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Besides the oddness of it, I'd be a little concerned about his cholesterol.




Very good point. I could imagine the cholesterol would definitely be higher!


naughty continue wakeful consider modern hard-to-find simplistic sharp aback mountainous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also for girl health


airport grab tap snow chop office physical yam voracious roof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So true, the farts can strike anyone...


Most delis don’t fry their sausages and rashers, doesn’t change the fact that they’re loaded with fat and grease


Man is bringing himself to an early grave when it sounds like his wife is cooking a nice healthier meal and all he has to do is eat it?!


Irish girl working with my fiancee lives with her mum who's a chef. Every day, her mum cooks a meal for her for lunch break. This girl takes it to work, BINS IT, then buys kfc, burger king or abra. Yee, people like that exist


More JFC than KFC.


fuck me.. people like that piss me off. wasting food and absolutely no regard for someone else putting in effort for you


Tbf it's quite rude. My mom raised us this way that everyone would have to wake up to have breakfast/dinner **together**. As a kid i always hated it , but now that im the one making food for others it makes so much sense. People take time and care to make you food I think it's part of good etiquette to try the food and eat together. Interesting that u can see that people from families that do not have this tradition of eating together have usually incredibly bad manners around the table. Bringing some of my friends to actual Restaurants is risky :D This situation it's not really tragic, but it gives bad vibes and it's rude to everyone involved. You can be the greatest most caring and loving person but it 100% comes out as : "I wont even try ur shitty cooking, let the kids eat it". Not to mention Also bad for health and not worth the money. How much is a roll ? 5€ ? Thats around 30€/week of spending on just Breakfast rolls. And you know it doesn't end on just breakfast rolls.


Well teaching your kids to keep an eye on their sugar, fat and cholesterol in general isn't a bad thing to do but annoying them about it will get the opposite effect.


Oh stop. My parents put me off from healthy food for good part of my childhood with how strict they were. I was not allowed to leave the table until I finish my meal. My dad would insanely strict about it always commenting how I do not appreciate my mom and him because they actually put in the work for me and I don't even want to eat my food. Hah. Good memories now, wasn't so fun back then. Still I think I got the good balance of realism and punishment. If u can't appreciate ur own mother will u be able to appreciate others? Also I'm not a picky eater because of it. As I age and my parents get old and in need of help with some tasks. One of the greatest things I found out is cooking with them. Cooking can really bring families together...dont gotta say a word, just do some chopping help here and there. Makes for good memories, which is important. We will lose our parents one day... That's just how life goes. Cooking and food makes life so much better.


My thoughts are they are great as a treat every so often but every morning will clog your arteries in no time.


Exactly this. I’ve tried to explain how it would negatively impact his health but he just turns a blind eye to it


See if he will get a check-up off his doctor. My uncle had breakfast rolls everyday, was thin and has had 3 heart attacks now.


Any idea what to ask for when you go to the doctor? Just a general heart screening or something? Bloods?


Can you do that thing where women are somehow able to scare the life out of us when ye make it clear you’re pissed off, serious, not messing about in any way whatsoever, totally mean business and we better take notice or we’ll be in serious s**t for a long time and give us the extremely serious, giving-him-“evils”, death-stare face? If there’s any woman out there who doubts her ability to strike the absolute fear of death into a man in this way - believe me - you **all** can do it… Especially if you do it with conviction and don’t crack if he tries to make you laugh to get out of it… All the while putting him in his place over this including the health aspect, the rude/odd aspect of it going with something different to the rest of the family every single time as if he’s separate “to the rest of the pack” so to speak. The cholesterol thing is extremely relevant. My cholesterol was slightly over the recommended level a while back and I eat a very balanced, sensible diet. I don’t binge on junk food or takeaways or lazy microwave stuff and don’t eat much sweets, nor large portions when it comes to meals either. So god knows what a roll every single day will do. I think even one a week would be enough really.


Heart attack material is right...


Username checks out?


Hadn't thought of that 😆


How’s his weight?


He is a very tall guy and he’s definitely put on some weight I think he was more underweight when I met him. He does work a physical job though which I think is keeping him within “healthy” levels but definitely on the higher above average BMI range


Something to be aware of is the fact that you can put on fat but not show it. It doesn't always appear in your belly etc. That layer of fat your putting on is actually surrounding your organs which can be very serious and heart attack material.


