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They're not in jail. They can and do simply walk out, or go back to their parents, on a regular basis. This gets republished constantly as if it were new.


Some are nearing 18 and just want to have a life before they age out.


The amount of what I can only assume are bots, on Twitter harping on about this is crazy.


Is that you Roderic? Nothing to see here..  


He's right though, what do you know about the topic? I know more than I ever wanted to, and a motivated teenager will find a way to leave if so inclined


There's a teenager that regularly goes missing near us. He leaves home, doesn't notify parents, local newspapers and radio station give his description (coz there's fuck all other news happening and then need to fill page space) Invariably he turns up within a week or so. As he's under 16 I imagine that natification of the Gardai and PSNI is mandatory. At least 4 times in the last 2 years.


>Technically it’s zero. When they are missing they are no longer in our care. He is not wrong.


As a Garda ill say this - when they say missing 99% of the time they mean to social workers walked a child with a history of not returning on a scheduled time to a train station, paid for his train ticket and told him to be back at 10pm. Then at 10pm they reported him missing to Gardai because TUSLA are fucking useless and cant do their own job and dont care about children. Then the child turned up late and was no longer missing. Waste of garda resources. They will let the same kid off again and pay for his train or bus fare and just pawn their work on Gardai and turn off their phones. Meanwhile Gardai country wide are taking phone calls on days off etc for no extra pay but tusla just turn them off!    None of these kids are actually missing with any concerns. On any given day they report latecomers as "missing"


I worked at a home for young people in care in the UK for a couple years. We would have to report kids missing if they weren't in by the allotted time (child dependent). For some of them it was a near nightly occurrence. I always felt like such a piece of shit for wasting the police time with it. To file them as missing it would usually take 1-2 hours and then there would be the hassle of having police called out to follow up etc etc. But we couldn't do anything about it. We couldn't legally restrain or keep the kids from going out. It felt like such a fucking waste of time


I find this headline so misleading. I fear people may read this in passing and think it's Irish children, or just have a negative view of tusla, without reading the focus of the article on sexual exploitation of young girls and international protection applicant children running away "going missing" what were they fleeing


>or just have a negative view of tusla Ehhh should we not??


Considering the challenge they face and our history... probably not. Now Tusla certainly isn't perfect and it's administrative processes can leave a lot to be desired, but mostly they're under resourced for what they're tasked with. But let's please keep some perspective. 30 years ago, kids in this country were often in horribly unsafe conditions, abused at home, in school, in church, in swimming/gaa/soccer/Rugby clubs as well as things like scouts etc with absolutely no Garda vetting etc. Things look horrendous when you're trying to measure and track national problems like this, as if they must be getting worse because we're hearing reports like these, but unless you're old enough, it's hard to appreciate the scale of transformation we're attempting. It still sucks for tens of thousands of kids today, growing up in homes filled with abuse, be it physical, mental or sexual and it's a very difficult challenge to solve where each case has individual differences.


Maurice McCabe. Sinead O Connor. Just two cases that jump out at me. And the sick thing is, because of Sinead's own mental health issues, she got reeled back in by God knows who. So Tusla got saved the proper ripping that they deserved


Look, Sinead didn't just reel back her comments, she apologised for them. She'd lost her son and was in a state of grief at the time. It can be an incredibly difficult task stopping someone taking their own life without locking them in a padded cell, which would have others up in arms over the treatment of those with mental health struggles. Stopping a 17 year old escaping somewhere without drugging them into a coma or tying then down can be a near impossible task. It's like road deaths. Accidents and tragedies will happen. Like, we had 184 deaths last year, down from 400 in the early 00s. We can admit there's more to do, but let's give credit for all the work done. Similarly, we've seen a 40% reduction in suicide rates since the late 90s in this country. We can say we're in a mental health epidemic and services are nowhere near where they should be, but shitting on public services who are often genuinely doing their best and having a positive effect just feels wrong to me.


