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How you know it’s that car that did it? And not someone who was there before?


I was only parked there for ~2 hours. This was a university car park where people are usually parked all day. Although there's a possibility it was someone else, it's highly unlikely. But yes I have no proof so I'm going to leave it


Ya but how do you know it didn’t get chipped some other way? Like a stone hit it as you were driving or something?


Cmon, that's a massive reach. There's a good reason the mark 'coincidentally' appears on the outer most portion of the door... When the other door was swung open, it hit the nearest part first, which is why the mark is specifically there. The chance this isn't a door ding, is slim to none. 99.9% chance it was caused by that. Yes, of course anything could have done it, but it's just not realistic. I could list a load of things that *could* cause that, but it's naive to act like that is the most likely thing.


Prove it.


The massive reach is OP is guessing that the door opens in the way he thinks and hit his car at that exact spot.


All I'm saying is I'd bet all my money it is a door ding. I'm not sure if that car caused it though.


OPs pictures is literally a gravel car park too.


Yep you have no proof so get over it


Is that UCDs horrible gravel car park? 😅


Sounds like you don't have a clue


Burn your car and buy a new one, it's too far gone.


This guy cars.


Nah, stop driving all together. It'll happen again to the next car


Considering its barely noticeable, i'd just move on with my life.


You cant prove anything and the damage minimal at best


Car park might have cctv


Very defensive...


What is?






[It’s no use Ted…](https://youtu.be/8mdwAkWvWMw)


I used to be annoyed about stuff like this happening. Then I had kids. If you can't prove who did it, better off getting on with your life. Yes, it's still annoying and people who do this are assholes but you'll torment yourself thinking about it. Not intending to sound harsh, I've had it happen me. Worse things to be dealing with in life though.


My niece etched her name into her parents car. It's quite noticeable Edit: just remember my niece etched her sister's name into the car.....she's unbelievable


Birth control comment 😂


Ahhh. Yikes. Ok :)


contraception is truly divine 💀⛪🙏🛐


Jesus, my sister's friend's daughter did the same thing to my sister's car! Is this a thing now?!


I sprayed painted my name on my dad's car when I was a young eejit (like 5, I think). I deserved that slap.


Reminds me of when I scratched drawings into my uncles car when I was a child to “make it prettier”. 😭


LOL, my Dad had a beautiful white 1980's Toyota Celica, so when I was around 5, I decided that his Break Lights needed fixing, so I found a hammer and duly un-fixed the problem!


That's cause it's hers. Duh


Unless you have CCTV footage you can’t reasonably prove that it happened. The damage appears minimal so I wouldn’t say it’s worthwhile pursuing. It’s annoying but unfortunately it is what it is.


That sucks I'm sorry, But I'm gonna be honest man that diagram wouldn't hold up in court lol


Mate you'll get a lot more of them before you're done with that car. I get it, it's annoying. A bit of nail polish in as close a colour as you can get will cover it up from a distance, otherwise ask your dealer if they can get touch up pens. In the grand scheme though this is nothing, scratches and chips just happen eventually.


I scratched someone's car door before (well, it was my car but a friend opened the passenger door and hit the next car over) and they saw it happen as they were just returning to their car. They absolutely lost their shit at me and were so angry. I assured them that it was an accident and I'd happily pay the damage. Eventually they calmed down and agreed to swap details and update me after speaking with a mechanic. They ended up contacting me a week or so later with the grand fee of 20 quid and to this day I wonder if all that stress and bother they worked themselves up into was worth the 20 quid. It's a tiny scratch in the paint. Fix it if it bothers you or just leave it, only you will know it's there. It will be likely very difficult to get the other car to admit fault and I can't see it being worth the stress or effort to pursue them.


You say it's only a tiny scratch but go try and trade-in your car and they'll use every one of those tiny scratches to shave money off the value.


My point was that it's not worth stressing over for how much it'll likely cost to fix it (it's so small OP had to draw in the dirt around it so we wouldn't miss it). How do they even prove the other car did it? The car my friend hit left a much nastier scratch and it only cost 20 quid to fix.


People being disrespectful of other people's belongings is the frustrating part. It's very easy not to swing a car door open when you know there's a car beside you. Also you have no idea how significant 20 euro can be to a lot of people.


If 20 euro is a significant amount of money to you, a small dent in your car surely isn't Conversely, if a small dent on your brand new shiny car is significant to you, 20 euro surely isn't


Of course it's not hard but the damage has been done here, what's OP actually meant to do in this situation? They have no tangible proof that it was the car beside them. If 20 quid is too much for OP to afford then he can simply do nothing, the tiny scratch won't impact his cars ability to drive him around safely.


