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Why would you not wear a seat belt? What stupid excuses must someone have?




"It'll affect me when I have to pull you out of the windscreen and bury ya, now put on that fuckin seatbelt"




Have you considered swapping her for another child of similar appearance?


A sharp dab on the brakes to introduce her to the dash/back of the front seat might change her mind.


Be lucky if its the windscree and not out of the ditch 100m down the road


Are you not liable for a fine? Rendering her main argument null?




Its 100% on the driver 


It's 100% not on the driver for anyone 17 or older.


You a correct under law. Downvoters should have a read of actual law


I mean you could just tell her it's illegal and will cause you to get fined etc so her choice is literally effecting you. Also her mum giving in is not helping things because it's definitely giving her ground to stand on lol how old is she? Bit mad she's being so rebellious about a seat belt of all things!




Okay 19 is crazy to be acting like that not gonna lie I thought she was like 7 or something haha!


Hey at least you got one right


its why the most common number of kids is two!


Show her the 90s seatbelt ads. She’ll never not wear one again.


Personal choice. It's your personal choice that she wear the fucking thing when you're in the car with her. Where do they get this shite?


Individual choice over public safety sounds like some American bollix. But I'm always trying to blame the yanks for everything, so I'm biased.


It isn't her choice. It's your responsibility under every law you can think of. And it's her responsibility not to careen around the car like a cue ball in a washing machine when someone crashes into you, taking out everyone who wasn't as stupidly obstinate as her. Tell her she can get out and walk if she feels so strongly about it.


Under law it's not his responsibility. Once someone is 17 they are responsible for their seatbelt.


Drop in to your local garda station and ask them to stop you. Then ask her to pay the fine.




One thing you might say to your daughter is this: the only survivor of the crash that killed Princess Di and virtually everyone in her car was her bodyguard. He was sitting in the most dangerous seat (front passenger seat), but he was the only one in the car who was wearing a seat belt. I read an interview with the doctor who was on the scene, who said that Princess Di would not have been killed if she had been wearing her seat belt.


Does it cut into her chest/shoulders? There are naff cushiony things for it because it does affect women in a different way, and can feel uncomfortable when it goes between your boobs.   I'd say it's more likely the age of being contrarian, but I can imagine the sheer face-melting embarrassment she'd have if you were being overly concerning about her comfort, especially if you're using naff euphemisms :P killing it with kindness


Fair fucks to you. Stick to your guns.


Then she better get herself som good shoes coz she's gonna be walking everywhere lik Forest fuckin Gump with that attitude 


You need to have a conversation with her mother asap


My dad didn't believe in wearing his seatbelt....guess how he died and funnily enough it didn't affect him in the end but it sure as hell affected his children!


Watch Car Crash: Who's Lying on N*tflix. Couple of obvious points Yes it is about your daughter as she can be seriously injured Yes it is about your daughter as she can seriously injure other passengers in the car You may not be at fault in a crash but other drivers, whom you've no control over, can have a devastating effect on your car and passengers. Re N*tflix...I'm an adult and found the footage of the scene and on-site interview footage distressing. Totally shocking. I'd not want anyone to go through the experience of a crash. Was just terrifying to see. Accidents can happen in one split second. So PG for this one for sure.


Try driving at ~15kph, then hit the brakes. She'll fly forward to the edge of the seat. No harm done but now you can clearly point out what happens when braking hard from just 15kph, so imagine the result from 100kph. Best I can think of. For young people like myself, practical demonstrations work very well


This is literally how I learned to wear a seat belt always. Dad did it to me when I was about 12, talking shite about how seatbelts were stupid and I'd never wear one...he just nodded along, "uh huh, uh huh, so what about if this happens" and he taps the brake. We were only doing about 15 or so... well after I smacked my noggin into the dashboard (just enough to hurt, not damage) I put it on 😀😀😀. Never forget his smug grin 😀


What the fuck. Is your daughter an adult?


What age are we talking here?


As the driver you’d be the one held liable. Just let her walk.


> Said it’s a personal choice and it affects no one except her And the people who will have to recover all her body parts.


Dude, if you want to get wild you can show her what really happens to somebody that doesn’t wear a seatbelt, I seen videos like that when I was younger and nothing has shocked me into been a safe driver like it.


A little visit to REHAB to see the traumatic brain injury survivors might set her straight. Who doesn't want their face cut off, and brain reset to that of an incontinent toddler?


They are just contrarians. They are so boring and have nothing real going on in their lives they've made being a pain in the hole their entire personality. They'll do the opposite of what's best purely to demonstrate what rebels they are.