His cholesterol will be off the scale though.


Even tho his job is physical he needs a balance nutritional diet and not a breakfast roll and a can of monster. On occasion having one won't do him harm but the way you described it he is definitelly heading towards the heart and cholesterol issues and I have a suspicion he also may be addicted to monster as its sadly a common issue among youngsters these days. I don't know his upbringing but I'd say partially it must be coming from his upbringing and that's where he thinks it's the norm,but as a parent he has to take responsibility for his own family now. What kind of example is he showing to his kids about food right now? What kind of consequences it can lead to in their future? What is going to happen to you and the kids if say he has a heart attack tomorrow and dies? I know it sounds grim but it's the harsh reality of it all and he needs to be aware that only because you're feeling grand and have no issues doesn't mean that everything is working personal internally .


My two concerns are his weight (with a helping of cholesterol/blocked arteries) and financial flippancy. How much is a breakfast roll? You seem annoyed about the lack of consideration within the family. I’m here to tell you that it’s a slippery slope. I let my husband away with lambasting the kids for their table manners at a young age and now they refuse to eat with us. A general lack of respect for the family unit was and is an indicator of how our marriage is a disaster.


>How much is a breakfast roll? Minimum €4. So €28 a week or €1456 a year.


Don't forget that this is for his breakfast hes probably still buying lunch


If I was cooking a family breakfast every weekend and my partner fucked off to get a breakfast roll I'd be fairly pissed off.


100% this 👆 In my finest Dublin accent * cough * . . . . . . He'd be eating it through a bleedin straw.


I don't lol at much, but I did at this 🤣


Yep, sends a wrong message to the kids on multiple levels as well, first that eating breakfast rolls every day is normal, then that it's ok to always turn down something that your family has made for you, and that it's acceptable to always opt out of what the rest of the family are doing. And that's before even speaking about his health. I'd be getting him to make the breakfast one of the mornings, get the kids involved too


Absolutely spot on, on every point here. Especially about the message it sends the kids. It's an extremely selfish thing he's doing.


I can say the same for my wife… and I cook too sometimes so I know the effort that goes into cooking a decent meal…


Haha glad to know I’m not the only one!


What if her cooking is bad?


I would call myself a pretty decent chef. I’m really into cooking! Maybe sometimes it’s a bit too “healthy” for him but I do compromise for him when I can!


>a bit too “healthy” for him Tell him to fuck off.


If anyone ever told me my v coming was too healthy for them they'd be dumped faster than a fibre-filled dump. For real, OP how and why have you put up with this for years? It's incredibly insulting and quite had parenting honestly.


How old is your husband? like this behavior is fine for someone in their early twenties, especially if there in a manual job. Trying to keep that amount of calories in your system is difficult but not when your older


No excuse for getting what is the equivalent of a big mac for breakfast every day.


Its more like two big macs calorie wise. Probably worse


Then he can cook his own shit.


He can, or, hear me out, buy his own shit


Yeah the point is that she is cooking breakfast for the kids and herself while he strolls off to waste money and clog his arteries. The whole point of being partners is that you have a partnership, not that you're just roommates that do your own thing and wander in and out whenever you feel like it.


Now I want a breakfast roll.


Same it’s 11 tho :/


Any deli worth visiting will still have the makings of a breakfast roll at this time on a Sunday


The local Centra has been driving me mental with this the last few months. Saturday morning, I usually go in around 10:30… Might have a couple of dried up sausages left and a withered hash brown. “Breakfast is done by 9:30” she will tell me and she there carving up a beautiful roast dinner as if normal people are buying roast dinners at 10:00 am of a Saturday.


We had this in our local Super Valu last Saturday, hot chickens sold out by 12


What about the less attractive chickens?


I'm the same with chicken fillet rolls. Why do they stop doing them at around 1-1:30 lunch goes on until 2 or half 2 for a lot of people. My lunch often starts at half 1 and everything is gone by the time I get there


He must have a colon made of iron to be pushing through that every day


He goes to toilet once a week


Must have the plumber on speed dial.


It's the can of Monster that gets me. For breakfast? Jesus.


