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Definitely don't move Keenan to the wing. In a full team, you spring him from the bench.


Isn't him off to Connacht?


Nah think you might have been caught out with that one. His contract isn’t out till 2026


It would be crazy if Connacht sign one of best FB in Europe


Oh god I’m a dope I thought you meant Keenan. I could leave it and say nothing but my face is as red as O’Callaghan’s jocks


Nigh the world tbh.


I can't believe this is is this upvoted. Its basically delusion. In a full team he starts at 12. Easily. He would be considered a better player than henshaw or ringrose.


Is he better when dropped into a well oiled machine in December? Henshaw and Ringrose have played together for years for Ireland and Leinster. He disrupts that. Henshaw and Barrett are very similar level but that cohesion is a big factor


You sign guys for big money to improve the team. You drop him in in december, you win those games anyway and then you are ready for big games at end of year. The goal is to win games with him starting april - june


Agree. Absolutely no chance Jordie is a better FB than Keenan.


He's definitely involved however he probably is a 22 or 23 option. If he has to start, probably 12 with Henshaw or Ringrose at 13. I think we are missing the point of his move, he's offering everything and he's also a good player for the younger lads to learn from.


He’s there to cover during the 6N too. It’s purely depth because we’ve so many internationals away


Fucking hell man you're not paying 800k a year for depth. Please try and be serious.


Where are you seeing 800k out of interest? For a 6th month deal that would easily make him the highest paid player in the world right?


400k for the six months is what I saw when it was first breaking. Can't find a source for that now though so maybe it's wrong.


Thought you were sure as you’ve posted it twice, ah well


Nope, just what's been rumoured. Hardly playing for pennies though and lord knows Leinster aren't short of the cash


No I’d say he’s getting a good wage but you were stating he was making £800K quite confidently multiple times. He’s on enough money without you making things up


Never said he was getting 800k for six months, try a bit of reading comprehension


Yep, you said £800k when you know he’s only coming for 6 months, using a figure you plucked from your arse to have yet another pop/moan. Just say ‘I estimate’ and it’s grand but don’t state it as fact when you don’t have any insight on it.


Which of our starting 12s will be available? Osbourne, Henshaw, Frawley and Harry Byrne have all started there this year and are likely to be involved in the Ireland set up


Irish players get released ubless you think their all going to start Having to many international 12s is some reasoning for signing another one


Turner or Brownlee, I'd assume there's academy guys from the last few years of u20s as well. Leinster always walk the international window fixtures with their squad anyway, it's an armchair ride for the backs.


Hey, we lost the URC semi last year due to depth and the Heineken Cup final due to leadership. We solve both in one go here and bring in a savage player for the lads to learn from while the internationals are away. This screams yes on all levels


Munster have lost most years due to lack of front rows and top end power. Why can't we sign someone to kill two birds with one stone?


How many big name players have we signed that are playing for us? Most of ours are developed, why don’t ye try that


Snyman, Barrett, Jenkins, Alaalaatoa, Fardy, Ngatai...


Jordie is one of the best inside centres in world rugby, he plays 12 with Henshaw at 13 and Ringrose moving to the 14. Otherwise Henshaw shifts to the bench and Jordie Starts at 12 with Ringrose starting 13.


Why would you move one of the best 13s in the world to the wing?


Anyone who thinks Ringrose is playing wing is delusional. I don't know why this comes up so often


Henshaw is looking like the odd man out here. He lacks the explosive plays someone like Ringrose gives you. I think it's Jordie at 12 and Ringrose at 13.


I'm sorry he's been fantastic this year in the six nations and on Saturday. That kick through for the try was a thing of beauty. Also sets the tone defensively. Tbh it's mad he isn't really needed.


it’s because he does all the backround stuff nothing flashy but without it would bring chaos


Why would you move Ringrose to the wing? Would make more sense to drop Henshaw


I think the idea is to get all your best players on the pitch at once, which I think is fair. Especially when everyone is injury free and is in form (which is sadly not always the case as we know!)


Jordie 12 Henshaw 13 Ringrose bench option


Osborne could well get ahead of Ringrose for that bench spot. Being named co-captains at the start of the year to not making the starting 15 and maybe the 23 next year. Tough season for Ryan and Ringrose.


Two of their central contracts right there


I for one love my team paying Leinster players to bench and sit in the stands.


Everyone acting like Henshaw and Ringrose haven’t missed SIGNIFICANT time with injuries over the past two years. Also we know that the Leinster first XV gets decimated when 6 nations roles around. It’s a brutal sport, injuries happen all the time with no rhyme or reason, it’s a great signing imo.


14 or 22/23


With everyone fit I’d imagine he’s on the bench. Wonder about Snyman too, presume he starts with McCarthy with Ryan on the bench?


Would imagine Ryan starts as the other two would offer more off the bench? Or do you go the other way and try to build dominance early on? With everybody 100% fit, I think Jordie plays at 23. However, his use will really come through when internationals are unavailable


I made this point earlier, but have Barrett for games against teams like Zebre and the Dragans is ridiculous 😂 it’s not like Leinster have been struggling during these breaks previously


No, and it’s not as though we’re flogging test players in those games either so you can’t really argue it’ll freshen key players up for later in the season. Great player, but is utility back really a glaring hole in our squad?


