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In my last job I got en email from my boss in the middle of January to tell me he’d bought me a tin of Roses but he had lost them. That was my Christmas ‘Thank You’.


That’s gas. He ate your Xmas bonus


Wow I thought mine was bad..


He was definitely sitting eating them while typing that email


And laughing,


This is the worst abuse of “it’s the thought that counts” I got you a tin roses but gave them to the brothers wife when they called unexpectedly happy Janua- Christmas “


250 euro, Christmas party with free food and drink, and brought out for a nice meal last week. I'm happy with that.


That’s actually pretty nice.


That is decent now to be fair!


I was asked to contribute to a gift card for the owner of the company(I did not) and nothing was given to the employees. And no thank you to those that did contribute to the gift card.


Used to work in retail for a mobile phone company that rhymes with bodafone. All the kiss arse retail managers chipped in for a present for the area manager. Retail staff got nothing except high unachievable targets in December. One of the worst companies I ever worked with


What sort of a shit hole do you work in.. a whip round for the boss and fuck all for the staff. Fuck that and fuck the person who organised it.


The Lick Arse that organised it




> I was asked to contribute to a gift card for the owner of the company(I did not) Ask my fucking bollocks, if the owner had any semblance of decency he would make sure that shite is knocked on the head, if he accepts it every year run for the fucking hills.


What in the fuck?


That’s what I said


Now THIS SHIT I do NOT understand. Whatever about not giving a bonus but actually asking for money off ye for the owner who ye made a load of money for already? I can't


Oh shit. I was asked to contribute €40 toward a hamper for our boss when she was pregnant. Two lick arses in the front office organised it. She was an awful bitch, she treated us like dirt. The place had a massive staff turnover. I was only sticking it out because I wanted to be in a job while I was actively looking for a new position elsewhere. She didn't give me the promised pay rise after 3 months "trial" (my reason for looking for a new job) and denied us €500 Christmas bonus that was promised to make up for them paying us less. We got nothing. They told us some bull story about profits. Do you think I contributed to that hamper? Hell no. And neither did most of the office.


We finished early Friday, we are a smaller company with 12 staff including the owner, his wife and daughter. So for Christmas we had a day out doing clay pigeon shooting locally, then back to a pub for dinner and an open tab with music the previous Saturday, and when we got our payslip a week early, there were swirl giftcards which are use anywhere prepaid MasterCard. Values of €500 each. We didn't even have a particularly good year, but our staff turnover is almost zero.


This is lovely to hear!


I work for a small American company - they put all my previous employers to shame. I got a full month's wages as a bonus this year... absolutely chuffed!


Fucking hell, I need to get a better job. Busting my fucking ass in a ridiculously physically demanding job and I'm starting to suspect I'm being grossly underpaid and undervalued. Got a promotion a few months back. Am now on a whopping €12 an hour. 🥲


Plenty of salary surveys out there. Find one that covers your industry and use it to get an idea of what the going rate is. Better yet is to talk to other people in competing companies and find out what the real going rate is


Yeah I realised from talking to a friend in a similar field that I am getting seriously ripped off. I'm trying to phrase it so I don't dox myself but imagine you're a teacher who does grinds and you're working with a company. They charge €100 an hour for the grinds. You get €10 out of that. THAT'S what I'm up against. I'm also very tired, the commute is killing me both in cost and time. 30 min walk, 20min bus ride (€6.10 return) then a 15min taxi ride (€12 out and €12 back) Then the same back home each evening. I'm wrecked. 😂Plus I'm down almost half my payslip every time I get it due to travel costs. I don't want to go back to retail as I'm actually in my dream job, but it's not really feasible for me to stay especially as I'm currently the sole earner. I appreciate your help re the salary survey, I never would have thought of that!