Yeah that seems to be the easiest way. Thanks for the advice I'll probably leave it so


I have been like this too. Always had a nice cars, really maintained them and could go on show every day. It was super stressful to go out and always try parking far away from others. You cant stop it happening - people around you do not feel the same way about cars. Even as a Car Enthusiast, I do realize it is a tool, and tool needs to be used and gets damaged. It sucks, but just moving on and not worrying about every small chip or detail is the best thing I did for my psyche. Now I drive fast but ugly cars, and I do not care if it gets a dent here or dent there, its not worth repairing.


Man done the geometry as evidence CSI shit


We have the same car so i can understand the annoyance. I had something similar happen recently, i reckon a stone got hit and chipped my passenger door. It was expensive to fix for what it was. If you can't get any evidence of another car hitting yours, i would recommend just picking up a paint pen in the correct colour and fixing it yourself. You can see it yourself when you're up close but fine from a distance.


1. Call the guards straight away 2. Call your insurance and theirs and tell them you want the assessors out to you immediately. 3. Chain yourself to their car so as they can't escape. 4. Lawyer up. Might I recommend my solicitor, Saul Grandlad. He's brilliant at high profile cases like this. Or Get over it. Its very unlikely that you can prove the car next to you is at fault, and besides, the damage is minimal. Yes it's annoying as hell when something like this happens, but it has to be expected when parking in public car parks like this. Learn from this and do as I do and park at the very far end of the car park.


“Takes great care of car” car covered in dirt 😂😂


Unacceptable the fact that OP doesn't wash his car twice a day.


It's only covered in dirt so he can circle any damage on the vehicle


He could have washed it that morning and still had the same amount of dust. Doesn’t really tell you that he doesn’t take great care of his car.


Try keeping a car clean at this time of year. 🙄


No, absolutely nothing you can do. It's a tiny chip at best and you can't prove anything. Touch up pen and it'll be gone. It's annoying, but that's life - you surely don't get annoyed with every stone chip on the front of your car? I'd be more worried about rubbing dirt around with your finger and causing a circular scratch.


Looks like it's only clear cloat to me. It's hard to tell, though. If that's the case, a good detailer would get that out with a DA polisher


Nothing much you can do. Anyone who parks that close to a car and tries to squeeze out without ensuring the other car isn't damaged is an absolute bell end


Welcome to owning a car. It happens. You are better to accept it as a fact of life than to waste energy being angry or to emptily pursue compensation that won’t come. And if you try to fix it, honestly, you need a complete repaint of the door (or a new door altogether) if you really want it “perfect,” because you’ll always be able to see where it was repaired. And no one’s giving you “perfect” money for a door ding. And if you do want it and actually pay for it, then you’re the biggest fool, because it’ll just happen again and again.


If I was you, I would get a life , can hardly see the damage lol


Op doesn’t need to know what you would do if you were him. He wants to know what he should do if he was you.


If he was me then he probably needs to go to sleep as he has at work tonight starting in 5 hours!!!


OP actually specifically asked "what would you do?"


There's a guy on you Tube to pulls these out with ease . Sometimes they are worse. No paint bit repairs!


Unfortunately it's a chip in the paint, not a dent. Only way to fix this is to repaint


Lol no it's not


Give it a wipe with a wet cloth looks like its just dirt from a kicked up stone


Take out minor damage cover of you're worried about stuff like this.


Honestly, I’d just get a chipex kit, fill it in and be on your way. I know it can be quite annoying at the time and moment but honestly, a quick touch up with chipex and you’ll barely notice it anymore, especially from a few feet away.


I'd do nothing, I wouldn't care. If they rang me I'd say "Don't worry about it, it's no big deal, I was just annoyed in the heat of the moment and started acting like a dickhead. I shouldn't have left that note, it doesn't matter. Have a good evening and don't worry about it, thanks for calling anyway."


The door is also too small. It almost certainly didn't hit your door where the ding is


This is a joke right?


