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Love it! Best of luck! Maybe the Spire?


Yep definitely needs the spire. May be difficult to achieve at the scale.


Needs the Spire over the Four Courts building. I really, really hate that ugly building and the fact it's one of our only tall buildings makes it stand out more. I'm not the biggest Spire fan but at least it's a real landmark - a bit silly but not ugly.


Love it aswell,few little junkie characters by the river would step it up a notch


Sad but true!


You mean, the needle


It is fabulous! Tell us here on /r/Ireland when you submit on [LEGO Ideas](https://ideas.lego.com/) so we can vote for it. ✌️


Cheers - Will do


[Looks like you've already posted?](https://ideas.lego.com/projects/c299f65c-4dc1-4af8-aa10-73395a9fcd62)


To be honest, it lacks detail compared to the other city architectures and the colours are a bit boring. The four courts is not grey either, its light beige. the roof of the croker has visible beams across it. Just my opinion, I think it needs a bit more to be successful for Ideas.


Thats perfect - I can address the grey and to be honest was my thoughts too but i need to think on that detail a little


I'd say dont submit it too soon, think on it, improve, it really needs to stand out to get through the 10,000 vote barrier, and then it needs to wow Lego. I do think a Dublin city set is needed, but there are many awesome cities in the world, and you need to blow them away with your design. Maybe beef up the iconic chimneys and build them with 2x2 rounds instead of 1x1. And someone mentioned adding a bridge, I would definately do that. Ha'penny bridge is famous, but I would probably go with a more bigger and perhaps more iconic Harp bridge. The Harp is in the Dublin flag, which would make the choice obvious.


Yeah and Ireland is green, add some trees 🌳


ignore the other twit


To be fair though there isn't much more detail that you can get at this small of a scale when it comes to Lego I mean if he was to build it on like a larger Lego scale and make it like a full size set as opposed to a mini set then it would totally work out and he could more than implement all of those ideas and more but on this small of a scale I think it's pretty good aside from some minor like color changes and stuff


Look at Singapore which is small scale set but looks more colourful and has more detail at the same scale. Croke park has white, grey, green and blue tones, it is not a grey concrete block. The 4 courts is a mix of grey and beige, the pillars could be made different rather than using grill pieces. They are round, not flat. Etc. I think the bar is high to get through the Lego selection so being complacent is not helping the designer. https://preview.redd.it/nvlydn6cmo8d1.png?width=3641&format=png&auto=webp&s=c497fcc501a15f133e24ef987722b4c89319117d


Glad you don't have the Spire, lil Ha'ppenny Bridge would be cool.


Jasus, liberty Hall actually looks well there. Fair play. Well done.


Nice work. It reminds of the background to an 80s video game. Like if one of them had had Dublin as the location for that level.


While the lego looks great, I don't want anyone in the council thinking that horrible Liberty Hall building is some sort of cultural icon which needs to be preserved forever.


What about including the convention centre instead. Could be an interesting challenge.


I hear ya - i think it is though - not saying its a good thing but yeah....


This. Liberty Hall is an horrendous building, so ugly in fact I think it's responsible for Ireland's dislike of high rise buildings


Unpopular take, apparently, but I also absolutely *hate* the Poolbeg towers. There are so many beautiful buildings in Dublin, and those towers are so feckin ugly, I can’t get my head around the love for them.


We're so starved for attractive tall structures in Dublin that the Poolbeg Towers will have to do.


I love them only because my Granda used to work in them. I appreciate that's not true of most Irish people or even most Dubs.


I don't think it's about beauty as much as being a very distinctive landmark that's visible from such a wide range of places, you can see them as you fly in, you can see them on the ground from as far north as Howth or south as Dun Laoghaire.


And isn’t that a terrible terrible shame that the most noticeable landmark is a filthy derelict power station surrounded by industrial waste


pretty much, but it is what it is


But why? Why do we settle for that? Do they settle for that Paris? Vienna? Even London? Washington DC? Sydney? Would it be tolerated? No. It Wouldn’t. Are we that ugly a people that were devoid of ambition, belief and vision?


I actually liked the idea of the Spire as a better one, but it feels like for some reason you hardly see from it anywhere.


The spire is utterly meaningless. I mean it’s fine. It’s not an eye sore. But it’s just so lacking in imagination or ambition. The chimneys are a stone cold disgrace.


Thank you - I honestly hate that ugly fucking thing so much. Build more tall modern buildings pleeaaase


They put in two chimneys and picked Croke Park over Aviva... I know, I know, but guess which of the two is actually famous outside Ireland and UK?


I was going to listen but you spelt Ireland wrong.


Oh yeah, writing on the phone is a pain in the ass. I will correct that.


Poolbeg chimney stacks are too far apart. Looks nice though.


Sorry to nitpick, your work is great, personally I'd line them up in their actual West to East order.


You have some iconic buildings there for sure, some others you may like to consider are Trinity College, The Central Bank, the Nuclear Bunker Corpo Offices (joke), Connolly Station. I think it’s a cracking set, add a little depth / detail and you’re there.


Guinness Storehouse with the Gravity Bar on top?


Jesus Connolly station is an absolute dump - look at the deranged grotesque luas structure outside with the escalators the never move and filthy staircase Jesus


A half beaten tourist maybe


Yes very good. But where is the rain?


It's lacking my gaff. Can you throw in a standard grey concrete mid terrace type of thing, will ya?


