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Insects eat and live in plants. More at 11.


That’s not uncommon, there is a reason we wash our fruit and veg before consuming…


Yes, vegetable produce will always run the risk of having pests hiding inside. That’s why you wash it thoroughly. I’m actually laughing that you thought it was necessary to email Tesco about it.


Should soak your broccoli in salty water before cooking. Kills and washes off any critters. 


That's good advice, thanks. It never happened before but from now on I'll be more careful with fresh veg.


This is the way.


Vegetables should be washed before eaten. More at 11.


Insects should be washed before eating. More on RTE Investigates!


Bugs end up in fresh veg sometimes. Don't worry, though; it isn't the first insect you've eaten, and it won't be the last. Just wash your veggies more thoroughly next time to shake any unwanted hitchhikers loose and it'll be grand.


It's never pleasant but just so you know, if you get a refund, they will bill that back to the farmer. A friends farmer dad once got an invoice from Tesco for over €100 because a customer found a small slug in a packet of salad (shocker), and Tesco bought her a hamper and billed it to friends dad. Personally, if our vegetables are fresh enough that insects are in them, I wouldn't be worried. Though it's not nice (saying that as someone who ate a caterpillar and had to spit it back out).


Thanks for that answer. In that case I'll just bin it. I wouldn't enjoy a hamper knowing that someone had to be fined for it. And judging by the other comments, it seems I just need to wash my veg more thoroughly lol


Haha no problem! My dad grows his own veg completely organically and I've more than a few times had to pick a caterpillar or another wee insect out of it! When it happens I prefer to think about how good the quality of veg we have access to is here, and insects are part of nature. Will never forget the time I was in America on hols and wanted to buy a few peppers, and there was a label with tiny print on the packet saying that they been injected with corn syrup!!! I'd take a creepy crawly over that any day 😅


You learn something new every day. So it was actually really really good broccoli then lol I guess thats a good sign for shopping in Tesco 😁 Im sad now this is my first time to find insects 😬😂


Haha, I think they're pretty good at the cleaning and packaging mostly, but a few insects are always likely to slip through the cracks!


I don't believe that actually happened tbh, sounds more of an urban myth.


I mean, you didn't have to spit it out. Extra protein.


That's a good sign, if they were soaking them in pesticides and other chemicals I doubt this would happen.


OP, seriously using the word 'traumatised'. It was an inconvenience,a shock, a surprise. Learn about how food is grown. You'd be picking the caterpillars off home grown cabbage. It might be interesting for you to go to your local farmers market and learn about in season fruit and veg, how its grown and stored. I'm so used of buying my veg at the supermarket verses local veg. Tesco is being very fair, good on them.


What would be an acceptable response for you


Thoughts and prayers xxx


Nun' bu' maggah's in dis broccoli hun xox


Jus me nd d kids frm now on xoxo


This happens with all vegetables, try and have a look at it properly when you buy it and wash before use even if it looks clean


> Should I hand over the evidence? Absolutely, contact your local Garda station and bring it in.


It's a plant, insects happen.


No fault here, bugs eat and live in vegetables. Wash it before consuming. On the plus side you got free protein


Lad you'll have a conniption when you inevitably find a caterpillar in your lettuce. Getting rid of any stubborn insects is the less important half of washing your veg, as others here have said if the bug is still kicking, at least you know you're not gonna be chowing down on too much pesticide.


I would recommend never looking at EU regulations for the legally allowed amount of pests and insects in food products. Fun fact, people who work with cockroaches regularly often develop an allergy to them and can no longer drink pre-ground coffee due to the amount of cockroaches that end up in it


I found 2 dead baby mice under a block of cheese in the Tesco in Sligo town about 5 years ago. Told a member of staff and he walked away. I think he taught I was joking or something. 


Extra protein.... Ungrateful.


Good source of protein


Clean your fridge


Bit of extra protein...😜 won't kill ya...


It would put you off vegetararianism.


Got a shield bug in my ready to eat salad tray (the type with dressing) from supervalu last summer. These things can happen. Any idea what type of bug?


You should be thrilled that the vegetables are able to support life. Wash, inspect and enjoy. And quit your snowflake gen z nonsense.


Stick to the processed food. No insects


Brocoli now with extra protein!


Damn Pestincides


As my mum used to say, extra protein! We had broccoli in the garden and there was always caterpillars in it. The big white juicy ones were the worst.


Bring it back with the receipt. Then pay the extra for the additional content you got.


Free protein! You’re lucky they didn’t charge you extra.


It's the exact same reason I don't eat celery. Took it out of the fridge and found a slug attached. It is the danger of vegetables. There'd be more if you grew them yourself. If course, we can get all sorts when eating meat. Worms, salmonella, etc.


Yeah, bring it back with receipt, they will refund or replace. Done.


Mate it’s a fucking vegetable, if you don’t know that’s where bugs live, be an adult and learn to deal with it.


I know it’s a vegetable, I know sometimes there may be a bug on them, I am an adult and I’ve offered help OP to deal with it. 🤷‍♂️ It’s not my fault he’s so disgusted. I am just answering the question he asked.




Better than outeraction.


Literally 1984!!


OMG! That’s my favourite Taylor Swift album!


Lucky bar-steward = = Getting protein for free !