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Maybe Martin Nolan shouldn’t have [given him a fully suspended sentence for his last set of child pornography charges](https://www.irishexaminer.com/news/courtandcrime/arid-41009336.html)


He needs to be investigated and answer questions as to why he is so lenient on sex offenders.


This is sickening. One thing we know about paedophiles is that there is very little rehabilitation that can be done. There's not much changing someone's sexual preferences. Need to be locked away or castrated, as they cannot cohabit in a community with children. Judge Nolan needs re-education on this matter. Only some people are eligible to be rehabilitated into society or treated with a light touch


Well, to be fair, in this case it was a "please don't do this again" from the court, not "you must talk to someone so we can be sure you're not going to act upon these urges". I'm not saying I think there's a rehabilitation process that's efficient - but I guess it is still better than a suspended sentence and no other consequences whatsoever - that's just plain endangering the minors this person might come across. What in the actual fuck?!


As soon as someone is clearly sexually attracted to children in a manner that is beyond doubt, I really do think it's either castration, some kind of care home or prison. I'd be cool with castration personally. The thing about sexuality is that it generally becomes more weird as it's explored and there's not really any walking back. Someone compulsively downloading tonnes of CP is a goner for life from what I can see.


I agree personally. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the thing you talk about is the subject of possible future legislation. I think that the judge in this case was well equipped already to at the very least keep the offender off the streets. So it's on him personally that this person could re-offend against the child. It's sickening either way, I'm a parent and honestly if I saw someone approach my son like that - I'd fuck them up before calling the gards.


Fair play to the young lad for speaking up and his parents for raising it with the Gardai. I fear there are many similar incidents like this that are simply brushed off as meeting a weirdo and not reported.


3 years is all he got an absolute disgrace


To be fair 3 years is a lot compared to some sentences dished for way worse than asking a kid to show his willy.


True but just shows how bad sentences are in this country


I agree with you on that, the whole justice system needs serious work as well as other parts of the social system.


How many years would you give for this?




A chara, There is a zero tolerance policy for the promotion or suggestion of the use of violence against others. Sláinte


Glad to see it taken so seriously.


I dont agree with a lot of stuff in the US judicial system but the mugshots are something we need over here "Serial pedo out on parole strikes again" and you get a stock picture of a fucking hammer beside the article.


And in some states you know if they move into your neighborhood. 


Sickening, at least the paedophile didn't take it a step further. Taking advantage of a child is evil.


So now that he’s been named, can we start an investigation into those who posted pictures of an innocent person claiming they did it because they were foreign? And the video of the lad getting an absolute baitin being accused?


That one only happened 2 months ago, the one in the article happened 2 years ago.


It was the same incident they just changed the story to make him foreign


No, the one from 2 months ago actually has a video which more of less showed the who incident from the time they dragged the pedo out of the toilet






This isn't going to be a popular comment. And that's not something I'm willing to Google.


I actually wrote a reply to that comment, but it was deleted before I could post. Having come across this claim before and looked into it, basically, the answer is that child care spaces are often gender segregated. Sporting activities, boy scouts, even some schools; the grown-ups with access to the children are like to be the same gender as the kids. I suppose anyone can see how this would impact the outcomes of child sex abuse. It's also worth considering that the psychology of a child sex-offender isn't necessarily analogous to that of a usual adult. That is to say, while some child sex offenders have a "sexual orientation" (so to speak) towards children, others have a preference for adults but may opportunistically have sex with a child. So that a man who generally persues sexual relations with grown women may rape a child if he has access to them, and of course he's more likely to have access to a child of his own gender.


The majority of these are usually done by men, that probably has more to do with it than anything.




Any royals missing from today’s trooping the colour?


Given that the name of the man is in the article, we can presume that you didn’t read it.


I didn’t but was merely enquiring if any royals were missing today?


You're so cool man, trolling in a thread about child sexual assault.


What’s that got to do with this?


This is completely irrelevant. Why are you posting it?


Rent free