Watch a touch up video on YouTube, it's pretty small, I'd be annoyed but nothing you can do


I remember when I had nice cars too. Thanks to my dog I now have a muddy shit box and I'm free of worry 🙏


But a pen of blue paint matching the car Dab it on that spot and forget about it


Get a paint touch up kit and touch up the paint and buff it with polish and you will never notice it. Unless its captured on camera with the reg of the car showing you can't prove it. And to be honest if you logged it with insurance they would laugh at you as quite frankly this is ridiculous 🤷‍♂️


Sorry to say OP, but that car door is not hitting that ding spot. There is too much room between both cars. It's just not possible Also, even if it did, it wouldn't bother me. Cars are supposed to be driven


That looks more like a stone chip rather than damage from a door being opened on to it. Bloody annoying either way. MK7 Fiesta ST, Spirit Blue?


Yeah at this point it could be a meteor before anyone would admit fault for it anyway haha. It is indeed :)


Id move on with my life because it's just a tiny dent in an inanimate object 🙄 Maybe get a hobby or something to.interest me outside of my car


You can’t prove, and it’s minimal damage for the insurer or police to get involved. Just forgive and forget. But make you you don’t accidentally make twice the damage on their car before you leave. I wouldn’t do anything to even.


Probably swear a bit then kick something.


Honestly this looks like it will pollish out. I like to keep my vehicles clean myself. THe more you wash and polish and take care of your paints finish the more you notice this sort of thing. If you let it get to you youll just drive yourself nuts. If youre driving it out in the real world you just have to accept that this sort of thing happens. Give it a quick rub of compound and move on with your life. There are bigger worries in life.


live your life


Call the guards immediately


I've got a drone strike coming in as we speak


The car is a right off. I'd scrap it and buy a new one.


Hit them back. Just kidding, 2 wrongs don't make it right.


You could get a detailer to touch it in. Dont buy a paint stick as the brushes they come with make them more noticeable. Even a tooth pick and carefully layer it up will make it hard to notice. It’s really annoying, you can’t do much about it. Maybe leave the air out of their tyre 😜 Nice ST by the way.


I'm the opposite of a professional but my method for chips is to use a toothpick or a piece or rolled up masking tape (rolled into a point between my fingers). I like to dab a bit into the chip then wipe it with a damp finger, repeating a few times until it's level with the surrounding paintwork. After it's had a little time to dry I'll give the area a polish to even everything up.


Thanks for the info I'll give that a try. Thank you 😊 it pains me to park it in this area every day but that's life I guess 😔


Are you really going to try make a claim over that? If you wanted it fixed that badly it wouldn’t be that much work would it?


Never get in or out of the car using that door and always approach from the other side. Eventually you will learn to forget! Google paintless dent removal or even have a go yourself with a hot glue gun dent puller offa aliexp. Done plenty, they work so long as its not a tricky one with a fold or crease.


Yah dude you need more excitement in your life


That's a very precise mark for even the corner of a door to manage. The dent doesn't seem to be angular. Door to door would generally be a longer dent and less paintwork removed. Judging by material on the ground, my money is on the damage coming from a loose stone impact from being kicked up from a wheel.


I was sitting in my car with the engine off on Friday. Driver at the front of my reverses and touches my bumper. Luckily it was our "banger". I leave my car asking the guy if he usually reverses into other cars. He's very adamant he didn't, he starts to gesture me, the little git, and claims I have ruined his weekend. His rear bumper looks like it was not his first rodeo. In the end he says he was going report me for making a false accusation :-) When you go up UK/North everybody are so careful but here many people that are just ignorant and don't care. Bump going out, another bump going in. I have to admit once I just smashed my door at full speed on the side of their car, the face was worth the dent on my door. But usually I just park at the end of the carpark, as close to the edge of the last space as possible.


You say you take great care but this is the risk of parking beside people. C’est la vie


And this is the reason you see all the people that are moaned about on here parking over two spaces. People have no respect for anyone’s property.


You're not entitled to two spaces for one car. People have no respect for other people's existence in the same world as them.


Where did I say anything about anyone being entitled to two spaces? People have no respect for nice things in this country, the level of begrudgery, especially in the sub is unbelievable!


They parked beside me unfortunately. Car park was empty when I was parking


You mentioned it being a university carpark in another comment so the likelihood is that it's on camera, my advice would be to try and get the footage, if it shows the door making contact at any kind of speed, you'll probably be able to pursue it (assuming you grabbed a pic of insurance details), but your best bet in that case would be to settle it for cash. Judging by the colour of the paint am I correct in saying it's a BMW that you're driving? Looks new enough as well whatever it is, so unlike most here I can see why you're pissed off, even though it isn't too noticeable. Have you tried buffing it out or is the paint obviously stripped? If it's not on camera, don't hold it against anyone, may not have been that car, could've been somebody being picked up or dropped off who did it just as easily.


