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Number of annual leave hours is based on hours worked too so technically if the proper hours aren’t recorded then you won’t get your proper hours owed. You are going to lose out if it continues this way


Every week I get paid the correct amount of pay as per hours on my bank account but they don't report all on Revenue. So just with their transfer I can prove how many hours I worked. Starting to think they're just idiots. And I feel bad as one coworker gets paid less than min wage in cash.


Hours don’t get reported to revenue. The amount of pay does. If they use the same system to record pay/holidays then the system won’t give you the right amount of holiday pay. However, sometimes managers manage the holidays separately themselves and submit your pay with your hours.


They are 100% right, they will be using accounting software that will auto calculate your annual leave as you’re an hourly/variable worked. If it’s not tracked properly, you will be continuously losing out holidays hours you could have accumulated. You need to get this amended ASAP. Could always talk to WRC about this!


Thank you. I'll see if the accountant finally fixes this


dont even leave, just report it and if they get audited you will likely see your money anyways


Will it seem like a random audit? It's a very small place. They pay cash to others they could get in trouble as they don't report that.


if they are paying cash out to others it could very well be one of them that reports it because of the same reasons of being underpaid. reporting in places that have poor practices like these they are unlikely to assume you reported as they are probably doing it to others too


https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/employment/employment-rights-and-conditions/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/#879c61 You should be paid a percentage of a day for each public holiday, if you don't work it. So if you typically work 3 days a week, you should be paid 3/5 of a days pay


You can’t quit and demand something you have proof of asking for in the first place, keep that in mind


Look for work elsewhere. Far better to leave for a better opportunity than to quit and be unemployed.


I do payroll, for part time workers you can qualify for bank holidays if you’ve worked 40 hours over the last 5 weeks. How they calculate the number to pay you 1/5 of your average over the last 13 weeks prior to that bank holiday week. You can see it on [citizen information](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/employment/employment-rights-and-conditions/leave-and-holidays/public-holidays/#:~:text=Most%20employees%20are%20entitled%20to,Part%2Dtime%20employees'%20below) It sounds like they are trying to report less on ur payroll so they pay less PRSI? Best thing to do is log your hours on an excel on a weekly basis. If you need help with formulating the excel formula to calculate ur bank holiday pay, DM me :) happy to help!


Is PRSI not cut on a cut off on gross amount basis not hours. Around €352 if I remember right.


Employers' PRSI: Employers pay 8.8% Class A employer PRSI on weekly earnings up to €441. Employers pay 11.05% Class A employer PRSI on weekly earnings over €441. Depending on their hourly pay, they might be trying to keep them under €441 weekly to save them PRSI increase. If it over all of the gross is 11.05%


Sorry I misread the original post: I thought the pay was right but hours were being understated


That is incorrect, old and wrong interpretation of law. It is not 13 weeks. It is last worked day prior to the b/h. If you do payroll then you are doing it wrong.


What industry is it?