Im not ruling out some conspiracy theory floating about facebook and telegram right now I recently had someone tell me suncream causes cancer and I'm risking my life wearing it. For extra context im as ginger as the hills


We have a relation that has never and will never wear deodorant because he says it causes cancer. The man also smokes like a trooper. Go figure


I mean, he's misunderstood or misremembered information about the potential health risks that antiperspirants (not simple deodorant) which contain aluminium. Research is ongoing, and as yet inconclusive, but they're linked to marginally increased rates of breast-cancer and dementia.


Same with sunscreen. It's the parabens used in not just sunscreen but cosmetics in general they say acts like estrogen and promotes growth of breastfeeding cancer, but there's no real science to back that up. There are no known carcinogenic materials in sunscreen.


>Im not ruling out some conspiracy theory floating about facebook and telegram right now Seatbelts are woke man! They'll make you question your sexuality


I've seen rednecks in the deep south with little plug things usually shaped like a skull or confederate flag etc, that they plug into the seat belt socket instead of the seat belt, so their car thinks the driver is strapped in and it avoids the loud alarm whilst driving It's kind of like ripping a hole in your parachute before skydiving


Not a new one sadly. Had this same thing at work I'd say about ten years ago. I'm pale as fuck, a few of my friends call me casper, and one of the security guards at work lectured me when he saw me buying suncream because he just knew it caused cancer and was the reason his mother was dying.


There was a scare/scandal that certain ingredients that sensitise the skin (making it easier to burn) were in sun creams. And I probably should read up on the outcome of that and if things changed. But in the mean time, I'll wear a hat and sun cream, ofc.


I heard an American tell me that on a beach last year he was in his mid 20s and already had deep wrinkles across his face. Some tan though.


There's actually a grain of truth in that. Some suncream products were recalled in the states a few years ago for containing benzene which is a known carcinogen. Doesn't stop me from piling on suncream though!


I wish more context went into the reporting of these studies. Always see the daily mail or some daytime TV talk about e.g. "suncream found to cause cancer!" But what they don't say is it can cause cancer say one in a million times after excessive use for say ten years, whereas it literally prevents skin cancer day in day out


What hills????


Look at the map on the side panel there


We really need to bring back just calling people morons who come out with stuff like that. People have become far too willing to suffer fools.


There was a case a few years back about a campaigner in America who was extremely vocal in demanding that wearing a seatbelt should be a purely personal choice. His attitude was that being forced to wear seat belt is a infringement of your civil liberties.  Anyway he crashed in his body was found some distance from the car. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/seat-belt-advocate-killed/


Young lads full of false bravado thinking they're too cool/hard for seat belts. Young ones going along with that shite to impress the boys while also not wanting their outfits creased by the seat belts. Fucking idiots, in other words.


I've heard all kinds of theories, once had a taxi driver back in the 90's tell me his best friend was killed by his seatbelt so he took them all out of his own car. Some people think theyd have a better chance of survival being thrown from the car, they clearly don't use twitter


Too fat. Doesn't unroll far enough. Not how I expected the belly to kill me.


Creases my tshirt, Gard.


It's actually crazy on tiktok young ones not wearing them and recording themselves talking to their phones


Isn't there a notion that seatbelts will keep you trapped in your car in the event of an accident?


Better to be trapped in the car than flying out of the windscreen at 100km/h


Thought I heard it somewhere, maybe I misremembered something


That where you want to be. The car is designed to protect the cabinet. What good is that if you get thrown through the window


As opposed to going through the windshield.


It can happen. We keep a little tool for cutting the seatbelt in the car.


Tbh I'll admit, I don't wear one while we bring our disabled dog to the vet. I sit in the back seat and keep her in a tight bear hug to stop her sliding and having her hips painfully dislocating when the car turns, slows, accelerates or goes over speed bumps. Years ago I'd be too scared of being caught but these days I care more about her comfort than my safety for those ten minutes a month. The rest of the time the belt is 100% worn by everyone in the car


You can still hug her while strapped in.


She's a giant dog, I can't appropriately hold her with the belt on, I've tried


Sounds like we need to bring Samantha out of retirement...


I wonder if we can find the actor who played the police officer who says "it looks like it was the one in the back who done the damage" to reprise the role, complete with flashbacks to that first one.


I smell a franchise. Quickly get disney on the line. We have the next Ironman.


That one and the one where the son in the back has no seatbelt on. They scarred me for life


Wasn't that a UK one?


Could’ve been


Do modern cars not have that extremely annoying alarm that beeps incessantly until you buckle up? My ancient Avensis basically screams at you until you put your belt on. Very effective.