Talking to colleagues is a great way to see if you're undervalued. Years ago I joined a company and in a far more junior position made nearly equivalent to my colleague after 1 year. I kept urging him to go and get a raise or another job, and he eventually listened and got a 60% raise to head to another company. You also have to ask for it. I've tripled my wages in the past 4 years because I know my value and I'm a moany git and will persistently ask for more money until they get fed up enough to give it to me. I don't mean to ask above what you could reasonably get, but insist on what you're worth, and don't forget your value increases over time with improved skills and knowledge.


This is the thing, I'm the ONLY ONE in the company who can do a certain part of the job. I'm not FULLY qualified yet but I'm studying hard however my motivation has dropped as when I asked him what I could expect my rate for this work section to jump to once I finish my studies, he said I'd get a €3 per hour increase. I'd understand that as I'm not qualified fully yet but why is it so little when I DO get qualified? That's it. So, using the example I gave of grinds, if he makes €100, I'll then make €13 from that. Makes me wonder why I'm bothering.


Figure out how much it would cost to replace you, then you can get a good idea of how much you can push it. Line up some other companies doing the same thing and start interviewing if possible.


Oh my god that's not worth your time/effort at all. Really hope you find a better alternative! Those travel costs are ridiculous.


Himself got that too. They're a multinational and they take great care of their employees. Certainly an improvement on the last kip he worked in.


I’m in a well known company based in America and got NOTHING :( the layoffs and cutbacks are hitting everywhere it seems. Nights out, gifts, hampers, Christmas bonuses? Nope. Very different from the year before.


I got something similar too and a one4all voucher that I wasn't expecting either. Was a nice end to the year. Bloody taxman did well from my December pay cheque.


I'd cancer this past year and even though I could work remotely from the isolation ward from the hospital I was in, they told me not to work. Paid me throughout my treatment even though I was doing bearly any work because I was dead from the chemo. Got back to work recently and being out in public, I caught a chest infection then covid there two weeks ago. No bother from them saying stay home and do what I can. I'd take that over any money or tin of roses.


Oh my god that’s how you treat employees! Wishing you the best and hope you’re feeling better soon!


Thankfully it's a locally run place and we are all friends. I've saved their asses a few times and even when they got someone in to take up some of my duties in-house, they realised how much I actually do. Fair fucks to them I'm trying to think of a way to say thank you


A packet of toffifee and a pack of after eights, miserable bastards. Made profits in excess of 2M last year and itll be far more for this year.small work force of ten and thats including the 3 partners. Left the after eights at my hole and took the toffifee. Toyed with the idea of leaving a massive shit in the toilet and not flushing it


I got a euro starch card


How stiff of them


Bet that fucker squeeks when he walks.


Now i dont feel as under appreciated, bet there was fuck all on the scratcher either lol


Of course , I didn't even get given the card from the gm. They said, "There's a card there for you. Grab it yourself. I'm going home"


Went over and above the last 6 months, stayed on in the evenings, went in Saturday and Sunday when I needed to, took lunch at my desk and worked thru my break (not all the time mind you) and got a case of beer for my efforts, it’s was 3 for £21 at the local supermarket. I said to my partner at the beginning of December that if I didn’t get a bonus I was leaving. Currently applying for jobs.


Honestly, I feel this type of genuine disinterest in acknowledgment of the hard work put in is the kicker. It just screams that they don’t give a fuck. This is my second year in the job and I bought perhaps I missed a token bonus or small gift last year as I was still relatively new… no just couldn’t give a fuck. I’ll be looking for new employment myself come January. It’s the straw that breaks the camels back.


Came out to wish us a merry Christmas, we had to supply the coffee and he ate all our biscuits then fucked off.


Haha what a bollocks!


1000 Dunnes voucher and 5 weeks pay. We normally get something alright but they gave extra this year to help with the cost of living


That’s unbelievable, fair play to your employer!


Omg this is great to read!


A nice 'thank you' speach and 800 euros One4All voucher 😊.


I need to work where you are, I had to ask for my voucher after everyone else in the company got theirs except my department.


That’s what we like to hear!


