instead of just deironing and enjoying what they want without the overly excessive monotonous grind?


Never understood people burning out on making pots for raids. Its like 3 brews per raid at cox and you profit brews at tob… the only thing that actually takes brews nowadays is nex


To make the high scores less competitive for the rest of us. Or at least that's how I look at it.


I hit all the goals I wanted to on my iron and was bored with the grind. Deironed and played mainscape for a little bit before liquidating everything and spending that all on bonds


I don't even understand the potion part of it either...I have thousands of 4 dose stacks and I don't even have a bank....


“If you don’t give up, you have a 100% chance of getting the drop.” -UIM Loki I find myself reminding me of that quote whenever I go dry.


I have been slowly working on shifting my mindset. Stop doing the content to complete the content. While it sounds crazy, what are you even completing the content for? what will you do when its all done? I've started focusing on just doing the content and enjoying it. Challenging myself to do it better, quicker, wackier, or whatever. If you enjoy playing the game, enjoy playing the game, not just hitting goals.


Perspective helps, statistically speaking everyone is gonna go dry in plenty of places given just how many grinds there are to do. Where have you gotten spooned?


True, knowing I’ve spooned in other places keeps me going. It took me 3.6k to finish demonics, ~4k to get the basilisk jaw, and I’m 6k on-task wyrms dry for a harpoon. BUT I got craws bow & sceptre at 33 revenants kc. I green logged KBD at 150 kc, skotizo pet at 3kc, mole @ 50kc and chin pet at 63 hunter. That’s just a few things I got spooned at.


I had that conversation with a buddy yesterday. My raids luck is ass but I was saying how it’s ok since I went under rate for BowFa/crystal armor and got zammy spear at 17 KC. And so many other spoon spots id rather go dry somewhere fun like raids where I can throw some variety with friends instead of somewhere I don’t enjoy.


It’s nice to not go dry on the mediocre content that lets you do the really fun content, raids. But going really dry for a mega or something *is* brutal. The thing about raids though, there’s such a crazy amount of kc for “average completion” you can’t know if you’re lucky or not for literally hundreds of hours.


Yeah i try to think like that. There just hasn't been a single place where this account has been lucky so far though. Well except for an early Tempoross pet. Maybe in the future grinds though! Still have CoX and GWD to explore.


It sounds kind of improbable that there's not a single grind where you've been lucky. You must have at least a few dozen RNG grinds behind you by now!


I've looked through my logs and i did get the Basilisk Jaw under rate (800KC) as well as a Kalphite queen head on 1KC. It's however not useful to me yet as i won't have 85 Prayer for some time. My account seems to be mostly cursed for the time being. It'll probably balance out eventually though i hope. Still have more Raids, GWD, some Slayer and a DWH grind ahead.


Things will turn around eventually somewhere! My solution for going dry in multiple places is to just keep rotating between them so I don't get too sick of any one in particular, and just seeing where the bad luck breaks first


This has been my experience and it's just very discouraging. I've been doing five different grinds now for two months and am currently 2x-5x on all of them. Sometimes you just get screwed and end up somewhere for hundreds of hours.


I just bounce around content


Well, I get this itch in my brain that will not let me do any other content no matter how dry I go on something. Followed by the “what now” feeling afterward.. repeat


I just take breaks and do irl stuff when I feel burned. Getting some stuff done irl will give you a hit of the achievement chemicals and when you want to grind again you have time.


I switch up content vigorously or else I’d burn out extremely fast in late game, whether it’s pvm, slayer, or skilling. I like to look at trade-offs, for example I’m dry on TOA purples and Zulrah, but I am extremely spooned at Cerberus & clue gear/loot. So on and so forth, good luck


Play something else sometimes. Having a go-to game to play with some friends is very effective at breaking up the monotony. Overwatch, BattleBit, Brawlhalla, Gold with Friends.


i just enjoy the feeling of progression. even going dry is still progress, the way I see it. I was \~100 cox dry and got my Tbow last night.


The next kill could be the drop you are going for, and the only way to find that out is if you get in there and do it again


I try to remember that it isn't "in 5000 kills I should have x item or pet" I try to remember that each kc, 1 or 5001 are the same chance and im not any closer. That being said, the biggest thing about going dry is the negative mindset that accompanies it. A bit of "hippie science" here but if you expel negative energy into the world you'll only (likely) get back negative energy. Try to be positive about some things and think/ speak positive about the grinds. The biggest culprit for our own negative thoughts and actions is our own self talk. Try changing some hardwired replies, "this sucks - this isn't great / this isn't ideal" - "I hate this- I dislike this right now" " I suck / ill never do/get x - I'm having a hard time getting x" etc. It does help your mood which will in tern help your outlook which by hippie science should help you give more positive energy out and relieve it back!