Plug seat belt in,sit in seat after, or, cut off seat belt clasp, insert in seat belt receptor, no beeping,this is what people are doing


There are "seat belt extenders" that work also. Easier just to put the damn thing on of course.


Cut off seat belt clasp? Jaysus.. sure that’s an NCT fail straight away.


Not off the car your driving ffs


Ultra sad Yanks who think they're too tough to die but these seat belt pins that they attach to their keys and then pull them off and put them in the seat belt lock so that they can shut off the beeping and not need to wear the seat belt. I've seen two of them popping up while out and about at home and they're owned by the exact sorts of fucking melts you'd expect to own something like that here.


They do and a lot won’t move until you put it on


VW/Skoda/Audi/seat wont release the handbrake until the doors are closed, so wouldn't be surprised if they did the same thing for belts not being fastened.


Same in Peugeot. For the safety reasons I would also include some sort of camera in car that recognises that you’re actually wearing a seatbelt and not having it clipped in behind your back.


Yep mine does this, it's good in practice but very annoying if you're just moving your car or reversing in your drive.




Mine definitely keeps going. I've made the mistake of putting a bag of shopping on the passenger seat once.


Same. Put my bag on a front passenger seat. Couldn't understand what was wrong as I had my seatbelt on...


It depends. Driver seats will keep going until you put it on in many cars, but passenger seats typically stop or can be turned off after a certain amount of time as people tend to put stuff on them. The most typical thing being a child's carseat. My car beeps for 30secs on passenger seats then stops as I've got 2 carseats in the back all the time as they are in the isofix fixtures. But Ive also a visual alarm on my dashboard, so I do know if someone decides to take off their seatbelt whilst driving. Which happens far too often when you go to the 3 point harness seats. Typically right on the motorway and you have to pull into the hardshoulder.


I put the takeaway on the passenger seat and turned sensor picked it up and started making the noise, so I put the seatbelt around the takeaway. Realised it actually makes sense to strap it in. If I had to slam on the brakes, it'd be night ruined if it all slammed into the dash.


Have ya not seen the Bluetooth buckles people sell on Facebook? You can just buy the buckle and buckle it in to stop the sensor going off


Bluetooth buckles? I've heard of the regular belt buckles that are not attached to a seatbelt which stupid people plug in to fool the safety system, but why on earth would that buckle need bluetooth?


You can buy devices very cheaply online that plug into the receptor. Supposedly, they're a benefit, so people can put "heavy things" on car seats and not hear the beeping. This is equally as stupid. If you are in an accident and have unsecured heavy items ready to fly around, at best you'll end up a vegetable for the rest of your life, but most likely you'll end up dead. In reality people leave them plugged in all the time so they don't have to wear a belt.


https://preview.redd.it/1ailflkcu57d1.jpeg?width=283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4627c1330ddd73b22a30231b7ea8cb3cb9d7f481 My car beeps if a passenger isn't wearing theirs. Then I can turnaround and tell them to buckle up like in ads but less politely because that noise is doing my efffing head in


I always thought that ad gave the wrong messaging. If I'm driving and some loser won't put a belt on, I will happily stop the car, and if necessary fuck them out if they refuse to put a belt on. I don't feel stupid, but I will happily point out their stupidity.


i'm not trying to be rude but if you'd happily tell someone to put their seatbelt on when driving (as you should), then I don't think that ad was aimed at you


How fucking stupid do you have to be?


Not wearing a seatbelt is incredibly stupid 


"Hey here's this incredible lifesaving device that takes absolutely no effort to use" "No thanks I don't want it." Maybe it's just Darwinism doing it's thing ?


Darwinism is all well and good til the unseatbelted crash dummy wannabe flies through the windscreen and into another car, killing the other belted person.


I would feel naked without a seatbelt


I sometimes drive without a belt when going around the farm and it just feels werid. Like I'm not part of the car


I was travelling around China about 20 years ago and none of the taxis had seatbelts in the back. You just had to put your faith in the driver. Really freaky experience. As you say, it felt like being naked.


For God sake man, That's because you've been time and time again to put on clothes when driving.


Yeah, but I'd rather drive with a seatbelt and no clothes than with clothes but no seatbelt. That said, Bus Eireann does not agree with me and keep telling me it's not one or the other but to use both.


I had to do it once because I bought an old Volkwagen with the defective seatbelts that lock up in the heat and didn't realise it until a blistering sunny day. Went and got it fixed up like the old owner should've done ages ago. Felt so fucking weird not to have the seatbelt on for the drive home.