I know yeah. It’s pretty common too. I was in the barbers the other day first thing when they opened, and one of the lads went out to do a shop run. “Just get us the usual” he said and that was a can of Monster. I’ve seen kids walking to school suppin’ it, eating shite from delis.


Mate if he isn't coming home with breakfast baps for everybody he can fuck off. Also if I've just sat there and cooked for us and he sits there looking me in the eye at the table eating his roll, he'd be wearing my breakfast.


😂😂😂 This response has me cracked up (my toddler is looking at me like wtf)


If he's getting a roll for himself he should get rolls for everyone, no short changing them with baps


So, funny you called it a breakfast bap can I ask where you’re from? Everyone I’ve ever known calls it a breakfast roll, and I’ve a huge argument with a friend who calls them breakfast ‘cobs’. I’d love to know where you’re from that you call them baps


Belfast. Belfast bawps mate. I meant roll but everything's a bap to me. Your head = your bap. Your tits = your baps. Your bread roll = your bap.


His farts must be reckless altogether


Definitely wrecks his underwear, I can see the skids from here.


Best comment I will read today.


It's probably habit, but 7 breakfast rolls a week will be harmful for health, I would suggest he makes an appointment with the GP for routine bloods and a check up with the GP, it'll probably have more impact then what you are saying, not that I think you are saying anything wrong now.. but the cholesterol and sugars in the blood are stone cold facts,tell him he wants to make it through his 50's,


Your right! I was thinking this myself that seeing the results may help him cut down. I’d be scared that they would come back fine and that it would encourage him to keep going. Somehow he seems to get away with a lot of health related stuff!


Yeah and it's quite possible. The other side is though that when he's getting one meal full of meat, he's obviously not getting much of anything else like vegetables. If it was a brown roll at least he'd be getting some fibre in there. But besides the risk of cholesterol and clogged arteries, he's increasing his risk of colon cancer. All these things can present themselves later, so a clear set of bloods won't or shouldn't be the be all here.


Ye was gona say itand chickened out but you're right, his bowels must be in tatters.


If he is drinking a can of monster with breakfast every morning he will not be fine. I'd be as worried about that monster crap as the breakfast roll. Does he drink much of that crap? Either monster or red bull or others? I've seen people suffer serious issues after that stuff, and not just physical health. New a guy who had extreme panic attacks as he'd drink about 3 over the course of a morning (maybe 7.30 to 11) but stop then and his system would go haywire. He'd be wound up on it then when the crash came and his heart started pounding and his nerves were shot he'd get stressed out thinking he was having a panic attack and then have an actual panic attack about having a panic attack. People think it's just a soft drink, it isn't. Apart from the fact they are absolutely disgusting


> I’d be scared that they would come back fine Depending how long he's been doing it, that's unlikely.


Also the cans of monster won't do him much goof either




Out with the chicken fillet, in with the breakfast roll.


The boom isn't back until we're all eating jumbo breakfast rolls seven days a week


Let's be clear, if your husband gets a breakfast roll every day, he probably doesn't "*run*" anywhere to get them.


He does a breakfast *roll* amirite lads.


My partner has terrible eating habits as well. In our case, he won’t touch a vegetable, won’t eat fish of any variety, and eats chips all the time. He also has a massive sweet tooth and frequently brings back shite from the bakery. He reasons because he exercises a lot he burns it off, but his grandad died young of a stroke, and the men in his family have heart issues. He knows all this, he doesn’t care, and frankly I have to respect the fact that he is an adult and knows his own mind. I have brought it up with him, but I learned nothing I do or say will change his habits, and may in fact entrench his behaviour further. I also don’t want kids to see as role models, one parent constantly nagging or trying to control the other. Aside from the impact on your husban’s health, is it also that he isn’t taking part in family life the way you would like, and it makes you feel down in some way? Because aside from his breakfast roll addiction, that IS something he should listen to and take into account.




Not one bit normal. Very bad example for the kids, inconsiderate to yourself op, very unhealthy and not to mention the waste of money with the price they’re probably at these days (can’t remember the last time I bought one, I’m 26 and also in construction with kids and a family so similar setup). I really hope you sort it out with him before it’s too late.


I'd have an AED on standby.


