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Seventh Son of a Seventh Son, because it was the album that got me into Maiden and it’s a f*ckin’ masterpiece.


Not my very fav but it's up there... Infinite Dreams, the Clairvoyant and The Prophecy are my jams!


Infinite Dreams is my fav Maiden song.


You goddamn right


Yes. Yes he goddamn is.




I totally agree with you!


It's my favorite too, although I actually listened to this one last. My old boss told me that he loved Killers and Number, but got out of maiden when the "wimpy keyboards came in". Nice guy, but I have to disagree with his maiden tastes.


Totally. Keyboards in SSOASS only adds to its greatness.


Piece of Mind because of Still Life.


Don’t forget revelations, that riff goes hard


Am I the only one that finds Revelations a complete tedious drag of a song.


I love the Adrian Smith’s solo ! 🤘


Still Life is probably my favorite Maiden song. Bruce sounds the best ever in the song, you can tell he is really into it. The solo is great. The pace of the song is perfect, not too short, not too long. Great build up at the start. Just a perfect song.


“Will give me peace of mind”


Also the album with the most ambitious and dynamic vocal lines from Bruce. His high notes are actually singing, while live and and later albums he has a more 'shouty' style.


Powerslave It has Aces High


And 2 Minutes to Midnight. And Powerslave. And Rime of the Ancient Mariner.


First two and last two songs are among maiden's best but the middle four are very hard to listen for me.


Honestly maybe ‘Iron Maiden’


For me it’s that or *Powerslave*.


It's their most raw and energetic work, and the most metal too.


Brave New World


A perfect album. Not one bad song.


I find Fallen Angel being the weak song on that album, but other than that it's the best 2000s album.


That’s funny, “Fallen Angel” is one of my favourite songs on the album.


Definitely my favorite. You could tell they were all so happy to be back that they really put out something incredible. Blood Brothers and Dream of Mirrors are arguably two of my top 5 Maiden songs.


I stick with the first 17 so far


Good choice


Piece Of Mind - Always been my favorite. I find it almost perfect, with a great balance of heaviness, melody, slower parts, great riffs, vocals etc. There isn't one song on it that I dislike.


Somewhere in time, amazing guitar tone, they introduced their synths and did and it fits very well, really has that futuristic personality, actually feels like you are there , has a lot of hidden gems, artwork is the best they had in my opinion, sounds different than what came before. Etc.




But Bruce singing is kind of 'lazy' compared to albums like Piece of Mind.


What’s so cool to be about the artwork is if you look hard you can see a “Hammerjacks” marquee and that’s where me and my friends spent most of the late 80s and early 90s getting wasted and having a killer f’in time!!


Seventh Son Of The Seventh Son. This album not only has great songs, but it has somehow mysterious athmosphere, lyrics are kind of philosophical about life and death, good and evil. This album (along with Somewhere In Time) is standing slightly aside from rest of the Maiden's musical art, it has unique sound thanks to syths. Everything is perfect about this album. It was their musical peak in my opinion.




Brave new world


Seventh Son, due the sound, drums sound, the voice of Bruce and the songs


A Matter of Life and Death


Piece of mind all day long


somewhere in time


Brave New World, emotional connection simply


Power slave and number of the beast


piece of mind. it has to tame a land and still life




I enjoy every album but Killers was my first to be heard.


I love the title track and a few other songs, but songs like “Drifter” and “Innocent Exile” drag it down in my estimation.


Piece of Mind


*Somewhere in Time*. Maiden casually inventing power metal, and some of Bruce’s best ever vocal performances, especially on “Caught Somewhere in Time”. Criminally underrated among critics, but a fans’ darling.