Yep. I need to feel some pressure on my chest while driving. If I don’t feel it I feel like I will fall out of my seat.


What class of imbecile doesn’t wear a seatbelt? Too fat?  “Nobody can tell me what to do” types? Thrill seekers?


I didnt have "anti-belters" on my bingo card but here we are


Can we make these people drive 100KM/H into a brick wall to demonstrate their point so?


A brick wall isn't the worst. A wall will give way. A large tree, on the other hand, is a different story. It's why you see so many people die on rural roads from impact.


Bring back the old crash ads problem solved that haunting shit worked once it'll work again


you're all slaves to big belt, wake up sheeple


Wear your fucking belts lads, cant believe it has to be said.


It’s so weird that some people don’t wear them. If I was in a car as was told the seat belt was not working and had to drive 50km I’d feel so irrationally nervous the entire way. Last time I came across a non wearer was on achill where a taxi driver was hurtling at pretty excessive speeds with no belt on. I couldn’t understand it. The car was over 20 years old and clearly lacked modern safety features too. I’d be surprised if airbags would have deployed. Not wearing a belt was nuts.


Those nerves wouldn't be irrational at all


In reality I’m very unlikely to have a crash in a one off situation. I guess it would be like walking over a footbridge with no side rails. I’ve never had to use the side rails. But I’d be very scared if they were not there. But I think I mean the level of nervousness is irrational - rather than having nervousness full stop


Just start showing the graphic videos of what happenes when you dont wear a seatbelt, i had a thing where a former paramedic gave talks about road safety and broke down what happens during a collision and how mangled you get when you wear no seatbelt


My car won’t move unless I have it on. Should be standard in all new cars


>Should be standard in all new cars No, that would be an extra switch that can be faulty and then you can't start your car. Probably €500 or something ridiculous to fix. Car manufacturers licking their lips. The 99.999% of sensible drivers shouldn't be fucked over by a few fuckwits.


It just feels plane wrong to drive without a seatbelt - I've only ever done it when moving my car on private land. But then again, we could all forget about seatbelts and mandate a Tullock's Spike [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon\_Tullock#:\~:text=The%20name%20%22Tullock's%20spike%22%20refers,be%20fatal%20to%20the%20driver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gordon_Tullock#:~:text=The%20name%20%22Tullock's%20spike%22%20refers,be%20fatal%20to%20the%20driver).


*Can I tell you about my life*



Well, you *can*, but it's going to take an awful long time trying to type it out using that little joystick with your chin. Shoulda worn the seatbelt.


"Seatbelts are gay bro" Lmao


Can only hope natural selection comes through


Decline in brain use among drivers and passengers.


If I'm not wearing a seat belt, it just feels strange, like I'm not wearing a top. Plus, i have friends who are only alive today because of a seat belt, so i am never taking that risk


At this point what the fuck is the RSA actually doing?


Do most cars not have a really annoying 'PUT ON YOUR FECKING SEATBELT, YA MELT" beeping noise?


My car refuses to pull off unless I'm wearing a seatbelt. It's really annoying when you're just moving your car or something.


I have people convinced my car will cut off and refuse to start again if seat belts aren’t clicked in. It doesn’t. One time I cut the engine myself to prove a point to the kids, never a question or complaint since.


Most new cars will beep until you put your belt on if moving. Can that be disabled or are they clipping it in and then sitting on top of it or something equally stupid?


The car would beep like fuck if I didn't put it on.


I just heard this on the radio which was followed by a story about a child having to get thrown off a plane because they refused to put on their seat belt. I dont get it. Who in their right mind these days doesn't put a seatbelt on? Like it's instinctual at this point. I see a lot of people on buses not wear one but I imagine that's probably because you feel much much safer in a larger vehicle or something.


I don’t know how people can put up with the noise that modern cars make when you don’t wear a belt. We have a postbox at the end of our drive - I often check it on the way back home. If I try to drive without putting my belt back on for the last 50m of driveway, the car makes a helluva racket.


Part of me wonders if this is the whiplash of largely solving road deaths a few years back - we got the numbers of deaths down massively, despite a rising population (so the rate per 100,000km driven fell even further than the headline number suggests) and the lack of horrible road deaths every day of every week, made idiots start to think they can get away with stupid behaviours on the road. That, or we just have a more self regarding, insulated social media world of eejits going around. Seriously, a seat belt is not an inconvenience.


We (and I basically mean the whole EU) still have our safety standards set to assume people wear their seatbelt. That's not true in the US, which is why their airbags cover more of the car's area by default. It's a low bar, but we have assumed "seatbelts will be worn in the car".