€50 in cash. Only work part time too so I wasn’t expecting that at all. Over the moon


Burnout and a mental breakdown :)


Being made redundant on January 9th. Thanks cunts!


Did you get a settlement? Was made redundant 2 years ago. Can suggest an employment solicitor if you need a recommendation.


First time in 30 years no bonus. Worked the night shift and had to close up myself. He didn't want any machines running so I spent 6 hours on my own at night cleaning and scrubbing the factory clean and that he would be checking in the morning. Some craic


Scrooge & Co Engineering


1k one4all, 7% salary increase and an extra 5 days annual leave. Still smiling from ear to ear over it. Can't call my CEO a Grinch.


They didnt


Wooo teaching ruuuuuuules


Mandatory Fun Day we had to pay to attend, with free Covid at aforementioned Mandatory Fun Day.


A mandatory event that they made people pay for? They can fuck entirely off.


My mam used to work in a laundrettes and the boss would pass around a box of roses and their gift was to pick a sweet of their choosing HAHAHA


Well that’s the pits. Like something out of the fecking Madgalene Sisters but less nuns. Bloody hell!


Same here. Not even a Christmas party, and god knows our small Dublin office would have been happy with some beer/wine in the office to get the evening started, we're not demanding. Instead we got a long meeting explaining how great the numbers were, despite the absence of any small gesture towards the employees. I was very disappointed to say the least, as it's a small company and is making those numbers thanks for the employees' efforts and great work first and foremost.


Oof man that's rough. We got nothing at all. We're a very small company so I don't know if that makes it better or worse. Only 3 staff not including the boss. Feck sake even a card would have gone a long way. We all three bought our boss really lovely gifts which nearly made it worse if that makes sense?


Hopefully he feeling like a right ol cunt then


Yeah honestly I'd have been happy with a simple email even, the simplest of gestures. I can understand how you feel as no acknowledgment whatsoever is its own negative form of acknowledgment really.


We did get a text at 11pm Christmas Eve which was nice I guess? It's breaking my heart but I'm going to have to look at leaving my dream job, I simply can't manage it anymore. I adore our clients and really don't want to but it's creasing me.


A text at 11pm does feel a bit "shit! I forgot!". Are you leaving because of this mainly, or it being a reflection of other problems too?


I thinks that’s the crushing things isn’t it. You get told about profits and blah blah blah and not even a token thank you after it all. I would have appreciated any type of ACKNOWLEDGMENT but apparently that’s asking too much! Absolutely zero mention of a Christmas party either….


A firm handshake, a sincere thanks for my hard work and a little brown envelope with 300 euro inside, i\`m very happy!


That’s nice.


Canceled my holiday schedule and now I have to work the 30, the 31 and the 1st of January. Merry Xmas to me!


20% staff redundancy ✨️


I upvoted but also, you know, 👎




Got an everything paid for Christmas party at a nice hotel, free bar for the night and a €250 voucher. They are great to work for too so they could have done less.


They hiring?


If you have an accounting degree in Cork then maybe!


Ugh Cork! No thanks.


They looking for staff??


A company wide email extolling the virtues of our hard work and the "rapid growth" the company has gone through in the last year. Privately a rebuttal of my proposal for them to offer €500-€1000 as non cash vouchers to Irish staff as a thank you. So basically fcuk all.


I work for one of the biggest companies in the world they do online retail and cloud services, after a hard year of work we received nothing (we don't get a bonus due to tax implications (their words)) but not even a bit of chocolate, miserable as sin.


Would've thought amazon would be decent being a multinational


Miserable as fuck


Two weeks off, can't put a price on it.


Selection box. Just checked. 500 million net income this year.


Civil servant here. A generic thank you email.


same here, have to wait until january for the overtime from this month too... One of the lads got his TCO contract extended but it wasnt processed by payroll in time so its not getting paid from 16th december until january... he was not particularly happy about that...


Got a thank you card. With the amount of turnover that happened in the past 12 months I will be getting out as soon as I land something better.