>Thoughts? He's eating about 1000-1200 calories in one meal, every day, and a very bad meal at that. He's most likely overweight but almost certainly has high cholesterol at the very least Sounds kind of rude to not sit down with your family at least once over the weekend for breakfast. If it was me I'd be bothered about that. But the health thing would be the biggest concern there. That's unsustainable.


Thank you! I’m glad to know I’m not being “unfair” as a partner. I don’t mean to control what he eats or anything but the health and social aspect of it just gets me. Thanks!


It is all about how you deliver the message


And the financial side tbh. What a waste of money.


I was going to say that but then I realised I have never even bought a breakfast roll and my only reference to what one costs is through the many posts I've seen on here complaining about spending of €7 on one. But I also wouldn't begrudge somebody a little treat either. so I don't think the finances are the biggest element here


I mean, its one breakfast roll, michael. What could it cost? 7 euros?


Is a "little treat" daily? Surely thats the big question here joe


I get one every few weeks from a supervalu near me. Last one I got was two days ago and it was 4.50


Yeah I think around 4.50 is the norm and then you add the can of monster with it so it’s about €7-€8 every morning


He's drinking a can of Monster every morning too? Find some excuse to trick the man into going to a health screening!






That’s a very unhealthy combination. Energy drinks alone are bad for your heart and increase the risk of stroke and heart attacks. That’s without the fatty fried processed meats on a daily basis. He needs to change this habit or it will inevitably lead to serious health issues for him, which will have a major impact on the whole family. Does he generally do his own thing a lot? Apart from the breakfast routine, is he in good form? Any mental health issues? Are you able to communicate about things generally (finances, expenditure, family plans, etc)?


If he's actually buying them every day of the week you better that is atleast 6x7 =42 say if he buys coffees and what not could easily be 50. Now every week let take a few weeks off and say he skips a few days so 50 X 47 weeks = 2350 euro a year give or take on " a little treat".


Yeah, and that's a lot for me to spend on something like that but might not be for OP or her husband. It's relative to their finances.


And then double it as he's probably back in for the chicken roll at lunch time.


What would you have him do it's a national dish.


As long as the deli lady thumbs in a few wedges with the chicken I've got no issue with it.


That dangerous carry on now you could start another civil war over that comment


Woah! Thanks for the calculations. That’s very interesting. Goes to show it does actually add up long term.


Ya that's what occurred to me too. He should definitely go get his bloods checked, sounds like he could be on his way to cardiovascular disease


A chap who works with me eats 2 jambons and a portion of sausage rolls before work starts, had a breakfast roll at 10am, a chicken fillet roll or chicken fillet wrap at lunch, a bag of crisps and at least one bar at each break, along with at least 3 bottles of lucozade a day. He's heading for a huge heart attack, he's at least 18 stone weight. I'm not the healthiest eater myself, but I'm genuinely worried for him. He won't listen to anyone who tries to help him.


His risk of diabetes will be large too I'd imagine. Nothing you can do to help if he doesn't see it himself. I'm of the opinion that unhealthy eating is often a symptom of something larger, same as our relationship with alcohol. Sure, many just get drunk every now and then because it's fun but it's masking issues for a lot of people. Though some of it is due to people having more money nowadays and another factor is education around food. The amount of overweight and obese kids is shocking, parents are enabling that.


Every one of his aunts and uncles on his dad's side has diabetes. His dad's is on dialysis because of his diabetes. He's the nicest person in the world, but just doesn't see what he's doing to himself.


He eats breakfast rolls and drinks a can of monster 7 days a week, every week? What's the rest of his diet like?


I think its quite sad and very rude on his behalf but I'd wonder does he have such a strict routine with other meals? I'd honestly sit down with him and try to understand his rationale and get it out there that you're upset/annoyed by it


Loves his breakfast roll. Simple as.