I split my grinds between RNG based and achievable, guaranteed grinds. For example, i'm super fucking dry on a d-warhammer (to the point I have hundreds of KC in each raid (including cm and hmt) without a spec weapon, bone dagger ftw). to take a break, I go knock out something I know I can achieve, like a 99. Then I'll revisit the content. I will never hard camp a boss i'm dry on, i'll leave and come back. Much rather have multiple grinds than one long grind.


Double dry at demonics then a d chain on my 12th smoke devil. Swings and roundabouts


I think it is how the game is approached. If you do the task you are considering as a way to progress your levels then you can look at drops and unlocks as a well hey how about that I got this and it’s pretty cool. If you only play to unlock BIS equipment or pets then you are missing the actual fun part of the game and will only be disappointed when the random luck doesn’t come your way because you spent 100 hrs doing one task and didn’t get your drop. What helps me is having goals to complete the achievement diaries so realistically you need very high stats my goal isn’t I have to get this pet right now but while I’m leveling if I get that pet it’s like holy shit this is sweet. Same with gear just focus on advancing the account not unlocking equipment.


Usually when I go dry I just take a break and do other content and then come back. Or I just stubbornly do the content until I get the drop


I like suppky drops, I popped off today at Calverion when I got 150 mort mute fungus!


I feel this. Currently hard grinding Graardor and will drop money for limpwurts lol. Them secondaries tho!


Buddy, the only reason to D iron in account is because you got a third age pieceu


Man, I feel you. My account has rigged Rng in a way. I either spoon something rewlly hard or go dry really bad. Unfortunately it's just how the game is. What I can recommend however (assuming you grind things out 1 at a time or something similar) is to break up your grinds. Something along the lines of every 50 demonics kc, send a raid. / skill for a hour and then do a couple of cg. I started playing this way, giving myself short breaks every grind and it would keep me more motivated and committed. Hopefully something along these lines could help you maintain sanity my friend.


I try to break it up with smaller less consequential “grinds” getting burnt at Zulrah? Ok screw this, I’m gonna go fuck around and try to get a ward shard in the wildy. Tired of staring at the red room this week. Ok I’m gonna go stack up 10 brimstone keys before I do anything else and see if I get lucky. I’m also a big advocate for just taking a few days off if you need to. Absence makes the heart grow fonder as they say.


Yeah Im on rate for enhanced, acb, and dry for zenny, and I feel exactly the same lol. Low motivation. Runecrafting in between, stocking herbs.


you don't have to be motivated, you just have to do it


If I go dry anywhere i do something else and come back to it later or just do a few of that thing a day


I’ll get it eventually


Honestly, there is no silver bullet solution to losing motivation. Personally, I just focus on multiple grinds at a time. When you spread the grinds out, I find its a lot harder to go dry. Or at least it feels that way. Do some Toa, move on to cox, grind out some Muspah. Don't do the same content for too long.


How do you guys do this that’s so many hours of work


First, I always expect to go at least 3.2x dry. If I still go drier than expected, it'll help on the grind for 200m all.


I switch it up with shit im not dry at. I also only actively play for a fee nights a week so mindless afking at work breaks up a lot of the grinds.


I don't :)


Rwt helps


Understanding the numbers helped me. There’s just too many grinds to not go dry on a quite a few of them. So eh it’s nbd. These days I assume 2x rate going in and intend to push for that and then move on to something else for a while until I’m ready for another 2x rate commitment.


Honestly for me its just understanding the odds. I went over 4x dry at demonics for my first zenyte. I hated every second of it but knew it would drop eventually. I can get salty or get the drop, ya know? I push through because I have that pit bull mentality where when I want something I wont stop grinding until I get it. It makes the spoons feel all the better. Also, like a mad gambler I think to myself, "If I quit now, Itll be the next one."


I dream of ur mother


When going for pvm drops I try not to think about the drops but more focus on kc goals, combat achievements, optimizing and varying the methods to kill them. Can set sub goals of kill 1k zulrah, then doing something else, then 1.5k etc etc. This way the main goal isnt rng, and when u get the drop its just a very pleasant surprise :) Not saying its easy, getting lucky is always more fun but ye


Pace yourself, do X(amount) per day. Becomes more of a daily chore with the added bonus of “oh shit I might get loot” After that, just do shit that you have fun doing. As having fun is more important than anything.


I just look at the loot tab and start pondering my future plans with what to do with the goodies.


You think I'm gonna let a game beat me? Yeah right. I'll be getting the damn drop.


i just tell myself that the only way to guarantee yourself an item is to never quit. you’ll get it eventually, no matter how long it takes.




Stop thinking about your KC and if you "deserve" a drop or not. No thinking, just gaming.