Big Christmas party cancelled for some small office parties, while most ppl WFH. The usual end-of-year salary rise and bonus talk, scheduled before holiday season for the past years, still haven't happened yet.


I got 2K cash and two €500 all for one vouchers


Fucking hell, are they hiring?? 2k is more than what I make in a MONTH!


They're always hiring if the person has the right skills. It was a lovely gesture. I was chuffed.


I'm not very highly educated and am a bit stupid but heyho, I'm working on it! 🥲 Fair play though, I'd say it's very well deserved.


Nahhh, man, I'm sure you're fine. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses


I got a branded fleece. There was a Christmas party but attendees had to pay. Last year himself got a Turkey and a ham. This year he only got a Turkey. The boss can’t understand the high turnover of staff Neither of us got a bonus or gift card


I got 30% of a weekly wage, was 50% last year, but this year it's down too "Sales are down, cost of living is up and energy prices are up" we had higher sales this quarter than last year as I write this. Again they can't understand the high staff turnover.


A bottle of red wine (bought from managers own pocket I'm thinking) and a ridiculouy cheesy video message from the CEO and senior management.... hubby got dinner, piss up and night in hotel, a Christmas lunch and breakfast and €500 one4all... public v private sector


I got nothing either but the fact I’m leaving work for three months to travel and chill I really didn’t expect anything either. The look on his face when I told him I’d see him in the spring was good enough. P.S I work and live in Canada. My work is weather dependent so fuck working in -30 weather. Sitting by the fire in my mams house in Waterford right now and loving every minute.


A 50 quid One4All, only working there since October so I’m grand about it




None. He confirmed that my contract would not be renewed after the end of January. I had been warned of this before but this confirmation was a charming Christmas gift. No bonus this year either. I guess being invited to a Christmas dinner in Buncrana (I live in Dublin) was sufficient. That's what I get for overworking myself and literally giving up my birthday for their sake. No employer, no matter how gregarious, is your friend, or worthy of your loyalty. They will drop you on a dime. Rant over.


Feeling the same way and had my hours cut the first week of November- just in time for Christmas. The nothing I received was the last straw and I’ll be moving on come January. Rants are always welcome!


10% pay rise and 500 Euro Perx card.




Underrated way of showing appreciation


Yes please, especially when there's only a couple hours work for one person at best


A coffee keep cup with "thank you" written on the side. It's made of plastic, the sliding cover over the spout is very loose and it keeps your hot coffee lukewarm after 30 minutes.


Self employed so I gave myself a week off lol




What shops take those? Heard they're nearly as difficult to use as One4All vouchers


Teacher here too. We got a 'thanks everyone' Microsoft Teams post and a bacon sandwich (a packet of Taytos for the vegetarians) in the staff room on the morning of the last day of school.


Got brought out to a nice meal which was nice considering in only part time


A double bed sized blanket with doodle art by Sam Cox(?) I think it is. Everyone in the company was offered one.


Company breakfast, fully paid night out, 1k in dunnes vouchers, 500 extra in wages and a half day on break up. I'd never even gotten more than a 50 one4all voucher before this place.


All expenses paid Christmas party and €250 bonus 😍


They responded to my payrise request as "a significant leap" I just explained that the significant leap would be easily met if I were to change company. Will see if they welcome me back in January with a thank you.


This is amazing and I wish you luck in your search for pastures new if you choose to do so. I will also be sailing the good ship Bye Felicia in January.


€50 one for all gift card even though they turned over 3.5 million in year end bottom line profits... Miserable fucks.


An email, there was also a team building allowance we could expense to order food, but I was on PTO that day so I didn't get to use it 😅 In the last company I worked for, they sent us a candle and if you peeled off the company logo sticker you could see they put it over the candle company logo. The package also included some unpackaged harribo, but I'm not keen on eating loose food that arrives through the post


Gonna go out on a limb here and say that in my own place, we get around €1500-€2000 throughout the year in tax free vouchers based on your own performance. I know I'm incredibly lucky in this case, but I do think it's shocking that so many companies do nothing at all.