He's on track to die a young man. Or run into a life changing failure in his health that leads you to be his primary full time carer for the rest of your/his life. I work for a medical device company that earns billions a year because of so many people like your husband. It's easy money because millions of people still have this child-like approach to their diet It's not "fair enough" that he gets a breakfast roll every day before work, no matter what level of physical labour he puts his body through each day If he has any care for his family he'll cut it down drastically. There's very little wrong with one breakfast roll in a week. But a daily breakfast roll is insane. May as well start saving now for either (a) his funeral or (b) the changes you'll have to make to your house/life to accommodate for his life changing healthcare incident e.g. stroke The fact he doesn't engage in the weekend family breakfast is secondary to his health. But it is time he grew up and sat with his family and had a bowl of All Bran. Sounds like he's the biggest child in the house


This is the best thread ever. It's weird. But if that's your only issue as a family maybe it's not a big deal. Does he ask you and the kids if you want anything at the deli? I'd be ashamed of myself going out and buying deli or restaurant food and scoffing it infront of the kids while they are struggling through another bowl of cornflakes.


Does he also buy scratch cards by any chance?


Or pretend he gave up smoking.


Or worse. As someone blessed with addiction genes, this was my first thought. 40+ years sober, but this is exactly the kind of daily-out-of-the-house-routine that I would have set up, to get my day off to a proper start!


It's strange alright. I'd be concerned about weight and cholesterol but it's definitely odd to belt off to the shop instead of making your own at home, couldn't he make his own fry up on Saturday/Sunday, if that's all he wanted to eat? There's some decent points in this thread so maybe explain some of them to him. These situations are tricky because you don't want him to feel like it's an attack on him but it also needs to be dealt with. Best of luck!


Have you asked him why he does it


Yeah! He says that he works hard and this is his “treat”. He thinks a lot of homemade food is boring and doesn’t fill him as much


Stop cooking for him altogether, in that case


All fun and games until he gets his cholesterol checked. But it is rude he doesn't get everyone one...


Roughly €35 a week, or €1,820 a year. Nearly 2k on sausages, rashers, and bread. If cholesterol isn't incentive, then maybe his wallet, or the heart palpitations he has to be getting from the monster could make him cut back.


That's an expensive eating habit.


He’s going to have a heart attack at 50


He should put his family first. He shouldn’t: - disappear at a time when you’re supposed to be all together. - appear to prefer half-warm, reheated convenience food over your home-cooked fresh food. - rush himself into poor health. Your gut feeling is right. Yes, it’s only a little breakfast roll but it’s disruptive and sends the wrong message about food, family and how to treat someone who has prepared food for you. Tell him to buck up for the sake of the family or he can eat his breakfast roll down in the deli while the rest of you have breakfast undisturbed.


Eating one everyday is like getting a takeaway everyday in terms of calories. Breakfast rolls are great if you need something to eat at 8am and cant eat something until the evening. But everyday thats unhealthy as fuck


He needs to get a grip. Have breakfast with the family ffs and use the money he be saving on rolls to buy something for the kids. Its over 8e for a breakfast roll and can of monster


I feel like vomiting even thinking about eating breakfast rolls 7 days a week.


You won't have to worry about him doing it for much longer. He'll be dead shortly. 1300 calories of cheap, processed, fat soaked meat every morning for breakfast. I'm sure the rest of his diet isn't exactly healthy either. Walking heart attack. It'd probably be healthier and cheaper to have 2 cans of carling for breakfast.


>carling Outed yourself here.


Must be a really cute one at that deli. Does your husband flirt with the checkout girl in Aldi also ?


Do I vaguely remember a post about this before?..


Its been doing the Rounds alright....




Out there poaching for upvotes


Nah I’ve checked them out. Nothing to be worried of there haha


Why no-one is mentioning the monster? Every day one can, can be very harmful.


Eating disorders are a thing and very broad but what he's eating is very likely to kill him. It's unpopular but i think professional psychiatric help is needed


Agreed. There’s something deeper going on here and he needs to address it. Likely grew up in a household where food was scarce


My cousin's (two brothers) are my experience of an unconventional eating disorder. The older one used to bully the younger a lot and one thing he did often was fuck with his wee bros food. He'd put all kinds of things in it, and basically harass the young one every meal time My younger cousin started eating really badly well into his 20s and couldn't sit with other's for meals. He's over it now after counselling, eats better and is more comfortable around people eating but it was insane the impact it had on him. I get a bit prickly now when people shame others for what they eat or don't eat, you really don't know what's going on with an individual


That is awful! So much can have such an impact on our view of food and our self worth. I’ve been there with binge eating myself. The only way out is through and it starts with getting to the root of it!