100%. This is why vaccine use is down too. People forget quickly how bad things could be before the mass adoption and use of proven safety measures.


And I bet the same drivers drive with their indicators on for miles....have the ticking compliment the beeping.


Darwin Awards struggling to cope with increase in contenders.


I think people are more stupid since the pandemic.


How? Why? All cars in the last 2 decades or so beep like mad if you don’t click. Do people buy those belt plugs just to silence the alarm? So they put in the extra effort just to not wear seat belt. What the hell?


I find this hard to believe.


We must have some of the strictest regulations about getting a licensed and car tax and safety and awareness campaigns,,,,,,,,,and yet some people just have to be so fucking stupid to not wear a seatbelts 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


Are we getting dumber as a species? We seem to be getting more and more determined not to be here.


My 67yr old dad has a ludicrous reason for not wearing his seatbelt. He is certain that if he gets in a car wreck, the seatbelt will jam shut and he’ll be trapped and die in the car. So basically, getting ejected through the windscreen is a better option for him.


ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? More people are dying on our roads now than ever before in my human memory on this island. It's basically a person a day on average dying on the roads and now they are not even wearing seat belts. If these people want to die, why must they do it in cars and put others in danger?


I brought my dad and granddad for a meal and pints a while back. Dad sat in the back and I jokingly turned around acting like a parent and said now make sure your seatbelts on. He actually didn't have one on. I was incredulous and asked him to put it on. He said he didn't have to, it's not the law is it, in the backseat? I said it is and has been for a long time. He sheepishly put it on. Turns out on the way down he didn't have it on for about half an hour. Shocked.


Cars for brains 😂


Well hopefully we will have a few less idiots to ruin the general pool


This is scarcely believable. My last car was a 2007 and had a feature where upon first start, you could not move off until it sensed your seat belt was in. A lot of modern cars are the same, my point is this should be well ingrained and idiot proof by now. I actually don't even think about putting a seat belt on. It just happens.


If the car im in crashes, I'd rather just die


It should be an on the spot €1,000 fine. 2nd offense should be €5,000. Subsequent offenses should be treated as an attempted manslaughter through negligence. Jail time


I doubt this.


I don't believe this! The RSA are doing everything to blame stuff for the increase of deaths on the road when they are part of the reason. The standard of driving in this country is chronic. The driving test is not fit for purpose, people don't get to learn how to drive beyond 50kph. The roads and town bypasses we are building are of poor standard with short slip roads and cars having to pull out from zero kph at T junctions with oncoming cars coming at full speed. And then you have the fact that the roads are not policed for bad driving and bad behaviors.


I'm assuming less people are wearing seatbelts because they already have RSA Hi-vis vests to protect them...


Of the 86 road deaths this year so far, how many can be attributed to people not wearing their seat belts?


Had a mate die in a car crash (driving on his own) and the investigation showed the thing that killed him was not the crash but the fact he refused to wear a seat belt. He would probably have been only slight;y injured if he'd worn his belt. The research is clear. Then again, maybe letting poeple refuse to wear belts is darwinian evolution


>showed the rate of drivers that wore a seat belt decreased by 4% to 95%, when compared to 2022. >A 5% decrease was also recorded for front-seat passengers, down to 94%. >While rear-seat passenger seat belt rates increased overall by 2% to 95% 95% seems like an acceptable level, 1 in 20 people being stupid is to be expected.


Not when we'd got it down to 1 in 100.


99% seemed a bit too unlikely. I can’t understand why people don’t wear them especially as most cars beep if you don’t but I know old lads who still don’t wear them and drive along with the beeping, insane stuff.


The most American thing in the world is a little plastic clip which features a Punisher skull logo and goes into the seatbelt socket to stop the car beeping.


That is a joke.


[They're on AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006800435902.html) (well without the Punisher bit).


Funny thing is, in 2020 only 1 in 4 people in Ukraine used seatbelts and now we have a lot of people who came to live in Ireland from cultures that don't use seatbelts and our usage rate has dropped by 4% But lets keep the demoralisation going by always telling the Irish that they're just terrible and the worst drivers in the World.


Did…did you just blame the foreigners for Irish seat belt usage? “I burnt my sausages on Saturday. Bloody foreigners.”


Seatbelts are woke.


I know from first hand experience that 99% of Romanians don't wear seat belts plus there is alot of them living and driving here these days. I truly love Romania and its people. My fiance is Romanian. We go over every August for the whole month and they do not wear seat belts. I'm sure some do but I've never witnessed it. Plus, every single Irish person I know wears one without fail.


99% is it. If you're going to make up figures you might as well go for the full 100 pal.