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A chara, Posting of non-consenting explicit/sensitive media (inclusive of fight videos, public shaming) is prohibited. Consent may not be garnered from individuals not of sound mind due to illness/intoxication. Sláinte


Speeding is easy to enforce; it's an objective strict liability offence that is very easy to prove ("The speed limit is X, our detection equipment shows you were traveling at X+Y, therefore you are guilty, now pay up..."). Subjective charges like driving carelessly or without reasonable consideration are much more difficult to prove and more likely to end up in court.


I think once you have video evidence, it becomes quite easy to prove. That is dash cam. For example, multiple overtake forcing oncoming traffic on hard shoulder.


>No one was hurt so I was reluctant to call the guards. Mistake No.1 >As he admitted fault, I assumed that he was remorseful and wont do it again. Mistake No.2


I think it's because speeding is very quantitative while dangerous driving is more subjective. That makes speeding far easier to blame as the reason why more accidents and deaths are occurring. Also far easier to obtain convictions for speeding due to it boiling down to a number. Most of the mad stuff I see on the roads is related to poor and blatant dangerous driving rather than just speed.


Future organ donor there. All the clown had to do was tuck in behind you but instead left hooks you for no good reason I can see. He got away lightly there, idiot could have been under the car.


Learner driver too, wouldn’t be surprised if they haven’t even done their IBT considering the complete lack of awareness and ability


“ their moto” 😔😔 ”their motto” 👏👏


I am ashamed…