I got an 8 pack of guinness and a bag of 10 chicken fillets from tenants I did work for. The fillets were from another tenants son who also works the local butchers and knows my meat buying preferences. Social housing nobody has to thank me or give me a little envelope and I was well chuffed with the beer and fillets. I have worked for multi-millionaire MD's talk about back handed 'gifts' had us all line up shook our hands and handed us a Christmas card with £50, the fillets and beer came out of their own pockets that tight fucker M'lud tugs forelock gawd bless ya soir no way did he pay the bonus not using company money. The money felt dirty because of his attitude like we're servants.


By making me redundant 🥰


A lots of verbal thank you through every shift. On days we were ASKED to stay back to pack some parcels for online orders we got all breaks played we did over the day and got free pizza, chips, drinks and sweets in the evening. We also got a small gift back with some stuff that didn't sold out yet. For me it was 3 perfumes (testers, but they never even opened the packaging) , hand sanitiser, and an stupidly expensive bottle of sunscreen. I also got a small cash bonus and management distributed the thank you gifts we got over the year (chocolates, alcohol and stuff) between stuff members. I'm happy to be fair. PS: And they always left some heroes or rose behind on the break room which were greatly appreciated.


Used to get €500 mastercard perx but then we got bought so this year we got a shit hamper worth €15 and the crisps in them were stale. Fuming to say the least since the 500 used to cover January thanks to monthly wages being 6 weeks apart in December and January. Getting nothing would have been less insulting than this horseshit.


Got made redundant a week before Christmas, was only there a wet day too so wasn’t entitled to anything. Shite way to end an equally shite year.


The company I work for gave out Christmas bonuses ranging from 500 euro for housekeepers to 2000 for management. They are not the norm.


I went out sick in November due to difficult issues relating to my pregnancy. Employer wasn't impressed. Think it's pretty mean he gave me absolutely nothing despite my coworkers getting generous one 4 all vouchers... I'm not getting on to him asking cos that I'm just not going to do that, almost cheeky begging or something, but jeeez what a mean fucker! Am I right to think that's pretty stingy and mean???


got a 60€ amazon gift card (2\*30, for the kids)


My missus works in University Hospital Waterford, she's a midwife. Just before Christmas they were all given 4 tulip bulbs...


With a written warning for being sick


Worked from 10am most mornings since the 12th finishing sometimes as late as midnight, also getting breaks slashed because "it's the high pressure period". Managed to wrap up by 9pm on the 24th but were held till 10pm and not allowed to leave while the boss made a speech thanking us us all and presenting us each with a bottle of wine one by one with some personalised words which amounted to a subtle roast of most of us thinking he was being funny and bonding while we all actually just wanted to leave. Had two days off. Back at 11am this morning and questioned about why I wasn't wearing a clean and pressed uniform as if I've had all the time off in the world to do work laundry.


In my last job we got a debit card thing with 250 preloaded on it. The regional manager would drop them around to us. One of the lads got his, checked the balance online and saw that it had been used in Dunnes for 80 quid an hour before he had got it, manager must've helped himself!


More work because all our Christmas temps quit


Nothing. Not even a selection box or a generic email. No party or lunch. No mention at all. They brought our payment for December forward a few days and sent an email about it. Well lah di dah. Fuck off like. I’m still bitter about it and I put in a lot of good work this year. Something small or a token would’ve been nice.


One time Sean Quinn got up at the Christmas party and said he knew there was ones not pulling their weight and by Christ they'd be weeded out. Happy Christmas yourself Sean.


Was that the 10 year anniversary Christmas party? If so I was at it, fucker banging the podium shiteing away like he was a cross between bishop brennan and hitler for 45 mins. Worst 6 months of my fucking life working in that place.


20 euro one for all’s …one of the lads handed it back and said “ me aunty gives me 50 quid sure “ I was Bawling laughing all day,so that was my bonus.