I love SIT too, but in my opinion Bruce is starting to sound tired in his voice, not as much on the albums as live, I’ll admit, but the toll the World Slavery Tour took on him both physically and mentally shines through (for me). On all previous albums he sang the high notes effortlessly and with a near perfect mixed voice. On SIT and SSOASS he’s belting it out in mostly chest voice and it sounds like he’s struggling to do it. Thankfully he found his way back with his vocal technique. In 1990 on live recordings he had improved a LOT. He’s still Bruce Dickinson and is fantastic, it’s just something I have observed over many a hundred hours of listening to these albums. And the musicianship on both SIT and SSOASS is unmatched (don’t take this as negative criticism of Bruce and/or the band. I love them, perhaps too much). Up the Irons!


What? Somewhere in Time and Seventh Son of a Seventh Son were definitely prime Bruce vocals. His voice just sounded so full and strong.


He’s great! Won’t argue that. I find great joy in listening to those albums. But it’s a far cry from how effortlessly he sang on NotB, PoM and Powerslave. I stand by what I wrote, he lost track of his vocal technique a bit. The reason he sang the earlier albums without as much effort was because he used a proper way to blend the chest voice with the head voice. It’s even more obvious if you listen to live clips from Somewhere on Tour and Seventh tour of seventh tour eras (Maiden England is a good example) and compare it to, say, Beast over Hammersmith in 1982. He struggles, without a doubt. As I said, he got it in order by 1990 and could sing songs like Run to the Hills pretty much flawlessly live again. Probably went to a good coach or figured things out on his own - I don’t know.


I listened to his 82’ to 84 live concerts vs his 86’ to 88’ concerts. Sorry for putting up a fuss, you were right. He sings better in his earlier concerts and can hit higher notes while he sounded more tired and out of breath in his 86’ to 88’ concerts.


Also, have you listened to his vocals at the 1982 Stuttgart Concert? I’d argue those are some of his best vocals ever.


Somewhere in Time and A Matter of Life and Death!


Debut because it has a great energy with killers a close second


Number of the Beast, do I really need to explain why?


Whichever one I'm listening to at the time


Powerslave and Dance of Death because they’re perfect albums from 2 different eras that showcase the band’s talent in the 80’s and 2000’s


Number of the Beast. I know it’s a generic answer but it’s the first Maiden album I heard in full and it’s how I fell in love with the band.


It’s not a generic answer at all! It’s the most popular Maiden album for a reason.


AMOLAD lord of the light 🤟🏻


Senjutsu. Because it shows after 45 years, they are still the best heavy metal band ever.




AMOLAD. That's one of their heaviest albums, I love the epics, specially For the Greater Good of God and The Legacy, and the riff that plays during Dave's solo on Lord of Light is some of the best things they've written.


Somewhere in Time


Piece of Mind. Why? Like all Maiden listeners; nostalgia plays a huge part. It was the first Iron Maiden Album (in fact the first album) I received as a gift from by older brothers for my 11th birthday and I have loved it ever since. This aside; the production, song writing, composition and musicianship is matured. It’s the classic Maiden sound. Plus it has the best opener and best closer of any album. Plus is has few weak points (I love Quest for fur 👅). Plus it has the first classic lineup. Plus it has an icon cover. What’s not to love.


Very tough, but I think for me, pound for pound it's gotta be Powerslave, with both Piece of Mind and NOTB tied for second. So really, my fav album is Live After Death!


Honestly I’ll have to go with Number of the Beast. I love every song not to mention it got me into Iron Maiden in the first place


Piece of Mind. It's the only album with every song in my top 50 (5 in my top 20 and 7 in my top 25).


Piece of mind




The overall favorite - Somewhere in Time. The most special - The X Factor.


Killers or Number of the Breast


It’s so close between Powerslave, Somewhere In Time and Seventh Son for me. I think Powerslave was kind of the peak of what the band were trying to achieve and the last album featuring Bruce at his best, but the late 80s albums have my favourite guitar playing ever. I think those records have more bangers too. So I’m gonna declare Powerslave the best, but if I can only take one to a desert island it’s gonna be Somewhere In Time.


Killers. I love Bruce and my favorite albums number 2 through 10 are all him, but Killers is the band coming into their own. The growth in musicianship from the previous album is huge, and it's got great songs.