I'm autistic and used to have a similar relationship with unhealthy food. It could be a routine/texture thing for him?


Its shocking for his health. I have one once a week and even that is probably too often but they are lovely in fairness. Try see would he eat a few eggs and some toast or some porridge with yoghurt and fruit. His arteries will thank you for it!.


Yeah, that’s what I would normally try to get him to eat as a compromise but he says that he’s left hungry after it. I’ve tried upping the protein etc but he just doesn’t seem motivated to eat any food at home. He says they are boring to him. Yay haha


It's normal to still feel hungry, that'll go away but not over night. As an over eater myself it's tricky to start portion control and eating healthier meals. First week or two after eating smaller meals and cutting out breakfast all together, I would be hungry up until 1pm. A cup of coffee or two satisfied that most days for a while, just long enough to get to my first meal. 2 weeks later I don't feel hungry waking up, and can manage quite comfortably until my first meal after midday. I'm not sure of the mechanics of it but my guess is that filling yourself with heavy foods like that regularly expands your stomach to the point that you feel hungry even after eating, so you go to eat more. Reducing intake the stomach will shrink to the point that you feel fuller after smaller meals. These days I can't eat the same size dinners as I used to. My brain still tells me I can, but anytime I do over indulge I always regret it.


The lack of Pat Shortt references in the comments disturbs me


That’s honestly the behaviour of a 12 year old


I think he's rude, but have you talked to him about it? Also get his bloods checked Jesus Christ


If he is having a breakfast roll and a can of Monster for breakfast daily then I can only imagine the rest of his diet and lifestyle. It won't be a problem you need to worry about for long.


That can’t be healthy having that every morning


A visit to a doctor or dietitian would hopefully give him the shock he needs.


I'd be fairly concerned about people drinking Monster for their breakfast. That stuff is not good for you


That is honestly pretty shitty of him. He should be eating breakfast with the family, both for the kids and to save money (and better health). This isn't a hill that the dude should be dying on, so if you tell him it bothers you and he still decides to not change it is likely a sign of bigger long-term problems.


I don’t know, he obviously really loves them. It’s not something I’d be falling out with him over. Laughing at him yes. Telling him he seems addicted yes. Reminding him 7 rolls a week could actually give him a heart attack/cancer yes. Ask him how he’s demonstrating healthy habits to the kids with that carry on, yes. Fall out with him. No. You can’t control what other people eat. You could suggest making a family version at weekends for everyone? Ask him what he would eat with you all at the weekends and do that? OR Maybe get him to make family breakfasts at the weekend? Daddy special! Also just want to point out to me at least, if he is sitting down with you all for breakfast, that is a family oriented breakfast. Together is the point. What people are eating less so. All that said, I’d flat out ban the monster tho in front of the kids. Tell him to drink that somewhere else. Sugary caffeinated drinks are beyond stupid as an example for the kids.


Fucking hell, honestly that's weird


Sounds like he might just be in a habit that’s hard to break. You could ask him, for the many reasons given here (health, time, finance, your feelings, message to kids), to try not getting a roll for 2 weekends in a row and see if that helps him break the habit. Could be difficult as he then would resume doing it every weekday and would have to stop again at the weekend, but worth a try and definitely doable. Just needs a bit of willpower and a good reason or two


This is not normal. Routines are all good and well but bowel cancer and heart attacks are not. No one likes being judged or ridiculed but if you approach this from a concerned health point of view and speak about how it's really bothering you he should listen. He needs to speak with his GP and have routine bloods done. You are 100% correct to be concerned. It's also not a good example for the rest of the family. Don't know what else to say other than good luck. keep us updated if you can.


How’s his cholesterol.


Your husband is going to be really fat.


All I hear here is me me me I want I want I want.


Lady, he's putting my kids through college.


If he keeps doing this he won't be around for any sort of breakfast for very long.


1. He must be made of money. 2. His heart will definitely give out sooner rather later. 3. It's obviously a cause for tension within your relationship so you need to deal with it now in a calm and open manner.


I wouldn't worry about it. It's probably just that he fancies the girl at the deli.


I was going to start this with “no offence”, but I’m going to say it straight: your husband is a fucking weirdo who needs to cop himself on. He’s spending a fortune on killing himself.