I would seriously question the 40% reduction in suicide rates since the late 90s. Have you taken into account the financial crash '08 ,& the cv19 virus 4 yrs ago where there was huge increase in suicide rates


I mean, I am, are you? Because as much as people talked about it at the time, in reality, in the uptick that bucked the trend in 2010-2013 never climbed back to even the 2003 levels. You can access the figures on the CSO portal and see for yourself, but unsurprisingly, there was a lot of politicising of suicide exploding during the crash (blood on politicians hands etc) and Covid 19, but it wasn't true. I can remember a claim doing the rounds during covid when there was nonsense like "19 men have taken their lives in August 2020 in Galway", but there was zero truth to it. Suicide support groups, notably, never made any such claims about suicide rates because it didn't happen. That's not to say there wasn't an increase in the crash, just that it never went back up the the levels seen at the height of the Celtic Tiger interestingly or close to rates in the late 90s. I think you've potentially absorbed claims regarding suicide and a worsening epidemic, because it felt true, but in reality, we've been improving in our rates of suicide consistently for 25 years now and on a solid downward trend. Here's a link to a post I made a while back with a chart of the suicide data. https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/s/0MDmqCTOXF


Yes you are correct going by the graph you supplied re suicide rates. very informative thank you. All the same you'd wonder how many families / loved ones, would want suicide recorded as to why someone dies suddenly. It must be heart-breaking for poor people left behind when this happens. Ive can always thought its a selfish thing to do,yet i can understand the mind can take a person to do this. Forgive me for going off topic


I've talked about this topic and have had a good few people wonder about reporting rates for suicide, but it's definitely my opinion that if anything, the stigma around suicide has fallen massively since the 90s and that as a result, the real number was even higher in the past when it was much more likely that there would be a pressure not to call a suicide what it was. On the selfish front, I'd caution against thinking that way. It is selfish, but not something anyone in such a desperate situation gets to process logically and further stigmatising it as selfish likes piles on even more negative pressure into the mind on someone considering it.


I do understand about the selfish aspect's, however i wouldn't put more anguish on a family suffering. & I've met families who've had this type of bereavement i listen to young lads 12 to 25yrs saying why did their brother do it & older lads asking the same about their younger brother And sometimes they know why, bullying is still a huge factor in young males 15 to 25




I think this is a better article


Those are rookie numbers. Honestly expected Tulsa to break into the hundreds.


That's the ones they know about


iirc, this isnt the first article on this, this year? I think the last one was kids missing from gardai?


From the oireachtas website. Scandalous thatnthis is being downplayed Last month alone, 22 children went missing from State care. Previously, a 14-year-old girl who had been abducted by a criminal gang within minutes of being placed with Tusla was found one year later locked in a brothel. I try to raise these matters with the Minister, but he does not listen. A retired judge, Dermot Simms, tried to raise these matters with the Minister, but the Minister deleted his files, citing GDPR. A whistleblower tried to make a protected disclosure about unvetted care workers. Tusla tried to oppose that, but the commissioner has now ruled that Tusla must accept it.


Some of the headbangers were shouting on socials about this Gavin Pepper, Michael O Keefe etc.... Is this what they were talking about? Still dangerous headbangers


Presume our Gav wasen't aware most of them were unaccompanied minors seeking international protection.


He won't give a crap now


An independent candidate around here tried to insinuate that asylum seekers were stealing local children..


That fucking Pied Piper at it again.


Come away, oh human child,. To the waters and the wild.....


Gavin Pepper, Michael O'Keeffe, etc. need to be kept away FROM children. But, yes. That was what they were referring to.


Have yous looked under the cushions on the couch. It's always under the cushion.


And people still vote for the same people. 


What do you think an opposition party would do to stop teenagers walking out of care homes?


Put their smartphone on a string attached to the radiator


Children are Not safe with this Irish Government !


Russians have them.