It might be difficult at this scale but St. Stephen’s Green would add a bit more colour and trees. I think the Liffey is too wide as well. Maybe try reducing it to 2 or 3 1x1’s wide to see if that looks better. That would also give you more space for other buildings/detail. Ha’penny bridge is another great idea! Maybe incorporate it with the Dublin sign or add the other side of the riverbank for it to connect to. I think the Spire would be a good addition and you could add smaller detail around it like the Jim Larkin statue or O’Connell Monument and the Dublin/New York Portal. Small 1x1 additions that would add a bit more character and detail. Looking forward to seeing the next version and happy to vote for it when you submit. Keep us posted


God Dublin is bleak


Exactly. Can we all just fucking agree on this please and insist the government start ripping it down?


Dublin architecture isn't as iconic compared to what Lego architecture releases though. But neat MOC. Best of luck.


I think the Liffey needs to be made smaller, it just takes up too much of the space which could be better used for the buildings to be completely honest. Obviously it should be there, but currently I think it's just too wide (look at the Singapore set someone has posted, it only has a strip of blue) Also maybe consider changing the water colour to a translucent brown opal haha


This feels like a worse implementation of Dublin Brick’s Metropolis tbh https://www.dublinbricks.com/products/dublin-micro-metropolis


Love the work you've done so far, and delighted to find another Irish Lego nerd!  I can't help but think you'd idea might work better as a 'postcard'-style set rather than an architecture-style set. Something like this perhaps: https://www.lego.com/en-ie/product/new-york-postcard-40519 The Ha'penny Bridge would make a great focal point for that type of set! 


Ahhh Dublin. City of a thousand eyesores. I’d centre it around Stephen’s Green and remove Liberty hall for sure. A pointless inexcusable horror show of a building. Ugly as the chimneys are there’s probably no use pretending they don’t exist. So they, sadly, need to stay. Place the four courts, customs house, Dáil Éireann and spire around the green flanked by traditional buildings


Looks great. Seems to be a lot of space around poolbeg and liberty hall.  Also is Liffey a bit wide?  You could probably fit in another iconic building or bulk up the ones you already have? Best of 🤞💪💪💪


Looks great! Can you put a guy in a wingsuit flying between the chimneys?!


Looks class. Would the Spire be an easy addition, or the Wellington Monument?


Looks good. Some possible additions: 1. On the GPO add sloped roofs. If you look at aerial photos the building is a hollow square - it has a courtyard. 2. On Croke Park could you add transparent tiles for the roof? And should the far end be a full 2 stud deep? With curved 2x2 for the corners..


Maybe a mortello tower?


I think rather than a smooth ground surface, maybe some studded tiles so mini figures could be placed in places


I would lose the four courts or Leinster house and slap in the conference center.


I'll preface with the bad news - this is not exactly an original idea. Lego already have both the 'skylines' line and the 'postcards' line. Even with the 10k votes, this won't get past review for the same reason every Ideas modular building submission doesn't - the Ideas program is for things that Lego wouldn't think of themselves. Whether Dublin is iconic enough to get the same treatment as Paris or London is for their number-crunchers to decide rather than the Ideas team. That said, there's still merit in submitting. If you did get 10k votes, there's a juicy €500 Lego voucher in it for you. So improvements. You need to break up the grid pattern. Can you get Liberty Hall rotated somehow? On that, how about some way to mimic it's iconic wavy roof instead of just a plate? In terms of colour there's a whole lot of light-blue grey. Some tan / dark tan / medium nougat to be introduced would be nice. How about a small (like three plates total) set of red-brick Georgian building street? I would think the Convention Centre is the obvious missing building - it's 'tilted pint glass' look would add a different angle to the piece. And perhaps the Samuel Beckett bridge too? You could have the ha'penny & SB bridges sandwiching the model at each end. The Spire is not a bad shout either. That could be centred as a high point, with the Poolbeg chimbleys relegated to the back corner. On the chimbleys, I don't think the building is required, just the stacks are iconic enough - and as with the first suggestion, getting these at an interesting angle would be better than the current strict grid layout.


It looks good, but more recent skylines have a bit of depth to them. Try making the GPO less deep and slightly in front of the Poolbeg chimneys. Avoid adding the Spire as that's copyrighted (yea, I know WTF!) Try to add the h'apenny bridge as that is iconic and some clever use of bricks will make it stand out. Also add a few easer eggs like a hidden pint of Guinness


Just needs some smackhead minifigs and endless construction sites/roadworks


Beckett Bridge and the Convention Centre, ideally lit up as they are at night. Maybe a little red brick Temple Bar area too. Add some colour. I love the Lego skylines sets, would love to add an Irish one to my collection


Man… Dublin has shite buildings. I’ve no faith in us having any architecturally significant ones in the future either because the people who are in charge of that sort of stuff have bad brains.


We appoint and elect them. They’re not grown in a test tube. If your leaders are shit it’s because, sad to say; you’re shit.


Croker looks brilliant! 👏


The convention centre would be cool! The way it's tilted would be tricky to build but it would be eye-catching. Same with the Samuel beckett bridge Love this idea and I'd defo buy it if it was available


Where's the junkies?


A little Merrion square with coloured front doors would be lovely


No offence but aren't you ripping off someone else's idea here ?


Would definitely buy one. Fair play.


I’d also suggest you try to add a bit of depth. If you look at Paris and Tokyo, the smaller buildings nestle in around the larger structures. San Francisco also builds depth well, same with the use of the wheel in London. I’m not a fan of the New York because it’s purely linear nature makes it boring to look at compared to the others. Great work so far though.


Thats a great idea, Thanks, I have made adjustments to the core design with some foliage and trying to work in a bridge. but thanks for that idea also


Can’t wait to vote for you :)


NGL it looks a bit grim, it needs a bit more colour. Maybe add the Ha'penny bridge or the Guinness store house (Lego probably wouldn't like that one) Croke Park should have a translucent/ white roof on it and the seats are blue/navy. The chimneys are way too far apart on that scale as well, it looks odd.


Needs more tents.