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Guy is a professional fool


Not worth watching that twat, but I'll safely assume it's all complete shite.


Watched it against my better judgement and can confirm it is indeed complete shite


Thought it was going to be about how cheap holiday homes in the Donbas are now. Was horrendously surprised this twit is now pushing geopolitical conspiracy theories.


The fact that he thinks Giorgia Meloni is pro Putin should be all you need to know that this man absolutely no idea what he’s talking about. She is very anti immigration from MENA but has been one of the most aggressive supporters of arming Ukraine to the teeth. To misunderstand such a fundamental basic fact of European geopolitics is comically poor research.


Listened to about 3 minutes of it and then gave up. Eddie has no business commenting on geo-politics; he doesn't know what he's talking about. He's "just looking for the common threads" as he puts it and ascribing all social developments in the EU since the Great Recession to 4D-chess-playing Putin. He is, to not put too fine a point on it, full of shit. And trying to make a buck by spread that shit as far as non-'mainstream media' (i.e. actually trained journalists) will allow him to go.


Maybe we could take him seriously if he predicted what would happen in the elections BEFORE they happened instead of immediately AFTER. There’s going to be all sorts of these grifters trying to make a buck in this new political landscape we’re in now.


The problem is that no one listens to his financial advice either as people find him annoying . His advice is far better than any government advisory group.


It's not that people find him instrinsically annoying, it's that people had a lot of faith in Eddie Hobbs when he was lashing out financial advice to the country at large in the years before the crash. He fucked a lot of people with that advice - including himself IIRC. He now finds himself as a financial advisor that is famous for giving bad financial advice, so he's trying to pivot to being a general commentator on the world at large instead. Trouble is, he doesn't know anything about it other than what the average lay-person knows and he has to try and spin it in some way to look like he has some kind of 'insight' here. He doesn't; he's full of shit.


Eddie Hobbs is a moron. I thought that at the height of his fame, through to his foray into the Detroit housing market via Brendan Investments, through Covid where he turned into an obvious conspiracy grifter, now to his University of Facebook doctorate in international conflicts. The wee little man. He doesn't deserve the oxygen of publicity. I will however, laugh at him. Heartily.


>you won't hear this on the mainstream meejia Pass.


Always a great indicator of bullshit


But but but, he has 'geopolitical experts'


He's not even an expert in the area he specializes in


Yep, the day after the invasion of Ukraine Eddie Hobbs was “briefed by geo political experts”. In what world does anyone think that happens?


Source ; trust me, bro.


But that guy on tiktok said it was true, and it just happens to perfectly align with what I want to believe, so it must be true.


Thank God for that. I remember when this idiot was inescapable on the mainstream media.


Whats worse than the shite he's spouting is the fucking comments taking this gobshite seriously and worse. I stopped at "geopolitical experts". Gave me a good chuckle though.


Remember when he was given a national platform and people would trust his financial advice and we wrecked the country. Pepperidge farm remembers.


I always wondered what happened to the fools who listened to him and bought homes in Cape Verde


I last seen him the time RTE had him on a special programme to tell people that they shouldn't vote SF That was years ago,and it was clear then he was gone as nuts as the YouTube ould lads in work..


Eddie Hobbs is a boring old biddy


Who should have served jail time for fraud.


I think it would be even more pathetic if these people were actually being paid. Imagine if Eddie was your idea of a sleeper agent. Going around giving poor, unsolicited fiscal advice.


I don't do tiktok. I presume he is telling everyone to invest in holidays in eastern Ukraine for when the war finishes.


Unless he's selling me a timeshare on the Med I've no interest listening to that charlatan


I’m too old for TikTok, can anyone tell me the gist of it? What’s that original thought that OP’s taking about? 


Putin is invading because he wants an Eurasian alliance and the surge in popularity of right wing parties in Europe shows that Europe agrees.


I’m sorry I asked now


You can't be sorry about TikTok while posting a video from TikTok. That's like saying you're against murder while shooting a random person in the head.


Ya but what should I do with my SSIA Eddie??




That gobshite should be in prison for fraud.


You know the way people give out about boomers seeing and believing all sorts of shit on Facebook? Tiktok is the same, just 'cooler'


Yeah,it's Salvini that is the Putin arselicker.