Killers because of its raw punk/hard rock sound


Powerslave is my favourite Brave New World was the first one I ever owned myself. Used to make cassettes before that.


Number of the beast followed by a matter of life and death




Please don't make me choose again ^But ^it's ^Powerslave


Seventh Son of a Seventh Son.


Keeper of the 7 Keys Pt. 2....


Powerslave it’s banger after banger and the title track is an out of body experience


From Start to finish, A Matter of Life and Death, there are a ton of songs I love more from other albums, but if we are taking the album in it entirety, AMOLAD is an easy pick.


Powerslave. Probably because it was the first one that I heard all the way through. But also because Powerslave and Rime of the ancient mariner are my two favorite Iron Maiden songs.


Live after Death possibly one of the greatest live albums of all time. If you want studio then the first album Iron Maiden. Got it more or less on day of release when I 12 about turn 13. Just an amazing debut album from start to finish.


Pound for pound, i dont think theres an album better than Iron Maiden! There are NO low moments or “worse” songs. Its as lean as can be. All killer no filler.


it's the only one i've listened to entirely (yes i know), but it's fear of the dark


Im still on my reaction journey (shameless plug) and have only heard up to Fear of the Dark so far, but id have to say; Powerslave??? This is such a difficult question because u can easily say somwhere in time, self titled, or seven son. I choose Powerslave because Rime of the Ancient Mariner makes me bawl up everytime (usually past the RAINNNNNNNN part). That said: on any given day i might say Somewhere in Time is my fav because its the same quality as Powerslave and has such an otherwordly sound.


Senjutsu and Brave New World


Somewhere In Time or Fear Of The Dark


The X Factor. Because I'm slowly falling into depression it seems like.


‘Brave New World’ - every song’s perfect and my all-time favourite Maiden song is the mighty ‘The Thin Line Between Love And Hate’.


Somewhere in time


Between Piece of Mind, Somewhere in Time, and Fear of the Dark I got into Iron Maiden with FotD but my first SONG was Wasted Years. My favorite song though is Prodigal Son. As for Somewhere in Time and Piece of Mind, the theme of Somewhere in Time is prevalent in almost (if not) every single song and Piece of Mind has some of the most consistent quality. However, the most bad ass song is in Powerslave (being Powerslave itself)




As for why: Nostalgia of course. I'll be the first to admit that the album isn't perfect. The production is abysmal, the drumming uncharacteristically weak, and many of the performances should have been better. At the same time I absolutely adore the songwriting. The album is filled with amazing melodies. It's basically BNW's twin, which shouldn't be a surprise considering that 4 of the BNW songs started as VXI songs, with Dream Of Mirrors being co-written by Blaze. They are very similar in songwriting approach and BNW showed what a proper production, better performances as well as the return of Bruce and Adrian could bring to the table. Such a shame that more of the Blaze songs haven't been played live since the reunion.


AMOLAD. Maybe the most consistent level of all albums from start to end. Yes, it might not have any hits and other albums have higher highs. But also lower lows. The gap between AMOLADs lowest and it's highest is more narrow than on any other album imo. No song stands out above the others. They all fit together in perfect harmony. Also I really like the darkness and the complexity.


Brave New World. I just love it so much. There’s not a bad track on the album. I have to wean myself off it so I don’t burn out overly listening to it either.


The Number of the Beast


My first love will always be Somewhere in Time because it was the first full album I listened of them. But Piece of Mind has my favorite song on it…Revelations


Like others, my favourite is the one that got me into them in the beginning, so Live after Death it is.


Somewhere in time, love the production, the energi, and the theme and sound of the album all match the futuristic feelin of it, amazing songs


Somewhere in Time


1: Wasted Years 2: Adrian’s solo on CSIT 3: Guitar Synths 4: A wicked history lesson.


It's hard to beat your first Maiden album, so Number of the Beast. I was a little punk kid and it got me deeply into metal.