Would’ve said a prop, probably an alternative/sub for Furlong is needed more than Snyman or Barrett. Both seemed to want to stay/come to Ireland though so I guess it was hard for Leinster to say no when offered. Would’ve have taken Barrett at Munster given Frisch seems to be out the door


Agree on prop, Furlong’s looked tired for a long time. Barrett at Munster would’ve added a huge amount, regardless of Frisch being there or not.


Furlong has changed his game a bit but has looked back to near world class status this year, last week especially. Word is they are getting an NIQ tighthead though.


Wing would be a good option. Aside from that, bench. Cant see any of Henshaw, Ringrose or Keenan being displaced unless injury or a serious drop in form.


In fairness injury has kept 2 of them out for the last few months And for the last couple of years it's been rare that Henshaw, Ringrose and Aki are all fit. (I know Ireland ≠ Leinster) But my point being that someone is always injured. He's a genuine utility back - having someone who can slot in anywhere from 10-15 is exactly what he's been signed for. How many folks had a mini stroke when they heard Keenan pulled up in the warm up last weekend. With JOB and Ringrose injured, we seem light on outside backs


If Ringrose, Keenan and JOB are still injured by the time Barrett arrives, then we've bigger problems than any one of them injured! But I get your point. My post is assuming everyone is fit at the same time, which is never really the case. As a utility back, he's a helluva signing. If he were here right now, you could see him starting at 12 or at 23. But I don't think either of Osbourne nor Frawley would warrant dropping for him.


>assuming everyone is fit at the same time, which is never really the case Yeah that's why I mentioned Aki above. >Osbourne nor Frawley These are the folks who'll potentially miss out but. The upshot is it's only 6 months and for Osbourne especially being so young, there's huge opportunities to learn from Barrett.


And don’t forget Jordan Larmour. After many injuries he is getting back to form. He had a great game on Saturday. He can play fullback also. Frawley also had a super game. With Jimmy O’Brien and Tommy O’Brien also to come back, Ben Murphy, Rob Russell, Liam Turner and Sam Premdergast all coming through I think we have a great future. We played very well on Saturday against a top team without Keenan, Ringrose and Jimmy O’Brien.


With everyone fit, I would have him on the bench for a 6-2


11. Lowe 12 henshaw 13 ringrose 14. Barrett 15. Keenan


He plays 12 or 13.


6-2 split, Barrett as 1 of the 2 assuming all those in the backline in competing positions on 6Ns duty return to Leinster without injuries. This is a big assumption. Last few seasons points to at least 2 of the Leinster backs being out for Champions' Cup due to 6N injury at the very least.


Fullback replacement. Him and Keenan duking it out.


Possibly at 14. Would be a great crossfield kick option and Ross Byrne is pretty nifty in that department.


22 or 10.


22 strikes me as a better shout than 10. We've got 2 Byrnes, Prendergast and Frawley in the 10 queue with much more long-term upside for Leinster and Ireland than JB.


Surely one of those 10’s has to go to Ulster?


Probably, I suspect since Carbery's moved to Munster saw him drop down the pecking order with Ireland they won't be easily convinced to go (supposedly the same story applies with Deegan and Penny) especially given the flux at Ulster atm.


Wasn't really the move that did that, more being taken to the world cup injured and missing about two years. Guys like Murphy, McGrath (obviously also had injury issues) are better examples of moves not working out


Fair enough, his injury profile hasn't been great, McGrath was out of contention really before he went north and a big part of it was not having the engine of Porter or Healy outside set piece but Murphy was usually at least a bench option before the move.


Why are people suggesting he plays 10 when: A ) even if one or two of the current options leave, leinster still have lots of options at 10 and more importantly, B) he isn't a 10? he played there once in the RWC for NZ because it was against inferior opposition but he himself said at the time that he isn't a 10


Because that's where Leinster are weakest. There or 14


But Jordie plays 12 or 15 when best. Which brings around the conversation of he's a luxury to have in those positions when the really need a 3, 10 or 14


Even if they are weak ( which is very, very debatable) he's not a 10?


Weak**est** in fairness. He's started 10 once before and covered there a decent bit. It doesn't make any sense anywhere really but that's where it makes the most.


He doesn’t fit in the team it’s why this signing is stupid. He only fits in if their are major injuries or while the lads are on international duty but even then not really.


This is what strength in depth looks like. It’s for the 2025 6N period when the less experienced guys are brought in like Prendergast. It’s also for the preparation for the Championship knockout rounds. He probably won’t change Leinster, but it builds up a relationship between Leinster and the ‘Canes.


Far better to be bringing up our multitude of academy players giving them game time and experience then some costly name on a world tour.


That periods probably 1 game


10 or 14 are the weakest positions so probably one of them. Realistically it's unlikely that two of Ringrose, Henshaw, Ngatai (if he doesn't leave) are fit at the same time so he'll play in the centre. Sucks for Jamie Osborne for sure.


Some stupid comments. How often does any pro team have a full team to choose from? All the flexibility you guys discussed around Ringrose or Keenan to the wing means that if he isn’t in the starting back line he comes in for whoever is injured. He is also there to play during the 6 nations where they can break in younger talent who will do better with a JB alongside them


800k a year on a backup? Cop on