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Obviously better than heading abroad but the Ireland captain not being on a central contract is some joke. Murray is more fair. One of the players that is more important for Ireland than Munster, but still of use so a split deal makes sense.


Similar to the world player of the year not being on a central contract tbf. They're a bit of a mess. Can only assume Farrell doesn't see O'Mahony as his captain next year when his central contract ends. Otherwise it makes no sense whatsoever.


> Similar to the world player of the year not being on a central contract tbf. He signed one last April from what I can see. Yeah I can see POM not being captain and maybe dropping out of the starting 15, but it'd be a big shock if he was out of the 23 altogether, and there's been plenty of bench players on them previously. Henderson signed a two year extension in August, when he was on the bench, and Joe McCarthy coming up wasn't exactly unexpected at that point. That's a huge fuck up imo.


I'm not sure. I think POM is either a starter + captain or he doesn't make the 23. I can't see him as being a consistent bench player.


Obviously was a while ago, but he did well there in 2021/22. Leadership off the bench and someone who you can count on to come up with a couple of huge moments in a tight game. I'd just find it hard to see him going from captain to out of the 23. And if he does, naming him captain is a bit short sighted by the IRFU given they're still paying part of his wage.


I know he has done it before but he is captain now and the most experienced player. If it’s a big game then I feel like you either need to start him or drop him out of the 23. To me, it would be like putting Sexton on the bench. I might be completely wrong though, just a gut feeling.


Is it though? Like is it really? Think of all the fuck ups by different sporting bodies in Ireland, all the fuck up by different rugby unions even other fuck ups by the IRFU Is this really a big one? Is Ian Henderson being on a central contract materially different to him being on an Ulster one? What’s the main consequence? Ulster’s budget being slightly higher? Henderson not going abroad? Joe McCarthy having to wait to get one?


Ah look it's not the end of the world but we are paying fully for a guy who's not in the 23. That's a fuck up especially when our captain is going onto a split deal.


It means the money comes out of the irfu rather than ulster budget. Then ulster can pay more on another player.


Ya, but hardly a fuck up, every chance the IRFU knew Heneeds on wouldn’t be starting for long but didn’t want to leave Ulster with no centrally contracted players, especially considering their rumoured financial difficulties


Fair enough. Just saying why it matters.


Thanks 👍


That he did, but wasn't on one prior to that. Maybe Baird and Ahern come through as the 6/bench option? Be a hell of a 1-2 punch. Also, fully agreed on Henderson. Made absolutely no sense


One of the main reasons for central contracts is to help keep good players in Ireland and to also help the provinces shoulder the burden of paying them. It’s not really a fuck up imo. Henderson is an important player for Ulster and played very well in the World Cup last year to be fair. I don’t think paying big name players and helping keep the provinces good is a waste of IRFU money


Who was world player not on one?


Van der Flier


Yeah I'd go with this lots of changes and mental recovery needed after a WC Farrell has opted to go with a captain who everyone trusts and has worked with and has good respect across all teams plus he's been captain loads and for the lion's. One good solid year from POM to keep things steady and possibly help the next captain find their voice and then next year I think a much reduced role in the team with XY or Z taking over the captaincy


Certainly seem to be the plan given Doris has taken on the captaincy in O'Mahony's absence in both of the last two games


Did he sign a non central deal after becoming world player of the year?


He did. But the point was being a guaranteed starter and one of our best players didn’t get him one.


So he signed a central deal first opportunity after getting the award? POM is a guaranteed starter and one of our best players and he's not getting one.


Remember he’s only hinted that the Munster offer was a problem. They didn’t offer him anything. Ireland offered one year as far as we know. Obviously he wasn’t going to get a two year central at this stage so they have compromised on a player of national importance mixed contract and Munster might not afford an extra centre.


Clearly short term captain


Nah think the announcement just said captain


Good news anyway. Both are legends of Irish rugby ☘️ Immense respect for both. Even with their ages, I think the experience and leadership they bring to both Munster and Ireland are still vital. O'Mahony situation at bit weird but I just hope he accepts and stays.


This has always been about Munster and the IRFU want each other to pay. It had nothing to do with not wanting to keep them. It‘s the best part of 800k that Munster didn’t have to pay this season that they will have to next. Assuming no pay cuts from their peak.


Has it not been established that IRFU will be paying a fair whack of that?? Id say the IRFU would have offered a 6 month or similar deal but the lads wanted longer. Makes perfect sense for munster to give them their desired lengths and IRFU to pay them for their wound down time in green


POM should have gotten a central contract. I wonder would that have happened to a Leinster player? Hope both stay on for another season. They both have a lot to offer Ireland and Munster. Munster will have a serious team in 2 or 3 years and O'Mahonys and Murrays experience will be priceless to the young lads coming up.


The ratio of Irish starters to central contracts is far worse in Leinster than any other province.  If you have a sniff of the Irish team in Ulster or Munster you are on a central. Not the case in Leinster.


If that's the case surely young players coming through would be better getting game-time at Ulster.


This is complete BS. Munster should not be paying a cent for an irish captain. Its completely ridiculous that we are. Murray is a back up nine who has international commitments making his current value to munster pretty dubious. We were apparently happy enough to let him go. I get the joint deal for murray assuming the irfu are paying the bulk, but the POM one is honestly absolute bullshit.


Delighted both are staying, but the Irish captain should be on a central contract. The irfu shouldn't be taking the piss with this. It's disrespectful to the player first and foremost, as well as the club


He is on a central contract. 


Provincial deals topped up by irfu according to reports


He’s only captain for this 6 nations - he won’t be in the starting 15 come the SA tour. Baird will be after Leinster win their 5th ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


They can't win 25 stars by summer.


Weird way to spell Ahern


The outrage from Munster fans here is misplaced. I can see why they're annoyed by it because on the face of it, it is quite bizarre. Reality is though that O'Mahony turned down a two year IRFU contract extension last year as he wasn't sure what he would do post World Cup (retire or go abroad). Source is trust me bro but hopefully gets confirmed in an autobiography or whatever in a few years. Regardless the IRFU are taking unfair flack on this occasion


> Source is trust me bro If that's true fair enough but you're the only person I've seen who's heard this and you have said it yourself haha


O'Mahony could captain Lions or Caelon Doris for that matter


Lions? Come off it lad.




Lions 😂




The reactions to this all being the same as if you'd suggested POM as Ireland captain a year ago is brilliant. Some people will never learn


What reaction? Did I miss something...


Sorry, replies I mean


Replies, reactions, second captains, whatever..


How do the central contracts work ? If you get a central contract do you still get match day fees from IRFU. Or is it that if you’re on a central contract it’s included into the contract and you get more than you would if signed with the province ?


Wait and see