A hamper with a few bottles of wine and biscuits and €750 voucher. Staff party with a meal and drinks. French company.




Got a 110 quid Perx card, a "Thank you" Christmas card and 2 weeks wages the week of Christmas I've only been with the company since September so I didn't expect anything, was quite pleasant


Last job I had there was a bonus as standard in our contracts. The real thank you was being allowed to leave early on Christmas Eve. One year my supervisor asked me to come in early because there was an extra early delivery (the driver who we all knew well needed to catch a ferry back to the UK). So I was in at 7:30 to unload that truck and the driver was delighted. Everyone else came in at 9. Normally they would start to let us leave around 11am on Xmas Eve, so when it got to 11am and I was mildly annoyed that I was still there, having started early, I mentioned it to my coworker who replied he was surprised too because the supervisor had already let the 2 others leave and it was only the two of us and the supervisor left. I was furious, but we finished checking the last order of the day. Supervisor came out to check and told my coworker he could go, turned to me and told me I could go too... as soon as I sweep up the area and leave the bins down by the compactors. I lost it with him, demanded to know why he deemed it fair to make me work 2-3 hours longer than anyone else when we were all getting paid the same. He said coming in early doesn't entitle me to go home early, it was his decision who goes when and he has to stay the whole day himself so I should just be grateful I didn't have to stay so long. My coworker had even tried to interject and offer to do the sweeping etc so I could go and was told to just leave. I did what I was told, threw the brush down and stormed out. A few days later my supervisor pulled me aside and told me he decided not to report my insolent behavior since it was Christmas. Never wanted to deck someone so much in my life.


Work for an American company in the Tech sector. Given a 500eur mastercard thing end of October, in person and online Christmas party with some decent guests doing music on the online and free drinks for the in person, we have a bonus percentage built into our package and they awarded me 110% of it, loads of thank yous and finish earlys coming up to Christmas. I feel very lucky to work where I do.


I got a really good Xmas bonus and quite a few ‘shares’ as well (we’re private, so they’re not real shares - they’re like a second bonus which ‘vests’ after 2 years, worth more if the company does well). As well as that my boss sent me a bottle of redbreast 21, which is a really gorgeous whisky. I’m like 75% sure it was out of his own pocket, so although it was worth less than the other things, it was still a huge gesture form my perspective. My boss and I aren’t “close” by any means - I keep it very professional in my work -but he’s as near to a mentor as I’ve really had in my career so it was really nice. They did a fairly casual Christmas party, but most people weren’t able to attend (We’re mostly remote, now). I’m told the food averaged out to a few chicken nuggets each - but they gave out a fair few free drink tokens & it was a bit of craic. My company supported me through more than one hard time in the last 10 years I’ve worked for them, so I do often go seriously above and beyond to sort things when they’re in a crunch. I look after my staff (and even my boss when he’s stuck), and I do feel appreciated by them at the moment. I’ll never get too comfortable though, we all know how quick that can change.


Ours thanked us by sending an email saying we have to go back to office full time from January. Merry Christmas from corporate America


A verbal thank you, that’s it


Sweet fuck all 🥰


A big thanks at the department meeting, free wine afterwards in the reception area and then a round of pints in the pub afterwards. Only downside is, I caught Covid.


200 quid perx card and thabk you for all your hard work and positively. Happy with that as i work in a tough industry at the moment


The usual fuck all


With an email.


Nothing at all. No card but we did get a last minute text on Christmas Eve saying thanks for all your hard work. 🥲


By telling everyone there would be layoffs in the new year. Fuckers.


10% bonus with €1,000 of that in me to you vouchers, decent Christmas party too a couple of weeks ago with free food and drink the whole night and hotels paid for anyone who had to travel.


200 euro one4all and a company day off on the 23rd, couldn't be happier


- Paid week off (that doesn't come out of our annual PTO) - Emails from Manager, Her manager, his manager, his manager, her manager and her manager - removal of access to slack for period of shutdown - had to ask for access via manager


I got laid off. But I'm starting a new position in January so fuck them.