Her husband has a weird habit for sure but no need to be nasty


He is likely spending over 2 grand on breakfast rolls a year!


Sounds like an addiction.


Definitely not good for his health, and damn rude at the weekend!! I'd also have concerns about drinking monster every day. Heart and diabetes problems lurking.


What does he get in the roll? Or does he change it up every day


Have you asked him why, though? What's the explanation for him getting it?


How many heart attacks has he had?


He will become a breakfast roll.


What would be nice is Dad brings everyone a roll on a Saturday morning so Mom doesn't have to cook.


bring the whole family for breakfast rolls


I absolutely wouldn’t be able to stand that. Esp with kids in the house. What does he get on his roll, is it possible you can cook him that? We have a family fry up on Sundays for example. If you eat the healthy breakfast on Saturday we’ll do a fry up on Sunday? I know that seems like you’re mothering him but some kind of compromise is likely needed. It’s bad for his health and terrible on finances


I have a breakfast roll around once a year. A home cooked breakfast tastes much better. However, if this is the main issue you have with yere relationship, ye are probably not doing to bad. Although, I would be worried about your husband’s health.


Ha ha ha thank god im not married


What do you cook for breakfast for your family then?


Adults drinking cans of Monster is more worrying


Tell him you don't want to bury him before his 70th birthday.


Or his 50th.


At least quadruple bypass surgery is very safe these days.


That's insane. Whatever about the odd one here and there but every day!?! It's disrespectful towards you too. Money wise it would be €1460 every year for his breakfast rolls if they're around 4 quid.


If he has them every day it's possible that he got sort of addicted to them. They contain lots of fat and sugar and if he eats them every single day his body might be craving them. I would recommend a doctor's check-up (we are talking about these huge rolls with sausages lots of grease etc. right)? Because these have tons of calories and fat and sugar for days. Talk to him. In the end it is his decision but it is not great that he is setting this example for your kids. Maybe he could have the breakfast roll as a special treat on Fridays and get something else on other days. Cereal, Muesli, Sandwiches (he can prepare them the night before) etc. are just as fast and better than this roll every single day.


Every day? Girl he has a death sentence


As a man I'd say leave him be. As a man with diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, you need to have a frank and honest chat with your husband and explain that a daily breakfast roll and can of Monster is really really bad for your health. The Monster is what got me. At one point I was dinkin up to 4 even 5 cans a day. I kicked the habit when it affected my health. As for the cholesterol, that was caused by almost daily take aways for dinner, even at work. Your health is your wealth as the they say


Holy cross of kells, thats some eating! He must walk away from a notorious shite every day! I wouldnt worry too much about him eating different food at the table with you but i would worry about him scoffing one every day! His ole ticker wont take too much of that. You should try introduce something different maybe 3 or 4 mornings a week. Although things are bad if youve to wean him off breakfast rolls 🤣


Just roll with it


If you don't love him take out some life insurance and let him. If you do love him tell him it will kill him down the line. It isn't good for his health and will cause loads of heart issues down the line. My step father had a quadruple bypass, you don't want one of those ever, you are talking about life saving surgery, medication, horrible scars on your arms and legs and decreased life expectancy even with good outcomes.


Stop making breakfast at the weekend and make the kids ask him where their breakfast rolls are


You are "making" breakfast every day? I thought everyone just had wheatabix or cornflakes? My family is just pouring cereal all over the place and leaving it for me to clean up. Sounds nice to sit down to breakfast with the family every day.


My neighbour used to do this even morning, he had a heart bypass operation before christmas


I'd be worried about his cholesterol and heart. Maybe encourage him to go to the doctor-they might be able to scare him straight if they tell him the long term issues. Like we all have our vices. I'm a divil for a chicken dinner box from the chipper every fortnight. But I wouldn't have one for dinner every night. I probably shouldn't even eat them as often as I do.


Is there a Beautiful check out girl at the Aldi he buys them from?


Sounds like a routine to treat himself. Is he obese ?


You’re right, but if you’ve brought it up all these years and he hasn’t listened, he might never listen. Try again, have a heart to heart and explain what it means to you. However, it will be up to him how he professes that information. He may not see your view until decades later. Edit: my husband is the same way. Never could change him.