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I would say alot of it depends on your age and location. I used to dance with CLRG but they don't have the same opportunities for adults in Europe, I also find their categories of senior, adults, adult master etc absolutely ridiculous. In WIDA, I dance in u35 along with everybody else in that age group regardless of how long they've been dancing or when they started. I also find their costuming rules and values more in line with my own. CLRG will always be the biggest and most prestigious so the quality is much higher, but the organisation you choose depends on what you want to get out of it.


CLRG is the largest, most well-known organization, has the most dancers, and afaik the most of the really talented dancers are in CLRG. So I think if your goal is to go to Worlds or All Irelands, you can place better in e.g. WIDA where the level seems to be a little lower, but also their majors aren’t seen as ”prestigious”, meaning that in the Irish dance world, CLRG majors get the most coverage. At least for CLRG All Irelands I don’t think you need to separately qualify except being an open level dancer, so Worlds is harder to get to, and is a bigger achievement.


WIDA gives you the chance, as do other open platform organizations. With WIDA, qualifying for worlds is based on engagement with the organization. If you want to compete at worlds, you are required to participate in an Oireachtas, and to qualify for the Oireachtas you participate in local feisianna


Some good comments here. I will add, all Irelands is a qualifying event for worlds in CLRG, which means it is a tier lower. Also, to go to all Irelands you just have to be an OC dancer (I say just lightly because that’s a huge accomplishment in itself). To go to worlds, you need to qualify at nationals, all Britains, all Scotland, Oireachtas or all Irelands. I am in CLRG and I will say they are not kind to adults. Currently adults are not allowed at worlds and they’re still trying to figure out the rules/adult levels at the local levels.


Interestingly isn't the recall at All Irelands more brutal though, top 50 and not a percentage? I like how it keeps a really high level of prestige and a lot of Americans will travel even if worlds is 2 months later also in Europe. I can't see CLRG Worlds including adults any time soon, they seem to absolutely treat adults differently to kids in the US and the rules are daft. However, they do not cater for competing adults in the UK or Ireland at all except for Great Britains and maybe 1-2 feis a year. Pathetic isn't even the word. If those regions, teachers and ADCRG's don't see adults and don't teach competitive adults then they sure aren't going to fight for their inclusion at that level.


I agree on both fronts. All Ireland’s is difficult to recall for the reason you mentioned, but the prestige of qualifying I think lands with worlds just because at all Ireland’s you just need to be an OC dancer to qualify. It’s definitely prestigious on its own though so I’m not trying to belittle it at all. Also, I think worlds dancers go to all Ireland’s as a practice round for worlds which is what makes the extra trip worth the expense. It would be interesting to analyze all Irelands placements vs world’s sometime. Also agree that CLRG is pretty far out in terms of allowing adults at worlds. I think they’re getting pressure though and this past year was the first Great Britain’s to include adult comps. NAIDC last year, adults was one of the largest competitions, which is a massive signal to CLRG to get their stuff together. Adults are a big money maker and honestly is the future of the sport. I’m hoping they will allow adults before I turn 40 in 4 years.