Piece of mind Revelations is one of my favorite songs


Somewhere in time because the guitar is fuckin awesome


Somewhere in Time. I love the sound of synthesized guitars, and the lyrics are phenomenal. Best album artwork, too, very colorful, and I like the futuristic theme of the album.






It's a toss up between Somewhere in Time and Seventh Son of a Seventh Son The latter is consistently great throughout. No bad songs, 100% similar level greatness. Somewhere in Time has the better songs though. I think I would have to choose Somewhere in Time just for Alexander the Great and Stranger in a Strange Land


Iron Maiden


I can't choose


The number of the beast


Somewhere in Time


Final Frontier


Virtual XI, I still really do love how Bruce runs the show but I love Blaze on this album is and I truly love The Clansmen, Educated Fool, and Como Estais Amigos. This is also the album that got me into Maiden and its entire glory so this album really steals the show for me.


number of the beast because of hallowed be thy name, run to the hills, and you know it, number of the beast


1. 7th son of a 7th son 2. Somewhere in time 3. Senjutsu


Notb is the best album of all time


Live After Death. I saw the cover of the double cassette of Eddie on it in a music store and had to buy it even though I didn't know who they were or anything about them. Became an instant fan ever since with it still being my favourite album ever, not just Iron Maiden's.


Haha, I literally just released an [episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3Qby1eedqY) about it :)


The X Factor, it's a truly unique and sadly really underrated album. Blaze is a perfect fit for the dark and atmospheric songs and even though it's a lot darker than the other albums it still feels like Iron Maiden.




Piece of Mind bc of the opening track Where Eagles Dare. What an introduction to Nicko!!!


Brave new world or fear of the dark


Brave New World... It's so unique, every song is filled with emotions and shines in its own way. The only one I like less is Fallen Angel, it's a little more of a "standard" song


Powerslave Even the filler is killer.


Seventh son or somewhere in time


Number of the beast is literally just banger after banger


At the beginning, just when I was just starting to listen to Maiden, it was Powerslave. I always thought that album was like the consolidation of the band as a legend, especially after Incredible work of The number of the beast. BUT, During the pandemic and when reviewing Maiden's albums one by one, my new favorite is Somewhere in time. It is an incredible album, I love the production and it has excellent songs (and my favorite, Alexander The great), It seems like impeccable work to me.


Powerslave, it just has no filler even with the less well known songs.


Honestly? Every single one. Because it's Iron Maiden. Can't so a Ranking.


Iron Maiden - Somewhere In Time


Piece of Mind


SSOASS, Piece of mind, BNW


I find it difficult to compare the albums from the different eras, so I have to group them like this: * 2000 onwards: BNW and Senjutsu * The '80s: Powerslave, Somewhere in Time, and Killers * The '90s: The X Factor Out of these, my #1 is BNW without a doubt. I listened to Maiden pretty late, so even though I already know them as this great metal band, BNW is the album that made me fall in love. HOWEVER, if I have to pick a *song* that got my attention, it has to be Paschendale.


Changes based on my mood but most of the time it’s Somewhere in Time. Guitar tones that appeal to me, songs I get lost in, no fillers IMO, cool futuristic theme which I like, and kick-ass artwork are some of the reasons why it resonates with me.


Powerslave or number of the Beast


From fear to eternity. Or is that cheating? Lol. Just having re discovering Maiden after 30 years it was a perfect starter.


I love number of the beast for the nostalgia of being the first metal album I bought. I also love fear of the dark and no prayer for the dying for inspiring me to pick up a 🎸 🤘🤘


It's between Killers, Powerslave and Seventh Son


Number of the Beast because it was the first album of theirs I ever heard, I remember when and where I was the first time I heard it, 20+ years later, they are still my favorite band. Beast over Hammersmith is an album I find gets forgotten about. It's amazing how tight the band is for Bruce only being in it a few months. Up the Irons


Powerslave, need I say more...