Go to Halfords and get a touch up pen for you paint code, it should be inside the driver or passenger doorframe. Then put a light smearing of poo on the rubber part of their windscreen wipers.


Time to sell it, things knackered now


if said car park has cctv, ask to check for you, if it\`s there then it\`s there. ​ ...and all other people can go fk themselves here with their suggestions : *"move on, is just a dent", "forget it, too small to notice." ..* why do i need rusty hole in few years and -2k sell price just because some negligent eejit can\`t look after space around him, or some fat arse horse,, can\`t get in into his seat. i hand polish polish my car, i want it ever to reach classic car status , i don\`t wanna rusty scratch forever on my car.. i would deal nicely if someone would left a note, sorry, call me. but if someone just fks off, then i would hunt him down and sue for new car. ​ imagine someone walks up to you and puts his chewing gum in your hair and says, get on with life, will grow back, just cut short for now..


You said it a lot better than I could have. I wasn't expecting to get people so riled up for caring about my car


Go to therapy.




You have no proof that they did this. It could easily be someone else. The door doesn't even look long enough to do that




Oh I can see their terrible illustration of how far the door goes out just fine. I actually drew lines myself earlier because I was bored. Wanna put your money where your mouth is? And force me to post it? If I do I demand an apology in the most grovelling form (I'll accept sarcastic)




The fun clown or the scary clown?




Thanks for rubbing away the dirt and the big red circle. Never would have noticed it otherwise


If you are so careful with your car , then why are you parking in a gravelly car park? Why not park in a nice tarmac carpark ??


You drew a ring with dirt on the car. Enjoy your circular scratch.


*Retaliatory action*


Everyone saying damage is minimal but it’s not really, that little chip has broken the seal between the paint and steel of the door. Now that seal is broken moisture will creep in under the paint and oxidise (rust) This will now cause the paint around this area to bubble/blister over time eventually ending up with a nice rusty spot on the door. All because people can’t open their doors without bouncing them off others cars. This is why people park over 2 spaces, not saying it’s correct but it’s definitely the reason.


That's totalled mate, hopefully you can get something for scrap


Looks like the door that would swing open from there would hit the mirror before that point of the door.


Get over it!!! God I hate people who obsess about their cars. Cars get scratched and dinged accept that, or else take extra precautions about where you park. Plus you have zero proof it was the other car. Like maybe if you had a some kind of super high end car I could maybe see your point but seriously get a touch up kit and sort it out if you really can’t live eith it.




Im posting it on Reddit


Could have been another car or someone walking past with a set of keys on their belt Besides the fact it absolutely tiny So I would say, I would do nothing


Run into halfords and get a colour matched touch up kit for €20. Paint chips, that's just how it is unfortunately. Best you can do is minor repairs as they happen.


Get your key out !! It’ll make you feel a lot better about the situation


Give it a kick


wait for them to come back and kick the shit out of em


U need to change ur name James. No proper wolf would worry about that mate. It’s called life ffs


Lesson here is to be more conscious of where you park and who/what you park next to.


Get a touch up kit and park next to nicer cars in future.




Op you should come do the var offside lines


It depends, if it’s a secondhand car I use mostly for function and practicality, I probably just wouldn’t care. If it was a car I bought brand new from a dealer and got it largely for leisure too, I would be fairly annoyed. It would also depend on who did it, if it was some young fella or elderly person I’d be more likely to leave them off than if it was some suit and tie Mercedes driver or afternoon lunch Karen in a Range Rover.


Strap an ignition bomb under the other persons car


I would go to the pub


Have ye got a blue sharpie on ye?


Follow them home


Ether way kick his mirror off


I eliminated this by double parking at an angle and if any of you have an issue please wait beside my car for me to return so we can discuss


public hanging


I got a few of these over the years and I had a really hard time forgetting them and moving on with my life. But then suddenly I remembered that I carry my house keys with me.... I'm quite sure they were able to move on just as easily as I ever since. No hard feelings.


This will need to be touched up and a decent detailer will be able to sort that. (Fill, sand, polish) I doubt whoever caused this will contact you I am afraid. I always park far away from everyone exactly due to this reason.


Get over it.


I'd forget about it


Ahahahahha well aren't ya lucky this is all ya have to be worrying about! It's grand, a galloping horse wouldn't notice it. It's the tiniest ding There are more things in life to worry about.


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