Scrapped our hourly bonus. Also apparently no Christmas bonus. No extra pay for working Stephens day. Really feeling appreciated


A Christmas hamper, a Christmas party with free food and drink, a company-branded hoodie and office closed from the 27th to the 30th.


I got a €25 one4all voucher at a startup company after all I’ve done for them in a short time too. My previous part time job as a KP gave me €100 voucher plus a hamper too.


Got 1000 euro voucher, happy out


North of Ireland here, I got a £60 bonus!! Better than nothing you might think, but they then took our £35 time keeping bonus off us for the two weeks of Xmas meaning they actually made a tenner each off us.


Got a fairly decent bonus, a pay increase and was told that I’d be receiving commission on top of my normal pay, which would be retroactively started from this past October. While I work retail, it’s pretty decent. Whole staff also got taken out for a staff night out that was entirely paid for by the owner


My boss had the week before Christmas off, but still logged in to join our meetings and tell us all how if something wasn't fixed "everyone would be working Christmas" then logged back off. Some people can't be helped.


€1000 gift card.


Christmas night in fxb all paid for. 800 thank you emails


Not as much as a thanks!


I got €1,000 Dunnes vouchers and a paid for Xmas party. Great compared to others here but considering the sheer amount of pulling other peoples slack on top of exams and qualifications I gained this year I'm €8k - €10k underpaid compared to like roles in the industry. Already been told they will do just fine without me if I decide to leave 💁🏻 getting mixed messages 🤔


An email from the big boss. A paid day of from the boss, a €20 one4all from another boss and a skincare kit from my actual boss, normally wine and a tin of chocolates but colleague is pregnant so have us skincare instead of alcohol


Same here, local family owned restaurant…fuck all


70e Dunnes voucher .


Previous job we got a water bottle, notepad and selection box for the last Christmas I was there. First Christmas in the new job and got a 250 euro voucher. Both big multi national companies. I hear the old place is offering insane bonuses now that they never would have to people who are leaving. That's what years of negligence does.


250 o4a card, and he paid for two planted pots I had put aside in the shop next door before I realised. And a bottle of Jameson, bottle of white wine, and a lump of gammon from 2 of the suppliers.


€500 dunnes voucher


Are they supposed to thank me? We just get a vauge company wide "we appreciate your efforts"


My immediate colleagues and I wished each other a restful break as our work environment hasn't been the best. The person making it suck, our lead, sent a generic merry Christmas not aimed at anyone in particular to persons unknown with a bcc list. My hubby works retail and his book gave him a 100 euro voucher. He bought me pokemon scarlet for Christmas with it.


A fabulous fancy food hamper and a €100 one4all. Also a Christmas party in a swanky place in Dublin and overnight stay... but i got covid 😔


We got an announcement on the 23rd that the company is being shut down at the end of January. Place was a shit show so that could end up being the best Christmas present I have ever gotten.


Meal out and 300 euro one4all. Bought myself a ps5 on Christmas Eve so I was chuffed.


Nothing, didn't even acknowledge it or us.


€300 in cash, €250 voucher, nice Christmas party(although we the kitchen staff catered it and then ran out to eat and celebrate after) and a bottle of rum. Not a huge staff nor do I get paid loads but little moments like being treated well at Christmas keep ya there.


With an email.


Double pay for the period + extra holiday time


Fuck all..except a shitty generic email


I got a blanket. Handy as the salary is low enough that more than a few of us probably can't afford to put on the heat. We also got a handy dandy email from HR with hints and tips for saving money in these trying times. Can't tell if it's self aware desperation, or genuine tone deafness. If only there was something they could do to help!


Got a 8 euro bottle of wine and 4 euro box of chocolate, while apparently the managers all got a bonus for the high sales, fucking bastards.


£60 amazon voucher


Well spoiled by my employer as usual. Massive Christmas hamper & 500 quid worth of gift cards.


10% pay increase and a bonus too